Guest post from my Bahama Mama

A few photos to enjoy. Deans Blue Hole opens opens up into a vast 4,000-foot-deep underwater cavern ranking it as the largest yet discovered in the world.  The platform in the middle has two divers on it who practice free diving twice a day. The world record for free diving in the blue hole is held by a guy from New Zealand. Love to all xoxo

Thanks for sharing Mum. It looks SO very beautiful. I wish I was there with you!

How long is your hair now Mum? You look super cute as always. Miss you <3


There’s a whole story behind this photo and I’ll get to that.

For now, we’re not gonna go THAT meta….oh just me with my Olympus PEN on Global TV wearing my shades photographing myself wearing my shades with the PEN being shot by the other Olympus XZ. HAHA.

I am aware of my nerdyness, I like to think it’s hotness aight.

Picking up a NEW CAR from Toyota this afternoon and working on some exciting projects with my clients. Super busy but lovin’ it.

p.s. Getting a new TV stand this week ok so no comments about that. Baaaahahaaa!

rockstar hotel – spoke club #junos

Was at the lovely Spoke Club last night for a super fun Juno party. Olympus XZ is a great party cam. Loved seeing my MuchMTV family & all the other friends. Good people, great time.

Ashley & Kingsley lovely beauties from MuchMTV.

You may recognize this guy from CBC Q, The City or about a zillion other things.

Can someone remind me of this guys name? I have a terrible memory.

Remember Ryan? He was my intern at MuchMTV last year. He’s at Universal now, way to go bro. You’re awesome.

The ever so lovely & beautiful Shera Bechard, Playboy’s Miss November 2010 and star of the film Sweet Karma.

The one & only George Sully. Add him on FB here, he’s doing some cool stuff with his brands and I just might be showing up on the pages of his magazine TCHAD in the near future.

Tash & I used to be good friends. It’s probably been about three years since I saw her. She’s married now, congrats sista. Make sure you call me about your new job btw 😉

So proud of Mike aka Mike’s Bloggity. He’s now the producer for BT in Calgary and a rad blogger. We hung at MMVAs last year for the first time but were friend on the internet way before that.

Brad just left MuchMTV to join Vuse. Totally rad dude. he said I was one of his fav peeps to follow on Twitter, me & SNP. We’re total opposites me & her. Toronto is gonna miss you BSSchwarts.

Last night at the Juno’s, he was this close to big winners Arcade Fire.

Jesse, what’s not to love about this stud. He’s got a new rad show on Much too.

There were a few bands playing downstairs. Morgan, did you play? You gave me your CD and I can’t seem to find it. I think some girls took it when they saw it was you.

Eye spy Sidewalk Hustle

These two jems are Christine & Julie from Seven Dollar Pants and adorable bloggy blog with afforadable fashion & style.

Hey these sweet thang…

Photo bomb #1. I think he snowboards? Can anyone confirm.

Photo bomb #2, haha.

Still lookin’ good ladies. I still have Morgan’s CD too. Hmm.

Billy is my friend from back home in Cambridge, nice to see ya babe!

When I was in Dallas w/ Virgin America for the launch in Declast year I hung out with LMFAO at the Opera House. That was the night I met Richard Brandson & Willie Nelson. These guys are a riot. Really fun & funny.

i love when new zealand is trending

Remember last week I shared with you the Air NZ video with Snoop? Air NZ is at it again with this creative & cute safety vid w/ Richard Simmons. I saw it on Mashable and coincidently there is a Quantas ad for NZ right abovethe video, doh.

Take note of the uniforms at the start of the video. They are designed by Trelise Cooper a top NZ designer. My first frigh ever was w/ Air NZ, I was two. Best airline food I’ve had ever!

Another thing I noticed, video for Air NZ is “FIT TO FLY” and so is JUKARI the workout I did last week. Whoa, SAMES.I wanna go back to NZ so bad.

the more we get together the happier we’ll be

Ran into a friend at my fav shop yesterday.

The new Queen/Spadina Maccas is really nice looking. I’d like to do something in the upstairs space, I wonder if they let kids like me have birthday parties there? They have super hero toys right now too. I was temped to ask what other ones they have and buy them cause we used to do that when I was a kid. I didn’t. We have HEAPS of toys in the basement at Mum’s house. An amount so masssive it borders hoarders. NO lie.

There’s heaps of bright colourful grafitti in this city. I really hope Mr. Ford doesn’t continue with his plan to cover it all up. That would be not cool.

I think it looks so nice, the street art. Have you walked down all the alleys Queen West? Great for photos on warm summer days. I’m stoked for summer to get here. Need to get my bike fixed up, she needs a full makeover at a body shop.

The top right window has flowers in it. Bright & pretty.

This week is gonna be really busy. Full calendar, lots of work. I’m watching Dude Where’s my Car on ipad Netflix right now & working. I used to totally love this movie. One time, I was coming home from NZ and from LAX to YYZ Sean William Scott (Stiffler) was on our plane. Dude, sweet I know.

Jenie & I really wanted to meet him so I touched up my makeup and gathered the courage to approach him. I was about 18 at the time. I walked up to first class and went to use the bathroom but the attendant said no. SWS caught my eye when I walked back towards my seat and I totally saw him check out my boobs. I asked him if my sister and I could get a photo with him. He was super nice and ‘Stiffler like’, said he would wait for us when we got off the plane AND he DID! I didn’t have a digital camera and I took a Polaroid with this tiny camera. He was wearing a sweet leather jacket he borrowed from the set of Shanghai Noon w/ Jackie Chan. He was really hot too. I got so starstruck back then.

Heading to Lou Dawgs for brekky. Mama is STARVING! Have an awesome day & enjoy the sunshine 🙂

#twestivalTO 2011 – tweet. meet. give.

This photo means something really special to me. It reminds me how much I, we have grown and changed over the past couple years.

Erin, Satish & I (below)  were on an aweosme team that came together in Jan. 2009 to create the first big Twitter event Toronto ever had. Twitter was slowly catching on at the time and the event was part of a global thing called Twestival.

Last night, Twestival 2011 took place and it was awesome. It was a totally new team of people who took the initiative to create the event and I was proud and happy to be there.

Twestival OG organizer group hug, my happy moment of the night.

The first Twestival was at CiRCA and we donated to charity:water. Remember that place? My sis was there, she was a Raptors girl back then. She’s the blonde if you don’t already know/can’t tell.

TwestivalTO @ Circa 1

Once we had Twestival on a boat cruise. Renee you were missed last night, I had a shot for you. I need to get to SF to you v.soon.

TwestivalTO Boat Cruise - 040

Another time we had Twestival at Tryst in the club district.


See all the great pix Erin Leydon took last night here on flickr.


My Olympus pix were not as great. I’m not familiar with the camera yet and had some issues. I’m used to having a point & shoot. This is me frustrated, haha.

Don’t judge me, ok, judge me. I don’t care! Lady Blogga raaaaaaaaaa! #pawsup

Lauren! #blondetourage #ftw



Love you Erin.


Bathroom party.

I make the girls giggle.

Marie your dress was GORGEOUS, designer was Cat Shanahan right?


We met at the very first Twestival. Both had shirts w/ our @name on them. Word.

Jon Crowley.






Sean Ward, lookin’ good & classy. You too Nat, who was also wearing a beautiful dress.

Hey guys.

Jonny is drawing me here on ipad. I love art.

Happy times right here. Show me your teeth tweets.

Ryan & Affan.

Evoka Salon purchased a date w/ me for the heart & Stroke auction in Feb. put on my these love it ladies, Ally & Shannon.

Shoutout to all my STUDents (get it, STUD?) who came out last night fom Humber, Centennial & U of T. You guys are AWESOME. Remember I have opportunities for you to eat up, get in touch.

Hey people, ILU.


Great night, great people, great cause.  Next week is fashion week and there’s heaps of things going on. Get yourself a ticket for our Japan fundraiser Thurday at Tattoo Rock Parlour, it’s gonna be a great night. You don’t wanna miss it. All funds raised go directly to Red Cross. There’s heaps of goodies being raffled off, couple totally rad DJ’s, and babes.