Collected some sand before leaving the Cape. Very beautiful out today. Sun is warm, water is totally freezing. Really enjoyed our stay at the Fairbanks Inn. Had a nice chat with the couple who owns the place before we left. They were happy to learn I was a writer. Lots of famous writers have hung out in Provincetown since the 1900s. Looking up the history is sure to be inspiring!
En route back to Boston now, might grab a bite with friends before checking into Boston Logan and catching Porter home. I succesfully did not drink or eat too much all weekend. Got a serious sweat on dancing last night. Closed out the night singing Katy Perry ‘Firework’ top my my lungs, grinding with a sexy gay boy. It has been too long since I did that!
In love with my black & white saddle shoes. The originals were totally run down and the other day I said “I wanna get a new pair”. Twenty mins later we were walking on Newbury Street and Ellen saw these Vans. They were the very last pair, size 6 and I’d only seen them on the internet not IRL. Total jem I picked up this weeknd! Got a few other goodies too. Oh how I love traveling!
Catch you at the airport. Happy Sunday, bon weekend!
P.S. WTF Toronto, snow? Gah!