i touched the ocean, you touched my heart





Collected some sand before leaving the Cape. Very beautiful out today. Sun is warm, water is totally freezing. Really enjoyed our stay at the Fairbanks Inn. Had a nice chat with the couple who owns the place before we left. They were happy to learn I was a writer. Lots of famous writers have hung out in Provincetown since the 1900s. Looking up the history is sure to be inspiring!

En route back to Boston now, might grab a bite with friends before checking into Boston Logan and catching Porter home. I succesfully did not drink or eat too much all weekend. Got a serious sweat on dancing last night. Closed out the night singing Katy Perry ‘Firework’ top my my lungs, grinding with a sexy gay boy. It has been too long since I did that!

In love with my black & white saddle shoes. The originals were totally run down and the other day I said “I wanna get a new pair”. Twenty mins later we were walking on Newbury Street and Ellen saw these Vans. They were the very last pair, size 6 and I’d only seen them on the internet not IRL. Total jem I picked up this weeknd! Got a few other goodies too. Oh how I love traveling!

Catch you at the airport. Happy Sunday, bon weekend!


P.S. WTF Toronto, snow? Gah!

“As busy as I claim to be, I’ve still got the greatest job in the world.” – Peter Criss (KISS)

Back at the Cariage House post breakfast. Provincetown is lovely, we’re at the tip of Cape Cod. Biggest gay community I’ve ever been to! Rainbows EVERYWHERE! Went dancing last night. Heading out to watch for whales now then back to Boston. Heading home tonight. Lots to share. Chat soon!


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

boston besties ILU

En route to brekky then #4sqdaymeetup in the Boston Common, then Provincetown. Byeeeeeee! xoxoxoxoxoxo

let’s get textual.

Been waiting for this movie to come out.

You know who is starring in it right? My boyfriend Smith Jarred, the Absolut Hunk.

I’m attending the premiere on Tuesday, April 19 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, 7 p.m. I have a pair of tix to offer you from Rock-it Promo.

If you are interested leave a comment & I’ll pick one of you to attend the premiere & see it before all your friends.

we are all born superstars

Looking at my own house from the tarmac at Porter. It took me <15min to walk there, in heels. Who WALKS to the airport? You bet your ass I felt damn cool strollin’ rollin’ in that door.

Right before I boarded the plane something awesome happened, I got my first ever FULL PATDOWN in PUBLIC! It was done by a hot babe and we were giggling. I told her I was gonna blog about it. I had the hugest smile on my face the whole time. They really pat you down all over if ya know what I mean 😉

Toronto Island is quite pretty, will look even nicer once the trees get all greened up. I really notice a differnece between my old camera (Cannon Elph) and the new camera (Olympus XZ-1) when taking shots from the air. New is MUCH clearer.

Started reading the poetry book sent to me by Vanessa Grillone, My Pen My Voice. I’m thinking I really should re-issue my poetry book. I wrote some pretty aweosme stuff when I was young. Thanks for the book Vanessa.

Everytime I travel I still can’t believe they let me use this passport photo. Red lipstick & a big bow, in my hair. Who the hell am I? haha. I’m Casie Stewart, that’s who.

One of the great(est) things about flying Porter are the snacks & free drinks. They have these great sandwiches on really nice bread w/ brie and of course Steamwhistle.

* tights were sent to me from SECRET.

What up Beantown! Here I come.

Love this massive Nella-Bella bag for travel. It fits all my gadgets & important things – two Olympus cameras, ipad, netbook, toiletries, makeup, a cardigan & all my tech accessories. Man, security had a FIELD DAY with all my gadgets (not). Bag comes in a bunch of colours too.

Here we go, landing time. I’m off to Cape Cod tomorrow for some R&R in Provincetown. Stoked to check out all the little shops, nightlife & the beach.

When I arrived Bob & I went to Tavern on the Water for a bevy & a beer. Was so warm out! After that we went to The Bell (Bob’s fav) and saw Meri & a bunch of the other babes.

This is what I woke up to today. NATURE!

In other news, Charlie Sheen was at Muzik in Toronto last night and from what I hear, Russell Peters was the only one winning. Spiro from It’s All Style to Me got the inside scoop.

Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!