yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Pure beer bliss.

All the beer shelves were fully stocked, store opens today in Liberty Village.

I love straight lines. Everything was lined up with perfection.


Pinup. ♥

Very nice shop that appeals to urban consumers. Young urban professionals of downtown, generation Y, Yuppies 2.0.

SO good to see Carly & have her back in town. Love you babe! Carly is my agent and today I have a top secret audition for something on TV. I was taking our pic in the mirror here…

Then I totally spilled my beer. Doh!

Food was really good and outside they had an oyster bar. Look how big that one guys is! They looked to slimey for me. I kinda like oysters but think I’m stopping liking them. The slimeyness over does the taste & other effects for me. Wiggly little buggers.

Brown Barbie likes ’em!

My peeps comin’ down the red carpet.

We arrived early & left fairly early. My new thing, getting real good at it. It takes practice. DJ was really good. Arriving early gives you optimal time for dance breaks before it gets crowded.

We were drinking these beers & Stella. I love beer. Blonde is one of my fav’s. Obvs.

Hi friends!

Brocklyn, you are so studly.

Love ya Shan 🙂

Sebastian from bring Erica. Him & his bro are hot. Nice too.

Megan who I was in American Pie w/ years ago. Nice to see you, didn’t get a chance to chat!

Love you Carly.


Familia. I love you all. New short hair is tres cute Keri!

Raymi & I had dance party. Nice moves baby girl.

Your shorts were so hot.

Rose ceremony.

Marcello. You saw him in Textuality w/ Jason Lewis. I get the rose this time. Puma.

More blondes, omg. BLONDETOURAGE.

Ron, from I wrote a cover story about artist Michael Golland for his magazine Mercato a couple years ago. Read it here.



One last stop w/ Raymbo & Teacher.

Do you see a win? Imma throw them out now. Can’t believe we didn’t win at all.

The beer store wanted to create a new & unique beer experience and they totally did. They have over 250 brands and are open to all brews. Got a micro? Send it to ’em.

Thanks to the team at The Beer Store for creating a cooler more mod version of the old Beer Store. Event was fun. I hope you have more beer parties.

Three cheers for beers!

you want him to do you so much you could do anything

Barbie & I jus LOLed to hard at these two videos. I was telling her a story and could not for the life of me get the words out and she said I reminded her of this kid.

Then, by luck we stumbled upon this GEM! Do you remember doing this at Canada’s Wonderland as a kid. I do. I wish I had my video. I was in dance and the time but no way I could beat this awesome kid. I wonder where he is now? Oh, he’s in Boston, MA and his name is Robert Jeffrey. TWERK!

BHD SUITES: bands + brands + bloggers

This week is so exciting. I’ve got events every night, all kinds of fun stuff each day and NXNE & MMVA to cap off the weekend.

The Broken Heel Diaries magazine is hosting a gifting lounge MMVA weekend and I’m one of their bloggers.

I’ll be working with the BHD team & awesome bloggers  Coco&Lowe , HustleGRLJayStrut and Marcus Troy. Woo hoo!


Have you ever been to a gifting lounge? It’s totally awesome. Last year at TIFF was my first time and it’s like your birthday. Hair, nails, clothes, games, makeup, shoes, products galore. You get hooked up with stuff from cool companies. Some of the brands are Bench, Converse, Toms, Jeffrey Campbell.

Stay tuned on how you can win a ticket to attend BHD SUITES June 18. Gonna be  real FUN 🙂

rock wit me & windows & shad at NXNE 2011

Have plans Saturday? The city is gonna be full of excitement with NXNE & MMVA. I would like to invite you to come to The Ballroom Bowl  to see Shad live. I have two wristbands avail that let you jump the general admin NXNE passholder line. Heck yeah VIP!

  • What:  Shad and Windows 7 + Windows Live at NXNE!
  • Date: Saturday, June 18
  • Time: 11 p.m.
  • Where: The Ballroom (145 John Street @ Richmond)

Windows live will be giving away two Xbox 360s on site. They have ANOTHER two Xbox 360s and a Windows Phone 7 to randomly give away based on #RockwithWindows tweets or photos tagged at Microsoft Windows Canada on Facebook here.

This is my fav vid of his. Fresh Prince throwback!

Wanna go? Tweet me, @casiestewart with #RockwithWindows in the comments. Easy peazy. Will pick someone Thursday so you have time to plan your weekend.

annoying department: excuse me for a minute

One of the most annoying things ever is when girls (any age) talk about you to other people. I’ve talked about it before and despite getting older, it never seems to go away.

It is especially annoying when it is public, negative, the person has a high profile and they also don’t bother to say it to you directly. I was not Regina George in highschool and didn’t used to have the confidence I do now. I got bullied heaps growing up, mostly by mean girls.

Today I got a message from a friend on my way home from the airport after six hours on airplanes and spending half the day before in an airport…

your tweets & blog post rant about parents with kids at airport is causing a shit storm with parents on fb”

GREAT! Welcome home!

First: Thank you for reading & linking to my blog Erica.

I’m happy to have you as a reader. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was a kid. Circa 1991 here, lookin’ cute.

We both worked at MuchMusic and I’ve often wondered if  we would work on a project together. We both blog & Tweet in Toronto. We have many friends in common. I always though of you as cool with great style.


Second: Why didn’t you comment/say ANYTHING TO ME?

I know you’re not shy. Lots of options, Twitter, Facebook, Fan Page, blog email? I am surprised you would single me out like that to your friends on Facebook without commenting as a mother yourself.

I waited to see if you would say something to me since you were engaging your audience about my blog post. You didn’t. Your comment “what people without kids think of us who have kids” is a silly generalization about those who have kids and those who don’t.

I am one person and this blog is about my life, not all people who don’t have kids.


Third: To the Commenter(s) & Everyone

I am not an asshole for saying it is annoying to let your kids make a wrack and misbehave in a busy public place.

The post before that was about kids & family and my Mum commented on the blog post you linked to (if you bothered to check).

I traveled heaps as a kid with my parents and yes, I for sure made noise, I was a baby/kid. Mum said I was real cute in her comment though,  thanks Mum!

Why didn’t you share your thoughts from a mothers perspective?

Maybe you have some great ideas on how to deal with a situation like I was in?

I had ear phones but you need to listen to the loud speaker for flight information when you are delayed.  They were making it very difficult.

If you have thoughts on something I publish, I’d LOVE to hear about it. This is the sharing economy of internet awesomeness.

There is a difference between being a kid and being a misbehaved bratty child. I posted how I feel about the situation I was in.

Let’s hope this incident inspires people to raise their children with manners & etiquette. We want the younger generation to be kind & respectful. Don’t we?

Also, if you would like to submit something to the brand new Annoying Department, please do that too.

Oh, guess what? I don’t really like animals either. OMG.

P.S. I ordered this awesome unicorn lightsaber t-shirt from Threadless and I Love Katy Perry. She looks so cute in braces. I had braces in high school too. I go see her in concert soon!