Epic Meal Time w/ The Biz Media

Photo booth 1 is here. Photo booth 2 is here. The Biz Media is a totally awesome company full of really great people. I’m happy to call them friends. Check them our here.

Meeeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt O’Nizzle.

Sauce boss of The Biz Media, Guy Gal.

and then there was starlight

First Happy Fathers Day to my Dad. Rung him & he’s in the shop working on an hot rod right now. You are cool Dad. I love you.

Gaga is performing the MMVAs tonight. I hope she some comes out to play later and I can meet her. Omgaga, I would be calm & cool. I want to meet her so, like no other.

This is my post from last year. I’ve done something fun on this day for the last ten years, MMVA day. Last year I ran @muchmusic Twitter durring the show. It was insanely awesome. Putting together a show is so massive, there are so many jobs it takes to make it happen. This year, I’ve attended MMVA gifting lounges & have parties galore.

I’ve put together the biggest baddest bag of goodies for Mum cause guess what, she came back from the sailing trip yesterday. AHHHH! I’m so happy & can’t wait to hug her. I missed you Mum.

Watching Top Gun right now and thinking that scene where the guys sing to her in the bar is a wicked good halloween costume. I love the Dairy Queen commercials. Waterski-boxing? Major crush on that guy.

Heading to Field Party 2011 in now then home to change before the night events start. I want to meet Lady Gaga, she is performing at the MMVAs. It would be so amazing to meet her. Snoop Dogg would be rad too.I’ll be home to watch the show. Post show parties include Velvet with Lady Starlight, Gag’s DJ.

Ok bye. xo



i’m a model you know what i mean

Oh yeah. This week I’ve got a fashion show.

Crystal Light contacted me and flattered me by  saying I’m a “leading Canadian fashionista and social media maven” then asked me to be in their fashion show for the Crystal Light Purse Challenge. I get to meet a personal shopper and have a shopping spree at Holt Renfrew. OMGaga.

I love fashion & style as you know. Remember last year when I was hanging out with NYC’s finest in fashion Nicole Miller & Derek Fabulous.

Other babes in the show are Anita SharmaValerie StachurskiKarla Moy,  Erin Blaskie Lisa Charleyboy, & Cammi Pham.

Fashion show takes place Tuesday at Design Exchange, Stacey Mckenzie preps me for the runway, then I do hair and make-up. Gonna be fun!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

* pix are from the VOCAB Communications gifting lounge at ING Direct in Yonge Street. Thanks for the invite & the goodies team! Everyone & every thing is a brand 😉

BHD Suites Gifting Lounge @ Le Germain

On site all day n the Bench room for Broken Heel Diaries  gifting lounge. Will be updating all day. Fun day so far!

Kardi & I played DJ Hero. It’s kinda hard.

I was explaining although I am NO expert.

Karla Moy & the lovely Lola.

DJ Agile is rockin’ the tables for us today.

Lovely babes from Bench Canada on either side. I’m decked out in Bench yoga gear.

You know this babe.

My fav giant. Best MO ever.

Big thanks to Macintyre Communications & Broken Heel Diaries for the BHD Suites. Fun to be part of the action & gifting. Great job ladies.

&baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips

Omg Seriously. The Biz Media Epic Meal Time last night was epicly awesome. Say hello to the Bacon Volcano. Bacon strips & cheese & bacon strips & bacon strips.

Chocolate bacon cake.

Big thanks to the lovely miss who brought the Tums. I’m thankful for you.

Was a beautiful night for a patio party.

Biz Media consistently throws the best parties. Wicked crowd there last night. Heaps of people I knew & lots I didn’t. Makes for a fun time, I love meeting new people.

The man who delivers me a dozen bacon roses. ILU. These were so tasty.

Heaps of props for the photobooth. The photos are gonna be so funny. Bacon in the tree too.

Bacon everywhere actually.

I missed this one but wow, probs was delish.

Epic Meal Time guys are rad. This one is so huge, like giant. I want one of those &baconstrips shirts guys. Fo realz.

Thank you to the Biz Media team & Guy Gal. You know mama loves you.

Heaps of friends in this crowd.

I’ve never seen/ate so much bacon at one time.

We really got into it too.

Two girls, one bacon.