downtown is where it’s at.

I love this city.

So pretty it is. The Music Garden near the Lake is one of my most fav spots.

New camera app on Android has all these funky settings. There’s one that puts a ghost in all your photos. Creep central. Imma get someone with it today. Beware friends!

Check out what Keri posted today:

How to Enjoy a Complimentary Stella in 4 Steps

Keri is our rep for Stella’s summer party challenge and is we vote for ‘Downtown’ here on Facebook WE get to have an awesome party hosted by KERI herself. Party date is August 13, contest closes July 13. Let’s win. How can you not vote for this? Awesome.

it’s important to have confidence.

This morning I shared a story about my childhood with my friends at Nella Bella. I popped in to say hello as I’d not seen them in a few and I love them. They made me retire my old most fav ever NB bag (tear) & hooked me up with a beauty new one. Thanks team <3

We were chatting about confidence and how important it is to have, especially for kids. We talked about dressing up our younger siblings and also how parents give their kids so much choice these days. What’s up with that anyways? [pause…here come the Mommy Bloggers. haha]

When I was little Mum have me choice but not too much. She used to let me pick out my clothes and would lay two outfits on the bed for me to pick one to wear. Well, that wasn’t good enough for me. I’ve always been a creative so when Mum would lay out my outfits I’d mix them up together and make something new.

One time I wore this orange shirt with green shorts and one orange/one green sock. Mum let me wear what I liked. One of the other Mum’s on our street said to her “Are you really gonna let her wear that?” All Mum said “If she feels confident wearing that then she can go for it!” Thank you Mum for being that way with me. She inspired a uniqueness that will never go away.

Hope you have an awesome day. Do something nice for someone. It will inspire you 🙂


a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust

Busy day ahead today. Meeting after meeting after meeting then dinner meeting with some colleagues. About to have a call with my advertising company in Say Media. Have you even noticed the ads on my blog in the sidebar? They’re for cool stuff like Mercedes, Winners, Wind and the new Caramilk campaign. All fortune 500 companies and nothing cheezy. Saw one for COD Black Ops the other day. After 5+ years of running this blog I reckon you won’t mind seeing ads here. Click & see what they look like, I’m keen to know what you think.

Last night as I was going to bed I heard an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale was widely felt across the lower North Island where most my family lives in New Zealand. Luckily, everyone is a-ok. Initial reports on GNS’ website show the quake was felt in Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth and up to the Coromandel (LOVE COROMANDEL!). Aftershocks were not expected & it was too deep to affect Mt. Ruapehu.

Looks like I won’t be heading back to NZ for NZFW at this point. I hope that changes! [crosses fingers, makes a wish] I want to go back to NZ & see my family so bad.

Chat later my friends. Hope you have an awesome day!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself & you’re set!

The awesome ShaSha Bread Co. float. They won 1st place for their design last year and this year it was pretty darn awesome.

Getting instructions before we learn our choreography.

Haha Rob Ford was there drinkin’ in the street. I kid, I kid.

The Crew! Team Good looking!

Sammy is funny. Nice tatas. I was having an epic hair day.

I gave Sammy that beautiful hot pink extension. Bubbles are fun too.

I love this kini. Nice shot photographer. We had so much fun dancing. I heard “Born This Way” about 200 times yesterday. I’m always amazed by how many nude people are in the streets. Mind boggling. We are so cool us Canadians.

So epic.

Water was infused with lemon & vanilla, it smelled like ShaSha lemon snaps. DELICIOUS!

Thanks Raymi for connecting me & ShaSha! You were missed Raymbo!

Streets were so packed. It was great having everyone call out to you from the streets. I love crowds & the spotlight. We soaked it up good.

We found my sister!

Hi Gay & Luis! So lovely to randomly see my sister in the street. Love this shot of them!

Rest of the night was a hoot. We had a blast in the streets 🙂 The end. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

DEFY: dare, face, challenge the power

Started using a new phone, Motorola DEFY from Telus. This thing is (almost) indestructible.

The Motorola Defy™ with MOTOBLUR™ has a water-resistant, dustproof design, and a scratch-resistant display. Powered by Android 2.2 and available only from TELUS. I can also Create a Wi-Fi® hotspot to share internet with up to 8 devices (ipad, laptop). Camera is 5mp, only thing that would make it best phone yet would be front facing camera. I can swipe to text on the touchscreen which is pretty rad & surprisingly accurate.

You know I’m hard on my gadgets and this phone is made for someone with a lifestyle like me. It’ made to be life proof. This is the commercial you may have seen on TV recently. Party looks fun eh.