who doesn’t love beer?

Have you ever been to Beerfest? Toronto’s Festival of Beer!! I’m coming up August 5-7th at the CNE Bandshell. My friends at 1188 Films have created a few spots for this year’s event. Same company that did my campaign with Puma and edited my winning Virgin America video.

To save $5 on your ticket enter CASIE at the ticket link here beerfestival.ca/buy​-tickets-now.

Saturday is SOLD OUT. Friday & Sunday tickets are still AVAILABLE. If you get a ticket for Sunday you can chill in the VIP Social Lounge they hooked up for us.

Tickets purchased with CASIE as discount code come with:

  • a couple beer tickets,
  • private seating,
  • media access,
  • food sampling
  • live concert with The Trews and The Sheepdogs.
  • Free WiFi & power for charging up your gadgets. NERD LOVE!

Expect to have a more than awesome time. FOR INFO SEE: beerfestival.ca. Happy drinking! 🙂

you missed this yesterday

 “Me and @CasieStewart @growconf #growconf See We ready to #plank like #shawshank cuz #wefancyhuh” via Stephen

“Fab 4 @growconf #growconf See from left to right: Naomi @naomielise – Lina – Casie @casiestewart – Justine” via Stephen again


Panel on Panels at MaRS in Toronto

Last night’s panel discussion on panel discussions (meta) went really well. I was happy to chat a few people after who said they really learned something. Thanks to Johnny Bunning aka @emanintdot for snapping this photos of us. I forgot to get someone to take a few shots. Doh!

I love sharing things I’ve learned over the past few years. I’ve learned heaps about blogging, the social web and building your personal brand. I’ve been invited to speak at the She’s Connected Conference in the Fall that brings together all kinda of females in business. Hope to speak at more conferences in the coming year. I’m a natural on stage!

Although I love vacation, I really love working and it’s great to be back at my home office. It’s been a busy day with lots of phone calls. Planning some cool stuff for the next month. I wanna get in as many things as I can before the summer is over. I love this heat too. No chance of complaints from this lady!

I watched this again and I feel like Optimism Girl today. If you’re not smiling, you will be after you watch this. Enjoy the day 🙂


Good morning! Another scorcher out there today. Drink lots of water!  I’ve got a meeting at Spoke and later this afternoon the Doc Martens Fall Preview. I’m stoked for that. Mama wants a new pair o’ shoes! This monster is so cute.

For the last year I’ve worked on my own and had the opportunity to do some pretty awesome things. I’ve been really thinking about joining a team, having a full time job.  I wanna share the things I’ve learned with a cool company. I miss contributing to a group and sharing ideas with people. You now I’m social! If you have an idea, shoot me an email. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do but I like the idea of working with a startup or a cool product.

Have you seen this wicked infographic Mashable posted about the state of the internet? It’ds rad. First time embedding HTML5 on my blog too. Nerd love. (I think you have to click to make it work. It’s interactive!)

State of the Internet 2011

OnlineSchools.org /onlineschools.org


This is also interesting. Are we in a tech boom or a tech bubble? I love infographics.

I also  found this fun site yesterday with the most comprehensive list on Internet Slang ever. Ok, gotta run! Have a stellar day. Remember you are younger today than you will be tomorrow, do something fun.

you missed this yesterday

hosting a heat wave in your honor

I love coming home to this city. Missed you Toronto.  Our flight was almost twice as long as usual due to changed flight pattern because of major thunderstorms near Toronto. There was heaps of turbulence.

Man it is super duper hot here, eh? Warmer than Boston I reckon and surely more humid. First time we’re turned on the AC all summer.

  Tonight is the Panel on Panels at MaRS. Are you coming? I blogged about it here.  Hope to see you. It’s gonna be fun fun fun 🙂