LOMO AMIGIO: first roll of film w/ Sprocket Rocket Cam

Me @ the Lomography shop picking up new camera. Taken by Jane.

Sammy @ work.

Me @ Sammy’s work. Taken by Sammy.

My view on a cloudy day last week.

Self portrait.

I need some practice.

Thanks to Jane @ Lomography in Toronto for sending these over. I guess the rest didn’t turn out. I reckon by the time I shoot through all my film I’ll have a few good shots. Fingers crossed.

Saturday Hipster Hop: The Hoxton, Dance Party, Pool Party

Saturday night was opening of the Hoxton. we were told to be there early, but naturally, we rockd up closed to 11:30 and it was a mess. Cops all over the place, hipster hardcode lined up around the worker and the sidewalk covered in people.

We were on VIP Media list but that wasn’t going to help at the time. There were so many people at the time that nobody was getting in. Asked Zane if it was worth it and came to the conclusion we’re better off changing plans.

Wahhhhhh. Not Hox for these kids just yet. Media night is Aug. 31 so we’ll be there then.

Everywhere was packed and since we were with some travellers, Scottie. Ross & Andrew and The Australian, we stopped by the Backpackers Hostel for beers with the babes. I always wanted to check that place out anyways.

O’Nizz & I pretended we were travellers too and met this REAL CANADIAN. Bathrooms in that place are nasty.


Next stop TOTA so see some friends & DJs. This party don’ stop.

Was so smart of me to bring that fan.

Dance party.

We all hopped the fence at Scadding Court and joined a bunch of other hipsters for a late night swim. IT WAS AWESOME.


Sammy & Ross are vets at pool hopping. They were at the massive pool hang at Christie pool a couple weeks back.

Everyone in their skivvies.

Peeps were chill in’ all over the place. Not posting that many pix cause there were some naked peeps and imma respect their bums.


Family photo. We missed you Seany!

Cops in the distance. Party over.

Saw a mega snake in the park. I touched it. I love snakes.

Home time.

The end.

Epic night. One of the most fun I’ve had all summer. For sure going to pool hop again while we can.

epic times were had. photos coming soon…

put your hands up for TO.

Stopped by Beerfest Thursday for the media preview. Omg there was so much food & drink to be had. This was cookin’ in the grill house. Get grub there.

My big party day is tomorrow at Beerfest. We’ve got an awesome crew and the Social Lounge is where we’ll be. Planning to walk there for about 1pm and drink slow & steady all afternoon. Shrimp wrapped in bacon, dipped in something delish & battered in crushed chips.

This steak was gently placed on top of a butter infused baked potato. Divine.

Practically licked the plate, see! Thanks Labatt.

After I chowed down I biked to see the Arkells live in the parking lot by the SOHO. How cute is singer?

Heaps of peeps in the crowd. I was up front in media area where it wasn’t crowded. Thanks Samsung.


Friends were yelling to me from top of the balcony up there but I didn’t know that until I checked Twitter.

I can see my house. Have I told you how much I LOVE living downtown?

This guy was a babe too.

This guy was ________. Beige?

Missed The Midway State.

All hail the HAILWOOD tights copied by H&M. Knew this was coming.

Remember me rocking this style last year? NZ Designer Adrian Hailwood gifted me his signature & fab two toned tights last year at NZFW. Thanks Adrian! NZ has always been ahead of style in Canada.

Hailwood NZ.

I see boring. Oooh organic, zzzzzzzzz.

Not boring! Sammy & I went biking.

These neon bikes are all over the city now. City wide art project of awesome.

I love this city. <3

Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in. – Paris

you missed this yesterday