This week has been good. I’m getting into a workflow and figuring it out as I go. Most days I get up at 7-7:30, go for a run at 8 am, do a short Peloton workout, then get ready to start work at 9:30. If I’m at my desk or working inside the whole day, I like to put on something I’ve not worn in ages and go for a walk. Sometimes it’s just around the neighbourhood, other days it’s a nice long walk with a friend.
The title of this post ‘you make me happy‘ is also a song also used in my latest video here. When I put on this jacket, it instantly made me smile. Made me think about how my clothes make me happy. So many of them have fond memories of a time or feeling. After spending 90% of 2020 at the cottage, one of the things I was really looking forward to was being home with my stuff. I love playing dress-up or sorting through things I haven’t worn in a while.
While the world around us is so different, I find great comfort in the familiar things. Might be my Taurus nature to love home so much. I don’t have many family heirlooms but some of my most treasured things are clothes worn by my parents or anything from nana.
Remember the other day when I mentioned Transitional Coat Season? Well, here we are again with another coat! I ordered this one 5+ years ago from one of my fav artists, Valfre in Mexico. It didn’t fit for years but I couldn’t bear to part with it, no matter how many times Sean said “you have too many coats“.
Glad to report she fits great now and Valfre is back in rotation. On the back, it says ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy‘ with a skeleton and fire-breathing dragon. The Levis’s I’m wearing here used to be all one colour, I dyed them with bleach last April. If you want to make a similar pair, check out this post from Day 36.
As I was taking photos, two ladies walked by, smiled, and said “you look like you’re having fun, love your jacket“. I smiled back, and we shared a little laugh, totally reminded me of hanging out with mum. I would call that a win for jacket of the day and a sign I should bring ‘er out more often.
Made a new Reel but you’ll have to watch it on IG by clicking here. It’s IG not me, they don’t play nice with bloggers anymore, we can’t embed posts.