TEDxWomen – Distillery District, Toronto

TEDxWomen – Distillery District, Toronto

Today I’m on the lower east side at TEDxWomen in the Distillery District. I’m a guest of Carla Catherwood, founder and CEO of the Army of Sass.  100 women were selected to attend the event today so I’m feeling quite lucky!


Carla just left the stage and rocked it!  She  spoke about Army of Sass, how it’s grown, and the effect it has on women. 


I can tell you honestly, being part of the AOS group has changed my life. Last night she did her talk for and a whole bunch of of has tears then a big, sweaty group hug. It was the absolute best.  

You can purchase a ticket to our THROWBACK show June 6th or June 13th right here


Just heard a talk from Emily Wright, you may have read about her in Toronto Life magazine. Private school girl turned homeless, drug addict. Her story was touching  and inspiring.  


It’s only half way through the day and I’m feeling super inspired. Also driven, motivated, and proud of the things I’ve accomplished. 

Reminder for today, You ARE important, talented, and beautiful.  You CAN accomplish anything you set your mind to. Don’t stand in your way, GO, CONQUER. 

Sending you sunshine through the Internet,


Good Coffee, Paris Dreams, Always a Good Idea

Good Coffee, Paris Dreams, Always a Good Idea

Well hello there! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNANG. Yesterday was super nice out. It was hot by 8am! I’ve been leaving the house bright and early lately visiting my new fav coffee shop, Cafe Neon. They’ve got a killer BLT and the coffee is fair trade and delicious. The latte art is lovely too. In fact, it has inspired me to invest in some new coffee making equipment for back home. To be honest, I have wanted a new coffee grinder for some time now. Which reminds me, one of my friends has sent me some coffee grinder recommendations from thefullmooncafe.com so I must take a look to see if I can find one that catches my eye. Do you like to make your own coffee at home? Let me know your coffee making tips!

Good Coffee, Paris Dreams, Always a Good Idea

Anyway, in between working from the home office I visited the garden centre across the bridge and picked up a few new herbs for my garden.

I’ve actually got real things growing this year. ??? Last year was a doozy and nothing lasted longer than 2 weeks. By the time we have a larger garden area, I’ll be a pro!

Received a nice gift from Dove in NYC, a canvas with a collage of words I’ve used in tweets. Very thoughtful and personalize, it came with a handwritten note. THANK YOU.

Yesterday I was lucky to find a copy of VICE magazine at Rock Lobster (Queen West). Haven’t picked one up in ages. I’ve collected heaps over the years, a bunch from Australia when I lived there.

When I first moved to Toronto in 2005, one of my fav things to do on the weekend was visit the VICE store at Queen at Spadina where ADIDAS is now. They had clothes, CDs, back issues, random products. The mixes were so good, I bet I’ve got a few tucked away in storage.

Went to Colette Grand Café at the Thompson Hotel this week. It’s so beautiful. I’d like to go sit there again in the afternoon and have drinks. Wear a scarf and act Parisian. Been meaning to get that book. Have you read it? This one. I just ordered it. I’m going to Paris this year.

Had fries, mozzarella salad, and asparagus. All good. They used to have a cauliflower appetizer, if you see it on the menu there again, try it!

I’ve got heaps of running around today so hoping the rain holds off till the evening. Sending sunshine your way!


Yesterday was one of those days.

You’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of every moment.

You'll never be younger than you are today so make the most of every moment.

Last week really tuckered me OUT.  Fitting 5 days work into 4 days is exhausting. I spent most of the weekend relaxing, horizontal on the couch at home and at the cottage. On Friday night, there was nothing I wanted more than to stay on our couch, watch Jeopardy then a movie, and get a good sleep. Saw Lucy and Still Alice this weekend. Alice was very sad, Lucy was cool but didn’t actually make much sense.

Took a few mins to chill in the sun on the 1188 patio Friday. The afternoon sun out back is perfect for taking a break from the AC or working from your phone as I so often do.  Modern millennial mama. ☀️💁

Walked past these dudes on Friday and found this amusing. Think they’re aware of the twinsies thing happening here? This stock image is ‘three guys matching w/ lunch bags’.

Manicure was holding up nice on Friday but a weekend at the cottage is a sure way to ruin it. Will be taking part in Manucute Monday before tonight’s event at the Shangri-La w/ Maybelline Canada. 💅🏼

Feeling super relaxed after doing next to nothing but ride in the boat, sit in the sun, and watch movies yesterday. I can’t believe it’s almost June. I’ve got some fun brand partnerships coming up including a trip to Calgary with their tourism board.

Also looking forward to Bestival and seeing Florence & The Machine again. Will definitely be taking a water taxi across to the island. The website says something about fancy dress so I’m thinking about wearing a costume instead of ‘festival wear’.


I’m off to Colette Grand Café for meeting and a bite. Lots to get done, felling well rested.
Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of every moment.

With love,


☀️ self-pres·er·va·tion + re·lax·a·tion ☀️ 

☀️ self-pres·er·va·tion + re·lax·a·tion ☀️ 

Beautiful day for a boat ride on the lake. Kawartha ice cream, magazines. Relaxation station for preservation. Cottage life. ?


Don’t Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen, New Tricks, New Treats

Don't Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen + New Tricks, New Treats

Omg heyyyyy! It’s FRIDAYYYYY or FRIYAY as kids call it these days. Woke up to find out my blog was BROKEN. Urgh.

Always a scare. I imagine it’s like your child being unable to function. My blog is my baby and when it’s got a cold 403 error and not operating, my heart sinks and I panic. It’s ok tho, fixed now bc you are reading THIS!

Don't Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen + New Tricks, New Treats

Went to dinner at the Trump Hotel last night because I am I fancy lady for a press event with LG Canada. I was given a brand new, unlocked (from Korea) LG G4 to test drive. I love new gadgets so much. My fav things about this phone so far is the selfie camera.  It’s got that beauty feature to perfect your skin (no editing required), there’s a front facing flash, and you can signal with your hand to take a selfie.

The PR team was like ‘Casie you’ll love these selfie features’ as then handed over the phone. Then, in the middle of the product demo I got called a ‘Selfie Queen’ in front of everyone. I don’t mind. I’d proud of my selfie skills. I have been taking photos of myself before they even had a name.  You’ll get about 12,300 results if you google my name and ‘selfie’. That takes real dedication! This is an oldie from 2008 when I lived in the East end at Broadview & Danforth. I was an IT recruiter in the financial district back then, seems like a 100 years ago now.

After I passed by the new Yo Sox store to see Ryan and the gang. The once pop-up is now  permanent and they’ve got a bunch of other neat Toronto things in the shop. They’re got a sweet collab coming with Thank You Toronto. For Every Product Sold, Thank You™ Toronto Feeds One Person.

Left my mark as usual. You’ll see this bench when you stop by for a visit.

Don't Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen, New Tricks, New Treats, YO SOX

Since Sean was working late I picked him up a TORONTO VS EVERYBODY t-shirt and I got a sweatshirt. Finally tried the Bud Light Apple as well, not bad. It’s like a juice beer.

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This morning I cut the sleeves off to make my sweater summery. I might cut them more before the end of the day. I dig this look.


You like? It’s a sweater but a t-shirt, ultimate comfort and not too hot.


Used my little JOBY stand to snap these pix on the LG G4. I also love using the HISY mobile remote for iPhone. Selfie game strong. I’ve gotta reset my GoPro before that little guy is back in the self photography game.


Stop by the new Yo Sox store at Queen/ Portland, it’s inside the old tattoo shop at Tattoo Rock Parlour. Message me if you do, our office is across the street and maybe I’ll be there.

Totally feeling this ‘don’t hate, appreciate’ wall decal.




Pin-Up Picnic this Weekend in Bellwoods!

Pin-Up Picnic this Weekend in Bellwoods!


On Saturday the Army of Sass is hosting a pin-up picnic! I can’t wait. Been trying to decide on an outfit and there’s just so much to pick from. It’s gonna be cute and in Bellwoods if you wanna pass by. Details on Facebook.

ALSO, our next show is THROWBACK: 80s & 90s and it’s seriously totally awesome. Pop June 6th & 13th (we have 2 shows) in your iCal and I’ll have a link for tickets any day now.

Pin-Up Picnic Inspiration


The Zombies Guide to Surviving Among The Living: How to Selfie

The Zombies Guide to Surviving Among The Living: How to Selfie

As you might know, I’m quite the expert in being a zombie, or at least dressing like one! Well, my skills in zombiesm have paid off! Over the next three weeks I’ve teamed up with shomi to deliver you some tips on how to survive as a zombie amongst a world of humans.

The new 13-part one-hour drama, iZombie (from the brains that brought you Veronica Mars) is now available to Canadians, exclusively on shomi.

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I think you’ll enjoy my take on how to survive among the living with tips from the Zombie Guide. This week we start with Chapter 1, Social Behaviour.


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Some notes on the above tips from my professional experience as someone who has taken about 10,000 selfies. In order to appear extra human, take selfie in any public space. Stop, drop, selfie anywhere and everywhere. Especially in the middle of a busy sidewalk, at the mall, just be careful not to selfie while crossing the street. You might die again. Another tip is to add a filter, or even double filter to make yourself look less dead. I personally like, Rise, Lo-Fi, and Valencia in Instagram to add a bit of extra brightness.


Here you see happy Zombie girl in the grocery store. Smiling like she’s ALIIIIIIVE.

Take a peek at the trailer for iZombie below and get a free 30-day trial here. I’ll be sharing more tips from my experience as a zombie over the next three weeks. Follow along on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtags #shomi #TheZombiesGuide.

Stay safe out there and use your BRAIIIIIIIINS!



Long Weekend, Short Recap, in Photos

Long Weekend, Short Recap, in Photos

I’m sure by now you are more than aware I was at the cottage this weekend. 

Hopefully you never tire of lake life photos and scenery. Here’s a few pix before I come back later today and add stories. 


 Aaaaaand, we’re back! Will update this later! 



My Experience with an Uber Driver Yesterday

My Experience with an Uber Driver Yesterday

As you may know from the news, there’s lots of talk about Uber around the world and especially in Toronto. Last week I went to the rally at city hall with my friend to show support for Uber & UberX (non-taxi people doing pickups) with heaps of other riders and drivers.


Yesterday I took a record (for me), 5 UberX cars in one day.

  1. Home to 1188 Office
  2. 1188 to The Brewers Plate
  3. Brewers Plate to Netflix Thowback Party
  4. Netflix to Army of Sass dance rehearsal
  5. Rehearsal to Home

When I ran to dance class from the 4th car I left my wallet in the car. I didn’t realize till after dance. This was after frantically tearing my bag apart and scouring the studio. I sent a DM (private message on Twitter) to @UberCanada and asked if they could help.  It was 10:36pm.


By 10:42, my wallet was found and Uber Canada text me a contact number for my UberX driver who had my little wallet.  I rung him and arranged it to be dropped off at my HOUSE.


Have you ever left something in a taxi? It’s basically a lost cause. I lost a wallet and an iPhone last year and there was no way to track down the driver or car.  With Uber, my stuff was safe and sound with the driver and back to within an hour of realizing it was missing.

There’s a bunch of things I really love about Uber (especially UberX) and it’s that drivers are never on the phone, cars are clean, and they’re generally really nice. Also the following list that you will not find with a traditional or Beck taxi.

  1. You know who is picking up and when. You’ve got the drivers name, contact.
  2. You can see on the map where your driver is at all times.
  3. You get a notification on your phone when they arrive.
  4. There’s no cash exchange or need to tip extra, payment is automatically on your credit card.
  5. Your receipt is emailed to you.
  6. You have the ability to rate your drivers and give feedback when the ride is complete.

I wanted to share this experience because Uber gets a bad wrap from some people out there but if you look at the taxi industry, it’s about TIME it got up to speed. I’m glad we have a mayor that supports the service and I hope that Uber is here to STAY!

<3 CASIE                🚘 vrooooooom!


I Had a GREAT Birthday! Sunshine, Patios, BFFs, Love

Friday was my 33rd birthday and I had an awesome day. I didn’t want to have a huge night out or wake up feeling groggy, true sign of getting older I guess. I’m feeling really happy and excited about where I am in my life. Being in a good place gives you reason to welcome being a year older with open arms.

On Friday I had margaritas and snacks on the Valdez patio with a bunch of my BFFs. They have a range of cool seating which is a popular choice for wooden garden furniture, so it made it a great place to sit and chat away for hours. The BBQ there is open till 3pm and the food is AWESOME. Huge thanks to Cameron (Untitled&Co) for snapping pix of us girls. We had a blast! So many laughs.

Have a ton of photos on my phone too. The sunshine on Valdez patio is perfect 2pm+ for afternoon drinks and tanning. Love these girls so much, L-R Lauren, Maria, Carla.

Cam, designer owner of Untitled&Co, you should check them out at untitledandco.com.
Charmaine just moved here from LA, creep her IG, she’s a babe.

Lauren + Chloe (the other half of Untitled&Co!)


Perfect SUN!

Later in the evening Sean picked up an amazing Mexican dinner and we ate it at Cherry Beach watching the sunset. It was perfect.

Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I’m excited for all the things the next year will bring!


Listen While You Work: My Chat on The 416 Show – Episode 15

Listen While You Work: My Chat on The 416 Show – Episode 15

I’m listening to it as I type this and I think you’ll really like it. You’ll laugh a little.  If you’re at the office , throw in your headphones and listen while you work.

The 416 Show
(this will open in another window)

Here’s the shirt I came up with. Buy it here.

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Show Links


Yellow Pages Next Home x MD Media Shoot 

Yellow Pages Next Home x MD Media Shoot 

Yesterday I  on set for a full day shooting 2 commercials that you’ll be able to see very soon. I’m working with MD Media again on a couple ads that will be YouTube pre-rolls so if you see my face in the first 3 seconds, don’t skip! 


I absolutely love being on location, having my makeup done etc. Worked with a great MUA named Julie, she also had a sweet, slightly French accent. Thanks girl!

My first look was very casual and natural. 

The second was when things got really fun.  Took off most the makeup, you can see I got a bit of a tan this weekend. 


Then we applied Triumph & Distaster volcanic ash face mask scrub. 

This stuff smells amazing and it’s from New Zealand!! I was sent it a few weeks back but hadn’t tried it. You can now find it in Canada.   


We were shooting at this great place in Rosedale that backed onto a forest. The birds were chirping away all day, loved it. 


Looking forward to laughing and probably being a bit embarrassed when these come out. I’m always a little nervous/excited for new on camera projects!



Nike x Sidewalk Hustle Sunrise NTC Sessions

Nike x Sidewalk Hustle Sunrise NTC Sessions

Monday I started bright and early (crack of dawn 6am!) with this great group of ladies for a Nike Training Session.  Hosted by Sidewalk Hustle and taught by Nike Master Trainer Eva Redpath, it took place at Malaparte inside the TIFF Bell Lightbox. 

I really loved the workout and didn’t mind getting up at 5:15 but today I am hurting. Omg. My hamstrings, arms, glutes, it was a total body workout.  THANKS EVA!

We’re training as a group for the next few weeks and although I’m sore today, can’t wait for our next session. 

We got hooked up with matching shoes and I totally love them. I don’t usually wear runners but these flashy little guys will be making rotation in my wardrobe. 

They’re the Nike Free 5.0 w/ flywire and motion control, they’re also super light.


After work  yesterday I went for a 45 min bike ride and I really don’t think that was the best idea.  Getting back on the bike after mine was stolen last year has been great for then legs and arms. 


Taking it easy today and giving myself and extra hour of sleep. Here’s a great quote I saw over the weekend. Soar don’t settle. 

I may not be training for any of the 10K races or marathons but I AM training for the marathon of life. Here’s to a great week! 

🌻☀️💖 CASIE

I Partied at Twitter HQ in Canada…

I Partied at Twitter HQ in Canada…

Made it to the nest! Last night Twitter Canada had a ‘nest warming’ party at their brand new office located in Toronto’s King West. 

They invited a small-ish group of Twitteratti (old school Twitter slang for influencers), agency folks, media, and sales people to check out the new digs, connect over drinks, snacks, and of course TWEET.

Pretty much anything that could be Twitterized, was. They had Twitter pillows, water, soap, and even a toaster that puts the Twitter bird on your bread. 


Brendan Canning from Broken Social Scene was on the decks. Loved his old school beats.


There’s lots of nice art on the walls. I was especially drawn to this, it’s an illustration of how the new Twitter logo was created. 

The original Twitter bird was designed by Simon Oxley and I’ve got a tattoo that looks really similar.  
Carol Zara and I had a few laughs visiting all the different rooms that were set up with reminders of special Twitter moments and notable users. 




Twitter has a group of Vine Magicians, what a cool job! See our Vine here


Was great to see these two, Abby Ho and I used to work together back in the MuchMusic/MTV days. We used to go to Tweetups ALL THE TIME back in the day, circa 2009/2010. 


Thanks Twitter for a nice evening. It was great to check out the new office. 

As you can see I made myself right at home!

Follow me on Twitter here! If you’re not on Twitter you can still pop in and check out my Tweets at twitter.com/casiestewart.

Have an awesome day! 💘🙌🏼


Take Sunshine Wherever You Go! ☀️

Take Sunshine Wherever You Go! ☀️

Hi hi, yesterday was a great day. Today is jam packed one but it’s doing things I love so it doesn’t really feel like work. 

This is a short update for now b/c I am heading to a shoot I’m directing for a client campaign! See Twitter for updates and Snapchat for the BTS! (Behind the Scenes, mum!)

Check out this fine group of 1188 + Occupied VR + CFC crew from HotDocs last week.

Partied with deadmau5 last night. Thanks Tim Hortons!

Got to watch/take part in a magic show.


The food was really good. That’s deadmau5 getting some steak before me. I saw opted for the no-bread option so I did that too.  


Here’s wishing you a wonderful day. It’s already SOOOOOO NICE OUT.  Take the sunshine wherever you go! ☀️


Weekend: Wonderland, Cottage Life, Bike, Bondage!

Weekend: Wonderland, Cottage Life, Bike, Bondage!

This weekend was a great one. Went to Wonderland w/ Sean and my sister, opened the cottage, got a new bike, and managed to catch some sun.

We went on Leviathan which was crazy/scary/awesome. If you’re going to Canada’s Wonderland for the day I suggest getting a Fast Pass. The upgrade is well worth the time you’ll spend waiting in lines. The rides are really fun but I’m impatient! Don’t like waiting!

Sean and I went on the Merry-go-round. It’s cheezy and slow but I like it. I realized I’m not really into the super-fast-whip-you-around coasters like I used to be. This was romantic.

Thank you Shannon Kelly and the Canada’s Wonderland team for inviting us. We had a blast. I think my sister went on every single ride that was open! The park was just as fun as I remember and it was nice to be back after about 10 years.

Arrived at the cottage in Muskoka post Wonderland with daylight left to get the place open. There’s heaps of work to be done to get it ready for summer fun.  I raked leaves for at least 2 hours

It was great to be out in the canoe again. So Canadian!

Before Sunday dinner Sean and I  jumped in the lake. It was SO COLD but also refreshing, liberating.  I used to be all ‘nooo’ and scared about jumping in before it’s warm but switched my perspective and decided I’m lucky to have the opportunity and it’s not gonna hurt me. YOLO!

Sunset steak dinner on the dock is just about as good as it gets. Watching the sun go down here gives me great inspiration and mental clarity. It feels SO GOOD to be back.

Sparks were flying.

We Sean set up this nifty little WatchBot nanny cam on the cottage wifi. The view needs to be adjusted but now I can see and hear the cottage from the app on my iPhone.


Did some bike bondage and tied my girl down for the trip back from Muskoka. I’ve got pretty good rope skills and wasn’t worried about her getting away one bit! 50 Shades of Rain got her real dirty though

Cool licence plate bro.

If you’re ever in the mood for some good classic rock (like when aren’t you?), 104.1 The Dock is a great station. Nothing but good rock from the last few decades. When not in the car I stream it from my phone, quality is good.

Yesterday I got a new lock and lights for my bike. After a few solid hours of work I reckon it’s time to hit the road and catch some rays on my new wheels. Hope you’re having a great week so far. Get out and feel that sunshine on the face if you can. Don’t forget sunblock tho! 🙂


Top Chefs + Top Brewers = WIN! 🍻Brewers Plate! 🍻

Top Chefs + Top Brewers = WIN! 🍻Brewers Plate! 🍻

Love beer? Love food? Love summer? Love rock n’roll? Who doesn’t!?

The Brewers Plate is a local sustainable feast celebrating TO’s breweries, chefs, farmers, and food artisans. It takes place May 13th, 2015 at Corus Quay. So, put May 13 in your calendar (Wednesday next week) and go buy a  Brewers Plate ticket right NOW.

It’s a one-of-a-kind evening of unique food and beer pairings from 20 Top Toronto Chefs and 20 Top Ontario Brewers. Once you get a ticket ($95) you can eat/drink as much as you can handle (responsibly of course tho).  Last year’s event was sold out.

Text this post to your BFF, BF, parent, or a pal you’ve not seen in a while and say ‘wanna go to 🍻🍛??”

For tickets, click HERE. 🎫
To see what chefs are coming, click HERE. 🍔🍢🍤
To see the line up of brewers, click HERE. 🍻 🍻

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The theme is ROCK N’ ROLL and I suggest pairing your fav band t-shirt with jeans, maybe a blazer? Thinking I might bust out this Iron Maiden shirt in some type of stylish summery fashion.

Kinda like this but no tights.

To make it even BETTER, the night supports a great cause, Friends Of The Greenbelt Foundation.  Check out all the sponsors and more about the event at brewersplatetoronto.org.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you seen this yet?

Fill Your Cup and Reward Yourself w/ Coffee ☕️

Fill Your Cup and Reward Yourself w/ Coffee ☕️

Ahh, this view. Goes so well with a coffee ☕️ in the morning! I’ll be spending lots of time working from this office the next few months. In other news, Second Cup Coffee Co. has a new rewards programs and I’m giving YOU some rewards right now, scroll down for deets.


Have you been to a Second Cup Coffee Co. lately? They went through a rebrand recently and have a new sleek, modern look. The coffee is also great. They’ve recently introduced SecondCup Coffee Co. Rewards, a loyalty program w/ mobile app where you earn points on every dollar spent. See details in the video below.

Made in Canada for Canadians, the app also allows members to:

  • Find out when there’s a new promotion, a nearby offer, or a customized offer.
  • Pay for purchases directly from the app.
  • Top up their card balance with easy reload.
  • Track rewards and redeem when desired. Find a Second Cup café with the Café Locator.
  • Pay for purchases and collect points using the Second Cup Coffee Co. Rewards app on the brand new Apple® Watch.

I really like how brands are getting on this mobile rewards train. I think we’ll see more and more retailers putting out things like this to give back to customers. I’m all for mobile payments! 🙌🏼

A photo posted by Second Cup (@secondcupcanada) on

To become a member, pick up a card in café or download the FREE Second Cup Coffee Co.™ Rewards app from the App Store or Google Play.


Win yourself a Second Cup Coffee Co. Prize pack worth over $100. Scroll down for easy entry! For more information about the new rewards program please visit secondcup.com/rewards.

Second Cup Coffee Co. Rewards Co-Promotion Image a Rafflecopter giveaway

May Flowers, Things are in BLOOM!

May Flowers, Things are in BLOOM!

Started today with this crew directing my first 1188 project. Pretty exciting! It went awesome and now comes the next steps in the creative process of putting it all together.

Saw this along Queen Street today, typical, hipsters, lol.

Was kinda excited this morning. Directing is fun!

So happy it’s May, my fav month! My birthday is in a week. Tomorrow is media day at Canada’s Wonderland and we’re opening the cottage this weekend too. See ya soon Muskoka! Expect an abundance of beautiful lake life photos the next few months.

Went to a Kastor&Pollux party at Neubacher Shor Gallery last night. It was fun NO FUN!  Ok, NO FUN PRESS was one of the hosts so it was actually pretty fun. They had vending machines with stickers and stuff in them and I won a prize!


Made this super cute bracelet at the ALDO Shoes FW15 preview earlier in the day. More details on that soon.

Heading to Bellwoods to meet the girls and practice our dance. We have 5 weeks until the show! Ahhhhh. Saw this and it totally reminded me of us. Can’t wait for our Pinup Picnic later this month! SO MANY EXCITING THINGS OMG. May flowers, things are in BLOOM, BOOM!


Have a wonderful weekend! With love,



Live in Colour, Brown Eyed Girl

Brown eyes girl, @AirOptixColors - brown via @casiestewart


When I was young we used to go camping every summer near Orangeville. All the Kiwis and Aussies my parents knew got together for the Down Under Summer Games where we had a traditional Maori Hāngi, gumboot toss, and my sister and I performed with the Maori Culture Club. It was so much fun! My Grandpa Doug converted a school bus into a camper with kitchen and we drove that up a few times singing oldies the whole way. Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison was one of our favourites.

Air Optix Colors encourages you to Live In Color and as you know, that’s something true in my life too. My closet is full of bright colours and sometimes my hair too. Nina Dobrev also wears them, and takes selfies.


After trying almost* all the Air Optix Color contacts the last few months, I gotta say, I like brown eyes too. Tried them last thinking they’d be the least noticeable but they’ve got a nice look to them, have never seen my eyes this dark.


The science behind the contacts design works to enhance your eyes in three ways where the outer ring defines, primary colour transforms, and the inner ring brightens.

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Important to take care of those peepers too!

A photo posted by @airoptixcolors on


Next time you visit the eye doctor ask about Air Optix Colors or swap them out for your regular contacts. For info visit airoptixcolors.ca. Any questions, as always, ask me on the Twitter! Remember, you’re never going to be younger than you are today so live a little, YOLO!




* I didn’t try hazel contacts because I already have natural hazel eyes.
* This post is sponsored by Alcon + Air Optix Colors but the story is my real life and I like wearing the contacts to change my look. They’re fun! Thanks for following along and supporting my blog and brands I work with. 🙂


Heteros Chroma, One Blue Eye + One Brown Eye

Heteros Chroma, One Blue Eye + One Brown Eye

When I was growing up I remember a girl from my modelling school who was really beautiful and she had two different coloured eyes. I always thought it was so cool.

Having two different eye colours is a genetic mutation (a beautiful one) called Heterochromia (Greek: heteros ‘different’ + chroma ‘color’[1]). It’s a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment).

I kinda always wanted to have one blue and one brown so I made it happen. Took a pair of Blue and one pair of and Brown Air Optix Color contacts and popped one in each eye. As soon as I tried them on I had to do a double-take. I looked so different!


I wonder if anyone would notice? Do you know anyone with different coloured eyes? It can be caused by all kinds of things and there are a ton of variations on Wikipedia. In interesting news, there’s a whole bunch of celebrities with different coloured eyes.

I never noticed Kate Bosworth. Whoa!

You can see here how different the blue colour is from my natural hazel eyes. I really quite like how the brown ones look so I’m gonna wear them together next time.


If you’d like more info about Air Optix Color Contacts visit airoptixcolors.ca. Check out all the other colours I’ve used in the last couple months by view all posts tagged Air Optix Colors right here.  If you wanna ask me about my experience or share yours, Tweet me @casiestewart!



*Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Alcon + Air Optix Colors. I think it’s awesome I got to work with them and try this out because I always wanted to have different coloured eyes! Views and opinions expressed here are 100% my own. Thanks for following along and supporting the brands I work with!

New Shades, Patio Season, Parking, Sunshine, Wine!

New Shades, Patio Season, Parking, Sunshine, Wine!

Hello, hello, what a beautiful day! Put these flowers in the 1188 office yesterday to brighten up the kitchen area. It’s so nice to be working back downtown, vs last summer when I was up in the Junction.

Wore these little adorable Lacoste oxfords and really hoped they didn’t hurt my feet come end of the day. You know how that happens every spring! The old summer shoes come out and your feet get all nasty lol.

Picked up these glasses at a garage sale last weekend. I love garage sale season! Mum and I went to one when I was home a couple weeks ago.    

Time to so something different with my hair soon. Not cutting it but colour. Have had blonde for months now, I’m ready to spice it up!

*Note to future self, don’t get eyelash extensions again, your real lashes are beautiful.

This was nice to see on our way to work in the morning finally, mobile payments! Thanks John Tory!  American and International friends, you will be happy to know we no longer have a crazy crack smoking mayor and our new mayor is quite swell.

Was walking down Queen Street West and caught these two guys reading the paper in perfect form. Yesterday was SO NICE, the streets were packed.

Went to a tasting at the iYellow wine cave w/ Vinho Verde wines from Portugal.


Nice to see Ken Samuel and meet the Wine Ladies. We had a great chat!


Thanks Re:Source Media, Angela Aiello (Executive Producer of CNBC’s “Wine Portfolio”), and the crew at iYellow for a nice evening. The wine was great too!

In other news…

Can’t wait. Planning to go to the cottage for my birthday weekend (May8th). I’m ready for a getaway! Hope you’re having a great week and enjoying the sunshine!


Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity Denim

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity Denim

Last week I stopped by Toronto’s iconic Over The Rainbow to celebrate as they turn 40. In honour of this exciting milestone, OTR is doing a series of fashion collabs throughout the year.

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity #OTR40YRS via @casiestewart

The first is a limited-edition jean designed by Canadian denim darling Jason Trotzuk of FIDELITY.   I had a chance to have a few laughs with Jason, who flew in from Jason flew in from LA – where the FIDELITY factory is located, just for the event.

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity #OTR40YRS via @casiestewart

The jeans come in a classic blue denim or white, with OTR details including rainbow striped detailing on the back pockets and inside waistband.

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity #OTR40YRS via @casiestewart

Over The Rainbow is THE place to go for a great pair of jeans, they’re known for honest service, knowledgeable staff, and innovative products. I’ve had some good memories there including last summer  2 summers ago when I hosted the Back to School Blogger blowout (see post here).

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity #OTR40YRS via @casiestewart

Enjoyed the beverage selection. Fresh cold pressed juice in a rainbow of colours!

Celebrating 40 Years! Over The Rainbow X Fidelity #OTR40YRS via @casiestewart

Every month for the rest of the year, Over The Rainbow will be doing collaboration with some really rad brands including Tuck Shop Co., Naked & Famous Denim, Line Knitwear, Moose Knuckles, and more. See the full list here. I’ll make sure to keep you updated so you can pick up something from the limited collections yourself! 

Thanks Faulhaber Communications x FIDELITY x Over the Rainbow for my own pair of the limited edition denim. They’re super comfortable! Follow the hashtag #OTR40TRS for all their best moments!


Protected: Summer Essentials + Festival Bestival + Hydro Hotel

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Weekend Reads + Things to Watch: Marketing Mag, NextIssue, News, Film

Casie Stewart, Toronto Blogger


Woke up feeling ok, battling a sore throat but dragged myself out for some sunshine and a coffee. Still rocking that winter fur but looks like next week will bring those spring temps we’ve all been waiting for.

Listened to CBC Radio q w/ Shad this morning wearing this face mask from The Face Shop (thanks Faulhaber!). Working away in the home office looking like Hannibal Lecter hoping Sean didn’t walk in and get a fright. Update: He didn’t.

Did you watch the Bruce Jenner interview last night with the rest of the world? I thought it was a good interview and it was interesting to hear Bruce’s story and struggles he’s been facing. I’m not a regular watcher of Kardashians so I’ve not seen much about him besides the tabloid stuff.

This week I upgraded my NextIssue Canada subscription so I can get ALL the magazines including Hello Canada and US Weekly. If you wanna test it out try code ’60free’ for 2 months. Follow this link -> NextIssue 60free. They just added some more French and English titles (see here) along with new search options.

 I’m anxiously watching for the Royal Baby. I’ve always had a love for the Royal Family, it stems from my mum. She named me Casie Diana Stewart after Diana, Princess of Wales.  Rest in Peace Dear Diana, ILU.

Read MORE magazine via NextIssue today as well, always one of mum’s favs. Loving these jumpsuits, looking good Jessica Alba. I could wear in these things all summer.


 In other news:

I was featured in a story about The Future of Social Media in Marketing Magazine this week. Read it here. New photo by Kayla Rocca.

Career Boosters - The Future of Social Media, Marketing Magazine, Casie Stewart 


Our film, Behind the Red Carpet is NOW ON iTunes IN CANADA. You can rent/buy it and watch me on your TV/tablet/phone screen in the comfort of your own home anywhere, anytime. Find it in iTunes by searching the title or my name.

Behind The Red Carpet Film, iTunes,  Casie Stewart

That’s all for now! I’m gonna go soak up some sunshine. Have a great weekend and happy reading/watching/resting!