Gladstone Hotel Melody Bar Relaunch

Last night the Gladstone Hotel held a packed party to celebrate the relaunch of their Melody Bar! I stopped by to check it out and grab some pictures.


Busy bar!


Yummy looking snacks.


Brock talking business 😉


Tunes spinning! And speaking of tunes…


Gentleman Reg was there! He’s just as nice as he is handsome. Have you heard/seen/fallen in love with his Stevie Nicks “Wild Heart” cover yet? Here! Enjoy!

Thanks so much Gladstone! I’ll be back soon.

xo Kate





I read the New York Times via Flipboard on my iPad.

I have a thing for personality theories and quizzes. Somehow by answering questions, they manage to put you into a box that no matter how creative (or not) you are, you’re just another section of society. The tattoo on my right ring finger is based on a well known and fairly old (now) personality theory called True Colours that breaks individuals down to blue, orange, green & gold. It’s used lots in the workplace to enhance coworker cohesiveness. My colours are blue (analytical, organized) & orange (outgoing, confident).

O’Nizz posted this personality quiz by the NY Times this morning.

The New York Times thinks I’m a Trendsetter.

Modern in your way of thinking and fun loving in your outlook on life, you are on the pulse of what’s hot and what’s not. You are not afraid to ruffle a few feathers in the name of style and creativity – moving forward with the times is what’s important to you. You are an emotional spirit and you make really strong connections. Good friends and lots of laughs are the recipe for really happy days. And nights!

Lively and confident, you’re someone who likes to make a big impression. You understand that first impressions count and that you won’t always get a second chance. You’ve got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. Your passion for fashion means you’ve got a bit of a reputation amongst your friends for creating your own style. Keeping an eye on the trends, you know what suits you but while adopting the values of society in dress and taste, you are just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. The key is to allow yourself to appreciate life’s journey while holding fast to that which matters most to you.

What are you?

Toronto Tweed Ride: A dashing metropolitan ride in style!

I recently had a photoshoot early one morning in Kensington with some lovely bike enthusiast and former Mayor, Mr. Miller. We were decked out in tweed and vintage digs gearing up for the Toronto Tweed Ride October 16th in Toronto. (My brain is programmed to type Tweet not Tweed. Stop it CASIE!)

The leisure ride starts at Trinity Bellwoods and raises money for Bikes without Borders‘ work in Africa. It’s also chance to ride in style. You know I love a good dress up!

What is a Tweed Ride?

Tweed Rides are a worldwide phenomenon, started in London in the fall of 2009 as “The Tweed Run London.”  Promoted as a slower-paced “metropolitan ride with a bit style” they dressed up in tweeds, rode their bikes through London streets celebrating the bike and raising money for a good cause.

Where do we meet? 

We will leave Trinity Bellwoods Park at 3pm, through the gates on Queen St. at the traffic light travelling east. There will be a loud bell (or something obvious like a trumpet/trombone) signalling the start of the ride.

How do I join?

To register for the 2011 Tweed Ride Toronto, visit the registration page.  All funds raised will support Bikes Without Borders‘ work in Malawi, Africa.

If you have any questions see the info site here or leave a comment. I’m better with questions like “What are you gonna wear? What am I going to wear?!”. 

I hope you will join us. Cheeriooooooo!

Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka

Had an awesome couple days out of the city. After a big 10 day non-stop go-go-go festival, I needed a break. Last year I shipped off to New Zealand for NZ Fashion Week a few days after TIFF and I came back soooo tired. I vowed to give myself a break this year.

Purchased the “Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka” from for $99. We stayed at the Bayview Wildwood Resort, Severn Bridge, ON. Food & accommodations were lovely, I enjoyed the view, lake and silence the most.

Over the summer I did a Toronto Grafitti Tour and stayed at the SoHo Metropolitan with Jaunt so I knew it would be a good buy. Sammy was all dressed up for the gallery that night and we had limo service.

I REALLY wanted to canoe and we could use whatever we wanted form the equipment shed which was nice. Rode bikes when we first arrived then took a canoe for a spin.

Canoed to brekky…

… and back from the main house to the cottage.

I feel relaxed and ready to take on the million things coming up in my calendar from now till the New Year. 2012 FTW! (I kid, I kid)

Going away me realize I need to get out of the city more. Thank you Ford Canada for the use of a Fiesta from the media fleet. I loved driving the little thing. Mum also loved it. I drove more than 10 hours including the visit to Mum and going up North. It was great on gas too.

Hope your week is off to a relaxing start. Have an awesome day!

you missed this yesterday

  • you missed this yesterday: – impressed with the @rugbyworldcup app! #rwc2011

Live Music in Central Park

Had a lovely time at home with Mum. We went to the Preston Music Festival yesterday to see the locals and check out Bongas band. Was rad to see so many familiar faces. Stopped by the Firkin Pub and who mega high school reunion. HI GUYS!

Bonga your band is really good. Impressed with your skills!

These folks dancing was so cute.

Off to Muskoka today w/ Sam for some more R&R by the lake. I really wanna canoe or kayak. Good day for a long country drive too. Leave you with this tune from the Sheepdogs. So good.