Make Time to Give Back & You’ll Have More Time

We are all busy people and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine. I like to be busy, are you kidding? I’d be bored otherwise! Only boring people get bored. I live by my calendar and find the better I get at scheduling, the more I can fit into a day, week, year.

Last week I helped launch microvolunteering in Canada with Koodonation. We had a blast playing on all the bouncy things and the winning team from Durham College was awarded $15,000 to a charity of their choice.

It’s really easy to volunteer your time ONLINE with Koodonation. Once you sign up it goes a little something like this…

It’s simple and you will feel great helping people. Volunteering has been a huge part of my life growing up and allowed me to connect with people I can learn from and also teach others. If you have any questions about getting involved as a charity or a volunteer visit the site here or ask me in the comments.

Have an awesome day 🙂

Dear Boss, You Are Awesome

I’d like thank you for how much I’ve grown working with you over the past six years. Your consistent hustle day in and day out has taken us around the world together and opened up possibilities that were once only real in your dreams.

I started out part-time but you gave me more attention as the years went by, allowing me to flourish into something that is full of excitement, culture and passion. I’m excited about where we will go together. I know it isn’t easy running your own business and sometimes you don’t feel like it, but I believe in you. You have shown many people that when you put your mind to something you can achieve anything, and for that, I am thankful. I am an extension of you and when you look back many years from now I hope you feel proud of us.

Keep up the good work and go get yourself a manicure. My treat! - Today's the day to celebrate that rare boss who doesn't suck.

Tweetgasm Gossip Girl Edition @ GladstoneHotel

Bring your gasm to the Tweet. I don’t even know what that means but who CARES! Tonight Brock & I are throwin’ it down and turnin’ this Monday into madness at Gladstone Hotel. Drinks, drama, prizes, ponies and more. Join us in the melody Bar starting at 7pm.

Here’s some pix from past Tweetgasm’s…

i want to eat your brain #zombiewalk

Toronto Zombie Walk is Saturday. Need help getting zombified? I’ve been going for years and have got the gettin’ dead & bloody down to a science. Walk starts in the bowl at Bellwoods 2pm. Be prepared to see about 6,000 dead, blood soaked people eating brains.

Two years ago I made this video. I scare myself.

Check out my post “How to Zombie” for the perfect blood recipe. Bon appetit! 

changing the way we capture the world

Good Morning world! How are you today? I’m thinking I might evacuate my closet of old items and finally see the floor. It’s practically an episode of hoarders in there right now. Shame on me!

Tried Chipotle for the first time the other day when I was at YD Square for Koodonation. It was good.

Hung out at Peach Berserk this week helping Kingi with some internetty things. She made me a shirt with my face on it 🙂 You know you gonna want one.

Lots of nice things in the store. Colour explosion!

Looks kinda gloomy out. Winter is coming. The cold yesterday reminded me how much I love to hibernate.

Snuggled up on the couch in wool & blankets and fell asleep with the TV on.

 New camera arrived Friday, Olympus PEN E-PM1, 12.3 mpx. It’s more compact than the PEN 2 I’ve been shooting with. I’m part of the Olympus Pen Ready Project; 1,000 photographers around the world shooting with the new compact PEN Canera. I’l #884/1000. My profile & photos (will be) here.

 Beans & I are about to make brekky. Gonna make a bacon & egg pie today too.  New Zealand staple and no, not a quiche! This water commercial is neat. Thanks to Patricia for sharing.

National Post: Toronto Tweed Ride

Read about the Tweed Ride in the National Post or get event deets here on FB. I was a judge in the Tweed Ride style contest and this is the winner Arthur. Love the finishing touches of  the arm band & goggles. Bike colour is a nice touch too. Lookin’ good.

I’m stoked to pick out my outfit and ride in style. See you there old chaps 😉