Have you ever had a Jerry Maguire moment?

One where you are walking down the street and you realize that what you are doing is exactly what you should be doing and you know you can help people and change the world and you have purpose and you are doing things that matter despite what anyone says, because you are going places and you are connecting with people and doing what you love and you are not ‘just’ an average person, you are being yourself and you are really good at it and you are spreading love and light throughout the world and it is totally awesome

Yeah that. I kinda had one of those last night.

“The key to this business is personal relationships”

– Dicky Fox

you missed this yesterday

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Friday Kate & I attended the Women for Women’s luncheon in support of Women’s College Hospital. It was hosted by Jeanie Beker and there were over 800 women there. My sister was in Women’s College Hospital a couple years ago. WCH is a world leader in women’s health and they do research to improve women’s lives (some male patients too).

Thank you kindly for the invte and I look forward to the next lunch Spring 2012. For info about the brand new Women’s College Hospital building and the great things they have going on go here.

This is from the wall at CTS and is a quote by George Bernard Shaw 🙂


Last week I filmed a promo video for a contest with mega babe Jason Howlett. I have to say I’ve dremed of him being my boyfriend based on all his shirtless pix so this was really fun. He’s very charming. Best part is 1:30 till the end 😛

If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend wanna film a video to enter the contest go here.

I wanted to take it higher I knew you would be amazed

I was looking through old photos and came across this one. I shot it when I first got my PEN from Olympus earlier this year. I love the change in seasons we have but man I’m missing summer already. Next week I got to Costa Rica from the 11th-20th for surfing & yoga. Been ages since I surfed (Australia 2004) so I might start with a lesson so I don’t end up hurting myself! (God that would really suck) Learned yesterday that the Costa Rica Film Festival is happening while I’m there and at not far from my restort. Just my luck, I go or a relaxing vacation & there’s a film festival!

Love this song & her <3

I wanted to take it higher
I knew you would be amazed
I just want to beat Mariah
oh! let me deserve that raise

(MaJiKer: Yeah,
The Money Note
She hit the Money Note
She hit the Money Note
She aimed for F sharp seven
To take us all to heaven
And if she hits C eight
That would be really great
Yeah, The Money Note
The Money Note )

When something is the most real, it is the realest.

It’s amazing how beautiful this weather is. The sunshine makes me happy. I’m pretty sure I saw some kite boarders on the south side of the Island yesterday. Must have been freezing! Can you believe it’s already Daylight Savings time this weekend?

Today Twitter launched a new thing called Stories. I like this one. I’ve got a bunch of Twitter stories to share. I’ve been using Storify to tell stories with  Tweets, this is next level.

Stoked to host the Canadian Club Speakeasy tomorrow night. Location has just finished a bunch of reno’s and we went over all the details yesterday. I still need to find an outfit! Ahh.

Reminding you that you are younger today than you will be again, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING AWESOME 🙂