PASSIONATE VOICES + SAY MEDIA: Canada’s Social Media Cool Kid

Canada's Social Media Cool Kid, top canadian blogger, toronto top blogger

Here’s an excerpt from a recent interview I did for SAY Media’s blog ‘SAY DAILY’. SAY is an awesome company out of San Francisco that works with “passionate voices” like me to to pair us up with brands and stuff. They publish cute venn diagrams each Friday.

Your blog is called Casie Stewart: This Is My Life – in 140 characters or less, what is your life? Lots of hard work & dedication turning my dreams a reality. Celebrating life’s moments and making the most of each day. Awesome!

You’re a social media expert in Canada – what are some of your social media secrets for the rest of us? Life is about building relationships and so is social media.  If you want to grow your audience, have conversations about other things than ‘just’ your business. You’ll make more friends that way.

Start a blog! A blog is the home for everything you do online. Use Disqus commenting so that Twitter & Facebook are integrated within your commenting system.

Read the rest of the interview here.

Some of their other voices are Tavi Genvison, Seth Godin, and The Sartorialist. Check out interviews with Honestly WTF fashion babe Leah Chernikoff.  The HTC campaign I was in last year was with SAY and so are the fancy advertisements in my sidebar.

In December we went to the their holiday party in Toronto and guess who was in their signage?! Me! I was totally surprised. I know Mum would have loved to see it. Next stop, billboard then broadway! Ok, no broadway but billboard has a nice ring to it.

Stay warm out there!!

#ShitBloggersSay: coming soon to a screen near you


Good morning and welcome to 2012 work life! How was your holidays? You know how mine we’re, obvs. Had a relaxing day yesterday then went to Sammy’s to watch movies. He made dinner and left for Jamaica early this morning. Lucky bum heads to the sun on the coldest day yet. Have you been outside in Toronto today? Bundle up yo. Packed on a fur on top of my winter coat for extra warmth. Sammy has more fur coats than me, haha.



Came over to Raymi’s before my tattoo at 2pm. I’ll have have sleeve by summer I reckon. Lau, Raymi, Sarah and I invented #shitbloggerssay last night. You wait till we film that show! With over 200 million zillion blogs in the world it will surely interest a few thousand nerds like you us. I have so many days of photos and stories to blog, stay tuned for that later. A bloggers work is never done!! Have an awesome day.

Marry the night! Yeah! Welcome 2012!














Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken


Spend Thursday night with the lovely Minx Raymi her mama and Lois for the last Coug Crawl of 2011. So fun. No, I’m not a coug yet but I’m 100% a fan of The Keg. Used to work at the Cambridge Keg with my sister. We were on the Opening Team and won the Airband Competition at Keg Cup 2005. If you worked at a keg you KNOW Keg Cup is a HUGE dealio.



Love is in the air.


Keg is full of older dudes on the prowl for young babes, hence, ‘Coug Crawl’. I conveniently had some old drunkish man buy us all Grey Goose shots, we played up that is was Lois’ birthday. (Wasn’t really! moohaha)


Love the calculator iPhone case Sean got me. THANKS SEAN!


Then we had a blog party. Look how early it is!


Check what she’s lookin’ at. Me, meta.


Look a hipster died right here on the street!


Met up w/ Sammy for some shenanigans.


Came home to THIS outside our window. You may remember the Snoetry from last year eh? He’s BACK.


Have an awesome day! Last one of the year, yeeeoowwwwwwww! What am I gonna wear? Gah.

Dear Photograph, see you in the future. xo

Over the holidays I hung out with my friend Taylor, the founder of Dear Photograph. I love this idea so much that I really wanted to submit a few of my own memories. Mum and I dug through TON of old photos and these are some of the ones that didn’t make it. You’d be surprised how hard it is to line everything up just right.

Jenie & I with Johnny’s old car.

I always had a thing for self photography. 

Always likes to play in the rain too. 

Stylish and plying the in the snow.

Dad & I cut down the tree.

This one is my fav & the one I submitted.

Weekend Tune: “Taking It Down” & Happy Endings NYE

Happy New Years Eve! 2012! How will you be ringing in the new year? Taking it chill or doing it up?


As for Casie and I, we plan on having a time at Happy Endings NYE Dim Sum King bash with the Mansion crew! Champagne! Chinese Lion Dancers! $5 Dim Sum Platters! Lobsters!


And did I mention the music line up? It’s kinda insane. Canblaster, Brenmar, MYD, Gingy, and more! In honour of the awesomeness that will be tonight here’s Brenmar’s “Taking It Down” for your enjoyment. We’ll be partying extra hard, just in case the world really does end. Might as well go out with a bang right?

Click on the image for ticket deets and follow @wearemansion on the Twitter. Hope to see you there!
xo Kate