Biked over to see April last night and walked almost 5km in the sun. It was so nice. Charged my batteries up for a great day today. Spring is finally here! We’re heading up north and I am so ready to read my book in the sun and work on my tan. I hope it’s warm enough for that, ha!
Talia gave me this jumpsuit over the winter and I was so happy to wear it today. Bring on cute spring outfits, I am here for IT!
Sending you love through the internet. Have a great good today and a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday to YOU!
Had such a nice bike ride today after work. Went over to see April and hang out in the backyard. I’ve been loving these warmer temps and wearing cute clothes. We walked about 5km from her place, up to Dundas, to Bathurst, and back along Queen West.
The trees are all starting to bloom and it will be summer in no time. Don’t lose hope, better days are on their way. Sending you love from the internet, have a great day!
Went for a run this morning and it was so windy I cut it short and turned back. I am really hoping those warmer temps show up later this week. Another cold day in May, I’m over it!
Went for a nice walk after work and found this huge heart on the wall. Mum and I always send hearts to each other and it makes me so happy. Amazing how a little text from mum with love can brighten your day.
Had a nice bike ride today after work then went for a walk. Called Keri for a catch-up and it was so nice to laugh together. I think that’s the thing I miss most, laughing with friends and hanging out.
Saw this mirror on my adventure, took it as a sign to go with the flow, take it easy. Sometimes you just need to stroll.
Had a nice dip in the lake this morning. Things are in bloom; trees are growing leaves, flowers blooming, birds singing. ?
This is my absolute favorite mug, Sasha got it for me ages ago in LA. The compliment I love most is being called a Ray of Sunshine or in this case Ray of F**king Sunshine. ?
We’re still at the cottage and gonna stay a few more days. Sean got a new wireless router that will make it easier for us both to work from the cottage. Hoping we can spend a lot of time up here this summer. ☀️
We went to a garden center today and got some things to grow herbs. We have a tradition of going to one every Mother’s Day weekend to get a nice big plant for Sean’s Mum.
We were only out in the world for about an hour but were both so tired when we got home. Why is everything exhausting these days? Sean had a nap and I went for a walk then watched my show. Listened to one of the Peloton walking workouts and took a bag with me to pick up some trash. Our area is pretty clean but after winter, there’s always a few bits on the road.
I’m working with Telus again this month for their May ‘Friendly Futures‘ contest where they’re giving away $100K in charitable donations. For my contribution, I made a donation to Tree Canada and committed to doing a community cleanup. This is some friends and I and in Vancouver (2018) with some of the Telus team for their Telus Days of Giving when we made care packs for local schools. Read more about Telus Friendly Future days here.
In other news, I looked outside as the sun was setting and couldn’t believe it was 8pm! Love it. Morning is my fav time to get things done but right before sundown is so beautiful, that magic hour. The sun goes down across the lake, shining her colourful light, nice and bright, right into the cottage.