Winners & Marshalls FW 2016

Winners & Marshalls FW 2016

Last week I went to the Fall Winter preview for Winners & Marshalls in Canada.

Winners holds a special place in my heart because ever since one opened in Cambridge, ON (my hometown) mum and I always made a date of going to check out the merch. Right before Labour Day weekend and also late January are the best times to get the Winners clearance deals. I can't tell you how many times I found a real bargain, something most people would pick over, consider too wild, or weird, then come next season it was totally the rage.

Follow Talia at @talia_stylist!

winners and marshalls canada fw16

winners and marshalls canada fw16

Scroll through a few of my favs you’ll find at Winners & Marshalls across Canada come Fall 2016

The event was upstairs at Peter Pan Bistro on Queen at Peter. I'd never been upstairs! The event space is beautifully bright and airy. Something to keep in mind for future event planning! I wasn't feeling hungry but the food from downstairs looked delish. They had a mini beef wellington that was hard to resist!

Post-Op Update 

Post-Op Update 

It’s been just over a week since my surgery and I’m feeling more like myself today, finally. I didn’t realize how much having huge boobs affected my mental health. Everyday when I got dressed I’d try an find an outfit that carefully hid them enough not to be obnoxious but also looked cute. I actually feel a big weight off not only my chest but my shoulders in an emotional way.

It was so easy for me to make a huge mess trying to find something to wear each day. Clothes mountain was a regular occurrence, I’d try things on then toss ’em on the bed or floor with frustration. I’m so glad I didn’t get rid of clothes that were a little too small, I can wear them now! Last week I wore a jacket from Nasty Gal I ordered online about 2 years ago and it fit like a charm. Before last week, it looked unbalanced and too small to sit nicely on the chest.

I’m a size 4 at most stores and often I’d get a tops size L or a 10 just to fit them in. Now, so many of my dresses, button down shirts, and T-shirts actually fit. They’re not stressed at the buttons or stretched. It feels amazing! 

The whole process of going through surgery was less horrifying and painful than I imagined. My surgeon, Dr. Rice, was really great and his staff helped calm my nerves through the whole process. For the first 3 days I was really in pain, couldn’t move much, needed pain killers. The next 2 days I was feeling good, able to walk around. On the 6th day I felt so great after my post-op appointment. I went out for dinner, then met up with friends, stayed up late, and had a few drinks. In hindsight, this was not a good idea. I was SO SORE the next day. Had a wee hangover plus the bruising was starting to get worse. I spent the next 3 days barely leaving the couch. Thank god for Netflix, iTunes, and a BF who loves to relax.

I’ve got about 2 weeks until I can do regular exercise. I’m so excited for this! Working out has been a huge sense of anxiety and me feeling uncomfortable for the last few years. I could never just throw on something cute and go for a run outside, working out meant finding the right bra (or 3!) to strap the bubs in, then covering up with something baggy to avoid unwanted glances. I’ve had dents in my shoulders from straps for years and thankfully my back/shoulders felt better almost right away.

I’ve booked a session with a trainer but if anyone has exercises they recommend, please LMK!

Also, if you’ve been considering a breast reduction and want to ask me about going through the process and how it was covered by Ontario Health insurance, send me an email casie[at] It was just over a year ago when I got a referral from my doctor and booked my first appointment to discuss with a plastic surgeon. I’m happy with the results and can’t wait till the bruising and swelling disappear.


Taste of Toronto 2016

Last week I went to my first Taste of Toronto event at Fort York. I biked over just in time for the media VIP and ribbon cutting. If you’re following me on Snapchat you’ll have caught the behind the scenes vids in real time. [If you aren’t following me on SNAPCHAT yet, GET ON IT.]

I’m using photos by Sam Santos for George Pimentel Photography because when you’re a shorty it’s real hard to get a great photo from behind the photo pit.

Taste of Toronto is a 4 day food fest featuring the city’s finest restaurants, where you can can sip gourmet cocktails, and learn a few culinary tricks on the way from world-class chefs at interactive displays and sessions.

mcewan, toronto, taste of toronto, chef
Chef Marc McEwan Kicking off the Festival
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Casie Stewart, Taste of Toronto, Pimentel Photography

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Simple Style, The White T-Shirt

Simple Style, The White T-Shirt

I know this may not seem like a big deal to anyone (with small boobs) but today I put on a while tshirt and it actually looked cute. ???

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Here We Go! Weight Off My Shoulders ??

Here We Go! Weight Off My Shoulders ??

Sitting in the waiting room with my sister. An hour from now I’ll be in surgery. I can’t wait to have new boobs and ditch some of this weight! I’m looking forward to this all being over and starting a new workout regime in a couple weeks. I’ll be able to wear cute workout clothes for once! And only 1 bra!

In other news, someone’s dad decided the waiting room for surgery was a great place to listen to all the different bird sounds from a bird watching website. I politely asked him to get headphones or stop. I’m in hospital clothes (he wasn’t) so I feel like I can do that rn.

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Putting the JOY in JOMO

Putting the JOY in JOMO

There’s a good chance you met me at an event (if we’ve met IRL). Over the past 10 years I have gone to as many events as I could. Some weeks 3/night for 3/5 days a week. It’s a great way to meet new people, make friends, and expand your network. It’s also quite tiring, as is living on the internet and sharing your life throughout the day.

I still love going out but since my digital detox in Costa Rica I’ve also come to love being home. There was a time when I would trek across the city just to see everyone be seen at a party, then back to another event, and dance the night away.  Now, quite often, I find myself scrolling photos from people who were out the night before thinking ‘ooh, that looks fun’ and feeling joy that I didn’t make it.

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My fav Snapchat filter is BACK!

You see, I’ve been to SO MANY things that I don’t really feel like I’m missing out.

I know there’ll always be cool new things but I also knowI mentally feel great when I have a good sleep and get up early, checking things off my list.

I make a point to pop by things hosted by people I care about or someone I’d like to meet, I’m just a little more choosy now.

I find it’s great to bundle them and make pit stops early so you can get home at a reasonable hour.

Clearly I’m getting older, ha!

Follow along my adventures on Snapchat (casiestewart) for real time hilarity and a break in your day. ??



Take The Sushine Wherever You Go

Take The Sushine Wherever You Go

Good morning from Trinity Bellwoods! I was on my way to the office when I decided to have a little hangout with my computer. If you missed my Facebook LIVE you can watch it here.  It’s absolutely stunning out today!

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Muskoka For The Win, Amazing Cottage Weekend ✔️

Muskoka For The Win, Amazing Cottage Weekend ✔️

It’s like a mini vacation with every visit, like hitting the reset button. ?????? Today Sean and I had the best day, ice cream and a car show, then Grand Electric Muskoka for tacos and ceviche. ???

TBH I like the Grand Electric Muskoka vibe WAY better than the Queen West location, not as loud and the staff are higher on the chill scale.?

casiestewart, casie stewart, vocab communications, columbia sportswear canada, chrissy newton

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Friday Fun! 

This morning I was at the Four Seasons for a shoot with Kelsey who is a co-owner of Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica. We were taking about my digital detox and the importance of disconnecting in an uber connected world.

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Been Using Miracle 10 for 3 Months – Here’s My Results!

Been Using Miracle 10 for 3 Months – Here’s My Results!

I get heaps of beauty products and I try to use them all but, I only have one face. I often share them with mum, my sisters or friends. A couple months ago I was invited to The 10 Spot to try out Miracle 10 and get a mani. In searching email I found out that I was first contacted in 2013 about this product, created by a Canadian skin care company and developed by The Plastic Surgery Skincare Clinic Inc. I kinda suck at sticking to a beauty regime but I gave Miracle 10  try for 2 months and actually documented my face as it changed.

This product was gifted to me and I didn’t have to blog about it BUT I noticed a difference and since I took all those selfies I owe it to myself to share! 

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Getting this Off My Chest ?

Getting this Off My Chest ?

I’m not really sure how to share this with the world but since I’ve been documenting here for a decade, it’s probably the best spot! 

About a month ago I got a phone call that changed my life. Today is the first step before a HUGE life change. I’m getting a breast reduction.

I’ve been talking about doing this since I grew them 20 years ago. ??  Last year I went to a doctor and got a referral to a great surgeon. At my appointment he took some measurements and sent the info to OHIP. I didn’t hear anything for about 6 months and then I got the call.

Today my sister is coming to my pre-op appointment. I’m not feeling too nervous because I’ve actually waited a lifetime for this. I’ve had back pain and dents in my shoulders for too long!

I was considering not writing about it but reading other people’s stories on the RealSelf forum has really helped with anxiety and motivation.  Hopefully at least one person reading this finds it helpful or inspiring.

Hopefully the appointment today goes well. Nervous excited is my favourite feeling. ?

UPDATE: My appointment was amazing! My sister and I loved meeting the staff, we had a bunch of laughs and felt like the nurse was one of my friends. I’m pleased to know I won’t be on bed rest and will be totally ok to walk around post surgery, it’s even encouraged. The stitches dissolve which is good bc I’ve seen some gross photos. They take out 50% of the weight and I can’t wait (haha) to know what THAT feels like. I’m soooooo looking forward to being able to run without having them bounce around and exercising in normal exercise not wearing a pile of bras/clothes to hide/secure them.

Feeling very thankful to live in Canada where Ontario Health Insurance Plan covers this. Legit #blessed! In 2 weeks I’m gonna be a new woman. I might even start doing outfit posts!


Digital Detox #tbt 

Digital Detox #tbt 

Looking back at my Amazing trip to Costa Rica where I stayed at Anamaya Resort. Read about my digital detox here. I’m ready for another one TBH! Check out this cool Summer Solstice RESET happening on June 20th in Trinity Bellwoods.

Have a beautiful day! 


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Summer eReading in the Sun + Kobo Giveaway

Summer eReading in the Sun + Kobo Giveaway

Since getting my Kobo reader I’ve read more in the last 2 months than I have in the past couple years. ? I used to spend (a little too much) time scrolling my phone before bed, now I scroll a few pages of my book. Reading a book is much better relaxation before bed than reading random tweets or Facebook status updates, trust me on this one. I also really love how easy it is to read in the sun, together we’ve lazed on the dock, rode the sunny streetcar, and chilled in the park.

Last month I accepted the Kobo 7-Day e-reading challenge (read that post here), to replace my print book with a Kobo Glo HD for 7 days. Don’t get me wrong, I love paper books but fitting a pile in your carry-on or daily purse is just NOT practical. Kobo was created to please us fans of print books and tech lovers alike.

Aside from my loonnnng reading list I just learned they have MAGAZINES. ??

I’m currently reading HER, a novel by Harriet Lane and have recently finished YOU by Carolyn Kepness and Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave. During the summer I like reading light hearted chick lit or mystery novels. It’s a great way to take my brain on an adventure and step away from work. A few other great things about Kobo

  1. reading a preview of a book before you buy
  2. using the app on any of your devices
  3. built in wifi
  4. super light (not heavy)

The kind folks at Kobo have given me a device for YOU.  The brand new Kobo Glo HD retails for $139.99, comes fully equipped with wifi, customizable fonts/text size/margins, and the battery lasts f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Ok, well not forever but waaaaay longer than your iPhone.  

The contest is open to anyone in Canada and runs today till Friday, June 10th. Enter below!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Beer, Chips, Ferris Wheel, and The Adventure Contnues

My packages all get delivered to the 1188 office so sometimes I arrive art the office and it’s like Christmas! Yesterday I got a rad present from Blue Moon Brewery & VICE Canada, a party invite in the form of a colouring book with a nice set of pencils. So neat! The drawings are all by The Crazy Plate Lady (check her out here, so cool).

DYK THERES A KETCHUP DAY? Now you do! Lay’s sent a BOX of ketchup chips. I’ve shared most w/ the office because even though I could eat them all, I really shouldn’t. ?

Another clue in the weekend adventure w/ Ford Canada, they delivered this bag complete with a custom luggage tag. 

The Twitter conversation continued after this delivery but I still don’t know where we are going or what to pack. I’m thinking I’ll take everything Columbia Sportswear has given me and stay super casual. 

On Monday night I went to the Rogers Upfronts. If you’re not familiar w/ TV, it’s where they gather media and advertisers to share stats and introduce new programming. After, they have a huge banger. I laid on the field at 3rd base with a few of my bros and watched the show. After, ate all the snacks and rode the ferris wheel that was INSIDE the Blue Jays Stadium. So cool. 

Each of the channels (Vice, sports, etc) had a booth set up to share cool things about new shows. There was also beach volleyball, candy bars, and a couple food trucks. 

Saw this on my travels yesterday and loved it. You really don’t have to be a genius to make your life a masterpiece, you just have to go out and make it something. When I was a kid I used to write UNEEK on my notebooks. Everything comes full circle! 

This morning I’m speaking on a panel at Social Media Week about brands and influencers, it’s gonna be good. Very hot topic rn so quite fitting. 

Here’s to a GREAT DAY! 

Remember the Moments

Remember the Moments

This weekend was so nice and chill. We had a couple friends up at the cottage. Saturday was super sunny and beautiful while Sunday was the perfect lazy, rainy, couch day.

Put the LayBag in the water and it is so awesome. I purchased it after seeing ads on FB and I’m super glad I did. It’s a bit harder to fill up than it looks in the commercial but I’ve almost got it down.

This summer Sean and I have had heaps of time up at the cottage and it’s really helped me chill out. Ever since my digital detox in April I’ve really tried to take some relax time on the weekends.

This weekend I’m going away with Ford Canada on a mystery getaway. If you check the #EscapeandDiscover hashtag on Twitter a bunch of us bloggers have been anxiously trying to try and figure out what we’re doing.

Oh Internet ILU.

Mindful Driving with the Ford Edge

ford edge, mindful driving, ford canadaa

For me, last month was all about taking a break. The first three months of 2016 were super busy and I was feeling tired. Like, over whelmed don’t-feel-likeinternetting tired. After 10 years of blogging and being part of the internet, I’ve learned that it’s important to recharge your batteries with a break, reading a book, or taking a vacation. Being in media/social media can take a lot out of you and I needed to chill. My trip to Costa Rica was the perfect way to slow down and take a digital detox.

When I got back, Ford hooked me up with a brand new Ford Edge Sport similar to those that they sell at Wichita Ford Car Dealers Conklin Cars, for a week and taught me about mindful driving. I had a private yoga session with YuMee in the Ford Edge where she taught me some tricks for long drives (cottage) or in car stretching (back, wrists, hands, fingers). We did a few poses outside the car too. YOGA ANYWHERE.

YumMee reminded me it’s important to do a posture check when you’re in the car, it’s easy to slouch which can leave you tired or strain your shoulders. Reminder to sit up straight right now!

A couple things I really like about the Ford Edge that I found made it relaxing and chill to drive:

  • – Ford SYNC3, you can use Siri while driving and voice commands to control the console
  • – no cap on the gas thing aka EasyFuel
  • – lumbar support on the front seats, great for lower back
  • – Enhanced Active Park Assist, major stress saver for parallel and perpendicular parking
  • – Blind Spot Information System (BLIS), the car actually beeps when there’s someone in your blindspot

Next month I’m going on an overnight adventure with Ford Canada and I’m not sure where yet! It’s a mystery for now, looking forward to that surprise. We’re planning to Escape and Discover so I think we’ll be driving the ford Escape.

If you’re looking to learn more about mindful driving and or features on the Ford Edge, visit

Follow me on Snapchat and Twitter for more adventures!


TSO & AGO, The Decades Project: A spellbinding journey through time

On Wednesday night I’ve got a hot date with one of my BFFs to go to the TSO. It’s one of those great attractions we have downtown but I feel like people always forget about it when they’re looking for a night out. It makes a great date for someone you love (BFF, BF) or a really nice night out by yourself.

The TSO has partnered with the AGO for The Decades Project: an unparalleled concert-going experience that combines transformative orchestral performances with exciting surprises galore.

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Wanna go?

The TSO gave me a pair of tickets to share. The show is at 8pm. If you can get there you are eligible to win! Contest closes Wednesday AM and I’ll notify the winner at noon. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Show: Ravel Daphnis et ChloéWED, JUN 1 at 8:00pm

Under the inspiring baton of Basque conductor Juanjo Mena, this riveting program of masterpieces from the second decade of the 20th century brings you Ravel’s voluptuous mythological ballet score, Daphnis et Chloé, in its full, original version. Charismatic Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto performs the robust Violin Concerto by Danish composer Carl Nielsen, three of whose symphonies the TSO performed to great acclaim last season.


Fitzroy Boutique Does Rentals Now! ?

Fitzroy Boutique Does Rentals Now! ?

Last week I had an event and as usual was scrambling to find something to wear. A few days earlier the girls at Fitzroy Boutique sent a note about their new dress rental service. Decided to popped by there a couple hours before the event to see what they had. I needed a Cinderella moment!

The store is always full of beautiful dresses, flowy things, and great accessories.

The latest pop-up is at 98 Ossington, half-way between Queen & Dundas, west side. They’ve got two racks of dresses for rent, and for $50 you can borrow a beauty for 3 days AND IT INCLUDES DRY CLEANING. Check out all the dresses here.

I wore this super cute Sea Shell dress by Blessed Are The Meek. The back is open making it fit really nice in the front, not too tight on the tatas. It’s super flowy and short making it the perfect dance number for a wee lil’ lady.

This is the intro price so if you have a summer full of weddings and garden parties, book now! Thanks A&J for making me feel like a qween!

Some fun stories coming up this week, 2 upcoming trips, a HUGE life change, some thoughts on mindfulness, being your best self, an upcoming workshop, AND a Kobo giveaway. I’ve been reading heaps since I got mine and love it, perfect for on the boat, in a hammock, or on a long drive (to the cottage!).

Here’s to a great week and sunshine all around!

Feeling Vine

Tonight we are heading up to the cottage because the boat is coming tomorrow! I can’t wait to get back out on my paddle board this weekend too. The weather calls for rain but I hope it’s only a little here and there, if at all.

I’m not driving here, in case you were worries, Snapchat flips videos snd I was safely in the passenger seat.

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Loving this new dress sent over by Sara Duke, it’s called the Tanner Dress. She’s a Canadian designer, check out her collection at

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This baby goat I posted from a shoot with 1188 last month is the single most popular piece of content I’ve ever published. EVER. It’s almost at 100K views! Baby animals for the win.

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This afternoon I’m speaking on a panel for TO Webfest at MaRs on College. You can check out the panel here! Thids is the 3rd annual T.O. WEBFEST, a three day festival w/ panels,  workshops, networkingscreenings, installations, awards, and events.

Ok, I’ve been working away at home and should really be out the door by now!

1-casie_yellowheart, love

National Wine Day + Montes Wine Giveaway

A couple weeks ago I hosted a fun night with some of my bffs thanks to Montes Wine where paired Chilean cuisine a few of Montes finest . To celebrate National Wine Day (yes, thats a real thing!) I’ve partnered with them to do a wine giveaway.

Montes Wine is from Chile and can be found at the LCBO. My fav from the tasting are Montes Twins Sauvignon Blanc 2015Montes Alpha Malbec 2o12, and the Montes Alpha Cab Sav 2013. I don’t usually drink white wine much but their Sauv Blanc was delicious.

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Morning Commute for a Change

Morning Commute for a Change

It’s amazing how much you forget how to take the subway when you haven’t in a while. This morning I went from Dundas West to Summerhill and somehow made three mistakes along the way, wrong stop, wrong way, wrong side. 

What a n00b! I’m nearly done my book on Kobo so I guess that’s the real reason. 

I use do take the subway to work at my first job in Toronto. About an hour each way from Broadview to Yorkdale. It was worth it because I wanted to work in fashion SO BAD and this was my foot in the door at a really big private retail company. 

It’s so weird when you catch eyes with someone on the subway. Quick, look away. 

Typing on my phone is a great way to stay entertained. Almost done my coffee but I’m here now. Took way longer than I expected. Should have taken an Uber. It’s not as close to the subway stop as I thought, I really screwed up these directions but it’s pretty nice out today. ☀️

Kobo 7-Day Reading Challenge


Growing up I spent heaps of time at the library with mum. Each summer we joined the Summer Reading Club and went back and forth to the Preston Branch carrying books in the wagon, the stroller, or homemade bookbags. Mrs. Macdonald, the librarian, was a familiar part of our lives and helped us learn to love books and reading.

Since joining the internet, I’ve read less books, well, I’d say less books overall since college/uni. This year I set a goal to read more books, scroll less websites. So far I’ve not done too bad! Last week I started a 7-day reading challenge with Kobo to discover the joy of e-reading.

The new Kobo Glo HD is the latest eReader, it’s 6″ screen is super clear and reads just like paper. There’s 4GB of storage which is a LOT of books. Up to 3K!

This is my first time with an e-reader and I really like it. I find it much easier to read on this device than phone or iPad due to the screen (Carta E Ink). You can also customize the light, font, and margins to personalize your experience.

Next week I’ve got a GIVEAWAY for a Kobo Glo HD so we can be twins. If you’re keen to get reading before I then, DL the Kobo app on any device (with this link) and get a $5 credit towards your first purchase.

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Things I like most about my new Kobo:

  • – It’s SUPER light, nothing like carrying around a few novels ?
  • – Fits in a small purse or the pocket of my trench coat
  • – Battery lasts ages
  • – You can read in the sun, no glare! ☀️
  • – The Kobo app has so many books and recommendations, all you need is wifi ?

This weekend I started YOU by Carolyn Kepnes, the same author of Hidden Bodies I read earlier this year. It’s a real page turner, I’m on chapter 28 now. ?


Switch to eBills from Toronto Hydro, Get a Prize, and You Might Be Heading To The Rockies!

Switch to eBills from Toronto Hydro, Get a Prize, and You Might Be Heading To The Rockies!

If you’ve not switched to paperless bills from Toronto Hydro, here’s a good reason, aside from saving the environment and giving yourself a little less clutter each month. I dunno about you but we seem to have piles of paper that accumulate around the house, one less bill would be nice. If you need more storage for your clutter, office monster has a full pedestal range in a selection of styles.


Right now, if you switch to paperless bills with Toronto Hydro you’ll get an EnviroCare package delivered and be entered for a chance to WIN a National Geographic Journeys with G Adventures tour for two to the Rocky Mountains, valued at $9,300. This trip includes flight, accommodation, and activities for 11 days!

Switch to eBills before June 30, 2016 to be entered!

[ctt title=”Send me a tweet about making the switch! ” tweet=”Switched to @TorontoHydro ebills & entered to win an epic trip w/ @GAdventures. TY @casiestewart! #HydroGTA” coverup=”m0srU”]

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The thing I like best about this is getting rid of clutter. It boggles my mind how many things I accumulate each month week. I feel like I’m forever chucking things in the bin and an attempt to get rid of clutter.

For more info about switching or full prize details, visit

Three cheers for less clutter & saving the environment!


New Mattress Love – Endy, Made in Toronto

New Mattress Love – Endy, Made in Toronto

A couple of weeks ago I sent a jokey tweet to Endy (a Canadian mattress company) asking them to be my friendy, cute right? I was hoping it would be the start of a beautiful friendship where we got a new mattress and then had better sleeps forever. The end. Well, that’s exactly what happened! Sean and I have been looking through the best mattresses 2020 and contemplating whether or not we should get a new mattress. If you are in a similar position, The Dozy Owl has more info on buying a mattress for those interested. The process of finding the perfect mattress can be quite difficult if you don’t have time to head to the store to test them for yourself. Sites like Mattress Battle can remove some of the stress by supplying you with comparisons and reviews of the best mattresses so that you can make an informed decision. After checking out Endy, Sean said ‘why don’t you tweet them’ and that’s how it all started. A couple of days later I received an email from them and worked out a dealio.

Working with brands via social can be really fun. When I’m looking to get the attention of someone, I often reach out via tweet or slide into their DMs. Building relationships with brands or influencers is a lot easier if you keep an eye on what they’re up so, and start out with a compliment or nice message instead of asking for something right away.

Endy is manufactured in Toronto, compressed and rolled into an easy to move box, then delivered to your door (by bike if you’re downtown!).

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Telus + Mother’s Day: What’s The Best Mother’s Day Present Ever?

Telus + Mother’s Day: What’s The Best Mother’s Day Present Ever?

This post was original written last year and we did a giveaway. In honour of Mother’s Day this year I wanted to share it again because I love the video so much!

Mother’s Day is always a super special day for both my mum and I because I was born on Mother’s Day! What a great gift! haha. No, in all seriousness, I’m mum’s first born and there was some complications during my birth where she nearly died. Thank heavens we both made it, she’s the biggest inspiration in my life and I am so thankful for her. ILU MUM. ?

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Chilean Girls Night In w/ Montes Wine

Chilean Girls Night In w/ Montes Wine

Last week my BFFs and I celebrated Jen’s birthday with a wine tasting thanks to Montes Wine.  Montes was founded  in 1987 and is the the pioneer producer of premium quality Chilean wines. Our night started with an informal tasting with a totally awesome sommelier, Lesley Prevost, followed by a delicious selection of Chilean catering.

We were treated to four of their premium wines you can now find at the LCBO:

We all really enjoyed the Sauv Blanc, it was light and fruity, with nodes of tropical fruits pineapple, grapefruit and orange blossom. I could deff see myself drinking this all summer. I think it would be really nice w/with some fruit/Perrier on ice.

I really enjoyed the Malbec/Cab Sav blend, it has 14% alcohol and low acid (good for me with acid reflux ? ). The other two reds pair really well with meat & cheese.

Look at those angelic faces, Montes Angels! img_1586.jpg

If you’re looking to try something new at the LCBO (and love Chilean wine), give Montes Wines a try. They’ve also got a carmenère at the LCBO I’d like to pair with a nice BBQ at the cottage. Spring, get here alreadyyyyy! 

Later this month I’ve got a giveaway with Montes Wine that’s open to anyone in Ontario. Will let you know when it’s live! 


1,776 Steps! Did The CN Tower Climb for WWF Canada

en tower climb, casie stewart, clif bar, april wozny, toronto

I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do the CN Tower climb and this month the opportunity came to climb with CLIF Bar for WWF Canada. I asked April to join me and we conquered it in 23 minutes! That’s 144 official flights plus the few it takes to get to the first numbered stairs and then a couple extra flights to the glass floor lookout.

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