Jimmy & Michelle Mom Dancing?

Saw this on the news this morning and had a good laugh. Michelle Obama is the coolest First Lady EVER. I’m trying to remember my Mum doing these moves as a kid. I’m sure she had a few, the snaps. This will give you a good laugh. Enjoy!

Was so nice to visit Mum this weekend. This is her, Jenie, Sean, and I back stage for The Sheepdogs concert at Echo Beach last summer. I was probably showing them something amazing on TEH INTERNET.  I’m getting so sick of winter. I want to ride my bike and play outside already!

In other news, I cleaned James Dean, my lil’ 11″ Macbook Air last night using this program called Grand Perspective. It lets you creep inside your computer and see what taking up the most space. Somehow all kinds of my gmail.imap messages were saving on my unit and taking up HEAPS of space. I deleted them and now my computer is fast again. Get to know your data people!

It’s gonne be stormy tonight. Hopefully this is the last hurrah before Spring comes. Have yourself an awesome day!


I’m Sorry.

I’m Sorry.


I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to.

I had a great chat with a friend and loyal blog reader this weekend about my blog THIS IS MY LIFE. I have been updating daily for years up until January of this year and to be honest, I was tired and didn’t really feel like sharing. Maybe I had the winter blues? I’ve also been feeling a little dissatisfied with the blog. I would like to implement a few changes like switching to a more reliable web hosting platform in order to improve my reader’s experience. However, I need to learn more about A2 Hosting first.

I started blogging so I had a place to keep all my memories. A collection of people, places, things, and thoughts. It evolved, took me around the world, to red carpets, runways, TV, print, and even film. I would not have been able to do all those wonderful things without you guys reading about all the adventures. Thank you 🙂

In other news, I’m back on track this week after the nasty cold I had last week. Attended a funeral on the weekend and got to stop by and visit boith Mum and Dad with Sean. Always nice to give them hugs and have a few laughs.

Mum framed these and kept them out to show me. I’ve always been an artistic kid…


… with a flare for the media! This quote and artwork posted in the local paper when I was 7 years old.


I hope your week is off to a great start! Have an awesome day,


Harlem Reacts to the Harlem Shake

This makes me really glad we didn’t do one of these at the office. I wanted to last week but the trend was a short lived one. It’s crazy how fast memes move these days.

Thomas Sabo Winner!

Thanks to y’all who entered my Thomas Sabo Contest last month. The winner is Jamie Leigh! As a Canadian Ambassasor for Thomas Sabo I hope to do more giveaways this year. The new SS 2013 collection is now online. Check out some of my fav items on Pinterest.

Thanks for entering and reading!



HP Love Case Contest

HP Love Case Contest



Thank you. This was so fun. Much gratitude to everyone who entered. Having a blog is a bit of a strange thing, I’ve been publishing for years and with people not commenting much anymore, it’s nice to get feedback!

Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Feb 20 2013 19:31:32

These are in no particular order and I LOVE THEM ALL.
Happy Vday @casiestewart I Chooooooose you to be mah Valentine 😀 #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/Tk3ZEDk8Kim Jones
Yes, Parv. 
My Valentine for @casiestewart #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/28nGApMEParv 🙂
I love the Vine, thanks DV!
Ahh! Finally finished my Illustrated Valentine for @casiestewart #LOVECASE Hope she loves it! http://vine.co/v/br7DrUgazAdDonna Vitan
Delicious. When am I coming over?
@casiestewart #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/e4veBE8BChi
Dr. Who! Good one Hollie.
@casiestewart I love HP and well i find you rather.. #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/WkADkDCVHollie Pollard
Heart on for you too KH.
@casiestewart Look what I found in the park. It’s fate. #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/3fvVBlDfkathanley
Printed this out and now I need a new book to read. 
@casiestewart Happy Valentine’s Day and happy reading! #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/UcGSIt9kOlivia Lasting
You know I love vintage. Thank you Saminder!
@casiestewart i am not an artist, but came up with some great vintage photos and arranged them for you. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/OB2YzW0csaminder gumer
Rock on!
@casiestewart I have been working on a few Valentine’s for you. Pick which one you like. YOU ROCK!! #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/MpE5QlRdsaminder gumer
@casiestewart here is another one i made for you. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/T3hVNwcdsaminder gumer
@casiestewart i love you!!!! be my valentine. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/EIsGLc2ksaminder gumer
I used to make pop-ups alllll the time. I hope someone got this one on VDAY.
@casiestewart i #LoveCase and will you be my Valentine? http://pic.twitter.com/vNLZu3UXsaminder gumer
@casiestewart the Coup d’état of my art for the night!! #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/KXiEAmbPsaminder gumer
Love it.
I LOVE THIS ONE. LOVE. Chainsaw arms!
And finally, the random winner is CARLI. You are awesome too girl. 
Thank you x a million for entering. I love you for it. Sorry for my delay in posting these and a winner. Have been sick the last couple days and am on the road to recovery. Will hopefully have some more contests! I want everyone to win something 🙂 

Enjoy the day. Much love, 

Sunshine Raincoat





Felt like something warm, hearty, and healthy for lunch. Popped into Cafe Bernate for my fav avocado, chicken, brie sandwich on French bread. They have a great vegetable lentil soup too.

This weather has everyone feeling dreary after the long weekend. I love wearing my yellow raincoat on days like this to brighten things up 🙂