- full bodied & bright, @senseappeal. http://post.ly/1yz9N #
- Fenway http://post.ly/1yz0W #
- Oct 21, 2009 – Interiors of "School Bakery & Cafe" in Liberty Village. For restaurant review. Photo: Charla Jones/Gl… http://post.ly/1yyzN #
- Photo: › Shalom Harlow wearing Marchesa at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Shalom is always so freaking… http://tumblr.com/xmj2d7y2ex #
- Photo: Body Parts http://tumblr.com/xmj2d7xcre #
- exciting day #
- Photo: mermaid http://tumblr.com/xmj2d7s47c #
- Photo: › Christina Ricci at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › I am obsessed with this Zac Posen dress. http://tumblr.com/xmj2d7abxu #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/aEolW1x9O3k?a N'importe Comment – The Toxic Avenger featuring Orelsan #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/3ojq5qQk6AQ?a Yelle – A Cause Des Garçons (Official Music Video HQ) #
- Emma Stone in Lanvin – › Emma Stone in Lanvin › › The Met Costume Institue Gala 2011 › › (Source:… http://tumblr.com/xmj2d74rxf #
- Photo: Stewart. http://tumblr.com/xmj2d74gex #
- election tweet stream is like so fast man. #elxn41 #
- 1 for green. #
- this is not boring. #elxn41 #
- #tweettheresults http://post.ly/1yxmn #
- Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj2d6ajva #
- Whoa Jack, in the 80's. #movember #elxn41 #
- I can't believe how low the Liberal vote is. #elxn41 #
- trinity spadina!! #elxn41 #
- Photo: › Rihanna in Stella McCartney Costume Institute Gala in NYC. http://tumblr.com/xmj2d5zmuy #
- my vote counted. #
- Photo: › Mary-Kate Olsen in vintage http://tumblr.com/xmj2d5p912 #
- Photo: › Ashely Olsen in vintage http://tumblr.com/xmj2d5p1gp #
- here we go. the polls have oficialls closed! #elxn41 http://goo.gl/fb/zRTft #blog #
- alonetogetherxoxo: http://tumblr.com/xmj2d570j2 #
- proud to be Canadian. #
- #THEPARTY #elxn41 (@ Canada Federal Vote 2011 w/ @melissaiscool @stephanieceline @danspr @rlangdon @withoutayard) http://4sq.com/iB7Bm1 #
- Photo: › Christina Ricci wearing a Zac Posen gown at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Breathtakingly… http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4q72b #
- Photo: › Blake + Karl @ Met Ball 2011 http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4okmc #
- Photo: Giselle http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4o1pd #
- Photo: › Dakota Fanning in Valentino. http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4nvma #
- Photo: skinnyandtallmodels http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4ku5l #
- Photo: vogue:FIRST LOOK: Inside the Costume Institute Gala During Set-Up http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4k6y6 #
- Photo: Olsen http://tumblr.com/xmj2d4i4d6 #
- One hour till polls close! Get out there & VOTE! #elxn41 #cp24elxn #
- i wish i had an ipad2 for the #cp24elxn kitchen party. #
- Voted for #THEPARTY ! #tweettheresults #elxn41 #
- Photo: › Office: [Watching the mission to kill Bin Laden unfold.] http://tumblr.com/xmj2d32nm0 #
- Photo: @natekogan and this shirt is for the girls http://tumblr.com/xmj2d325bz #
- Photo: paws up http://tumblr.com/xmj2d2or78 #
- MTV 🙁 RT @VanhollebekeS4C: Music and television were so much better back in the nineties. #
- Polls close 9:30pm!! RT @Outfit_Maker: just got registered to vote and voted in 5 minutes..get on it Canadians! #canada #VOTE #
- Twitter + Tweetdeck = love birds http://tcrn.ch/j7Oy4R #
- What do you mean by 'heavenly'? http://post.ly/1ytzd #
- Have you voted yet? If not, get out there Canada! This is your country 🙂 #
- First Mexican resto in 8mo. Thanks @foursquare 😉 #
- 18 (@ Burrito Boyz) [pic]: http://4sq.com/j1PM55 #
- have signed a few emails today w/ "don't forget to vote". it's really important we all vote. #
- business. #
- is elecetions canada watching tweets for real or no? ya i think. #
- yesterday i had a #SATC marathon & wore my Carrie name necklace. haha http://bit.ly/mj9ExQ #
- i really feel like sewing. #
- now that's funny. RT @bigrhardrfastr: @casiestewart http://PREMATURE-E-JACK-U-LAYTON.COM #
- will you be election tweeting tonight? #
- RE: Thank you sweetness 🙂 http://disq.us/1uh8pu #
- i did it. it was so succexxy. http://goo.gl/fb/f2Ejz #blog #
- totally, @LaurenRosenblum. Speakerphone is obnoxious. Get a headset people! #
- my first serious boyfriend in grade 9 was named Hussein. #
- 20% off Printing Services @ UPS on Front Street http://post.ly/1yqCw #
- new biz cards are limited edition cards, collect them all! weeeeeeeeee! #
- Special Mother's Day Offer from Our Friends at FTD from #borders http://post.ly/1yq24 #
- she keeps falling for the creeps, she's a wet blanket magnet. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/smFutID1roA?a) #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/NExkkCNnomo?a Metric – Succexy #
- Give Your Keyboard Some Wood http://tnw.to/183Lc by @mpanzarino on @tnwgadgets #
- i need help changing a lightbulb 🙁 #
- Crikey. RT @KatiaMillar: BBC News Makes A Big Mistake http://ow.ly/4LhKl <= Yikes! #
- blog gang @bangsandabun http://twitpic.com/4sf03c #
- I just voted and ooooooh it feels so good. #elxn41 #sexy #vote #
- Great chat about voting w/ the bank ladies. All so nice here! (@ CIBC) http://4sq.com/lxLojN #
- if you don't know @bangsandabun yet lemme introduce you http://bangsandabun.com #
- Ursh, The Sun. SO trashy always. RT @christineestima: compare and contrast (#obl) http://plixi.com/p/98034113 #
- i wonder what Jack would look like without the mustache? he's so cute. #
- speakerphone should only be used when you are alone, in public/around people is SO annoying/rude. #
- Photo: cool crystals http://tumblr.com/xmj2cw290k #
- Photo: open your eyes. http://tumblr.com/xmj2cvzorj #
- Election doodle from @google! http://post.ly/1ynrS #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/AziG_VMPp5M?a Vote by Gerard C. #
- If you don't vote, I don't think we can be friends. #
- Torontist, Toronto Star and Boing Boing endorse the NDP in Canada's national election http://bit.ly/kbt20w #
- Wonder if Obama has a cape? http://flpbd.it/hXpl #
- Voting is sexy! Did you know voter turnout in 2008 was lowest in Canadian History? http://flpbd.it/3Vo8 #
- So excited to #vote today. We are so lucky to have this opportunity! #
- #yeswecan #
- Voter turnout in 2008 was lowest in Canadian History http://goo.gl/fb/BHZdP #blog #
- what time do the polls open? imma get in there real early. #
thinking about summer
Laying in the grass.
Dance parties in the park.
I got a rocket stick like this from Wind Mobile the other day.
i did it. it was so succexxy.
I grabbed onto that voters card.
and took it downstairs to my polling station.
with my raincoat on.
Then I voted. I marked an X in that box like it was my job. Really gave’r, y’know.
Then I came back upstairs and looked outside.
And read Flipboard, on ipad.
Then I listened to some Metric.
And admired the flowers I got last week.
Carrie has one and now I do too :)
This lovely silver jem was sent to me by mynamenecklace.co.nz. They have name rings, reckon I want one of those too! Check out all the fun thins you can get with your name on them here.Thanks for sending guys! NZ ILU!
In spirit of tonight’s MET Gala, here’s a pic of the late Alexander McQueen and Sarah Jessica Parker at the Costume Institute Gala in 2006. Don’t they look divine!
Voter turnout in 2008 was lowest in Canadian History
I know you are really smart because you are here reading this. If you are in Canada you are even awesomer and today you have an election. You get to have a say in what happens in your country, our country.
I don’t care who you vote for but please, PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE. It’s so important. I rounded up a few things from the internet and I hope they inspire you to go to your polling station and PUT AN X IN A BOX.
- There is much at stake in this election. Yet the biggest decision for many eligible voters is not whom to choose, but choosing to vote at all. …read more
“stop being such a hipster and go to the polls and vote”
These videos were made by KIDS in highschool. They are voting. You know you are legally allowed to leave work & vote.
I found out some info about my riding & canditates from Project Democracy. You can find your info there too. I live in the downtown hipster riding. Imagine all of us voted? Our votes make a difference dudes.
I read a good article about the ongoing election tweeting debate on canada.com “You can’t stop the tweeting folks“.
Maybe we will change a law tomorrow?
- Do they really think they can put a lid on the information that is being released on the Internet on election day while efforts by other governments to control information in their repressive regimes are proving to be so ineffective? It’s as fruitless as trying to hold your ground while a massive tsunami rushes towards you. If Elections Canada is truly serious about the necessity of concealing election results while some polls are still open, the only way to accomplish it is to keep all the results from across the country under wraps until the last poll closes in B.C. …read more.
A few words from Rick Mercer:
- “So please, if you are between the ages of 18 and 25 and you wanna scare the hell out of the people ruling this country, this time around do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day and do what young people all over the world are dying to do: VOTE.”
I posted heaps about Obama before he won. I really like him, his character, the way he delivers a message. Watching him speak just now brought that back. Love that swagger.
justice has been done.
Posted some funnies on my tumblr. Enjoy!
sometimes i don’t feel like it #3
I’m immersed in technology from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed. I often wonder what it’s like to wake up and not check the internet.
Blogging about your own life is a wierd and wonderful thing but sometimes I don’t feel like it. This isn’t a new feeling. I didn’t feel like it Jan. 13, 2011, Oct. 6, 2010, Aug. 2, 2010, Jan. 30, 2010. Everyone has days they don’t fee like clocking in at the office. Remember going on vacation and being out of touch and not knowing what is going on at school or around the water cooler? That doesn’t happen anymore.
I’m addicted to connecting, multitasking, multiplatform updates. When I break I escape to tumblr. Well, that’s not really a break from the inernet but it’s really nice 🙂
pimp vodka coca gin fiz monte à la tête
i forgot to tell you something.
She was delivered this last night. What should I name her? Hawaii is so secretive, black market baby trade, he won’t tell me where he got it. I feel very Victoria Newman. (if you watch the Y&R that is pretty funny). I was wondering where you can get one of these things in recently and turns out you can buy one from the evian shop (or harass Hawaii for the Toronto location).
Super nice out today. Hitting the streets w/ Keri this arvo. Stoked to see all the people here for UFC. They have a certain walk many of them. Muscles are fun to look at. Not my type at all though. Going to Yuk Yuks w/ Raymi tonight then Jet Cooper’s Bday at The Ossington. Will try to avoid muscley-UFCing parties 😉
notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club
Hey girl wha you doin?
Thanks for having me & friends Julian. Looking forward to the launch of Notable.ca.
I’m Jon Crowley. Nuff said.
Food was good too. Lamb, ILU.
Mario, you need to shoot me one of these days. Sooner than later!
Our names are Reggie – Reggie & Reggie.
You are SUCH a foodie JO!
This was my fav wine of the night:
This was second. A friend intro’d me to this a couple years back.
This girl was prize winner. I think that guy is my neighbour.
Wine tasting was great but I reckon I’ve got a two glass limit. I know drinking is different than tasting but this was more of a drinking/tasting. I used to love wine, could polish off a bottle easy. It gives me a hurting in my chest, like acid reflux when I have to much now. Especially the next day. Urgh. Am I getting old? My birthday is next weekend. I have planned nothing. Ahhh.
Ok have a wonderful day! It’s lovely out there.