casie stewart, travel, blogger, Toronto, aeroplan

Follow your dreams. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself. You can do it. Push through. Work hard. Be nice. Don’t give up. Keep going. Great things take time and hard work. It will be worth it. You can do this. The road is long but there is joy in the journey. Savour each moment. Keep going. Try harder. Work harder. Believe in yourself.  Try new things. Keep working hard. You’ll be glad you didn’t give up. You can do this. 

This week has been pretty busy and I was sick for a couple days but I am really happy to be doing the work that I am. Last week I filmed a commercial as part of my ongoing project with Aeroplan. This week I’m directing a commercial for a new King West property. It’s gonna be so cool! Next week I’m on set for a feature film. You have no idea how many times I say to myself ‘THIS IS MY LIFE!”.


casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech

Need New Headshots? No Problemo!


Last weekend on my way home from New Orleans I popped into the Iris Photobooth at the MSY Airport. I’d seen these booths on the internet and really wanted to give it a try. I thought the company was owned by LinkedIn but I have since learned it is not. The pop-up headshot station is marketed to LinkedIn users for new profile photos. Amazing idea if you ask me. However, you may want to use the services of a photographer who specializes in headshot photography instead.

Photos are $20 for 6 photos including retouching and you get 1 hi-res download. I unlocked the remaining 5 for $5. I also did 2 sessions because I love having my photo taken! ?

I think the photos turned out really good despite the fact that my hair wasn’t done, I did my makeup in the car, and had rushed to the airport. The lighting is super bright, almost better than a human headshot setup. (Sorry photographers, the robots are coming!) You can edit the photos right in the booth before saving in a FaceTune kinda way (smoothing, remove blemishes, whiten teeth etc).

If you’re looking to get some new photos done in Toronto there’s a booth at Ryerson near YD Square or you can catch them at airports around the USA. See locations here. I would love to be able to book it for a day at our office. I think I’ll pop into the Ryerson one next time I’m on the area. I had been meaning to get a couple photos for ages and this was SO EASY.


This is not sponsored I don't even know them.

Don’t Let Opposition from Mediocre Minds Hold You Back

I’ve always loved this quote and on my first draft of this post, the title was ‘That idea is stupid’ because those words were the motivation to write this story down. Also, I know there’s a lot of ‘fake’ Einstein quotes so I hope he actually said this!

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
– Albert Einstein

A long, long time ago I got a job at a Canadian media station. Most the girls there were not particularly nice to me. From what I gathered I was the weird internet girl and they didn’t like me. That’s ok, I’ve always been a little different and danced to the beat of my own drum.

The boss I was hired by believed in me and my weird internetness. I was doing something unique and it was 2009, the start of mainstream social media. I was excited to learn from him and work together making cool internet as a team. Then he left for another job. My new boss had been there for a lonnnnnng time. Like before the internet long time. He was NOT into my ideas and along with the girls, thought I was weird.

One meeting I suggested they put hashtags on tv screens while a show was on and he said “that idea is stupid“. Well, we all know how that turned out, don’t we…

A couple years later I worked a full-time job as a Director at an agency. We were planning a big event for the launch of a new vodka flavour. I knew about this cool social media printer setup that would print any Instagram post with a pre-determined hashtag to a little paper that was also a sticker. I’d followed this company since it’s Kickstarter and knew it was finally available for hire. In a meeting I recommended it and everyone loved the idea. I priced it out and we had to fly in the guy and the four printer machines from NYC and put him up for a night in a hotel. It was kinda expensive but compared to the entire event not thaaaaaat much. In the next meeting, my idea was on the chopping block. I fought like hell to keep it on. Pleading that it would be the coolest thing and social media feeds narcissism, meaning everyone will want cute photos of themselves to take home. Thanks to that idea and the printer the event was a HUGE success, trending in Toronto then Canada for most of the night.

Moral of the story

Don’t let what someone else says stand in your way.You might be able to see something they just can’t visualize it because you’re ahead of the game. Go with that. Go with your gut, believe in yourself. Put your ideas out there. Don’t be afraid to speak up. 

You never know how big your idea will be until you put it out there.


I’m so excited for this month. I love doing Christmas things like baking and getting the tree with Sean and Emily. I love Christmas music! I can’t wait to take the trip of a lifetime w/ my mum. Next week I’m shooting a fun video I already can’t wait to share. Feeling grateful to be starting the month in New Orleans and ending it in New Zealand. It’s been 7 years since I’ve seen ANY of my family and 18 years since I’ve seen most of them! Looking forward to making lots of memories this month. Flying home tomorrow and can’t wait to see my bf!

With love from New Orleans!

Meet Me in the French Quarter

Yesterday was so lovely. I spend hours walking around and taking in the sunshine. I sat in the park reading my book for over an hour then managed to get in some shopping and good food later in the day. Today is a bit overcast and we might get rain but I’m loving the warm air and finding inspiration around every corner. There are so many friendly people and bright buildings here it’s hard not to walk around with a smile.

Gold Joan of Arc Statue gifted from France

Sending sunshine from down south in the Big Easy! 

Cyber Monday, More Like Cyber Funday! ?

Did you buy any stuff today? I’ve been out and about around New Orleans but I’m back in my apartment to check on and share a few deals before the day is done. Last week for Black Friday I ordered a new Instant Pot from Amazon and an Echo Dot. I’ve been obsessed with the Instant Post since we got one last year for Christmas and I use it a couple times a week.


[amazon_link asins=’B06Y1MP2PY,B00QJDU3KY,B07456NHZ7,B074R17GS5,B01LBWEMP4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’1850eb58-d3bf-11e7-b8b7-f5b4dff9c389′]

Sunny New Orleans w/ Blue Skies & Beignets

Sunny New Orleans w/  Blue Skies & Beignets

Hello from down south! This week I’m in New Orleans staying at Mardi Gran Manor with a few friends from TO. We each have our own apartment in a beautiful set of units behind a big gate in the French Quarter. I’m stocked up on groceries and all moved in for the week. Hoping to catch some sun and start off December with a nice tan. I’m sitting at a small table outside my unit by the pool as I write this.

I was here in September to speak at a conference so spent a few hours then getting my bearings. In the French Quarter, we’re a few doors down from Brad & Angelina’s old place and Nicholas Cage has a spot down the street. I love the architecture and the streets are alive with music. All the buildings are hidden behind huge window shutters and or large gates. At first, I thought it seemed kind of run down but as soon you’re lucky to get a glimpse into someone’s house or behind a gate, there’s see nothing but beauty. Chandeliers, fountains, and gardens all over the place.

This morning Natalie and  I went to Cafe Du Monde for coffee & beignets then walked down the Mississippi River to the shopping outlets. It’s not nearly as hot as it was in September but it’s warmer than home and lovely in the sunshine.

Tonight we’re all having dinner together in at Compère Lapin owned by Chef Nina Compton and her husband. She was a runner-up on Top Chef and I met her a couple years ago in Toronto. Also coincidently, Sean and my really great friends from Muskoka are also here in NOLA so we’re all meeting up on Frenchman for drinks tonight.

Watch My Talk at Social Media Week 2017

Watch My Talk at Social Media Week 2017

Had a great time at Social Media Week. Was great to see so many familiar faces (like Raymi, hey girl!) and meet some new friends. Kudos to Michelle and the Pinch Social team for putting on a great festival. I’m proud to be a member of the Advisory Board and love seeing how HUGE SMWTO has grown over the years.

Deb from Rock-It Promotions and I spoke on a panel about influencers and influence and influencing. Very hot topic right now! Scroll down to watch my talk via Facebook Live video.

Watch My Talk At Social Media Week 2017


Time in for my influencer talk w/ Debra Sadowski at Social Media Week Toronto (SMWTO)!

Posted by Casie Stewart on Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Lauren was also a speaker and it was her birthday. I showed up with balloons to brighten her day. Take the sunshine wherever you go!

A Time and Place Story

Maybe I’m stupid for writing this down but last night I came home frustrated after paying to go to a sound meditation that was the opposite of relaxing. I was really hoping it would be like the sound bath I went to in LA earlier this year. That amazing experience changed me for the better and I’ve been a little bit different ever since. Last night was NOT what I was hoping for. Given one detail, it would have been great but something happened….

I don’t think I’m wrong for feeling this way?

I was really looking forward to last night after a particularly emotional day, hoping to calm my thoughts and body. BUT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO RELAX. There was a medium size dog walking around the room the whole time dinging a bell (tags) and going up to everyone’s face while they were laying on the floor. This is not the dog’s fault! It’s not about the dog! Dogs are dogs and that’s what dogs do! It’s not like a dog could get its own ticket and come by himself.

It would have been FINE if they SAID there was going be a dog or it was dog meditation or goats yoga or whatever! Or if everyone knew the dog already!

Consent is important.

Just try to imagine it was a person walking around making noise and putting their face in your face while you are laying on the floor trying to meditate in a new space with your eyes closed. (Some people might be into that but you would know what you’re getting into!)

I could not for the life of me concentrate or relax because I was listening to the dog walk in circles, worried he was going to come up to my face. I was nervous from the moment I walked in but totally thought the dog would be out of the laying down area. Maybe in the dog mediation section? I don’t know. Nothing against the dog I’m sure he is super cool but it was not the time or the place. My friend suggested to me that I should learn a little bit more about dogs at to better understand their behavior so I know if and when the dog will jump up on me. But right at that moment I was still incredibly wound up.

I left stressed out and had a cry on my way home. The end. ?

This is was not the dog that was there but a cute dog at an old friends house!

The LA Soundbath was Guy Douglas and I’m considering going back to LA to go! So great!

New Zealand Here We Come!

New Zealand Here We Come!

OK, this post is kind of long, the TL;DR is I’M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND! I’d been saving up money & Aeroplan miles for months and in an amazing twist of events, Aeroplan is sending ME AND MUM and we’re going on a 21-day road trip next month. I’m so excited. I’ve wanted to go back and see my family for SO LONG and I’m thankful to Aeroplan for helping us get there, especially around the holidays! ????

It’s been hard to keep a secret until now but get ready for non-stop NZ for the next few months!Scroll to read a lovely story of how this came together!

Last year around the holidays time I really missed my family, as I do every year except the one Christmas we had together when I was 12 (see above). I said to Sean, maybe next year I’ll get back to NZ for their summer. It was kind of a dream because it’s really far and expensive and you need to go for a while (few weeks). A few months into 2017 I started saving for a trip. I figured the only way I was going to actually get there is if I started focussing on it with active intentions and putting some money aside.

In August I was in touch with Aeroplan about helping them promote a giveaway. A couple weeks later we started talking about a video project that you will see before the holidays. Another thing we talked about is how much I wanted to go back to New Zealand. I remember that call so well, it was a Friday morning, I was wearing a blue leather jacket, walking my bike and drinking a coffee after a manicure. We talked about the video project, going to NZ and they said ‘we can make that happen’ followed by the option of two tickets and I had to sit down. I was honestly overwhelmed with excitement and all kinds of feelings about seeing my family that I’ve spent most of my life away from. I called mum at work to say she was my guest and we set the plan in motion. I think she thought I was joking at first. Three years ago mum went back to NZ on an emergency trip because we thought her mum (my nana) wasn’t going to make it. Luckily, she made it through the holidays and hit her 90th birthday this year. I can’t wait for her to have both of us there this year.

My last trip back was in 2010 for New Zealand Fashion week where I extended my trip to spend a week with my aunt and nana in Auckland. Before that, my last trip was when I was 18. Which, hard to believe is nearly half my life ago!

Can you believe this magazine cover was 7 years ago!?

Mum and I leave on Christmas Eve and arrive in Auckland on Boxing Day. Yes, we will experience Christmas on a plane but we’ll be together! After a few days in Auckland, we head to Shelly Beach, Coromandel Peninsula where I spent holidays as a kid. I booked us a cabin for 3 days over NYE! I can’t WAIT to be back there. I’ve rented us a car and we’ll be doing a mother-daughter road trip around the North Island for 21 days. There were so many cars and SUVs to choose from but I think I made the right decision in the end! In the true spirit of adventure, I haven’t planned it all out and we’ll make it up as we go. We’re both excited to stop at little shops and towns as we drive from place to place. Growing up I remember getting my first Aeroplan card and earning points, since NZ is a pretty hefty ticket. I’m incredibly grateful for this trip and to have Aeroplan help make it happen. It’s honestly a Christmas miracle. I know mum getting to see her mum again this year is priceless. I can’t wait to hang out with my grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins, jump on their trampolines, eat all the meat pies, lots of lollies, have bbq, watch NZ TV, and hit the beach.

If you don’t have an Aeroplan account, sign up here to start earning miles for your next adventure. I also have a credit card that helps me earn miles faster!



TL:DR: too long, didn't read

Aeroplan has sponsored our tickets and some travel. A lot of this trip is covered and planned by ME!



I read a great article on self-care yesterday about how it’s not all chocolate and bubble baths. Self-care is doing stuff for yourself like not going out, eating well, making time to exercise, and fighting through the hard crap like cleaning your room and doing your taxes. I finally did mine this year after more years than I care to admit. 

This Is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths And Chocolate Cake

In January I set out to take better care of myself and started regular yoga and since I’ve become stronger physically and mentally. I’ve carved out time in my life to do things FOR MYSELF and not be pressured to do things or go to things if I really don’t feel like it. Sure, I have missed out on fancy parties, previews but do I really care? No. I’ve gone to more parties and events in the last 10 years than some people will ever go to. I never feel FOMO when I scroll past familiar faces smiling or posting the perfect cheers in a Boomerang. I am all about the JOMO – THE JOY OF MISSING OUT. I love skipping things to go to yoga or leave early because I have something important t0 get to (aka yoga). Last winter I invested in creating a beautiful workspace for myself at home filled with smart lights, an air purifying fan, all the plants, and photos I’d been meaning to frame for years. I love staying home and there is nothing wrong with that. This is a reminder to you and myself to not feel bad for putting yourself first. If you don’t, who will? By taking care of myself, I free up room to do more and take care of others without feeling drained or worrying about things I need to get done.  This winter my goal is to actually use my first ever gym membership.

Trying to live my best life, one day at a time. 


Original Post on JOMO 

Putting the JOY in JOMO

So Long Muskoka, Until Next Year!

So Long Muskoka, Until Next Year!

We closed the cottage yesterday. As soon as we got north of the city there was snow. I’ve seen snow every winter of my life but I still feel a burst of energy and excitement for the first snowfall of the year. As we got progressively north the snow continued and we drove through our first snow squall (almost blizzard!).

Since the cottage isn’t winterized, closing up involves putting huge wood panels on the windows, draining the lines,  dryer sheets everywhere (to keep critters away), emptying the fridges (we have condiment overload now), cleaning, and final lock up. There is a lot of lifting, garbage, flashlights, and tools. I always take a minute to be grateful for the work, the views, and doing it together. Sean and I have been opening and closing it for about 5 years now.

I got to thinking about how our lives will change before we make it back up in the Spring. It’ll likely be late March or April, and a lot can happen in 4 months. I’ll be away for about 4 weeks over the holidays and I really hope we can take a family vacation in February. Emily will be 10 my blog will be 13. Maybe we’ll start a renovation or have a new couch and TV? I’m hoping for more speaking at the start of the year and am working on that with my agency. I like thinking about the time passing because it’s easier to set goals when you have a timeframe to work with. I’m upping my fitness routine and hopefully, by then I’ll feel better in a bikini. I’ve never really been on to set New Years Resolutions, why wait will the new year when you can make a change now?

Come NYE, you’ll wish you started today!

Woke up super groggy but dragged myself to the gym and although it wasn’t a long workout, going is the first step to making a habit (AGAIN). So, tomorrow I’ll try. I have yoga tonight but I want to get more cardio into the mix. I always hated the idea of going to the gym but I actually feel better every time I go (surprise!) so I try to think about that feeling instead of the anxiety I get before going. After my workout, I took myself for a much-needed mani to kick off a big week with nice nails.

For the last few years, I’ve been following through on the ONE New Years resolution I ever set. I made a promise to myself to always have my nails looking nice. It’s a small thing but I swear it makes a huge difference. If I have my hair and nails done, I can do anything.  It makes me feel like I have my shit together, whether I do or not.

This week is a really busy one. Tomorrow I’m at Influence TO a huge entrepreneurship & influencer conference.  Side note, the worlds #1 and my all time fav YouTuber,  Casey Neistat RT my tweet about it nbd. I am speaking at 2 events on Wednesday and Saturday I leave for a week vacation in NOLA.


see the tweet here!

In case you need a reminder…

Last night I was not feeling great. I wasn’t sick-sick but it had been a really busy day. My head was full of anxiety, my mind was racing, and I was feeling stressed TF out. I realised it’s easily been two weeks since my last yoga class and I can 100% feel a difference in my mental health when I stop going. So, I scheduled my smart lights to turn on at 7am and set my alarm. I planned to get a coffee but then realized I forgot my wallet in the car. Urgh! I didn’t let that stop me. I was the first one at class just as Sandy was putting on a pot of coffee. It all worked out. It felt so good to stretch and work up a sweat. I came home, took my vitamins, and had a new perspective on the day.

I work hard at being positive and sunshiney all the time. It’s not always easy but the more you give and share, the easier I find it is to be genuinely happy.

If you are having a hard time, or you feel like quitting, remember why you started. 

Getting Involved and Giving Back: War Child Canada + National Philanthropy Day

war child what if women gala casiestewart

Last week I attended the What If Women Gala in support of War Child Canada. Since I was young volunteering has been something very important to me. In the last year, I’ve donated my time with Telus, served a few meals at Evangel Hall Mission, Movember Canada, Brands For Canada, and partnered with War Child Canada.

Aside from the gala being super fun, it was inspiring to hear stories of survival and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of women in attendance. I went with Deane from Veritas as an Ambassador for War Child. I rented this beautiful dress from Studio Fitzroy, my go-to place for great dresses.

I was jazzed to meet Margaret Atwood and Sarah McLaughlin. I loved that M. Atwood and her husband were both wearing Coogi Sweaters. When I complimented her on it she seemed surprised and pleased I recognized the Australian classic. I used to have one and it’s my most regretted piece of clothing I gave away. I think about that bright beautiful thing all the time and wonder where it might be. 

Photo Credit: Christopher Wahl

Over dinner, Chantal Kreviazuk performed with Sarah Mclaughlin and Ruth B. It was great. I love Ruth B.’s ‘Lost Boy’ and hearing her sing it live was amazing.  Dinner was also good. Deane and I had so many laughs together and I met some great people.

Photo Credit: Christopher Wahl

It’s truly amazing what we can do when we work together. Today on National Philanthropy Day, think about how you can give back to your community or online to an organization that matters to you. To support War Child Canada visit the website here.

If you need help getting involved and giving back, ask me! Happy to help!


HO-HO-HO! Need a Holiday Jumper? I Got You!

HO-HO-HO! Need a Holiday Jumper? I Got You!

I’ve been growing my collection of holiday sweaters for years. In honour of the holidays approaching and the ease of Amazon Prime, I’ve selected a few great holiday sweaters that you can order just in time to rock that holiday party. 

Called on Sean to model some of the sweaters I ordered. Photos were taken using portrait mode on the new iPhone 8 Plus and my new millennial pink seamless background.

Ho-Ho-Holiday Sweater Fun

All three of Sean’s sweaters are from Amazon, the Cash Business Wreath, Braaaaap, and Go Jesus. I also ordered the Stripper Silhouette which is on its way lol. If you’re looking for something a little more feminine, I’ve included a few crazy print holiday dresses you’ll be sure to dazzle a crowd in. ?? Oh man, I can’t wait to bust all these out.

[amazon_link asins=’B017W6N2DG,B01JOY84NM,B01JOY984Q,B0149YVTKM,B011MLDLB0,B0761S7JTY,B00QVM7ZJA,B0752H8RL4,B01JOY5KQG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’91a8a9c0-c6a6-11e7-b035-d11afef75969′]

I love digging out my hidden stash of holiday sweaters that’s been tucked away. One of my all time favs that you can’t buy was a gift from Target Canada years ago (RIP Target Canada). It’s called the ‘Together Sweater” and fits two people. Sean and I only wore it once to a party and did not last in it all night. It’s wool and super hot but totally fun.

I love this stuff so much. Bring on the holiday cheer!


This post contains affiliate links!

A Super Good Time Celebrating Mexico w/ Jarritos!

It was the day after Halloween, I’d been working from home, did some work, and took a nap. When I woke up I was in a hungry daze. Checked my calendar and I was so glad so glad to see this dinner because I love Mexican food and Marian invited me + I was really hoping we’d get to sit together.  On the Eve of Dia de los Muertos and I hung out with a bunch of bloggers and  Jarritos Canada eating Mexican food. The night was full of laughs and a delicious menu all washed down with Jarritos. My favourite flavours are grapefruit and mango for the record.



Shoutout to their photog Josh for the photos.↓ In this one,  I’d already posted something on my IG story and someone said “do that again” so I’m laughing here because I’m watching my own IG story haha. 

The menu was prepared by La Carnita. We started with 3 dips and chips including amazing guacamole, corn salsa, and spicy bean dip. Next, we had spicy Scorpion wings and Mexican Street Corn. I really wanted to eat the corn but it was a bit too messy for my liking so I passed and moved right onto the tacos.

I really love dinners like this that bring together a bunch of people from different backgrounds. I don’t usually get invited to that many ‘foodie’ specific things so always fun to make new friends.

We finished off the meal with Paleta, one of their signature items, similar to a popsicle that cleans the palette. I am getting hungry as I write this. 

Thank you Jarritos Canada + Branding & Buzzing for the invite. So great to hang out and catch up over my favourite food! Sean is a fan of Jarritos and I was lucky to bring some home too. ?


I was compensated for this post but there's a good chance I would have gone for the food + fun times. ?

Social Media Week Kicks Off Today – Visit YouTube, Twitter, Inspiring Speakers

Social Media Week Kicks Off Today – Visit YouTube, Twitter, Inspiring Speakers

Today kicks off Social Media Week in Toronto. I’ve been part of it every year since it started, in some capacity. This year I’m on the SMTWO  Advisory Board for my second year and speaking on a panel Wednesday. It is truly amazing to be part of an industry that has grown and developed SO MUCH the last 10 years.

I could go on an on about how special the start of it was and how there were so few people. Back then, the role of Community Manager didn’t exist, we couldn’t’ schedule updates, there were no analytics, no budgets, and advertising was few and far between. 

Back then people had influence, we called them leaders. Fearless self-starters who took chances, tried new things and did things differently. We followed to see what they would do next. Influence came from their work and the impact it had on others, not just followers. 

Things have really changed and they continue to change. This is what makes Social Media Week such an important event for our growing industry. Every year the topics are different and there’s new platforms, policies, and processes to discuss. For the past couple months, I’ve been tweeting ‘NEW THINGS EVERY DAY‘ almost daily when a new feature is added to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat. It’s a challenging space to work in because your tools and the entire drawing board are always changing.

#SMWTO has TONS of cool things, here are a few of my favourites!

Thank you to Michelle & Pinch Social, all sponsors and partners for making this happen another year.  I’m excited to attend a bunch of sessions, meet new people, and catch up with old friends.

Winter on the Outside, Summer on the Inside

Winter on the Outside, Summer on the Inside

Oh man, did you get a shock when you woke up this morning? I opened my curtains to see that the patio door had a layer of icy frost! Damn. It’s cold out there. Broke out the winter boots and warm jacket. Here we go guys, it’s winter.

I’ve been a little off my game this week. Maybe I’m coming down with something? Slept in more than usual today and went to bed at 10 last night which is pretty early for me. I didn’t even make yoga once this week. I also ate so much crap I probably gained 5 damn pounds! We’re closing the cottage this weekend and I’m not looking forward to it. I wish we could keep it open all winter! I know I said I like the closing duties but once winter hits, it’s all bittersweet.

There’s no bad winter, just bad outfits. Keeping warm in Sean’s Burberry scarf and these are my fav glasses. DYK you can get Celine on Amazon?!

I’m heading to have lunch with April and I always feel energized when we hang out.  Stay warm out there my friends! Keeping this quote in my thoughts today and sending sunshine in your general direction through the internet.

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
– Albert Camus


It Pays To Have Friends! Use & get $40

It Pays To Have Friends! Use & get $40

Some people like aisle seats but I always pick window if I can.  I like something to lean on and I love staring out the window. Takeoff is one of my favourite parts. I love being on planes, it means you’re going somewhere!

I’m deep in planning my winter vacations and couldn’t be happier, it’ all starting to come together!  I leave for New Orleans in 2 weeks, then for a big 21-day adventure in December. I can’t wait. Nothing like knowing you’ve got sunshine in your future!

View from our room in Montego Bay, Jamaica

If you’re looking to get away soon, I’m sharing this link for you to get some $$ back on your accommodation. Use and they’ll reward us both with a $40 CAD gift if you use this linkOnce you check out of your hotel, the reward from  will show up as a refund on your credit card. If you have questions about how it exactly works, read the FAQ here. The Nice thing about is they have no booking fees, free cancellation (most rooms), and price matching.

Also, if you haven’t signed up for Ebates make sure you do that before going to, you’ll get 2% back on your purchase! Their average cashback per order is $6!

P.S. If you're looking to save money and get smart using Amazing, check out this post on

Weekend Workshop + Book Recos + Monday Motivation

Weekend Workshop + Book Recos + Monday Motivation

This weekend was fun. I went out for one last kayak before we put all the stuff away. It was surprisingly warm, but damp, great weather for getting things done. Although it’s a lot of work, and I can feel it in my arms today, closing the cottage is something I kinda look forward to. Sean and I do together as a team; heaps of lifting, holding the ladder, carrying the canoe, putting away the outside stuff, and family trips to the dump. We had Embot with us and her fav part was deff packing the trailer then chucking everything into the huge garbage at the dump.

For years I’ve been wanting to make cutting boards from some of the beautiful wood laying around and we finally did it! I marked and measured, Sean put them through the planer, then cut them into pieces. I spent ages with the sander making them nice and soft. Before I started my project, I did a look of research and read quite a lot of information on orbital vs sheet sander. After careful consideration, I realized which one I should be using for a nice finish so it was a good job I looked into it! The next step is sealing, drying, and wrapping for the holidays. I need to visit Lee Valley this week. I spent lots of time in the garage with my dad as a kid so doing that as a family this weekend was nice.

This weekend I finished a book called The Party by Robyn Harding (a soft-cover gift from Jen Kirsch!) and started another book called The Party by Elizabeth Day (on Kindle!). I was searching Amazon for one and found the other!

Since I got a Kindle last year I’ve read SO MANY BOOKS. It’s the most convenient way to read and I’ve started putting my phone down before bed and reading a book instead.

If you’re looking to cosy up with a good book, here are some favs I’ve read over the last year. I’m really into suspense, mystery, thriller, or murder. If you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them. I can always add to my reading list!

[amazon_link asins=’B00QJDU3KY,B06WGMTQVQ,B01M25UKS1,B07149VGD7,B01MUDIT4X,1476752273,B0176M3X80,B0031TZALQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’6f444f23-c335-11e7-86a9-a9e0519a4ac6′]

We’re back in the city now and tonight I’m going to the War Child #WhatIfWomen gala I told you about last week. I’m really excited to start getting ready and put on my dress. I picked it up from Studio Fitzroy this afternoon and IT IS AMAZING! I’ll be sharing posts from the night on Twitter and Instagram Stories!

Hope you’re having a good day. This time of year can be kind of dreary, so try to find inspiration in people and places around you. Smile at strangers and treat yourself or someone around you to a small surprise. Spreading a little bit of kindness will do wonders for your own mood!

5 Things To Do In Prince Edward County

keep it cute in prince edward county, casie stewart, travel, travel blogger

Last week my sister and I went on an adventure to Prince Edward County. PEC is southern Ontario with a coastline on Lake Ontario’s northeastern shore. It’s been about 20 years since either of us were in The County. I have fond memories of Jenie and I camping at Sandbanks Park with our parents, playing on massive sand hills, making things with clay.

Our trip was courtesy of The Drake Hotel and their PEC property, The Drake Devonshire. We were there to experience Countylicious, similar to Winterlicious/Summerlicious where restaurants feature 3-course prix fixe menus for $40/pp (+ tax & tip). In 24 hours we did so much more than just eat great food.  The County has so much to offer so here are a few thing I recommend for your PEC road trip.

5 Things to Do in Prince Edward County

Visit Wineries

There’s 40+ wineries in PEC and a whole bunch of breweries. If you love great wine, you deff want to visit the and make a plan of places to visit. On our tour we stopped into Wapoos Winery, the very first one in the region. It’s absolutely beautiful and right on the water. Check out the Wapoos menu for Countylicious here. If you happen to drive a Tesla, they have a charging station.

Eat Great Food

There is no shortage of great places to eat in Prince Edward County. Starting today, Countylicious kicks off with a celebration of fine dining featuring prix fixe menus from local restaurants. Chefs have created unique, County-inspired menus with an appetizer, entrée, and dessert.

I highly recommend checking out The Drake Devonshire, Courage Bar, and The Public House at Jackson Falls.

Lake view of the Drake Devonshire

Visit a Farm

Have you ever smelled fresh carrots from a farm? Had arugula straight from the earth? I can tell you that the produce from Blue Wheelbarrow Farm is incredible. We met the young/cool farm owner at The Public House and were all so impressed with him we took a little tiki tour to his farm. They supply fruit & vegetables to heaps of restaurants in the area. He showed us around the grounds, introduced his cute dog, and picked fresh farm foods for us to try.

Go to a PEC farm if you can, it will make you want to move out of the city! 

The County Wine Tours

If you’re a wine-loving foodie, check out The County Wine Tours, a company co-founded by friend Erin Bury. They have local guides that’ll take you on a wine or brewery tour by bike. Much better than trying to get around by car. They also do custom tours and company retreats. Bosses take note!

Keepin it cute in The County with my sister and Diala! Follow her on IG at @dialaskitchen, I’m in AWE of her recipes and photography.

The Great Outdoors

If you feel at home in nature like me, you’ll absolutely love it here. I spend a lot of time in Muskoka but Prince Edward County has its own beauty. It reminds me of travelling back in time a little, it doesn’t have the busy you’ll find in Muskoka. Well, not yet!

There’s nothing like a getaway to the country, or county, to hit the refresh button on your life and recharge your batteries.

Blue Wheelbarrow Farm

For all the great restaurants taking part in Countylicious visit Have something I missed? Tweet me your recos for my next trip!




My Job Rocks: It Finally Happened, I’m On A Kids Show!

My Job Rocks: It Finally Happened, I’m On A Kids Show!

Ok so, for years Sean and other friends have said I’d be great on a kids show. I’ve never disagreed and this weekend, although it was only a one episode interview, I was on a kids show! I love doing tv. It’s so fun and being on camera is something I’ve always been into.

You might not know I was first on stage at 5 years old and pretty heavy into dance competitions growing up. I performed heaps as a kid then spent a few years as a teen model before shooting my first commercial in high school.

Watch the Video: My Job Rocks – S2 E8

The show is called My Job Rocks and it’s on Rogers and Bell Fibe. My episode will be out in March and I’ll keep you posted when I have a date. Until then, here’s a little look behind the scenes!

Throwing it out there, I’d love to do more tv and am totally available!

Celebrating the Power & Promise of Women! #Whatifwomen

casiestewart, war child, whatifwomen

#WhatIfWomen is a fundraising event for War Child, an organization that helps children in war-affected communities get back their childhood by giving them access to education and opportunity.

On Monday I’m excited to celebrate The Power and Promise of Women with War Child Canada. You can get a ticket here

Growing up, my mum really instilled in me that I could do anything and be anyone I wanted when I got older. It wasn’t easy and there were struggles but nothing like growing up in a war-torn country like Sudan or Iraq.

For the past couple weeks, I’ve been working with the War Child team to join a group of incredibly inspiring women in this campaign. When they approached me about volunteering it was around the day when all the ‘Me too’ posts hit the internet and I nearly broke down talking about how important it is for women to support other women and girls.


What if women were given the same work opportunities as men? What if women had the courage to speak up without consequence? What if women had equal pay? What if women had equal access to education? What if women were given the chance to lead? What if women didn’t have to be scared of walking alone at night? 

What if women grew up knowing they can achieve anything they want? 

November 6, 2017 | Eglinton Grand | Toronto | 6 pm | #WhatIfWomen

You can still get a ticket to Monday’s event at Eglinton Grand featuring performances by Sarah McLachlan, Chantal Kreviazuk, and Ruth B. It’ll be a room full of strong voices coming together to show the world that compassion has no borders.

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech


Make It A November to Remember: #NaNoWriMo + My Next Travel Adventure

Make It A November to Remember: #NaNoWriMo + My Next Travel Adventure

The other day I scrolled an article on Vogue w/ Wes Anderson’s best interiors and discovered Hotel Chevalier. I’m obsessed now,  watched it 5+ times. It’s a 13min American-French short with Natalie Portman and Jason Schwartzman, set in Paris at Hotel Raphael. I have not been to Paris yet but I will go to this place one day.

The more I learned about the film the more I wanted to know. Wes Anderson is so creative with the minute details of everything and I love it so much. Have you seen Grand Budapest Hotel? In Hotel Chevalier, Natalie Portman was cast after W. Anderson get her email from Scott Rudin, the producer of Closer. [Another movie I totally love and it super weird.] This movie is only 13 minutes but is so beautifully written and styled, it inspires me. I love it. I love the colours, directing, script. It’s great. 

This month I’m heading on a week-long vacation (sponsored by ME!) back to New Orleans and staying at a beautiful villa w/ a few friends in the French Quarter. I was there for my first time in September for a speaking gig. Booked this trip months ago and would love Sean to come with me but I also love travelling alone. I love being in airports and on planes or writing in my hotel room. I’m really looking forward to warm weather and wandering the streets. There is also a Christmas store I only had a couple minutes in last time that I plan to spend a good chunk of time in.

Today is the start of National Novel Writing Month and I’m really giving it a go this year.  Have been writing a lot more lately. Planning for to write 500+ words a day for the month between novel/blog. I didn’t know about National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) until this week when I read Casey Palmer’s blog (aka Casey #2) but I am going to try that too. I’ve waited/worked my whole life (ok well the last 10 years of adult life) to have my job as my blog and I’m taking full advantage of every single day. In August I worked really hard to be mentally and physically fit, then September was super busy, and October flew by and I felt like I hardly did anything. November for me is No-spend-November, No-drink-November, Say No-November, I need to stay home. November is my writing month.

Sometimes I think ‘THIS IS MY LIFE‘ and I feel so glad I called my blog that 12 years ago. I never imagined this would actually be my life. Well, I dreamed about it being something like this but didn’t know it would actually happen. Thank you for following and reading and being part of it. 

Natalie Portman: Are you running away from me?
Jason Schwartzman: I thought I already did.


Happy Halloween weirdos!

I wasn’t really feeling in the ‘spirits this morning but Sean asked what I was dressing up as so I started into a ‘little’ Halloween lewk. Well, about 45 minutes and huge coffee later, VOILA! This haunting creeper was born out of a desire to make a cute skellie with pink and sparkles. I love looking like this so much. I also really adore this wig (from Amazon) and will likley wear it more just for fun.

BTW, superzoom in Instagram is so much fun. See video below.  I tried it out finally. I’ve been a but quiet the last couple days dealing with some family things but I’m a-ok. I’m working on a HUGE adventure for December and I want to tell you about it so bad but it must wait.

Be safe out there and let your freak flag fly!

Not sure what my plan is for tonight after handing out candy but I’ll be creepin’ it real all day!



Casie & Emily’s Review of Prodigy Game on iPad

On a rainy day last week I was almost late to pick Embot up from daycare so we decided to go for burgers and test out Prodigy Game. Em spent hours playing over the next few days. In that time she created an avatar for herself, explored Prodigy Game’s world, enhanced her math skills and even described it as ‘really fun.’

Prodigy is a free math game with over 20 million students, teachers, and parents using it worldwide.  It combines gaming and education for students in grades 1-8, alleviates math anxiety and teaches valuable math skills aligned with the student’s curriculum at school.

Prodigy Game was also recently named by Canadian Business as one of the top 10 fastest-growing start-ups in Canada. Companies like this are educating our young people and also providing cool jobs for our tech sector!

I wasn’t very good at math in high school and did summer school or night school every year until I graduated. Safe to say I’ve always been on the highly creative side. It’s important to work on these skills as a kid so you’re equipped with the tools you need to excel in the future. Last year, our provincial government implemented a $60-million math strategy, but math scores in Ontario are still low with half of Grade 6 students not meeting the provincial standard. Prodigy Game addresses that major issue in our education system and helps students tackle – and beat – their math anxieties.

Emily doesn’t mind math but she reallllllly loves her iPad. Legit this kid could watch videos all day of people making slime or doing funny challenges on YouTube. I was so glad to see her using it to play an educational game, by choice. Parenting WIN.

Prodigy Game

Em was on Level 3 when 2 kids about her age passed by and saw her playing. The younger one said “She’s playing Prodigy” and her older brother said “I’m on level 77.”  Ok, this is good. He mentioned that his teacher uses Prodigy Game in their class. I wish there was tech like this when I was a kid! 

A cool feature of the game is the ability to create a parent account. You can check in on how your child is doing, where they excel and where they are having challenges.

Screenshot of Emily’s Progress

When I asked Em for feedback about what could make the game better she said “more math”.  To learn more about Prodigy Game visit the website and download it from the App Store here.

If you’re looking to work for a cool Canadian tech company, see open positions here. They have a lot of cool perks you’d expect to find at a tech company! 

This post is sponsored by Prodigy Game and I told Emily I would buy her a Lego or new toy in exchange for her honest review. ?

Helping Communities Grow w/ the TD Common Ground Project

This post is sponsored by TD and the TD Common Ground Project

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I took a drive to Morningside Park in Scarborough. This year as part of Canada 150, TD is revitalizing over 150  community green spaces across Canada. It’s so nice to adventure and stroll through a new park discovering things along the way.

I took some time to sit in the sun, watch the water, and admire the light shining through the trees in the middle of the forest. ????

When I was a kid in Cambridge, Ontario  I spent heaps of time at Riverside Park near our house. Playing there as a kid, volunteering for summer camp in high school, riding bikes, and watching friends play baseball when I was a bit older. To this day I always take a drive through the park when I go home to see how it changes and go for a walk if I have some. Sometimes I just sit in the car and listen to music with a friend like the good old days. So many memories. 

A park is such a big part of a neighbourhood and city. TD’s Common Ground project encourages Canadians to come together in green spaces across the country. The scale of projects varies and there are 7 flagship projects, the outdoor gathering space at Morningside Park is one of them. 

There are 82 projects in Ontario, with 7 in Toronto, find them all here. Next time I’m in KW I’ll be checking out Waterloo Park to see the new bridge connecting the two universities, provided through the TD Common Ground Project.

Step Into the Forest – 360 Photo of Morningside Park, Scarborough

I hope you’ll look up your local TD Common Ground revitalization project (here) and see what spaces are changing near you. For more information about the project find my first post about it earlier this year here.




This post is sponsored by TD and the TD Common Ground Project