Rail Note #161007

I’m sitting in the subway and find it very warm and awkward. I haven’t ridden this rocket in quite some time. Its full of people and glass and their ass on the glass in your damn face. Its weird for me. I never seem to mind if I’m with friends and chatting or after a few drinks. Then, you are not alone. Alas, I find myself between the glass and someone foreign and someone else in a suit. All the time, everyone glances around staring at ads for a therapist, a job, trouble with erectile dysfunction to which if you actually do need help with your flaccid penis, you might want to buy VigRX Plus male enhancement pills, all in between beautiful blondes and subway tracks. As I was writing this is got increasingly crowded and I somehow feel trapped, but comfortable. I noticed a girl with an olive green laptop bag branded “incase”. I like it. Bloor Street, chaos at in between the cars, empty, crowded, now moving. Two dudes are speaking a language I do not understand beside me and it is kinda loud in my ear and everyone can hear them.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

The focus group was all about Tylenol. I didn’t get chosen for the second hour, which I am grateful for. I gave my opinion and took my forty bucks. I’m back on the subway with a bottle of vodka and two new pairs of tights from Ardene cause I remember Raymi saying they had deals at the Yorkville shop so I checked. Just a little ride now and I’m home sweet home. Back downtown to have a toast and pass by Darren’s Snowboard party that Fathom is spinning at later then to StrangeLove. The subway is less crowded now and I like it much more. I realized I was slapping my gum in my mouth, I hate when people do that. You jus’ wanna slap ’em. Speaking of, some lady was talking to herself and she had her bare feet out. It was gross.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Fall, Fall Fall

I took this today driving South on the DVP. I think it’s very beautiful.

My Friend Made this Rainbow for Me

Its beautiful. Click on it to make your own fun picture.

In spirit of my 40 days & 40 nights…

“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.”
Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963)

I already knew it was time to focus more on my intellect.


Shit. I know enough girls that have said this exact thing to me time after time. Some, in the past have even become almost obsessed with dating Jewish guys. I had my stage, but like, I’m over it.


If you don’t know which Party to vote for, play this game to see how your views match up with theirs and learn about the platforms.

Gun Show

Madonna kicked ass last night sporting gun-heeled stiletto’s from Karl’s 2009 Chanel Cruise line.
I think they’re hot.


Spelling Change.com

Check it out.

Yours ♥

Canada Votes

Summary of Each Party Platform

Educate your damn self and vote.

Teen Vogue

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Perez loves New Zeland Blonde Girls

If you’re blonde and from New Zealand, then we are LOVING you this week!

A few days ago, we introduced you to to the brazilliance of Ladyhawke.

Today, we’d like you to meet Gin.

This blonde from new Zealand remind us of a few of our favorite artists – like Skybox, Joel Plaskett Emergency and Macy Gray.

Her voice is quirky and intoxicating voice – her tunes fun and charming.

Listen to the delightful Under My Skin below!

And then CLICK HERE to check out more songs from Gin.

For the Fucking Record Bitches.


just do it.

turn your head to the left:


I like sharing, who has feedback on SharePoint??

I don’t know why but I like photos of server colocation. Nerdy and kinda weird but whatever. It’s something I have with computers. Me likey. The idea of being able to access all my files anywhere in the world is just exceptionally appealing, you know? SO you could be on a beach and pull out that business report, or be at the train station and check over the slides for that presentation next week. Super useful. I know that this is precisely the kind of thing that some businesses might want to use SharePoint for as part of their Office 365 package. Some of these businesses also choose to use end user experience monitoring to ensure that the experience of any given user is a positive and productive one.

I have basic knowledge and an looking into this type of solution. I’ve already begun looking into how I’m going to convert my digital and physical documents for it, so I have a few questions about the actual server-side of things. Stuff such as management issues, ease of setup, troubleshooting, what it is like when there are technical difficulties. You know, the standard fare.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I’ve been looking into this software called FilecenterDMS.com to help me sort and convert the physical files. It’s pretty nice from what a friend told me about it. They use it in their office to convert receipts and the like, and it was a part of a major digitization effort they had last year that’s apparently really helped them streamline a bunch of their procedures and processes in-office. Which, made it seem perfect for me to use in my application.

I’m wondering:

  • Have you worked with Sharepoint?
  • Do you know about it?
  • How hard is implementation?
  • Is is a drastic change for user who operate with MS Office & Windows?
  • How is it being the Admin and/or Manager?
  • Do users like/love it?
  • How did it help the business?
  • Does it make your work easier and more efficient?
  • Are you less stressed?
  • Reporting; love it or hate it?
  • What’s better than SharePoint?
  • Do you know it well?
  • Have you been to the Conference?

I will continue my research for now @,?:)-8-<=

casie stewart: this is my life: I wanna go.

casie stewart: this is my life: I wanna go.

They called him ‘Barry’…

…He also answers his own emails.
This is a great article about Barack ‘Barry’ Obama and how down to earth he really is.
Vote Barack!

Say GOODBYE to Drunken Emails

October 07, 2008 — CIO — Gmail, Google’s free consumer e-mail, added a unique new feature to the service yesterday: Mail Goggles, which gives you the ability to double check whether you are really sure you want to send an e-mail message, particularly late at night. But the feature might also help business users of enterprise Gmail make better decisions about sending out vindictive or hastily-composed emails to co-workers. Check the GOOGLE blog for more deets.

Holla, Ladyhawk Rock from NZ, bro

I wanna go.

Homer ♥’s Obama

Totally Kick’in It – Bettykiss Inc. Style

Retro inspired and ravishingly beautiful.

One of my incredibly talented friends has created something worth blogging about.

With her amazing sense of style and personality to boot, Arianne’s Bettykiss Style Inc. is creating a revolution of clutch couture. Reversible retro inspired clutches that are bashfull and beautiful. Bettykiss Style “vows to remain true to the heart & life of a past era while injecting the sensibilities based on inspiration found in music, fashion & pop culture today.” I’ve been planning how many to order and exactly what styles and fabric I want. You can purchase via the webiste or direct from the group on Facebook (click picture to be redirected). I have known Arianne for several years and I am quite happy to see her true colors showing in such a wearable way. Well, a way I can wear her style now!!

To quote and recognize the fabulous designer, “let’s make impossibilities deliciously attainable; temptation just became a little more tangible. It’s ALWAYS been about you – I don’t care what Joni or Janet have to say.”

For more information click the photos to be linked up with my girl Arianne and her fantabulous style. ♥

~ massive connection is about to happen ~

see the light, connect to it, wrap your arms around yourself and give you a hug, feel the love, spread your wings, fly, soar, dance, breathe, kiss, touch your lips together after you lick them, embrace the energy, let it move you, move it, push it into the space between us and feel the connection, feel the love, feel yourself, you are alive and you are here, this is why we all are, we are here together
there are more than 5743 people starting a global love movement, and i hope you’ll join on October 4th at queen and bathurst for nuit blanche

This is to Inspire people how to party:

Video,Pop / Minimalist, Music Hip hop, turntablizm, progressive trance, straight up instrumental, original hip hop grooves packed full of cuts!!, Minimal German Techno, Electronica, Ambient / New Wave, Electro / House / New Wave, Electro / Death Metal / New Wave, Dirty, Techno, “meinspace”

7:05 deejayscootz, 7:40 K. Hintone, 8:00 Mathieu Droit , 8:20 Mr. Furious, 9:00 Mein, 9:45 DJ Dysruptv w/ radioG & MC Cadalac, 10:45 Kiss the Messenger, 11:30 Golden Girls ,12:10 Johnny Beatz, 1:00 DJ Citrus, 1:50 DJ Carl Collins

The Muzzler


Kashi Daily Challenge

Thanks for Sharing ♥

Q: What’s the background of your unusual name?

“In French, LaBeouf means ‘beef,’ but mine is spelled wrong. It should be ‘LaBoeuf.’ My grandmother was a beatnik lesbian in the ’50s, who hated her family and decided to change the spelling, and it’s been that way ever since. So you go to France and people are like, ‘LaBeouf? You have an illiterate last name.’ By the way, Shia is a bad four-letter word in French. So the literal translation of my name is ‘Shit the Beef.’ Kind of rock-starry isn’t it?”

– Shia LaBeouf to Parade magazine.

– Hilarious.

The biggest loss ever….

Read it for yourself. Get educated. Get informed.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill immediately blamed each other for the failure of a $700 billion bailout package in the House on Monday…..