the best eight minutes of your life

Sabrina and I have been known to do the the occasional social experiment. In our experiments we try out social situations outside the usual routine, tonight is one of those nights.

We’re going speed dating!

There’s a couple of us going and it’s sure to be a hoot. I have no idea what to expect but it will be an experience!

Must get ready now! Starts at 8:30.

The Report:

I slowly sipped one beer and scored the  most comfortable seat in the corner. The three of us sat beside each other and it lasted about two hours. The guys went around in about five minute increments and chatted to each of the dozen girls.

There were some weirdo’s and a couple nice ones. Only one guy lived downtown. I reckon the downtown people just go out.  Not really my scene but and interesting one, social experiment complete.

We left right after and didn’t stay for the comedy show. It was my first time at The Comedy Bar on Bloor and honestly, it really smells like someones bum in that neighborhood.

a productive means of communication

It’s Friday, thankfully. I feel like this week is a month…

I got mad yesterday. Really mad. It was like everyone who crossed my path was out to make me angry and it worked. I’m a pretty happy girl as you know but I just couldn’t fight it this time. Also, someone in my office keeps tipping off my boss about me being on Twitter… not fun. I’m productive. I get my stuff done here. I don’t understand why someone is out to get me! Gah. Perhaps she should spend her time looking up erp software so everyone ELSE can be more productive too? Sheesh. She would be better off looking up a manufacturing software even though that’s not our business.

Lots of packing to do this weekend before moving next week. Gonna need some help as my back seems to have two fractures in it.  I need an MRI now. Tragic, I know.

I feel like watching the Breakfast Club or Annie Hall and curling up on the couch. Something to make me feel good. The air outside is cool and breezy,  my dress blows pretty in the wind.  I miss summer vacation.

Is it 5 yet?




you know what I love?

the internet. friends. coffee. when the sun shines through the clouds. opportunity. working towards goals. self confidence. vintage anything. smiling at strangers. dancing in the rain. my laptop. floating on water.

painting and drawing. toronto. halloween. writing rhymes. fresh grass cutting. remembering my childhood. self portraits. the smell of second hand book shops. my phone. bondi beach. reading in the afternoon. naps. my blog and remembering. photography. mum, dad and sister.

helping others. cut and paste. dancing. my name. riding bike. twitter. beards. valentines & cinnamon hearts. extra pulp OJ. flying. snail mail. hippies. Much & MTV. daydreaming. blonde hair. random acts of kindness. selah sue. Lawn care companies California (they cut my lawn every month – they do an ace job) fresh cut grass.

to name a few…

and I love this too: Hey @casiestewart on in response to today’s Good Morning video.

* my sister is the blonde to the left on the SNAP Magazine 🙂

MuchMTV Employment post

Hi and welcome to my online profile for Digital Marketing Coordinator with the MuchMTV Group.

Thanks for checking me out.

Connect with Me:


I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Casie for a little less than a year now. She’s an active blogger and all-round web content generator. She’s bright, energetic, connected, passionate and communicates well. I’ve been to several corporate events with Casie and she’s almost always the life of the party. Casie’s a blackberry addict, a twitterholic and well known as an online blogger. MTV would be lucky to have her on the digital team and I endorse her as an online bright spark.”

“I have had the honour to work with Casie on many different social media events including all the GenYTO community socials, a professional organization that she helped get off the ground. (  She is an incredibly talented, outgoing, and trendy person, but more importantly she is great at creating and engaging communities. Her blog, www.casiestewart.comThis is My Life, is one of a kind.  She has a creative and witty way of making the most uneventful moments fun; the sign of a great writer and a truly imaginative mind.  Her marketing talent far surpasses many people I know.  I would highly recommend her for any social media and marketing position.”

Renée Warren
Social Media Facilitator
Twitter: Renee3 | [email protected]

“When it comes to web 2.0 and online social media, Casie is the Queen.  I’ve watched her and worked with her steadily throughout the last year or so and what she does in the online arena is stupefying.  She ‘gets’ the Internet, loves it passionately, and people listen to her.  Fueled by that love and passion, watch Casie get the word out.  Watch her connect people.  I’ve seen what she’s been able to maintain in the digital realm under her own banner and it’s amazing.  I can’t wait to see what she can pull off as a member of the Much/MTV team. “
Sean Ward
comics| music | blog
Twitter: seanward | [email protected]

“Casie is someone who works extremely hard and also knows how to have fun at work. She networks like few professionals I’ve ever seen, and has a keen pulse on all things Web 2.0. She is someone to look out for as a front-runner in emerging web and marketing technologies, and I’d recommend her to any company looking to grow by hiring great people.” December 2, 2008

Matt Minich , Account Manager , TEKsystems
worked directly with Casie at TEKsystems

“I have had the pleasure to work with Casie on multiple projects over the past few years. Casie has an infectious positive attitude and flair for creativity. She is someone who is passionate about web 2.0 technologies and brings strong organizational skills to the table.” November 15, 2008

Matt Moloney , Account Manager , TEKsystems
managed Casie indirectly at Net Present Services

“Having worked with Casie in the past, and working with her now as a business partner, I highly recommend her. Casie is a focused, detail oriented professional, who has what it takes to get the job done. She effectively uses her broad knowledge, and network to find creative answers to difficult questions. Casie is an asset to any work environment.” November 14, 2008

Bryan Humphries , Account Manager , Sierra Systems
was a consultant or contractor to Casie at Net Present Services


Technical Skills:

  • 4 years Creative Writing Online & Print
  • 3 yeas Blog Development (Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Posterous, HTML, RSS)
  • 4 years Social Media & Online Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Digg, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn)
  • 5 years Digital Photography & Photo Editing
  • Reporting & Tracking online metrics (SEO, link building, page ranking, advertising)
  • Reporting & tracking products through product development lifecycle
  • MS Office Professional 97/2000/2005/2007(Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word)

Related Experience:

Casie Stewart Consulting April 2006 – present has recently been named one of Toronto’s top blogs by Notable TV. It is a brand built with years of experience and is continuously called upon to influence others..

Writer, Photographer, Social Influencer

  • Creative writing: sponsored posts, event coverage, product reviews for major & local brands including Energizer, Microsoft Zune, Givenchy +.
  • Public Relations: Generating a buzz online and offline through link building, word of mouth (WOM) advertising
  • Design & maintenance of daily blog accounting for over 4,000 visits per month with a Google Page Rank 3

Net Present Services Ltd. January 2008 – present

A leading software provider for the online gaming industry for over ten years,  NPS specializes in online marketing, affiliate management and software development.

Project Coordinator & Executive Assistant

  • Schedule & host meetings related to IT department project scheduling
  • Write software release notes published in marketing material an distributed to clients
  • Day to day administrative support to President & CIO including travel, expenses, human resource management, product sourcing

TEKsystems – Allegis Group Canada, September 2006 – May 2007

TEKsystems is the largest privately owned IT Staffing Solutions Organization in North America with over 20 years of experience providing IT staffing and component-based services.

Technical Recruiter

  • Assisted in growing the Toronto office sales revenue by 56% over the past six months resulting in Toronto becoming Canada’s fastest growing office.
  • Generated sales leads with Fortune 500/100 companies resulting in new jobs for consultants at various industries including government, entertainment, food and beverage, finance and the energy sector.
  • Provided training, leadership, and mentorship to junior recruiters in the areas of customer/client intimacy, technology training, negotiation and technical support.

Y.M. Inc., Toronto, Ontario: January 2005 – September 2006

Y.M. Inc. is one of North America’s leading apparel retailers, currently operating over 650 stores across Canada and the United States.

Executive Assistant to the Director of Product Purchasing for Y.M. Inc./Bluenotes/Suzy’s Inc.

  • Managed billing, invoicing, reporting of purchase orders for products attributing to a yearly product budget over $20 million
  • Built relationships with vendors and suppliers across North America to ensure products were delivered within time and budget
  • Designed and maintained databases to analyze expenditures and track company purchases related to goals and metrics
  • Strengthened ability to prioritize and multi-task in a high pressure environment & interact positively across departments and convey sense of trust.
  • Copywriter : Suzy Shier Fall 2006 Print Magazine/Catalogue/Online

i pay it backward. do you?

Earlier this year I was part of the team behind the first Pay it Backward. I was Chief Firecracker and my job was to get everyone excited. Let me tell you, it was out-of-this-world-crazy-fun!!  We broke a Guinness World Record too.

On September 30th, you can join this amazing effort in social good just by visiting one of over 170 Second Cup locations and buying the person BEHIND you in line a coffee.  Second Cup will donate all proceeds straight to the Sick Kids Foundation.

How cool is that?! Imagine if everyone got involved? That a whole lotta good going on! I’m excited. I  just watched this awesome video by Notable TV and it gave me goosebumps knowing the positive the social force behind it. Enjoy.

If you have a story from Pay it Backward Day I’d love to hear it 🙂

But, they don’t all bring you lasagna at work.

Watched Clerks last night for the first time. I know. The title of this post is part of a quote from Silent Bob saying “there’s a million fine looking women in the world…”. Listening to Selah Sue. Watched a video from boy crazy Alexi. Sent my stuff to insurance from my back-ccident and snail mailed a card to someone special.

Billabong sample sale downstairs today. Lots of deals. 67 Mowat Ave first floor at Pady Sales if you wanna go, today or tomorrow.

I wanna win the Build a Bash contest from Koodo where get $50,000 to throw a party. You can join my party here but you gotta be logged into Facebook cause it uses FB Connect.

Gah, imagine I had $50K for a party. OMG.

Have a great day!

yes you can sail the seven seas!

I’ve told you about my friend and little blonde blogger Keri, The Canadian Explorer. Recently she went on Canada’s largest Navy ship. I love her show. Here’s the most recent episode on board the HMCS unit. Enjoy 🙂

snail vs. email – both are good

I’m sharing with you three things I got in the mail recently that made me smile. Enjoy!

One – made me smile and feel pretty

Casie? It’s me [friend]. Hi. I just wanted to let you know that one of my facebook friends just wrote me. The subject line was “Pretty Woman” and the message was: “Ya… who is CASIE STEWART?? Sweet……”
I thought you should know.
Kay bye have fun!

Two -love  you friend & thanks for caring

hey pretty lady. What can I do to encourage you to stop eating McDonalds, you have such a beautiful mind, body, and soul, why pollute it with garbage.

Do we not have enough vices!

Friday I’m in Love with McDonads on

Three – i like music

I got the new EP Runaround from Scissor Sisters guitarist Del Marquis from my friends at The Musebox in NY, NY. I like Scissor Sisters and this guy is a total babe. Been listening this morning. So far so good. Me likey. Thanks guys!

leave that nine to five up on the shelf

Leaving 15 minutes earlier didn’t get us here any faster. National Car Free day but CP24 was showing massive traffic. Feel like it’s gonna be a productive one. Wore my wellies, there’s a rain-a-coming.

Had a good sleep, back’s getting better. Feeling quite creative today.Might paint tonight. Time for a new sketch book again. I’ve filled up two every quarter for the past year.

Found out I’m getting the new CK for men in the mail soon. Will have some samples too. I hope i comes in a big box. I wonder what catering will bring for lunch today. I’m reading a new book by Tucker Max. There’s a movie coming out of it. Pretty hilarious. I really should write down more stories. The ones that go untold and would never  be published here. I’ve done some pretty ridiculous and hilarious things. I’m thankful for all my experiences as they make me who I am today.

I’m behind on FB & email messages, will get to that later. Gonna check a few bitches off my list so I feel good when lunch rolls in.

Have a GREAT day! Bye.

p.s. Happy Birthday to my twabe Rachel a.k.a @stealingkitty in Texas she turns 40 today! I sang her happy birthday on 12 seconds this morning 🙂 Love ya xo

some days you just wanna take a break from life

The day after a relaxing weekend and all I want is the couch, horizontal with a pillow, watching tv. Back is better but the pain is still there. Had pho for lunch. Was tasty as usual. I really miss my camera.

I forgot how pretty and green Cambridge is. I feel torn between my love of the city and  my love of bring in a quiet place surrounded by nature and peace. This is driving in Blair beside Mum’s favorite tree.

I really missed Cambridge until I got back home to my glass box in the sky. I love the city too.

Had a good chuckle at Do Your Fucking Dishes. I had a roomate that didn’t do his and I put them in his room.

When I was in highschool I really wanted these prescription Gucci glasses. Mum’s work would pay for them and I cheated my eye exam to get them. My prescription was barely there at all. Two years later after wearing them my eyes had gotten a little worse. Last time I got them checked they were 20/20 again. My new prescription glasses have no prescription.

a sense of community, it feels like home

Lovely to wake up the the sound of nothing but Dad in the kitchen upstairs. No streetcar, highway, train or traffic. We headed out for brekky stopping at garage sales along the way.

Dad picked me up in the hot rod last night. I saw everyone on the bus looking at the car and I loved it.

How much would you offer for these tracks? He’s there tomorrow so I might go back.

My favorite thing to do is at home is pop by the vintage boutiques. I have my favorites and never leave them empty handed. I got four pairs of shoes, three hats and a couple other jems. I picked up a vintage suitcase to bring them all in too.

Sabrina said not to bring home a bunch of crap but I’m gonna get rid of some old clothes this time. Seriously, like before next weekend. Move in two weeks.

Bonga’s band was playing at the Preston Music Festival so Mum and I walked over to Central Park.  Gresat music, gonna go back later. Some local friends brought their Mum’s too, it was cute. Insert joke: “Everybody and their Mom is here” haha. I was lucky that Mum, Dad and Dad’s GF were all there. Ya family!

It’s wonderful to be home. I was daydreaming of moving from the city, back here. It’s so calm and peaceful. I’ve seen familiar faces all day.  Ran into my fav teacher Mrs. Bennett. I think I can call her Sandra now that i’m 27.

I’ve taken in so many little things today I could write for hours. All things I don’t want to forget.

Awesome. Have a great night friends. It’s beautiful out ♥

all the way to the bank

I was given this bill from a friend. He logged his handling of it on This is my first bill I’ve logged so I’m making a little deal about it.

Cool I guess if you’re in to that sorta track-my thing-online-and-see-what-it-does kinda stuff.  Colin McLeod in St.John’s, NB logged bill first. He came to Niagara Falls for the Cindy Lauper/Rosie show in July. We got it at Shoeless Joe’s in Liberty Village and now it’s in my jeans pocket. The end.

took candy and makeup and said don’t panic

This morning in the shower I was remembering something that happened a few years ago and feeling quite lucky.  I’ll share with you now what I remember. Mum, if I mixed it up please tell me.

I was about 12 years old and traveling home from New Zealand with Mum and Jenie. We had gone through all the checks  and boarded the plane.

I don’t remember the exact chain of events but it went something like this. We boarded and someone’s luggage boarded the plane but not the passenger. Airline, big problem. We all had to exit the plane and they had us wait in the waiting area.

The plane had come from Iraq to Australia and was picking us up in New Zealand. At the time, Irag & Oz were having bad relations.  Remember, I was only 12 when this happened so I know hardly anything about that part.

The security guys were doing massive searches on ALL our luggage. They rummaged through everything taking out  consumable products like gum, candy, lotions, makeup and tossed them in the garbage bin. I asked the security guard for piece of his gum. He gave me one, it was cinnamon.

They searched my hair, bottom of my shoes, even behind my belt! Every passenger went though the same hands on search. We found out shortly after that there WAS a BOMB ON OUR PLANE. Yep, the one  we just exited.

The bomb squad was on board taking care of it as we waited and waited and waited.  It was eight long hours  in the airport before another plane arrived to take us back to North America.

After 9/11 people really scared to fly, including me.  However, I boarded my next flight knowing I already had a bomb on a plane once in my life, the chances of it happening again are pretty slim. 😉

Traveling to see my parents this weekend out of the city.  They’re over 50 but it doesn’t even seem like it, they have young attitudes. Me, my hurting back and swollen-bee-sting-finger are quite looking forward to it. Adventure time!! I always find heaps of good stuff in the basements.  That also means your closet Mum, haha! Woohoo!

Happy Friday!

careful what you wish for

thoughts become things

So I’m reading this book about when bee’s are extinct and then all of a sudden five people get stung around the world and it’s a huge deal. They think there’s something special about them but I’m not done the book yet so I  don’t know for sure. It’s good.

One girl is from Ontario and her name is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. I’m from Ontario and my middle name Diana  for the same reason. Another girl is from Palmerston North, New Zeland. A small town in Manawatu which happens to be where my mum was born and a heap of my family currently live. Weird.

I wanted  a new book and asked for something that I would enjoy reading  yet find intellectually stimulating. One day I went to collect our mail and sitting on the return to sender pile was this book, unmarked, unadressed. I picked it up and started reading. It was meant to be mine that day.

So today, I was sitting having a beer with a colleage, it was about 4:20 when we ordered a second. I had mentioned the book earlier and followed by saying “I haven’t been stung by a bee in a while”. I got up and knocked a nearby tree branch right away.   As I was finishing my second pint, bill paid, I felt a sharp needle like pain in my finger. Bloody hell, I’d been stung.

Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for, thoughts become things.

bono sang me to sleep last night

The U2 concert was loud enough to hear distant vocals and the buzz  of the crowd cheering from my bedroom.  Took some pain medicine and passed out. It was only the second time the roof has been open for a concert ever. I taked to a guy the other day about the shape of the roof and how the sky done was built. He mentioned this really cool flat roof he was working on. I ove how rain sounds on a metal roof. The tower was lit up to match the show. Bet those were some pricey Concert Tickets to get. Some rad aerial photos from the show here.  I finally got a good sleep and woke up in less pain than the day before. The future is bright!

I read an interesting post today from Erin on the Sprouter blog.  I’ve been getting emails and calls from friends not yet using this stuff saying “Casie, I need to  set up Twitter/Blog stuff  for my business.  Help me, help me”. The thing is, just setting up a Twitter account or blog is not going to generate a presence online, save your brand or make you money.

Social media is more than just being online, it really is about being social. You gotta put yourself out there (and stay out there) online AND offline to get the social media results you’re looking for. Like everything else, it takes work.

I apologize on behalf of Kanye the Douche, he interrupted my site yesterday. Yours too? Urgh, that guy,  SO annoying. I came in to the office to see Mum had sent me a email with a Health Warning. I assumed it was serious and then…oh Mum, so funny!

p.s. Entertaining stuff on my Tumblr & Borderline Artistic blogs and my Twitter stream if you’re looking to waste some time at work this afternoon. Ok. Bye 🙂

blog in full sentence, tweet the headlines

Wake up at 6 am reach for water forgetting the pain and feel a sharp knife in my back. Take in medicine, deep breath, exhale. I lay down slowly as not to get that knife again and fall back to sleep. Wake up reach for water, the knife strikes again, twice. I take twice as long to get ready. Slowly put on underwear with out falling, I dress in comfy clothes. Dust off the running shoes and the knife strikes as the cat scurries by. I ignore the pain and I and I tie them up. Reminder to eat something before medicine and get change for street car. Off the bike for a while.  Everything is taking longer, taking longer.

I wait for the streetcar, preying for a seat. Every bump or stop on the ride is amplified to me right now. Standing would be torture. I see a girl with a backpack, strangely I wish I could wear a backpack. I’d look like a highschooler in these Lulu’s and flower hoodie.  Cute boy briskly passes me on the sidewalk; I’m almost at medium pace. No head  turns. I want an iphone badly. Riding public transit is good for writing. Each car is full of stories waiting to be told.  I look like I’m aggressively texting non stop about something important. I am, my thoughts are important.

The pain medicine sinks in as I swivel in my desk chair.

Brief red carpet outing last night… View Post

the process of changing apples to oranges

I wake up. Twist and scream. I think, why me? Sometimes live throws you curve balls. You can catch it. Pain, I can handle it. X-ray day today. Most people don’t like the doctor but it helps when he’s young and handsome like mine. I’m grateful for the friends/family who have been helping me. I’m thankful for Mum. I rung her so upset this morning and she saved the day. She made me feel better. Then I remembered it’s her birthday. I felt horrible. Finally did some laundry. I got flowers last night from the house where I fell. They’re beautiful. Getting read to go now. I can do this. It’s gonna be ok. Positive thinking.

I just read over your Billie Jean King quote about achieving your dreams, Mum.  The one in the frame. Thank you. I love you.

in memory of a great one: swayze

I love Patrick Swayze and still swoon over him every time I watch Ghost, Dirty Dancing or carry a watermelon. He battled hard with his Cancer and will forever live in my memory.

I loved him most when he danced.

I was never lucky enough to meet him, despite  day dreaming about it the last twenty years.  As a young dancer I was fortunate to have Patsy Swayze, his mother and renowned choreographer judge me at a dance competition.

It was Rhythm Dance competition, Humanities Theatre,  Waterloo, circa 1993.  My first year doing a solo. The adjudicators sat in lit tables behind the first few rows of seats. They recorded comments on tape while you performed on stage.

After, they listened to the tapes and calculated the scores  of each category. As dancers, we got to keep the tapes. I have a stack of them packed away from years of competitions.

I was nervous and excited from what I remember. She spoke about me on the podium after and I don’t even remember what place I came in.

The thing that stuck with me all these years is what she said about me on the tape “It’s too bad we don’t have lighting from the audience to show this child’s facial expression because she truly does deserve”.

Patsy, you raised a great son. You both made a big impact on me.

Rest in peace Patrick. I’ll never put you in a corner xo

hello hollywood glamour!

Casie Stewart on dock

The night was warm as over four hundred fine people walked the red carpet boarding the yacht. Toronto is full of do-gooders and together we surpassed our goal raising over $600o for Meal Exchange. Thank you everyone that purchased event tickets, raffle tickets and came out to have fun!

Along with raising awareness of an awesome national student-founded, youth-driven charity, our donation will result in mentoring over 214 youth and providing over 7,500 meals to those in need.

Rob cheeleaders

Thanks to Mariposa Cruise Lines for giving us a great spot to have a party and the Argo girls for coming out too. They’re lined up here to chat with Rob from

Check out the photos from our wonderful photographers Rosa Park, Say Yeah, and Chris G.

The next Twestival is in the new year and will an opportunity to tweet,meet and give for a global cause.  It will obviously be a night not to miss!  Have a great day.

I did an interview for Daniele Rossi’s Creative Bender radio show after getting back on land. Take a listen, it’s short & sweet.

check that one of the list.

My first sport bike ride ever. The best part is the outfit. Full story here.

broke back floor whack suprise attack

I had a great time at the Notable party. Red carpet, interviews, familiar faces, drinks, good music.

After that I went to another party and fell 12 feet through a floor and spent the night in the emergency room. It hurts. I’m horizontal and wont be moving for a while. Quite upset about the whole thing.

I could use some drugs and a sandwich. Ok bye.

* photos from Smojoe

that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there…

I was gonna tidy/pack while watching television at home alone…UNTIL….

I got a message from the famous Shawn Hawaii inquiring about the Sprout Up. Was I attending? I was now.

Threw on an outfit. (Mum knit the vest in the 1970’s). Jumped on the trolley and headed to meet Hawaii. First stop, Sprouter SproutUp in Yorkville.

If you like being surrounded by smart entrepreneurs and cool people, go next time. You’ll thank me. It’s Oct 14th, second Wednesday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.

Second stop was the Globe’s Beatles party at the Berkley Church.  The party was fun and we got a killer giftbag with the new Beatles Blueray disk. I also got flowers. Yeah, awesome!

We cruised to the Annex for a bite and beer and then took it up a notch in the Distillery district.  Belmont cigarettes was throwing an entertainment industry party. Knew about a zillion people and I still have drink tickets in my purse if you want them. Ran into stylish Ms. Sass from among many other notables including PJ Phil!

Belmont has some sexy new skinny cigarettes and I snagged a bunch of packs.  At home I put on my Super Woman costume and danced around. Oh, who , will I be at Twestival on Saturday?? avatars myspace with Gickr

Did you get your tickets for Saturday yet? Sheesh, do it now. I’m paying $5 of your night, use CASIE as your promo code. It’s ON A BOAT!

Tonight is TedxTO party at Brasaii and the opening of TIFF. It’s definitely going to be Notable. RSVP here if you haven’t yet. See you on the red carpet! Bring your camera!

p.s. Quite Waldo-ish today 🙂

attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me because we’ve always got something going on. This week, is NO exception, it’s one of the busiest times of the year when the city is filled with stars and red carpets.

Tomorrow marks the opening of TIFF and the first day of our first TEDxTO Conference.  You’ll find me at the afterparty hosted by Notable TV at Brasaii on King Street.

TED is all about ideas worth sharing and the event will be full of interesting people sharing great ideas.

To RSVP head to Notable’s registration page and get your name on the list!

pimp myspace

Twestival Local is on on Saturday. What is it? Around the world cities are joining together to raise money for a local charities.

Our charity is Toronto based Meal ExchangeAll the proceeds go directly to Meal Exchange with a goal of raising $5000 to facilitate 178 youth leaders and over 6250 meals being distributed. Totally awesome!

Just think about it, you’ll be on a boat, partying with Toronto’s social media community, hot DJs, deliecious free food and flowing drinks while cruising the harbourfront with a view of our beautiful city.

When you get your tickets enter promo code CASIE for $5 off.

How can you say no NOW?  YOU CAN’T!

Check out the Facebook Event page. There are some badass prizes to be won including Palm Pre (that I want to win) if you dress up as your favorite celebrity.

I have a feeling Toronto’s own Paris Hiton might just show up 😛


on wednesday morning it will be 9 seconds past 9 mins past 9 o’clock on the 9th of the 9th 09.

there are 9 letters in wednesday and also in september.

this excited me more than it should i think

* text from flissss image from growingup on tumblr

I love special number days.

circling round the buildings like really big eagles

The jets start flying again, its the last time I will hear them for about 36o days. Ate some chips. Oreos. Watching Confessions of  GoGo Dancer, seems it’s pretty easy for a girl to get mixed up in the wrong crowd. The internet addiction centre opened in Washington.

I wrote a long post and it deleted for some reason. I guess that means I should get off the internet and go outside. Been browsing Tumblr while watching cheezy tv all day. Big Daddy is on now. Tit’s McGee, haha. I was browsing some photos, these are all from September’s.

Enjoy your day off everyone. It’s beauty out 🙂

celebrate your economic & social achievements!!

She’s such little darling that Sabrina, after her hair was done she put on a nice dress and went for a stroll.She picked me up a little notebook that reminded her of the Twitter bird, funky pen and a new eyeliner. Made the day even brighter.

Early in the day yesterday I was thinking, I’d like to go to a party.

Like a good ol’ house party with a BBQ, patio, good music and all the shit.

Well, be careful what you wish for, thoughts become things……………

Some of Beans’ friends from uni were having a shindig. There was a brand new deck and was “time to stomp on it” as I was told. Food was cooked on the new BBQ and was delish. THANKS GUYS!

Met a cute girl with the same name. Once in a while I meet a boy Casey or a  dog. Quite rare I reckon. How many do you know?

My blogging friend Muireann Carey-Campbell is heading back to England and having her send off tonight at Czehoski. After that it’s off to the Labour Day Rock Out Party at Tattoo. If you’re around come!


you never met a M.F. quite like me

I wanted to go see Kid Rock over the Killers cause I love his wild-whisky-drinking-country-singing-long-hair-badass style. He was wearing a leather shirt with rhinestones when he started. Serious swooning over here.

We caught about 20 minutes of Lynard Skynard. He has some serious muscles. I’m not sure how old he is buyt from my seat he looked FIT.

The first sound I heard from the stage when K.Rock came on was one of my favorite songs ever. I taped it for you:

More videos are uploading. Will add later.

This one drunk guy said “is this like the good looking girl section”, nice pick up line buddy. ‘We’re all married” I said. There were so many drunken mullets and wire beaters. Good entertainment!

Jenie ran into Kory and Lisa and bunch of other girls I know from back home in Cambridge. We crammed them in our box but then the security girl kicked them out. A few got to stay for the rest of the show. Fun times 🙂

I also got a $50 for Subway which is pretty rad. The Jets are so loud. They keep zipping right above our condo and scaring the bejebas out of me.

Heading to the Lake to read my book and watch them overhead. Have a great day!

Big party at Tattoo Rock Parlor on Sunday night hosted by the Magen Boys.  If you’re in the city on this fine weekend, come. Shawn Hawaii, my boy is DJ and I’ll be cuttin’ a rug on the dance floor! Facebook invite is here.