
I’m not sure what is going on today. It’s like I feel still positive but I’m having of of those ‘everything is pissing’ me off days and that is pissing me off. I really wanna get home to my computer and work on stuff. I’m super busy at work, like so busy that I’m always playing catch up and that dives me mental. I need to breathe to be creative. I’ve got a situation you could say.

Had a lovely lunch meeting today about a potential project. It was the perfect thing to break up my day.  I wore my red Moovboots today and my feet are really happy. There are police everywhere at home which means there’s likely no chance of getting and w33d delivered in the next week which also makes me angry. It’s days like these when I cruise home and relax while I watch TV. I

got the new Wired mag last night which is pretty awesome except I hardly ever read magazines anymore. I wish I had an ipad. Wow, who am I? Negative Nancy? I need to stop this. Once today is over and I leave the office I promise myself to be all smiles. I

‘m walking over to the postie to pick up a package that [fingers crossed] is a new camera. One of my loving friends sent one which is ironic because it’s his birthday and I’m getting something. I really wish I had send him a mail, fuck. Where is my head at? I realise that working everyday in a row without any breaks gives me a short fuse. I feel like I have been sitting in my desk since last Tuesday.  I have. You know how much I love my job but doing that will make anyone grumps.

I’d like to hibernate and that’s exactly what I am going to go this weekend for G20. I’m going to ask about working from home on Thursday and Friday. Gun shots were fired near my place last and this morning there were twice as many police on the ground.  My job is not worth risking my life thankyouverymuch.

Time for my show. The Young and the Restless is like my freaking chill pill.  I could use a dose of Billy Abbot or JT or even Kane Ashby. For your information, Team posi will be back later, until then, this Nancy has more work to do.

most embarrASSing G20 moment so far

casie stewart is a celebrity? that’s what i heard.

Remember yesterday when I mentioned Virgin wanted to send me to LA? They wanna send a couple other bloggers too. My girl Bre Bre got on Mashable for her screen shot so I thought I’d share mine too. No big deal.

Topic Summary:

  • Toronto
  • Blogging
  • Torontonians
  • media
  • Twitteratti
  • Marketing

I may just be the happiest girl ever.


thank you universe. this day gets better every minute.

Watching Kesha on stage right now and tweeting my heart out for @MuchMusic. Being here is blowing my mind. I’m soaking up every minute.

Last night was so much fun I can’t even tell you.  Also, just got an email from Virgin American & Klout they are sending me to LA. I love life.  I love you.  I have so much to tell you but for now I just show you my dress from Peach Berserk made SPECIALLY for tonight’s MMVA’s. It’s going to be auctioned off after for a charity in Uganda. Tell you about that tomorrow.

Have an awesome day.

Party in the MMVA!


Pure madness around here. Come on down! If you are in the area tomorrow make sure to checkin on Foursquare to MMVA!

Ok back to work. Follow @muchmusic for all the show deets!

we got a situation on our hands here

What a weekend this is gonna be. Excited. Busy. Wristbands. Celebrities. Massive stage. Bieber fever. I am so excited. A massive amount of candy just arrived at the office and I’ll be hopped up on sugar all weekend. Katy Perry would love this.

I’m working long hours and days/night but you know what, I always wanted to do this. I have the coolest job and I’m really excited to be party of the bniggest award show party in CANADA. I will not complain of being tired and I will try to share as much as I can with you from behind the scenes & what I’m up to.

Check out this badass shirt I just got! YEOW!


I’m inviting 20 FRIENDS to come to a TFC game with ME next weekend! Our seats are pretty sweet too 1st row is Section 110 which is right next to the super loud supporters section. It’s gonna be crazy! Oh, it’s TFC vs LA Galaxy too!

Tickets are sometimes hard to come by but my friend Jonathan knew I wanted to check out a game, so he hooked up a dealio for me and my followers/readers/friends. If we’ve never met, this is gonna be a GREAT time. I’m really happy in these types if settings because I like top get ROWDY!

Here are the details:

Toronto FC vs LA Galaxy: Saturday, June 26th 7:30PM

BMO Field – Seats are in section 110A ROW 1

Only 20 seats available. $40/seat BEST DEAL AROUND!


Includes special half time field level visit (great photo op).

You can purchase your ticket from this lovely little link Jonathan set up for us HERE.

Think about it, me, you, beer, yelling and the TFC. Ah-MAY-zing!

I went to a game last year and had THE BEST TIME even though it rained cats and blogs that day!

Comment so I know you are coming and get ready for a GONG SHOW!

busiest week ever followed by craziest week ever

It’s almost 8pm and I’m watching Jeopardy at the office. I got here at 10am. This has been a pretty crazy week. I love what I do and I would keep going 24/7 if I did not need sleep. There are so many things happening each day that I’ve not had time to blog about it. Next week will be back to normal (whatever that means) and I really hope to show you some of the good shit from  behind the scenes of the MMVAs this weekend. My dress from Peach Bersek is going to be AMAZING. We designed it when I popped by earlier today. I starting to think I might work from home for the latter part of next week during G20.  The whole thing really pisses me off.  We’ve had no bites on the G20 rental either…there goes the fantasy trip I was dreaming about! I’m gonna go get dressed up and have a drink with a friend. I’m in the mood for it.

Catch up tomorrow,

xo Casie

One more thing, thought about tweeting Obama and saying “Can’t wait till you get here for G20. You’re gonna be right by my house!” Then realized it might be a bad idea since they’re all SERIOUS about security and stuff. Could get in trouble! haha, losers.

how the eff is this happening? trees? really? #G20

This is right by my house and I HATE that this is happening. It makes me feel sick. How fucking stupid are the people putting this thing on? Why not host the G20 in some rural area that won’t shut down the busiest city in our WHOLE DAMN country. I hate it. That is all for now. The article is here if you wanna read the crap.

i went to NXNEi & all i got was this awesome photo

NXNEi - Day 2

Carly & I, at it again! Life of the party 🙂

Thanks to Jason for stopping to shoot us & thanks to my planning, I’ve managed to get my work done today and attend two sessions. The afternoon one I went to was all about Women in Social Media and I learned I need to start being on panels. I’ve got lots to share about internet, personal branding, stalkers, privacy. I’ve been doing this internet thing since  before ICQ & I started blogging on that old myspace in 2005.

In other daily news, got an email today for the SXSW panel picker for 2011. Had a great call about a campaign with a new client. Confirmed I’m a judge for the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. Heading over to Peach Berserk before getting my hair done  to see about a special MMVA dress too.

I’m really excited about life and my friends and my job. All this stuff just makes me wanna work harder and set BIGGER goals! LOOK OUT WORLD HERE I COME! FTW!

NXNEi - Day 2

I got to thinking about that MTV TJ job everyone is buzzing about and looked back to that article about me in the Metro back in Jan. Made me feel pretty lucky/proud of how much I’ve grown since then and what I’m doing at work. You can read it here if ya want.

“You may not know it yet, but Casie Stewart is your new favourite online VJ, the latest update on that oh-so-’80s on-air media personality.”


I attended one of the first sessions for NXNE Interactive this morning. Couple people I know were on the panel and I like to surpport them as well as the session itself was interesting: Social Media Circle Jerking 101.

I’m surprised that I didn’t take considering all the girls I saw there: Carly, Abby, Lucia, Lisa & Jas. That’s a social media circle jerk right there. haha. Couldn’t help but think of Raymi, she always calls the SM events circle jerks. It’s true really, a bunch of ‘meme’ people in a room talking about themselves.

If you wanna see comments from the session or what people are saying, check the hashtag #nxnei. Gonna get back there this arvo for Lucia’s session. Then I get ma hair did by Darren Kwik. What should I do? MMVA weekend and I’m tryna hook up with Katy Perry to be honest

Today is a good day if you make it one. Your choice!

do you know how to embed flash? i think i do!

annual trinity bellwoods garage sale = great finds

The park is a hub for hipsters, style and creativity and it all rolls out of peoples closets for this sale each year. It’s my fav one to attend and I didn’t know it was on until a impromptu conversation after my lovely brekky at Niche.

I picked up this awesome vintage purse from Brazil. All leather and so similar to one that Mum has (Jenie has it at the moment). I was a super hipster and grabbed a Vice mag from American Apparel on my way h0me.

Got this sweet little collar and old gloves. They look so elegant!

There’s a cool art installation in the park for Luminato right now. Crazy boat thingy you walk through with all these clinitygy-clangity sounds.

This is a really crazy week.  It’s NXNEi, MMVA lead in to Sunday, hair appt tomo with Darren, lots of posts to write and heaps to get done. I know I can do it.  I have faith in myself.

Good thing I spend so many years partying, staying up late, drinking and working hard…work hard play hard has been good training for this week. Ha!

Happy Monday! Love you xo

NXNE Wristband Giveaway!!

I have TWO wristbands to give away courtesy of Dr. Martens & NEON on Queen Street. You want ’em?

Tell me why YOU should have them and why YOU wanna PARTY with me?

Creative content wins my love & wristbands.


this is the red canoodle


It’s peaceful and big and red and in a park surrounded by green. I love it.



Sky is so foggy you can’t see The Tower today. We’re under a cloudy blanket.


my fav android market downloads

These are my fav apps I’ve downloaded to my Motorola Milestone android phone mini-computer from Telus.  Figured it was about time I shared them with you.

By far the coolest thing I’ve ever seenon anyone’s phone – Google Sky Map. With Google Sky Map for Android you have the magic to discover, view and search the sky by pointing your phone to outerspace. It’s keeps me up at night, stargazing.

I searched The Southen Cross, a star constallation I have tattooed on my back, my very first tattoo. You can see it in the southern Hemisphere near New Zealand & Australia. Last night, I found it from my bed.

Makes the world seem small, and me there looking at it,  bigger than life.

I don’t really play games that much but two that I’ve kept are Labyrinth and Jewels . They both kinda make you smarter which makes me happy, win-win. I like Foursquare too, obviously. I use Compas & Metal Detector for fun sometimes. I have the Gaga’s Monster app and Lady Gaga ringtones too. My phone rings bad romance, love love love.

Some others I use for blogging are:

WordPress for Android – great for bobile blogging, not that many options but good enough

Fx Camera – Photo settings like Toy Cameras, Polandroid, Fisheye, Symetrical, Warhol

Camera Illusion – heaps of different setting I don’t really get but on turns yout photo into a drawing. Love that.

Not sure if i’ve told you a zillion times or not, but I realy love this phone, its’ the best I’ve ever had. Police light is pretty badass, check this out…

life in poetic motion


took myelf for breakfast. queen west. wellies cause it might rain, brolly too. latte skim, peanut butter toast. cloudy sky, fresh air, bright eyes. fabric of life, make a new dress. afternoon delight with zoey.

fox park


There’s this neat park near my place that I’ve fallen quite in love with. It has sprinklers, an infinity pond, grass, benches, and my most favorited big red canoe. The view is pretty of the city and that of the lake as well. I often see bunches of boys playing soccer in the field. It was designed by Douglas Coupeland and has Terry Fox memorabilia.


Nice to have some green grass and trees in my concrete jumgle. Reminder: Plan a park hang soon.

they commin’ to a hood near you, geee twenty





Cruised through the forbidden G20 area yesterday. Man, those fences are huge and I can only imagine how annoying it will be in just over a week.

We have decided to put our place up for rent for June 25-27 after hearing in the media about the dosh a couple people in our hood are getting. Our unit is pretty nice and if we can make a quick buck, I’m into it.

I’ll be reporting daily about life in the G(20) Unit. I prey that it goes off sans problems but I feel like the chances of that as just as likley as riding a unicorn into the sunset.

We shall see won’t we!

tonight i’m not takin’ no calls, ’cause i’ll be dancin’

I had a really fun time last night. Like, reeeeeeeeeally fun.  Stayed late at work tweeting @muchmusic before shipping over to Rivoli to hang out with a bunch of music industry peeps from different labels etc.  I met this adorable little miss with great style named Monica who just moved here from Australia. I also met her lovely BF Ricky who…. PLAYS GUITAR FOR LADY GAGA! I die. I die. You know how much I love her.

After that I cruised over to see 40Deuce & Hawaii for a hang then peeped over to #loserkaraoke and sang me some Telephone. I love my friends. I love my job. I love Friday and I love the weekend. Cheers to life and living it out. FTW!

according to my calculations…

Ola! Thursday is upon up and I’m feelin’ great. Popped over to #andomTO with Carly & O’Nizzle last night. Lots of familiar faces and a bunch of new ones.Aren’t we just the cutest? I look kinda meh but whatevs. Love.

Carly blogged us too & took the pic. Vote for Lauren in the MMVA VVIP, last day today!

Tonight is a Music Industry tweetup at Rovoli followed by me + my bed + tv + relaxing. Went to bed early last night, needed it. Bad. Feelin’ it again.  Law & Order Long & Boring at 11 puts me to bed.

Love this shirt Crabby got for me. The calculator says BOOBIES hehe. Remember how much fun shit like that was when we were kids? Oh man.

Getting creeped out about the G20, there was grafitti by my place this AM and thinking of shippin’ out of the city to work from Mum or Dad’s place. I live in prime PROTESTER-hang area between two banks.

Grafitti was on this subways thing.  Red zone is the other side of the street there. Urgh…

Not worth risking it if you ask me. Heard to day that wireless signals are going to be blocked in the area period & random too. Just what us NERDS LOOOOVE? I’d rather have no ability to leave my house for a week than have no internet. You can stack up on food but you can’t stack up on wifi. Started a new hashtag this morning… #FMN = fuck my neighbourhood.

AAAAAAAAAAh! I’m ready for le weekend. Half day tomorrow ! WOOT WOOT! Next week is MMVA week 🙂

wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we had some good chats. They had burgers & stuff but all I had was rumski/coke.

Karrera is in town so I booted home to spend the night with her. So awesome. I really miss her now that she moved out west. We’ve been besties sine we were like 12.  Planning to attend an exclusive opening with Carly again tonight, hopefully the rain won’t break my stride. Brought Kelly Cutrone’s book for her to borrow. If you’ve not read it, do it, it’s fucking awesome. If You Have to Cry Go Outside.

Wearing wellies and a rain coat today, as you would imagine.  My Marketing Team at MuchMTV has a burrito lunch together today for our meeting. So hungry. Ya! Ai ai ai ai ai aia ia ai ai ai yeeeeeeeeee!! (That’s me excited for burito).

No matter what today, don’t let the rain get you down. Jump in puddles, get wet. You won’t melt, you WILL dry. You will never be as young as you are today.  Make the most of it, YOU ARE ALIVE!

her boyfriends like a dad, just like a dad

THIS PREMIERES TODAY! Gaga called it “a homoerotic military theme”. OOOOH, you know what I love you boy HOT LIKE MEXICO!

stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

I love Twitter for so many reason but one of them is this…FRIENDS!

Friends that are always there to cheer you up because sometimes a little thing happens to steer you in the wrong direction. Today I  kinda got off to a bad start and naturally, I tweeted… then before you know it my friends popped out of the internet, took action and typed me some sunshine. You can’t get that type of widespread instant happiness anywhere else.

I tried to take a pic of my outfit but it’s impossible with a phone camera. I really miss having my camera. Don’t you miss my outfit shots? Well, I do and that’s really what matters here. I’ll get a new one soon. Maybe this week. Anyone have a hookup with Canon/Kodak/Camera Store? I’ll love you forever just like I love Telus for hookin’ a sista up with the most amazing phone, Motorola Milestone.

Lots of meetings today which means time is very valuable! Carly’s BF’s band Hail The Villan is on MOD today at 5’er. Sailor Jerry event tonight and I dressed kinda sailor inspired. Yahooo!

Have a wonderful day. i you xo

come on sucker lick my battery

I’m tired and I have things to get done and emails to retun but I can’t sleep. I need a break but the thing is, I internet all the time and the internet doesn’t take breaks. It doesn’t stop or sleep. I can’t do that. I need to take breaks, I am not a computer. I need to get my rest. I’m not being complainey, I’m being real. And I’m real tired. I’m gonna try to stay home this weekend and relax, it’s only Tuesday. CRIPES! Ah well, tomorrow morning I will wake up reborn and ready for a new day. Looking forward to the Tuesday meeting to hear what everyone says about the shows we premiered last night.

One day robotic beings might rule the world. The binary solo at thge end of this I love. Next tattoo is probably gonna be binary or hashtag.  Hashtag #love sounds pretty special to me.

i cheated on you once and i’ll do it again

Ok, ok I know what you’re thinking and not, it’s not you, it’s me. I cheated on TORONTO by going to MONTREAL and having a really fun time. There’s a contest promoting you ‘cheat’ on your city and visit Montreal. I’ve been a bunch of times and it’s a fun place.

I’d love you to vote for me so I can go back to Montreal for a weekend with a friend. Here’s my little video. If you vote for me I will feel lucky, thanks in advance!

Pretty easy to vote ->  right here. xoxo