the daily twitter talk for 2010-08-01

i saw bon jovi and i love his leather vest.

Fun show. Kinda slow in the middle but good start and finish. I wish I wore a leather vest too. Not to the concert, but on the regular. [must find small leather vest]

Yes please. Sing to me! Aaaahhhhhhhh.  I screamed loud a couple times. I wasn’t really that it excited at first, it was last minute and it just happened and before I knew it I was there.  It was awesome.

Found out he is like 48 and all I have to say is, 48 in 2010 ain’t what 48 used to be.

Thank you. Positive message. Nice light show. Included videos of fans singing in the performance across the whole back screen. Liked that.

Packed house @ Rogers Centre. SKYDOME. SO many people in there man.

Well, mostly women, but man it was a lot of people.

Look at this cool cat, nice hair dude. Wanker.

Couple studs in the house.

Hey Bon Jovi,

You are awesome.

Love, CASIE xo

all the world’s a reality show

 all the men and women merely content

Ok true, not true. Kinda. The world isn’t what it used to be. The way we get and recieve information, what shows are on TV, where the news comes from. We’re all playing in this game of sharing and wanting attention. Pay attention to me, look what I’m doing, look what they are doing. Look, listen, watch, read. Nothing is new but everything is recreated, remixed, revisited, reshared. I’m one to talk, I share hard. I share often because I want you to listen, I want you to care. It’s a never ending life stream. Don’t ever let it end. I want to remember it all. What did I do last week? Lemme check my blog. Maybe one day I will be a reality show. Maybe I am, right here? I love the internet, if not for the internet, would you still know me? Would you care about what I’m doing? Would I know you? Well, I do care and I do want to know what people are doing. It inspires me to see people succeeding. Makes me wanna try harder. Reach higher.

There’s a thought for the day.

sister hang best ever. battery recharge mate.


Jenie & Tikka.


I like when the sun shines through the clouds. It’s my religion on Facebook.


Sabrina is the other darling sister I live with. LOVE YOU GUYS! XOXO


Hanging out at home for the night. There’s a movie on DIVA with @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) & Tara Reid. Hell yeah, Friday night girl hang.

People always say “do what you love and you’ll be happy”. I think it’s true.  I believe them, who ever they are.  I hope it’s real sunny out tomorrow AM, I need at least an hour of direct sun. Caribana parade tomorrow and totally going this year. I wanna feel de vibe, dance in the streets. Friends coming from out of town +  living walking distance makes the day grow fonder.

Enjoy the night yo! She’s a beauty!

p.s. “Work hard”, people say that too & girl you know it’s true.

I’m bringin’ sexy back. Honestly.


Sun out. Bikini on. Pool hang. Gon’ take vacation after a busy week post job. Nice brekky with Beans, she’s a good cook. Sun out. Couple prospects on the horizon. Feels nice. No big weekend plans. Dreaming of a room clean. Siesta in my future. Feel like a new tattoo. Thinking of Mum sailing the seas, miss sister and Dad too. Excited for Wakestock bikini hang. Might even gym today…ok probably not. Great meeting yesterday. Good friends last night but wasn’t  really feeling it. Energy low today. Reckon I need a break or a Kit Kat.


I quite enjoy the #ttc.

The first mother daughter were talking about ring sizes, diamonds and prices. Puke. Tie a ribbon on my finger and don’t let me go.

The second mother daughter bicker lightly about mum getting groceries and her carrying them.

It starts to get packed. Two twenty-something blondes board the trolly and she places a call, the same call I have often made. “Hi, I’m wondering if you found a babyblue cannon camera.” Shit. Hate that. I’ve had five silver and one pink since camera since Jan. 2004. I’m hard on things.

The next two are the worst, they talk loudly about a girl who slept with someone and gossip is their game. They are about uni age I reckon.  It’s innapropriate for a crowded subway and I can see people getting uncomfortable. I want so badly to pull out my camera and catch this as it happens. I don’t. I just sit back with discust, there will always be ‘gossip girls’.

new zealand composer & artist: juliet palmer #TTC

Liked this thing Julia did, check her out the Toronto Arts Foundation. Team NZ!

OH: “@SmirnoffCanada keep it up” via @Khaleed_Juma

This was a really fun party.

you are so freaking fabulous look at these pix, #ILU

Talk about a good time. TweetgasmTO V1.0 on Monday night was a hit. Thanks everyone for coming. Who likes to rock the party? We do.

there was dancing

oh and tweeting

and talking!

and babes

and more babes

and MORE babes

blog blog fashion baby

oh co cute

but they’re monsters!

they will eat you


ok just kidding

There are more pix in my web album here. Loved seeing/meeting everyone. I am lucky to be surrounded by awesome community of smart (and really really good looking) people. Looking forward to the next one.  If you have any ideas of what you would like to see of if you would like to get involved, let me know. There are heaps of peeps I didn’t get pix of, sorry guys. I’ve got Kyle to remedy that next time.

If you had fun, please vote for me to be the @virginamerica Provocateur it takes 2 secs. I will get to throw parties with a budget for an entire year. It will be insane. It will also be insane if I do not win, so vote, please. I rarely ask anything of you.

By the way,  after seeing these pix I dream of us all in Zombie makeup.  Anyone?

you never know until you try

It is safe to say that I am currently having the time of my life. After spending the day with Carly at the Agency I flew to The Pilot to meet Miranda & David. We had a blast. The rain came in wee spirts and I managed to keep dry yet very hydrated.

I also touched iphone 4 for the first time. Feels so delicate. The boy behind me is Jean Luc from Kijiji. The Pilot is an interesting place. Everytime I go there I meet the most interesting peeps. I was hanging out with Ebay, PayPal and one of the SAW writers Leigh Wannell .

Today I have an audition for a commercial as a ‘Kiwi girl’ and a patio meeting about 4ish. Later  on I’m attending a screening with of Dinner for Schmucks with Michael before Loser Karaoke.

Sunday I’m on the very first episode of the Social Media Show (SMS) podcast with Karam Kanji the Community Manager for TechVibes. I will keep you updated, show is at 3pm.

Have an AWESOME day. Go do something great, this is the only July 29th 2010 that will ever exist, make it memorable. I’m up early to make heaps of awesome.

Blog ya later 😉

waiting for wednesday

Things have been REALLY busy this week. I kinda feel like whoa, how was I doing all this stuff before? No wonder I was tired.  Today I’ve been working out of the Fairlie Agency office with Carly following up on emails, auditions and work.

Tomorrow I’ll be working from my home office and possibly the roof top pool. I’d really love to be able to work from home forever. The freedom to do exactly what I want is really inspiring to me.  Really inspiring.

This is Carly & I with Shawn (from Ontario Place (middle) and Guy Boucher (right), the designer of Zeugari Swimwear. He’s outfitting Carly, Raymi, Lauren and I for Wakestock next weekend. I am so excited to wear his suits. They are GORGEOUS!

If you wanna come to Wakestock the $55 social ticket offer for the weekend ends THURSDAY at 10AM. Get ya ticket here. Password is PARTYGIRL.

the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-29

Blonde Hair, Don’t Care






One of the most fav things Mum ever said to me is “you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seaguls”.

I think about that when I look at my feather tattoo and think SOAR HIGHER. Remember when I used to talk about the Flock of Eagles?

the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-28

tweetgasmTO V1.0

Last night TweetgasmTO was awesome. Will post about it later. Had to get lots done today. Surpring how busy I am today! Yeow! Stay tuned…


the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-27

I’ve got something to tell you…

Ladies & gentlmen, it is without regret that I inform you I have left CTV as the Social Media Girl for MuchMusic & MTV Canada.  I’m excited about what’s in store and I’m really excited to take on new projects.  If you’ve got a cool project you want to talk to me about, I’m happy to finally say, I’m available (professionally speaking that is). heh heh.

Really looking forward to seeing all the Tweeps and meeting new faces tonight at TweetgasmTO, the Gladstone’s first ever Tweetup.  If you’re around, come by and say helloooooo! Here’s all the info you need to know. I’ll be on the dancefloor cuttin’ a rug and doing high kicks as per usual.

TTC Tales: monday july 26, 2010 #TTCT

Taking the train from uptown again. I know, crazy.  I don’t mind the subway though, there’s always a story. A couple years ago I used to write daily posts on the way in. I really enjoyed that. Get some creative juice out first thing.


Browsed the Metro, nothing really to see today. The ride today is pretty quiet, no loud talkers in sight. I could feel the hunger eating me from the inside today so I grabbed a croissant and coffee at Tims.

He ironed my dress this morning and dropped me at the station. He’s quite charming this one, I like.

There’s construction at Davisville station, something about the wall systems and the yard side that will last three months. As long as it doesn’t slow the train, I don’t really mind.

Arriving at the office later that I planned for today. Luckily I’m not in a Nazi office like a couple past jobs where you get scolded for not being at your comp at [insert ridic early time here].  Once I arrived at 8:05 to my job in the financial district (the one I had to wear a suit to everyday and be there at 8AM, urgh!) and I got sent home for the day like a bad girl. The boss thought I had been out with the boys, who were also late and decided to punish us. Brutal. I had to help my sister with an emerg but he didn’t care to know. What a jerk he was sometimes!


I hear an accent, South African I reckon. I look kinda tired today despite getting a really good sleep. Hate that. Guess I need another good one tonight. Finally almost at the office. Took long today, I feel like I’ve traveled so far.

Coffee done.

Arrived and ready to start the day. Some friends & I are hosting a Tweetgasm V1.0 at the Gladstone Hotel tonight 7pm. Come. I will be fun.

Happy Monday, make it a good one 🙂

the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-26

caught in a bad romance





Groceries. Wakestock diet. Bathingsuit sponsor. Wanna be the Virgin girl. Roof top pool bikini hang with the babes. Vintage store special treatment. Internet browsing. Thinking. Milk and Kashi. Mum’s boat docked in the city. BBQ with tweeps. See handsome. Blog before bed. Heart on for life.

oh hey pick me pick me





I’m at an audion for a Bell commercial. Anxiously waiting…

There is theatre seating, a subway set and an old plane here. I like going to this stuff. I hope they pick me. If they don’t, on to the next thing!

Ok, my turn now!


I’ve been having a blast this Summer and y’know what, it be gon’ get much bettahh. I’m heading to Wakestock August 6-8 with three of the hottest most awesome bloggers in Canada – Raymi the Minx, Carly Anne, Lauren O’Nizzle.

Playing this year  are Public Enemy, Alexisonfire (AOF), Crash Kings, U.S.S., Maestro Fresh Wes., Hollerado and KO. I loooooove outdoor events and concerts. I’m sure to see a whole heap of cute baes too. Yahooooo PARTY!

We’ll be on the ground, back stage and anywhere you can find beers. Haha! This weekend is gonna be off the hizzle!  I’m STOKED.

If you wanna come party with us Wakestock has been kind enough to give you a special discount and you can get a weekend social pass for only $55 bones. MAD DEALIO. Get tickets here THE PASSWORD IS: PARTYGIRL. Come join us if ya wanna have fun, and like, duh, who doesn’t wanna haz fun times?

Excting day ahead of me, heading to an audition for a Bell commercial then to Lilith Fair with Carly Anne. Yahoooo! I love Summer. Happy Saturday!

k.thx.bai xo

see you saturday at the lilith fair ladies

you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time.

This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me.

I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape…

I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha!

It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now.

I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT!

You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent.


BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.


the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-23

i have so much to tell you i could blog all day

This is me last night at the Bon Jovi concert. It was really fun. Tonight is karaoke with my friends but first a TweetUp along King Street that’s all free. I have a zillion photos to share and stories and more. Look for the very first guest post from potential intern Jordan. make sure you let me know what you think of her coverage. She’s one of the Little Monsters this Lady Blogga sent to report and event. I’m looking forward to seeing it too!

Ok, must ruin home & change then run out again. Thank you for reading and being part of my life, I truly love sharing it with you. I hope your day has been awesome and is it’s not already, they get off your ass and go do something fun/crazy. You only live once baby!

xoxo CASIE

P.S. This cracks me right up.  It’s a series from New Zealand. Pure hilar. JA-NIECE!!!!!!