i’m not from around here (recently)

This was the start of our Tri-Cities Cruze yesterday: Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge.

I LOVED having a car this weekend. This was me listenin’ to 50 Cent, imma gangsta.

My sis. So pretty, ILU.

Great hair. Windows down, sun on face. WIN.

We went to Fairview Park Mall then the Cambridge Centre. I used to work at both. I did a season at Conestoga Mall too. When I was younger I worked at so many different stores in the mall, total mall rat.  First job ever was at Gap #989 Kitchener, I was 16.

I would like to be in a car commercial.

Chicopee Ski has this wicked tube hill. Looked fun. I wanna try it some time.

We just did a drive-by.  SEE, so gangsta. I kid, I kid.

Born This Way is playing on the radio like every 5 minutes. I don’t mind yet.

Cruze with me baby.



Thank you again GM for hooking me up with the opportunity to go home and see my papa and friends. The Chevy Cruze was an absolute pleasure to drive on the highway, in the city and on the country roads near Dad’s place. I felt safe and awesome. Sister totally loved being my passenger too.

So great driving when the sun is out/going down.

BTW the #FF winner is…

DDDDDD-DANA McBride. Fab photo sista. We’ve never met but we will on March 23rd at Abode public Residence. If you would like to join us, here’s  the deets where you can get a ticket. This was her entry, love the shoes, love the dress, pose is fab. We’re gonna have a good time.

She has a pretty cute tumblr too, glitter and skulls. Just did some creepin’, found this there. Peace out my friends!

I’m at The Art of Marketing today, Canada’s largest one day marketing conference. See the video about it here. Stoked to see Gary Vaynerchuk and Guy Kawasaki. Tony Robbins said Gary is a “force of nature”. I saw Tony a couple years back and loved it so damn much. I also was hanging out with a babe from Gary’s PR company Nikki in Cuba about a year ago. I won’t mention that if I meet him. Just watched this vid of Guy talking about “how to be famous on the internet” from 2009. Interesting.

If you want to follow what’s happening at the conference follow the hangtag  #TAOM on Twitter. Will share my thoughts with you tomorrow.

have you seen the YMCA commercial w/ kids singing to the tune of ‘lua’ bright eyes?

I was watching a movie on BRAVO and a YMCA commercial came on that caught my ear. It was a child singing a song to the tune of Lua by bright Eyes. This struck my attention because I really like that song and was very surprised to hear it associated with a child and the YMCA. If you’ve never heard it, listen for the first time.

Lua” is a single by Bright Eyes released in October 2004. Originally appearing on the album, I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning, the song deals with two people as they struggle through depression, addiction, and an interminable night.[1] Conor Oberst appears alone on the track, on vocals and acoustic guitar.

First thing I did was google “lua bright eyes ymca commercial” and I found this tweet:

Verse 4 & 5:

You’re looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black
You just keep going to the bathroom always say you’ll be right back
Well it takes one to know one, kid, I think you’ve got it bad
But what’s so easy in the evening, by the morning is such a drag.

I’ve got a flask inside my pocket we can share it on the train
If you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same
We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain
But what was normal in the evening, by the morning seems insane.

I mean, I like the song but for it to be associalted with the YMCA when the song is about drinking and late night ‘partying’ makes me go HMMMMMMMMMMMM. Amiright? Wonder if YMCA is aware of this? Perhaps is was done on purpose.

In other news, my boy Tony Pierce in LA blogged the Puma Social video and is surprised at “the amazing ability of canadian women in the winter and how they will dress as if its not zero degrees.” Way to go Canada.  Watch the vid here if you missed it. The event is on Thursday this week, yahoo! 😉

sheen’s korner?

I’m sure everyone tuned in thinking “WHAT is going to go down?” I watched the viewers jump 20,000 in the last 10 minues before the show at 10pm ET. Was about 115,000 when it started, watch it hereif you missed it.

After 20 mins views went down heaps. Not that interesting or crazy. Makes Charlie look pretty dumb. He got a tattoo of WINNING on his wrist. I don’t even know why I spent the entire hour watching/listening. Waiting for something good to happen, I didn’t wanna miss it when/if it did. My sis was over it like most people after 20 mins. Train wreck. Twitter was blowing up over it.

At 10:45 views were under 90,000. He’d taken over 2/10 trending topics world wide with #sheenskorner and #tigerblood. I’d call that winning.

Although, he did go from $2 million a show to 100,000 on UStream for free. Also, it has been confirmed that he’s hooked up with ad.ly, the celebrity paid tweets marketing company.

Is this the beginning or the end of Charlie Sheen’s winning? SNL had a few jabs at him with Milers hosting. That can’t be good.

my beaver’s name is _______. #canlit

I love you beaver.

Brock loves beaver too.

That’s a nice one.

Annual CanLit party last night. Note: does not have anything to do with reading.

Can you spot my date Mr. Belvedere hiding under the diet coke?

That beaver gets AROUND.

What should I do with it?

Oh to be that beaver.

What a GUY.

Kurt you are so good looking.

I am good looking too. haha

She really IS BFF’s with Oprah.

All class right here.

Akermanis glasses on me. Good job as DJ bro.


Dance par-tay.

Work it Sunta.

J. Edgar mid move.

Keri blog!

Not an exercise ball.

A balloon!

Omg sleeping Jon Crowley!

The end. All photos by Rannie aka @photojunkie, ALL are on Rannie’s site here.

I’m off to pick up my sis and go home to see Daddio. Bon weekend!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

music is played for love, cruisin is made for love

This is me today in my new Chevy Cruze from GM. I have it for the weekend, yahooo!

Thanks GM Canada. I need to juice up my ipad/ipad with tunage for driving.  Lookin’ pretty & cold out across the lake today. I don’t mind long as it’s sunny, it’s good for cruisin.

This was last night at Lady Gaga, pretty rad. Imagine how amazing that is for her, Lady Gaga I love you.

Tonight is the 3rd annual CanLit at The Biz Media. Last year GenYTO partnered with CanLit for an EPIC win of a night. It was so much fun. See a bunch of photos from the first ever CanLit on Rannie’s site here and last year’s event here. It seems SO long ago, last year we did chatroulette at the party. This was me, classic yelling face, phone in hand.

Tomorrow afternoon I will be at the Toronto Travel Expo at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for a live webcast with Flight Centre. I’ll be talking about travel, Virgin America and what I’m up to.Willpost the link once it has been recorded.

I NEED to plan a trip to visit Mum in Bahamas. Steph & Carynn just got back from visiting their Dad & my Mum and I snagged these from FB. Lookin’ great MAMA! Miss you.

Okey dokey, I’m off to hit the open road and visit some friends this afternoon IN MY NEW CAR. Ok, Ok, I’ll be over the excitement by the end of the weekend I’m sure. haha
Have an awesome afteroon & a great night!

#FF freestyle friday contest: are you feeling fabulous?

Happy Friday my friends! Today’s Freestyle Friday contest is for an event called Fabulous in the City on March 23. Prize is two tickets valued $30/each plus a fancy swag bag with  gooddies from event sponsors.

You get to hang out with me and some fab people at Abode public residence. This place is gorgeous and by appointment only, so, if you’ve never been, this is your chance. It’s pretty much like being at someone’s really nice house.

Sherri Wu and ilaika team up with an extensive list of Canadian sponsors to produce “Fabulous in the City”, a showcase that will target the trendy, corporate, single men + women that crave a bit of networking, eye candy, intrigue and swag.

To Enter:

In the comments, link to a photo of you showing how fabulous YOU are. This includes being/looking/feeling fabulous, the word fabulous, a fabulous outfit, fabulous shoes, fab hair, a fab friend. Props to you if it says casiestewart.com somewhere in your photo.

The winner get’s a pair of tickets to the event, so pick your most fab friend to come with you 🙂

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this post is alllllllll about winning.

The other night I was at Century Room for a music video shoot. Was chilling with a bunch of babes/models/friends: Jo, Jess, Me, Grace & Lilly.

You are so cute JoJo.

Renee, Kevin & her cute friend. (R-L) Jo dancing in the back, Jess txting in fur.

I lost count on how many fireworks/bottles there were over the course of the night.

We had a great time, I ended woke up with a killer hangover. Casie Sheen, aaahaha.

My friend JD Howel was shooting the video, check out this awesome footage he shot of the Shuttle Discovery on a plane the other day. It’s now on MSNBC. WIN!

“I was returning to Toronto from a shoot in Cuba on an Air Canada flight, and awoke just as it was happening,” Howell told me in an e-mail. “I started rolling my iPhone and caught two minutes of it before it exited the atmosphere. Talk about timing!” jdhowell.ca

Went for a little stroll fitst thing this morning. Super sunny outside today.

Check out this super hot photo of Keri by Suzy Lamont. WIN!

Lady Gaga killed the runway in Paris last night for the Theirry Mugler  A/W 2011 show. God I love her. Waiting for a call from my sister to see if we will be attending her show tonight. Fingers crossed. I saw her last time she was in town, LOVE. Photo from dose.ca.

In other news, I would like to thank GM Canada because tomorrow A CAR is being dropped off at my place for the weekend. I tweeted the other day that I would love the use of a vehicle now & then and that I didn’t want to own it, just use it. By the powers on the internet, I got an email from the lovely Adria  at GM saying they would be happy to lend me a car from their media fleet. HECK YEAH WIN.

Have an awesome day 🙂

Rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Love you Charlie.

have you seen this yet?

Uploaded by babisflou.

Now that’s a campaign with an ass you can recognize. Some controvery surrounded the campaign, see here and here. I love Levis and have a piece I wrote about building a personal brand coming out for them on March 14th 🙂

UPDATE: the boy ‘package’ cam via @AFFAN

been training for this pretty much my whole life

Watch it. Lemme know what you think in comments. I was so nervous when I saw it last night for my first time. Gah!

PUMA Social Toronto Afterhours from 1188 on Vimeo.

Today I wrote about a Canadian hip hop artist in NYC named George Reefah for Z-List. Check it out here. Must get coffee/lunch! Byeeeeeeeeeee


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I’d like to thank The Academy and The Internet

rrrrrrrrrraaa raaaaaaaaaa ra ra rain. Get over it.

Just saw Jeni Woww on CP 24, man is her and Snookers can write books, I surely can do it too. This rainy weather today makes me think of spring. It’s not that far away. Time to really get into beach body mode. Tomorrow today is the kickoff day for that. BTW, I really hope ‘the curse’ does not hit Natalie Portman. I love her. Glad she won. Can’t wait till she pops out that baby.

This is painted in a warehouse in Liberty Village up a really little staircase, me likey… I love to lay in the grass… oh spring, I’m thinking of you.

The Freestyle Friday winner is Shame ‘Fame’ Alexander. Please send me your address so I can get a nice package into the mail for you.  I’m waiting for mail today too. I love mail. If you ever wanna send me something just ask for my address ok 🙂

Hopefully sometime today the Puma video comes out. I am stoked to see it. While we were filming in the Beaconsfield the lovely Anna Cyzon stopped by. Remember her? Totally hot babe.  It’s been ages since we hung out. ANNA THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE.

Found the pic of us on Carly’s blog and while I was creepin’ there I also found these pix from the summer, Down With Webster Concert:

The legendary BUD CAMP:

In other news, Prince Perry’s producer King Kong Girio has just finished a new remix of Love At The End Of The Century. Download the track for free here. Im off to a lunch meeting. Should have some good news to share with you later today.

HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! I’ll be jumpin’ in puddles when I go outside 🙂

during business hours athlete + after hours athlete

Can I get a workout? Hell yeah. You know this place and this babe.

business hours athletes: blog, workout, tweet, blog, smile, rinse repeat.

Was nice to see Rosa Park arrive at The Motion Room to shoot this for The Globe & Mail. Video/article will be out in about a month. Bloggers vs  newspaper = massive time difference in posting content.

This is a sneak peek from the Puma After Hours Athlete spot we shot Friday night. SO much fun. The team at 1188 was awesome to work with. Can’t wait to see/show you the final product. Actual event/party is March 10th.

I absolutely love being on camera as a host of something cool. My goal this year is to do more video. My sister was a really great help as my assistant/wrangler. Very important job, really awesome way to gain experience about film/TV/producing.

These are my new boots, Tretorn Skerry Resling, a tall alternative to the Tretorn favorite. Jenie & I had matching pink/red, blue/green Puma jackets that kept us pretty warm. I love wearing matching outfits. I’m sure that stems from all my years in dance (3-13). I so would love this one piece sailing gear from Puma. I would love to get it for you Mum.

Part of being an after hours athlete involves dim lights, cold beverages and high fives.

Met this giant rocking a v neck, Freddie Mercury hair and this waxed out stache. Dad used to have a friend with a hot rod who had one of those massive waxed staches. I do not remember his name or this guy’s name either.

Ran in to the lovely Jess & Maram in the hood aka Queen West aka the place you will alwasy run into someone. It’s a scene like every day of the week. Jess make sure you email me about our waaaay overdue meeting/coffee date.

This is Art, the sound guy, turns out we live in the same hood. When I meet people who live in my same hood I wonder, can I see you? Can you see me?  Haha Neighbourhood Watch Creep.

In other news, liking the WP 3.1 updates, couple new features ex. tags in links, gallery. Tonight is the Oscars, I’m ready for it. Extreme tweeting at it’s best. Twitter is THE BEST place to be during a live event of this magnitude.

For my live coverage follow @casiestewart. Red carpet starts at 7pm, see you there.

P.S if you are looking for cheap high-speed internet check out Toronto ISP w/ Distributel.

here’s to the after hours athlete!!

Tonight I’m on site w/ Puma outside The Drake Hotel on Quen Street with a street team and the Poutini’s truck giving out poutine and invites to the exclusive PUMA SOCIAL event on March 10th.

“The after hours athletes of Toronto can rejoice! PUMA Social is bringing the late night party to Toronto on March 10 with all the games, music, and refreshments to be expected. This event is invite only but stay tuned for exclusive pictures and videos following the after hours party!”

We’re giving out invites to the PAR-TAY tonight. Come get one before they are gone 😉

#FF freestyle friday: doritos…THE END IS COMING.

I got ’em I ate ’em, I can’t decide my fav Buffalo Wild Wings N’Ranch or Onion Rings N’Ketchup. I reckon the Ketchup ones are my fav but I totally ate a bag of the other ones the other day.

Doritos is looking for someone to write ‘the end’ to their commercial and by doing so you can win $25,000 + 1% of future sales. Pretty rad prize to get. I bet you could live off that 1%. See all the entries, contest details and ends that have been written here.

The Freestyle Friday prize from Doritos Canada is valued at $150 and includes the following:

  • Doritos Buffalo Wild Wings N’Ranch chips and Onion Rings N’Ketchup – 4 bags (2 of each flavour)
  • Black Bowl &White Bowl
  • 3 DVDs that start with the “ending”: Memento, Pulp Fiction, Inception
  • Director Merchandise: Mug, T-shirt, Clapper, Megaphone

To enter:

  1. Like this fabulous blog on FB here
  2. Follow me on Twitter here
  3. Leave a comment with the flavour you think should be DESTROYED.

Winner will be picked Monday. Prize will be mailed to your door.  🙂


stop callin’, stop callin’ i don’t wanna think anymore

This is my favourite photo from a recent workout at The Motion Room.
I feel fit and happy.
Busy day today, meetings this morning.
The snow it pretty.

P.S. Tomorrow night at the SoundAcademy, 102.1 is having the Everything to Do with Fred Show.Bands playing are KO, Prince Perry & The Gladtones, and The Junction. You can only win via radio to go. Howeve, if you wanna go LMK, I will put you on the special people list 🙂 Happy Friday Thursday!

and the freestyle friday winner is…..

I was so impressed with your entries that instead of one winner, I picked TWO.

The first winner was chosen for effort and originality. Congrats @harrisandy, you have a new phone! We’ve never met so I will DM and give you the phone in person. Read the full story behind this photo here.

The second winner is Slinka and was chosen at random. Congrats to both Slinka & Andy I hope you enjoy your brand spankin’ new phone from Motorola Canada to be used on Rogers. Thank you for all the wonderful entries in the first Freestyle Friday contest.  I wish I could give you ALL new phones, I really do.  I’ve got the next couple weeks lined up with some good stuff, so please enter again this Friday and tell your friends.

In other news, take a look at how my muscles are developing…JACKED.

This working out stuff is really awesome. I feel fit and like a changed person saying that because last year I went to the gym all of about 3 times the entire year.

I’m off to The Motion Room now for a workout and to  shoot something for a major news outlet w/ Raymi.

Have a great day my friends!

wanna come hang out with me & @garyvee?

I’m not actually ‘hanging out’ with Gary Vaynerchuk but on March 7th we will be at the very same place with a bunch of other awesome people.

I’ve been invited to attend The Art of Marketing, Canada’s premiere marketing & innovation conference. It brings together Canada’s best marketers and world renowned speakers including Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, Dr. Sheena Iyengar, Jeffrey Hayzlett and Avinash Kaushik. That’s a pretty sweet lineup and it will be my first time seeing them all.

There are 12 days left to register, click here to enter the  casiestewart.com discount code GG23 for $50 off your ticket.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet & network with me and over 1,300 senior marketing professionals. Check this video by The Biz Media to pump you up. Hope to see you there!

Photo of me by the fabulous Suzy Lamont

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m not down w/ these regulations

Woke up and went to my computer like usual. Check twitter, email and guess who showed up… this guy:

Luckily for us, the CRTC has been asked to reconsider billing rules. I really hope that they big ISP (internet service providers) don’t go through with UBB (user based billing). Just think about all the creative people and entrepreneurs that are running some of the coolest businesses on a shoestring budget and rely on the internet? Bye-bye.

Megan has the same dreams as me and all the other nerds, unlimited internet!!

Considering how much time I spend on the interwebs, I’d be BROKE and lookin’ at this all the time instead of sharing sunshine & awesomism with you.

For those of you waiting to find out WHO won the Freestyle Friday contest. I’ll post this afternoon. There were SO MANY great entries. Thank you, you guys are AWESOME.

In other news, I’m going to LA & SF Virgin America soon since I’ve got a few flights to use up before they leave YYZ April 6th. You wanna go to California too? The Z-List has a blog contest where you can win a round trip flight on Virgin America. Contest closes Thursday, March 3rd and all you have to do it BLOG. Check it out hurrrre.

Stay warm today, looks cold out there! Sending thoughts & prayers to my friends/family & their friends/family in Christchruch. I stayed up late watching coverage. There’s a good dashboard of activity about the quake here.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows

Today is Family Gay Day in Ontario, I love my family but I wil not be seeing them today in real life. Dad is tanning in Florida, Mum is rockin’ the boat in Bahamas and my sis is working. The rest of my family is in New Zealand. HI GUYS!!

In parts of Canada, Family Day is a statutory holiday occurring on the third Monday in February. … respectively. This corresponds with Presidents Day in the United States. [wiki]

Mum is living the dream right now, she’s in the Bahamas with her BF on their boat. I really wanna get out to visit her before May. Mum has alwasy beena big inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to be creative and embraced my unique ideas. THANKS MUM!

This is my Daddio, he’s in Florida with his GF right now. Dad builds hot rods, is a good cook, and has the BEST jokes. I have no idea how he always remmber them. You are really awes  awome Dad, ILU. Wear sunscreen.

When I saw the snow coming down last night I kept checking the window to see if there was a man out there with a shovel carving a message. I had a feeling I might wake up to something… I did.

“treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows”

This is me in that red canoe you can barely see in above photo shot by Erin Leydon this summer. She was shooting the Grammy’s last week.  I’m so looking forward to summer this year.

The park beside the Canoe is real pretty, designed by Doug Coupland and pays tribute to Terry Fox. Lots of bright colours.

I’m in awe with all the contest entries for the Motorola phone. Contest closes at 1pm. I totes need to think of a good idea for this week’s Freestyle Friday contest.

Each photo links to the creator. Check this beach/show photo! That’s dedication yo.

Shariya wrote a blog post about making this photo and the beach one. Check it here.

Got some love from R.S. a charming waitress at Real Sports.

This is a collage of mini photos of me. RAD!

This hot babe is Slinka, her and James (below) are Ego Assasin and they make really rad outfits out of latex. Hope to do some cool stuff with them this year.

Rarrrr. I got TWO shirts off entries for this contest, me thinks this idea is a WIN. Nice one James. Love the latex tie!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

can you feel the energy? can you see the rainbow?

Was walking in China Town the other day. So many smells and interesting things, like this…

and this…

Girl was being shot by a photographer in the middle of a really dirty part of China Town. People were crowded around and she looked like a hooker. I saw like “what’s that hooker doing on the middle of the day at Spadina/Dundas? Oh, getting shot”. I’m not sure the premice of this, maybe that was the point.   I walked right past while he was shooting. Pls lemme know if I end up on a billboard in China (actually that would be AWESOME! I wanna go there!).

I love this city. Street car tracks/wires make us unique.

Can you see the rainbow here?

I am a nerd.

BTW Reebok Easytone gear is seriously 10, love my kicks and pants do wonders for the booty.

Stay tuned for the real photos from yesterday’s workout at The Motion Room. It was a goody, feelin’ it today too.

Look at all these people working out, awesomism.

Check out this hot babe on the new flyer for TMR…recognize? It’s MA SISTA.

Mmmmmmm, when I go to yoga i think about Mc Donalds and feel happy too. Suckas.

This is the future home of a cheap ugly condo building. Might even be low income housing. Cue me leaving the  slums area.

BUT, I do have this…

Anyone wanna come by? I freaking love fooseball. I used to play all the time in highschool. We played at GENYTO during Social Media Week, remember?

It’s really pretty & sunny out today. Nice that most of you will have tomorrow off from work for Family Day. What are you doing? My Mum is in Bahamas, Dad is in Florida and my sis is working. Thinking about going to the Bell TIFF Lightbox, it’s free today & tomorrow.

Have an awesome day 🙂

have i told you lately that i love you?

le awesome by Reine

SPELLED OUT IN SEASHELLS! by Jon. Don’t tell Hipster Ariel. haha.

This one “better than carrots” by Priscilla. Cute little guy, eh. I used to have a bunny named Falco when I lived in NY many years ago.

This Casie Stewart/Lady Gaga inspired entry from Jarvis.

Entries for this contest have to be my fav everrrrr. Phone is a Motorola Quench w/ motoblur, touchscreen, android OS and on Rogers. Closes tomorrow at 1pm. See all the details/entries in the original FREESTYLE FRIDAY post here.

saturday magazine review: vanity fair march 2011

this is what we call the peanut gallery. this is the closest i’ve come to reading a book lately. that should change but i love the internet so much, why should we not have/do what we love?

here we go…

sequin lacoste number – yes, totally unconventional chic… like, no way i’m wearing that anywhere but in this very blog post mmmmm’k.

will i be wearing this when the weather warms up? i just got ruffle socks from american apparel. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness.

i would like to write like this for a brand ex. grey goose. i guess that would come with working via agency?  i am good at creative writing, you don’t even see my good stuff.  someone please let me to show off for you. i would also like to take a dance class soon.

i wanna be in magazines

top 40 high earners: top 12 are men, first woman, lucky #13, is kristen stewart. team stewart all the way. manniston is #18 and a.jolie #21. james cameron is #1.

this list make me smile cause i’m a stewart and i’m canadian. hehe.

the man is toast. hypnotic nerd gaze.

smartert than i? no.

THIS is UGG > Australia. not canadian winter you idiots. stop insulting the brand and yourself by wearing these booties in the snow/slush/rain/winter. it is not working for you, it never will. the end.

can i have one of these, pretty please?

and thank you.

what IS in a name?

Leonardo Dicaprio – Appian Way: in Italy, found a road names Appian Way while filming Gangs of New York, “the road on which the Roman Army marched as they set out to conquer the world” he thought a good name for a company starting out.

Kevin Spacey – Trigger Street Productions: names after his hometown

Clooney – Smokehouse Pictures: named after a resto across from Warner Bros. where he had all kinds of meetings

I like to draw cartoons too. Maybe one day you will see mine in magazines? I think we might.

this gets the eight of hearts: love them both. so hot.he is really dreamy in the cameron diaz vegas movie. watched it again last night. i watch lots of movies, ‘super high me’ on netflix before going through vanity fair. fun 😉

i love her face and this look. red lips, black eyes, white hair.

did she change her face?

nose, eyebrows? i dunno. maybe not.


oh mel, i rememebr the old days.

remember when mel gibson was young and hot? young pic there kinda looks like @mhp

he is such a dream boat, mark 1992. oh man i love him long time.

and brad pitt. hubba hubba.

i like that blue makeup. i think it would look cool with my hair and face.

i like this kinda house. reminds me of new zealand, of family.

in summary of this magazine: it’s beautiful. i wanna be in the hollywood issue.

in my dreams i look like this sometimes.