“your passion” she said

This evening I got an email from a blog reader who recently moved here from England. She said she loved my passion for life. I was sitting at my computer looking at a list of things I should have done already and feeling slightly overwhelmed. Her few words changed my day. I don’t really share emails I get from people but sometimes they are inspiring, this was one. Thank you Ashley 🙂

I love GIF making and the internet. It’s amazing how we connect using it. Think, you are reading this right now. I wrote it after being inspired by an email that someone wrote to me after reading this very same location that we are connecting at right here again after they were inspired by something I did outside. Crazy isn’t it?

Found this empty park place near Fort York & Bathurst the other day. Jumped around a bit.

sMph1v on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Posed for this photo and a plane was landing right behind me as I turned around. Neato!

xJREH1 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Remember how I always say “You are younger today than you will ever be again.” I’m reminding you to make the most of each day. Maybe there is someone you want to send an email to & thank them? I wrote a quick note to Mum letting I know I’m thinking of her. They are sailing somewhere near Virginia at this very moment. I bet it’s beautiful.

Thursday I go to Boston with my sister to see friends. Tres excited! A getaway from the city always makes me love it more. Flying Porter & planning to walk to the airport. Basically walking from my house straight to Boston! Yeeow!

Have an awesome day!

Canada’s Cutest Bloggers

Fans waving in the background. Best outfit ever.

Here we go. Canada’s Cutest Bloggers, get ready for it.

Keri, Chief Security babe of the Internet.

HELLO BLONDETOURAGE. We all blog too. L-R Lauren, Casie, Raymi, Keri, Carly. Click each name to follow the Blondetourage on Twitter.

We’ve we update the internet every day and only do things that are awesome.

Raymi did a burlesque number to Florence & The Machine. Posted some pix in this album. You might wanna check those from home FYI.

We were celebrating the launch of Kristen’s online stoke Hate & Heartbreak: Clothing for the bruised and broken.

She is also a blonde blogging babe. So cute.

They have a contest @H8NHRTBRK.

Cutie Shannon blogs too.

So good to have Carly back in town. Missed you ♥

Nice hair blogging blowing in the wind.

He went to Elite today. They want him to model but he’s Australian & not staying here so it’s a no go. Too bad. I had him practice for me.

Home time. Outfits were a hit. You will see more of them before Summer is over. I wish I had one of these things for each of the girls. It would be deadly.

P.S. Lauren is giving away a printer! Her unboxing video is awesome.  I have an HP unit for you this week too. Stay tuned!

just let it out.

It’s really warm out today. I’m not feeling motivated. I should go outside. I have work to do. I can have my office anywhere. Sand is bad for the computer and it’s hard to see in the sun. I need one of those screen shields for my computer and iPad so I can still use my units outside. First world problem. I’d like to spend more time organizing my circles on G+ but then I think why are you always on the computer? Go outside. Brought out a draft copy of my book for friends last night. It’s called JEANS and it was published when I was 16. Did you know I’m an author? You are reading the book of my life right now.

 U2 played here at the Dome last night (Rogers Centre). We could hear it from the balcony, now that’s VIP. So VIP that we’re not even in the building. Had a few beers on the patio. Haven’t been drinking much lately and it feels really nice. I forgot to have dinner and remembered today. Woke up starving, Australian made breakfast.

I’d like to do a Twiggy inspired shoot soon. I’m thinking about growing my hair. I always say that but cut it off. The shave feels so nice. One video of me getting my head shaved has almost 15k+ views.

There’s another show tonight and I will get a better shot. This photo wants to be a painting I think. These ones always make me think of art. Coming up next is some photos from last night’s event and Ker & I in the cutest outfits ever.


my debut as an animator

I’m not sure if I should call it “Damn You Internet” or “My name is not Casie not Cassie”. Watch & gimme your thoughts. I hope you haha.  I know it is probs funnier to me 🙂

Life is built on experiences.

Take them. Make them.
Live them. Love them.
Leave them in memory.

Leave them Online.

This blog is how I remember. Remind yourself today of something you’ve done that makes you smile. You’ll be glad you did.

music for your monday: “baby’s arms” by kurt vile

Wake-y wake-y eggs and bacon-y! Sleepy? Tired? Hurting?

If you’re need of a music video to ease you into the day. Here’s some “Baby’s Arms” by Kurt Vile for you to listen to as your coffee brews.

Kurt Vile is a Philadelphia boy who’s latest album Smoke Ring For My Halo is stirring up buzz. He plays Toronto at Lee’s Palace this Wednesday. He’ll also be playing Chicago’s Pitchfork Music Festival this weekend! And guess who’s going?! Me! I’m quite excited.

In other news, I’m now taking applications for adorable skater dude boyfriends.

Enjoy the tune and have a good week!
xo Kate

you missed this yesterday

  • these 9 companies want to keep space exploration alive – http://on.mash.to/nr8M2S #
  • G+ me @ http://gplus.to/casie. Here’s how to get your Google+ URL cute too. http://on.mash.to/p6e1Y9 #
  • Pulled muscle. Ice on my shoulder. I look like the Hunchback, Casimodo. #
  • Imaging: Sobeys: Hey, Do not throw TOMATOES.  Me: Well, do not put them there so easy, begging for attention.

  • Sorry, I can’t make it, I’m organizing my circles. +1 #
  • Decided to go ahead and get ‘casiestewart’ at http://shortmail.com. Kinda like Twitter for Email! #
  • Took off the ice pack. Now I haz cold shoulder. #
  • Today Jenie & I watcher her friend take off isn their helicopter from the Island on my balcony. He raced this morning. I want a helicopter. #
  • Old FY. http://twitpic.com/5oa0l9 #
  • Is there an app that turns your phone into a fan? Needed it today. http://twitpic.com/5oadfu #

a very fine artist wouldn’t ya say there

I painted this. With digital paint. I feel it really speaks to my passion for technology and love of life. Full of emo(ticons).

I found it today going through old folders. It was a celebrity painting event with Amex and a media peeps. I won an ipad, named him Andy. We’ve been in love since.

I painted this too in 2009. It’s done using GE’s Imagination Cubed. Did you ever try it? I just tried to go to imaginationcubed.com and it doesn’t work anymore. It was this rad drawing board with stamps and letters. Ah well, back to ipad drawing it is!




so many girls on one bus when we went to bud camp

Saw the Busweiser rig at the Indy today. This thing turns into a truck and drives across Canada going to fun places.

I went to Bud Camp last year. It was so much fun. Drove up on the Bud Bus with Carly & the Bud Girls.

brand of the day: puma

Check out this total radness Puma thought up. So smart. The bag is made from cornstarch and is 100% biodegradable so it will completely decompose within a three month period. This will save 192 tons of plastic and 293 tons of paper every year AND means their bags won’t be in a landfill for 100 years like all the others. Not that’s innovation! This could be a game changer.

Puma is a totally smart & cool brand. Remember earlier this year when I was the Puma Social-ite? We prepped for the party with this Poutine Promo video. Winter jackets ewww.

Don’t know what a Puma Social After Hours Athlete is? This will explain it all for you.

Here’s the Toronto party. It was legendary. Had so many people thank us for putting this together. The Puma After Hours Athlete campaign runs all year.

Let’s hope we can put together a summer jam cause that party was out of this WORLD!

When last call calls, don’t answer. Have an awesome day.

welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys.

Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though.


X4ipE8 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Keri played a Playbook. This guy was Facebooking. Nice outfit, great hat.

The sign in the back POWER-PLAYA. Smiles all around.

Canadian hot shot driver Paul Tracy in blue. His website needs a makeover. Look at that stack of photos to autograph. The line was hours to get to him.

So many people waiting. The front of the line winds around again further than you can see. Crazy. There was no sign of Danika Patrick. I wish.

Who would you wait that long for? I can’t think of anyone.

Something else I saw today is this posted by Tony.  A guy named Erik Shveima draws the LA Times, everyday.

you missed this yesterday

  • giving myself a hallpass. haha #
  • so hot eh “@laurenonizzle: Plain white tees over lean, toned bodies. It’s a good look, boys. Marlon Brando had it right.” #
  • “@KeriBlog: That’s enough sun for today. Back to the internet now.” what she said. #
  • What’s In a Name: Google+ Is Your Plus One – http://on.mash.to/qg2pXS #
  • Vrooom! (@ Direct Energy Centre) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mZAe1E #
  • My girl, Danica Patrick is revved up for Honda Indy #Toronto http://t.co/j1I6wBK via @globeandmail #
  • Dr.Penfield…fire alarm. http://twitpic.com/5nmf7p #
  • Imma get some planking in at @hondacanada Indy today. I wanna plank a race car and Danika Patrick. #
  • Stock this week had a one day crash after lower activity in trading but bounced back. http://post.ly/2Mhqq #
  • I have lots of questions today. I’m inspired. #
  • Can you link twitter & G+? If so, are you? Why or why not? #
  • I should be outside enjoying the sun but I wanna be in my computer editing. #nerdproblems #
  • #bloggers have you added +1 yet? are you planning on it? #
  • Morning! Stayed up late fiddling around w/ blog. New header. Whatcha think? http://t.co/k4VDE2L #
  • Holy HOFF-sicle, batman. Lick! (@YouTube http://youtu.be/_senhvUuiPk?a) #

This too!

hey i got a new dance for you all called the soulja boy

team canada

inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

Stayed up late making changes to blog. I’m not done yet, it takes forever. A blog is a continuous work in progress, always evolving. I’m ready for it to get a makeover. Not too much change, more in function than design. Talk nerdy to me baby.

It’s funny, people often think I spend ALL my time out & about on the town attending media events and having fun. Let me be honest with you, I spend heaps of time at home on my computer, alone. Part of me is very introverted and I place huge value on my time alone. In order to have heaps of energy to share, you gotta charge your batteries.

Hung out with KMS in NZ on Skype for a bit. I love Skype, good way to charge up seeing old friends. I was shocked at his huge beard! Massive! Not alowed to shave cause he has a modelling gig on Monday. He just did an international ad for Samsung & his new tracks are about to drop in Australia soon. Keep up the good work, love you.

Skype convo gifs are so cute omg.

Last year, no beard, less fro. We hung out while I was in Auckland for NZ Fashion Week.  Chillin’ on Ponsonby Road post Stolen Girlfriends Club show.  I had awesome two tone pink/black nails that day.  The whole trip was so fun. I miss NZ.

Saw this on Google+ via Alana Joy. Are you on G+? Add me here. I have invites if you want.

Pretty much the story of my life, except the pad of paper is a computer. Got asked today “Where do you find inspiration for blogging?”. I find inspiration everywhere. I could sit at my computer (and have) for hours (ages) and tell stories, write about pop culture, review tech sites and products. Sometimes I just grab my camera, put on something cute and hit the streets with no plan. You never know what you might see or who you will meet. This is also why it is important to dress cute. 😉

Top pic was taken by Suzy Lamont & beside me is none other than the lovely Keri. Today we’re going to the Honda Indy. My friends at Honda Canada graciously gave me Gold passes for the weekend. I love racing. Wonder what I’m gonna wear?

Bon weekend!

A Panel Discussion On Panel Discussions? You got it.

Have you been to a panel discussion before and thought…Who are these people? Who picked them? Did they prepare? What are they even talking about? I know I’ve attended conference sessions and thought a bunch of those things.

A panel is best when it is informative and you have experts sharing information of VALUE.

On July 18th, I am speaking on a panel with some of Toronto’s most rad people: Alex, Erin, Joseph, and Nicolemoderated by Sonya. We ‘re taking a playful look at the panel discussion and how to get the most from them.

Some of the topics that will be discussed will include:

  1. How to pick a panel
  2. How to prep for a panel
  3. What makes a panel work
  4. How to drive people to an event
  5. Examining different panel archetypes
  6. Panel Etiquette
  7. Good and bad introductions
  8. Speaking in soundbytes 101 – Speaking 140 chars at a time
  9. Panel Pet Peeves
  10. Moderating 101

Hope you  make it out to MaRS at College & University to hear us. This team has heaps of experience and I’m honored they chose me to be part of it. Tickets are FREE too.

if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)…
9ohzwy on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Mum ring me early this morning all excited after watching it online. Ben referred to me as “famed blogger Casie Stewart”.  Head explode! Name was spelled “Casey” for a second at the start but said they will make sure it’s fixed next time. There WILL be a next time. SM Expert FTW.

I love TV and the internet. Watch it here on CTV: Social media & the Royals.

today in blog news – i updated!

I updated to the new WordPress 3.2. The way it looks when I type before I publish is a bit different, I hear there are a few other new things too. It’s more like writing a document now. I feel like a reporter.

I am reporting life of/on/in the internet.

eTalk called me a Social Media Expert last night.  No argument.  I’m happy with how it went. Will post soon for Mum & anyone else outside Canada or doesn’t have TV.  The host Ben referred to me as “Stewart” and after calling me “famed blogger” they put my site on screen National TV. HI CANADA!

I was using webOS on a new HP tablet. A bunch of people were them at an HP Blogger event last night.  I am still using iPad. My friend the CellGuru thinks I’ll learn to love HP’s TouchPad better. I dunno, we’ll see.

Y’all know Andy is my iPad boyfriend.  One of the reasons I love him is because he has so many apps. We have heaps of fun together on Flipboard, Twitter, signing Autographs, watching Netflix, playing games. I can’t see myself without him and I don’t know if I’m ready to date anyone else.

I’m planning to clean my desk this weekend. I do not like having a messy work area. It clouds my head trapping my thoughts from getting through my fingers to the screen.

I’ve been saving these gifts to treat myself.

These need to be dealt with.

These need to be played with.

Tonight I’m heading to the Spoke Club for Mark’s fall preview. Picked out some really great items from Mark’s last year before I went to NZFW. Impressed with how well they’ve washed, worn & stood up to my busy lifestyle.

Remember: You are younger today than you will ever be again so make the most of it and do something worth remembering.



Made this video for Dad a in 2009. I watched practice from the fence. I love the sound of those cars. Had longer hair then too. Do you ever read the archives?

This weekend I am super stoked to be checking out the HONDA INDY. Friday is FREE DAY and anyone can go. If you’ve never been or want an excuse to leave work early, you’re welcome.

There’s also a Tweetup on Saturday.

The charming & good looking (;)) team at Honda Canada gave me a pair of GOLD passes for the weekend including Paddock Passes for extra awesome access. Keri & I are gonna go make make some vids.

Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend.

P.S. Today I found out that in 2000 LiLo played a character named CASEY STUART in Life-Size with Tyra Banks. Uh, that’s totes my name toooooo guys. OMGAAAAAAAAAHHHH.


in CASE you didn’t know.

What if they call me a “Social Media Expert”? UPDATE: They did.

So, Rockstars don’t call themselves ‘Rockstars’ but it’s cool cause everyone else calls them, which is what makes them rockstars. Say Rockstar one more time in that sentence haha. Do you know a ‘real’ Social Media Expert, am I one? I have heaps of Tweets/Blog/Posterous/Facebook/Skype/Flickr/Blogger/Google+/YouTube and more but that term is usually associated with douchebags. I’m not a douchebag.

Catch me on eTalk tonight for the Royal Tour coverage (starts at 7pm on CTV). Got to tape in the studio, I was standing in front of that eTalk sign above. Didn’t get a photo of us shooting. Doh. I used to work at CTV behind the scenes so was a pretty rad to be back today in front of the camera. Saw a bunch of old colleagues and was dressed to impress.  Wore high shoes, nicely tailored dress, hair up, bow, red lipstick. Zing!

I hope I come across smart and cool. I really hope I don’t look bad. (It’s nerve wracking ok!!) I’ll be at an event this evening so I won’t see it until I get home. I’m not sure how long it will be either.

My segment is about the big role social media is playing in Will & Kate’s visit, the photo one of our MP’s posted of them (below) and the Royal Tour app. The Royal Tour App is one of the most popular in Canada right now.

The Blue Man Group were also there this morning. I touched a BLUE MAN! They use blue oil paint and it is very messy. I had some on my finger. One of the BMG guys was pretty cute, well, for a Blue guy. 😛

I love being in front of the camera. I really want to be on TV. Look what they did to C. Perez, Senior Producer. He got Blue Man’d! BMG has a new show coming to Toronto so that segment will be on later this month.

Got it on PVR. Fingers crossed I did good. Aaaaaaaah. Tweet me if you see it!

downtown is where it’s at.

I love this city.

So pretty it is. The Music Garden near the Lake is one of my most fav spots.

New camera app on Android has all these funky settings. There’s one that puts a ghost in all your photos. Creep central. Imma get someone with it today. Beware friends!

Check out what Keri posted today:

How to Enjoy a Complimentary Stella in 4 Steps

Keri is our rep for Stella’s summer party challenge and is we vote for ‘Downtown’ here on Facebook WE get to have an awesome party hosted by KERI herself. Party date is August 13, contest closes July 13. Let’s win. How can you not vote for this? Awesome.

it’s important to have confidence.

This morning I shared a story about my childhood with my friends at Nella Bella. I popped in to say hello as I’d not seen them in a few and I love them. They made me retire my old most fav ever NB bag (tear) & hooked me up with a beauty new one. Thanks team <3

We were chatting about confidence and how important it is to have, especially for kids. We talked about dressing up our younger siblings and also how parents give their kids so much choice these days. What’s up with that anyways? [pause…here come the Mommy Bloggers. haha]

When I was little Mum have me choice but not too much. She used to let me pick out my clothes and would lay two outfits on the bed for me to pick one to wear. Well, that wasn’t good enough for me. I’ve always been a creative so when Mum would lay out my outfits I’d mix them up together and make something new.

One time I wore this orange shirt with green shorts and one orange/one green sock. Mum let me wear what I liked. One of the other Mum’s on our street said to her “Are you really gonna let her wear that?” All Mum said “If she feels confident wearing that then she can go for it!” Thank you Mum for being that way with me. She inspired a uniqueness that will never go away.

Hope you have an awesome day. Do something nice for someone. It will inspire you 🙂


a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust

Busy day ahead today. Meeting after meeting after meeting then dinner meeting with some colleagues. About to have a call with my advertising company in Say Media. Have you even noticed the ads on my blog in the sidebar? They’re for cool stuff like Mercedes, Winners, Wind and the new Caramilk campaign. All fortune 500 companies and nothing cheezy. Saw one for COD Black Ops the other day. After 5+ years of running this blog I reckon you won’t mind seeing ads here. Click & see what they look like, I’m keen to know what you think.

Last night as I was going to bed I heard an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale was widely felt across the lower North Island where most my family lives in New Zealand. Luckily, everyone is a-ok. Initial reports on GNS’ website show the quake was felt in Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth and up to the Coromandel (LOVE COROMANDEL!). Aftershocks were not expected & it was too deep to affect Mt. Ruapehu.

Looks like I won’t be heading back to NZ for NZFW at this point. I hope that changes! [crosses fingers, makes a wish] I want to go back to NZ & see my family so bad.

Chat later my friends. Hope you have an awesome day!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself & you’re set!

The awesome ShaSha Bread Co. float. They won 1st place for their design last year and this year it was pretty darn awesome.

Getting instructions before we learn our choreography.

Haha Rob Ford was there drinkin’ in the street. I kid, I kid.

The Crew! Team Good looking!

Sammy is funny. Nice tatas. I was having an epic hair day.

I gave Sammy that beautiful hot pink extension. Bubbles are fun too.

I love this kini. Nice shot photographer. We had so much fun dancing. I heard “Born This Way” about 200 times yesterday. I’m always amazed by how many nude people are in the streets. Mind boggling. We are so cool us Canadians.

So epic.

Water was infused with lemon & vanilla, it smelled like ShaSha lemon snaps. DELICIOUS!

Thanks Raymi for connecting me & ShaSha! You were missed Raymbo!

Streets were so packed. It was great having everyone call out to you from the streets. I love crowds & the spotlight. We soaked it up good.

We found my sister!

Hi Gay & Luis! So lovely to randomly see my sister in the street. Love this shot of them!

Rest of the night was a hoot. We had a blast in the streets 🙂 The end. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

DEFY: dare, face, challenge the power

Started using a new phone, Motorola DEFY from Telus. This thing is (almost) indestructible.

The Motorola Defy™ with MOTOBLUR™ has a water-resistant, dustproof design, and a scratch-resistant display. Powered by Android 2.2 and available only from TELUS. I can also Create a Wi-Fi® hotspot to share internet with up to 8 devices (ipad, laptop). Camera is 5mp, only thing that would make it best phone yet would be front facing camera. I can swipe to text on the touchscreen which is pretty rad & surprisingly accurate.

You know I’m hard on my gadgets and this phone is made for someone with a lifestyle like me. It’ made to be life proof. This is the commercial you may have seen on TV recently. Party looks fun eh.