
Here we go… TIFF get the party started

Feelin’ a little frazzled TBH but it’s manageable. Woke up early after dreaming about red carpets and celebrities. Had a 40 min call with client before 9am and I’m ready to rock. Gonna try make bids this week so I can take you along to fun stuff. Invites today arrived for Nikki Beach & Diet Coke parties by courier. Got new boots too!

This morning I’ve got an appointment at the Tastemakers Gifting Lounge, a photo shoot and then meeting Swarovski tonight. Strict time management is in order since I also have heaps of work to get done in between all the fun. Ordered new biz cards, get ’em tomorrow. Stickers are ready to go too. I can do this! #superhuman

Have an awesome day!

Diet Coke party invite #tiff11 on TwitpicNikki Beach invite #tiff11 on Twitpic


Back to COOL #tweedup

Get your luggage… we’re goin’ back, back, back to COOL.


Former Mayor, the lovely David Miller & Yvonne Bambrick, Kensington Market BIA Coordinator.


Cool bikes.


My divine outfit, styled by me from Flashback in Kensington.


David getting dolled up.


Lookin’ sharp too!


This shoot was for the upcoming Tweed Ride October 15th. See last year’s Tweed ride here. (I keep writing TWEET! doh) For volunteer opportunities or info see Tweed Ride on FB. Clothes provided by Flashback in Kensington. Great shop, thanks George!

Perfect way to start the day. David Miller is quite a riot, we spent most the time cracking jokes. Can’t wait to see our photos & the press release. Happy to be involved with him and this, there’s no WAY you’d see me rubbing elbows with the current Mayor Rob F0rd. Urgh!

We be keepin’ it classy ridin’ Tweed style.

Have a lovely day, cheeeeeriooooooo!


* photos taken w/ Motrola DEFY & bikes from my friends at Curbside Cycle

You want vacation time? Go teach 3rd grade.

Welcome back to work everybody! How was your weekend, what did you do?


I danced a little like this.

Cruised Queen Street, rode bike, watched movies, got some sun, went to the Island, hung out at the beach, saw an air show, went to a concert, workeddined with friends.

Excellent Labour Day.

The best I can remember.

I’d love to get to a cottage soon.

Can I come stay at your cottage?


New boots.

Creeped the Jays game. We beat Boston.

The Labour Day Parade went from 9ish – 11ish on Queen Street. I love the bagpipes & steel drums. Heaps of orange with signs of Jack Layton everywhere. It was a a looooong parade.

Niche is an old fav for brekky (Queen/Bathurst). I hardly ever go out for breakfast anymore. I love getting up and working on Saturday mornings.

I’m not upset about the change in season, I love Fall fashion!! I hate when people complain about the weather. TALK ABOUT SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING. Have you nothing better?

It’s hot, it’s cold, it’s gonna change and be unpredictable. Embrace the fact you can read this from a computer at your office or house and smile. Pretty please 🙂

Today kicks off the busiest time of the year for me. Four months till New Year and heaps to get accomplished. Set yourself a goal or two today.  Time flies and if you don’t write them down, you’ll forget them. There’s so many things in one day, it’s near impossible to remember them all. Having a blog helps.

Have a great day,

“Take chances, make mistakes, get messy”, Miss Frizzle

someecards.com - Thanks to the catastrophic greenhouse effect, Labor Day no longer signifies the end of summer

Labour Daze






this looks like fun riding

Tweed Ride 2010 from Steven Greenstreet on Vimeo.


No old people. No boring people. No office parties. No hen parties. No stag parties. No work suits. No cameras or photography. No customer service. Dress Code: Undercover on your way there, dangerous once you’re inside. UNDERGROUND REBEL BINGO CLUB.

The Underground Rebel Bingo Club is a secret organisation that meets in secret locations to party HARD and play hardcore Rebel Bingo.

I didn’t take my camera but  O’Nizz did check her b.l.o.g right here.

Welcome to the HEALTH & FITNESS MEETING, helloo Sheldon

PBR, bingo cards, markers, CHECK. Thanks for this pic Anthony Brennan.

I like the way you MOOV.

New FW 2011 Moovboots arrived this week. Hand delivered! I love GOOOOOOOLD! Thanks Team 🙂

You’ll be able to buy the newest Moovs at The Bay soon enough. I’ll keep ya posted. I’m the only person in Canada with these ones right now (woo hoo).

Been rockin’ the Moovs for a few years. Also have Red glossy, Black tall and Black Huskies with rabbit fur. So warm in winter.  No talking about winter. Heard we’re gonna have an extended summer! Yippeeee.

Exercising Creativity


Paint party.


New stickers from StickerYou too.


* Posted via WordPress Mobile on Android

Never stop being yourself…




You are really good at it. The best, in fact. You be you the best 🙂

Twenty Stolen Minutes from #NZFW

I was there last year. It was fabulous. The Stolen Girlfriends SS 2011 show was inside a grocery store.

Me & designer 😉

First day off working in a while…












Family time!

* Shot on Android MOTOROLA DEFY, posred via TELUS on Android xo

Weekend Tune: “Kaputt” by Destroyer


  • the Destroyer album of the same name is nominated for this year’s Polaris Music Prize.
  • it’s this Vancouver band’s 9th album.
  • singer-songwriter frontman Dan Bejar describes Destroyer’s style as “European Blues”!
  • it’s not just sweaty girls, saxophones and leotards. It’s much more.

Just wait until the vocals kick in…

xo Kate

* Kate writes the Weekend Tune and I was like WTF when I watched this video at first! I wonder what you think about the song/v ideo??? She is up on the music. Go ahead and submit your Weekend Tunage if you feel like sharing. Always love pleasing the ears, head, body.

<3 Casie

P.S. Destroyer, The Artist, has that beard & long hair I love.

New Lens for my PENs!

Deliver from Olympus today. New lens! Asked if they had any kicking around I could play with and voila. This is what they sent over. So far, it’s preeeeeettttty rad. Retail on it is $329 an it is for the Olympus PEN2. Product info here.


Zoom is intense. I can see so far.

I can creep so far.

This is my friends condo across the street. I don’t think he’s home.

This is looking down about 40 stories.


Boat love. Love boats.


Scooting downstairs to get some lunch then back up to get ready for photoshoot for a new top secret campaign that is national and on the internet. Starts in September and runs till December so you’ll know about it when it happens!

Happy Friday!


Art Battle 17 at The Great Hall: Paint by Numbers

And by numbers… I mean Pemberton & Plashkes, the creators of Art Battle. Their numbered shirts equal seventeen. Eight is my fav number, I have one tattooed on my right arm.

If you have never been to Art Battle, follow them on Twitter here and stay tuned for the next one. It’s one of the most awesome things that happens in this wonderful city. Competitive painting for the WIN.

Paint pr0n.

THIS is how you do event shirts.

These babies were all up for grabs. Painted that night, silent auction.

I really liked this one. Bid was $150, I didn’t go for it.

Jack will always be in our thoughts.

The ones without bids are DESTROYED. See video here.

Hello new friend blog fan, Twitter peep. (Please tell me your Twitter if/when you see this!)

Queen West art hipster types in full force. You can tell there are deep thoughts going on here and I like it.

Smart, arty & handsome. Winning combo 😉

Painting in the final round.

Counting up the votes.

Simon & the winner of the Art Battle 17 David McKenzie.

David & his is final painting.

“Let’s destroy some paintings”

Paint on the clothes is a good style I reckon.


Maybe some for me next time? I like to paint too. Some serious talent at these things. I know for sure you will enjoy yourself. I’ll keep you posted on the next one.

Sapporo Sound Den meets Toronto at Cheval

This week I was treated like (social) royalty by the Sapporo team. Thank you. Arrived with my crew to be walked in right away and set up with a booth fully stocked with Goose and buckets of beer.

Stay classy. Spice up your beer drinking by using a champagne glass. Party tips from a pro.

Black fortune cookies.

My fortune.

I wore a turban for part of the night. Not a REAL turban like my friend here, mine was all in the name of style, from the church of Forever 21. haha (First thing I ever bought there. I’d not been to one before last weekend!)

Jacks, my darling senior publicist babe for Global Television. ILU.

Team awesome.

Been a fan of the Sapporo for years so was a pleasure to meet the team. I’ll make sure these vouchers go to good use.

Let’s hang out again some time 🙂


i hungout.

For the very first time. Google Hangouts are AWESOME! Add me on G+ and like, let’s hang. gplus.to/CASIE

you missed this yesterday

The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover

You’ll see a few familiar faces in this little ditty from the Gladstone for the re-launch of the Melody Bar next week.

Stoked for the change in weather so I can bust out my real clothes.

Shoes Jeffrey Campbell, shirt Joe Fresh, Lipstick Dior, Bag Nella Bella, Shorts Victoria Secret, Hair Darren Kwik Studio.

Darren gave me a fresh shave yesterday. GO SEE HIM. He is awesome and will treat you like gold cause you are my friend. Discount too. His Twitter is @DKWIKSTUDIO.

Stay of the show, ZOE! She is SUPER cute and I has a charming blog.



MEGA babe. Wicked style.

Melody Bar opens next week. Stay tuned for party deets. Slow clap 😉

That girl really has a LOT of energy, eh?

Oh yeah that girl is meeeee.

energizer funny Aug 30, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

Oh you ANgry huh?

these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats.

I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day.

My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN.

Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd.

New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think.

Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys.

Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful?

They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes.

I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and I’m really loving it. Feel like I’m looking youngish. Got asked for ID more than twice last week so it must be working. Hellooooo, I’ll be 30 next year!

The Redken is a treatment from Darren Kwik Studio so my hair stays lovely. Louis Vuitton Brands send me Fendi perfume. It’s nice. Dior lipstick is a deep shade of red, perfect for Fall. Love that Body Shop butter, smells so good and makes your skin mega soft.

Scarf is from Forever 21. I went there for the first time this past weekend.

New leather jacket from Holts is dying for September weather. Skull Candy headphones from Shannon, awesome for concentrating. Bright thing is a head wrap from Bicyclette Boutique on Queen Street. Hamilton Watch, only one of that model in Canada. Flower headband from H&M.

Obsession with Docs & Converse is getting a little out of control. How many shoes is too many? I’ll be Carrie Bradshaw one day (except way more flats). Have a gift certificate for a new pair of Docs. Remember the Docs Fall Preview? SO many nice ones. Might go for the dressy style.

I’m heading on a mission to go get my bike. She’s been at KOOL HAUS since Saturday and I REALLLLLLY hope she’s still chilling there. Have an awesome day!! Oh, and BTW, Summer is not over so make sure you catch some rays out there.



Sharon, Lois & Bram were my first concert.

Sang this in my head about 2,000 times yesterday. Had a stiff up with my dang email and it stressed me right the effffff out. Anyhoo, we’re back in action and well, that’s that. Enjoy this little ditty. You DO know who SL&B are right?

such a classy lassie wants to get FREAKY.

I first mentioned Freaker a couple months back after seeing this video on Kickstarter. They were lookin’ for donations to kick start their company Freaker USA. Aaaaaaaaaand, they did it! Over $60,000!

What impressed me the most was their company culture, Zach’s story and the lingo they used to talk about Freaker. Freakin’ awesome. That’s Zach with the mega beard!  These kids know how to have fun.

This is how Freaker was born…

Today I got a freaky Freaker package in the mail from the Freaker Team. Loved getting a hand written note. Have a jacket to match my new Freaker too 🙂 THANK YOU! ILU ♥

pardon me while I burst into flames. seriously.

Mega swoonfest took place last night. I didn’t even take photos of myself or Sammy. ALL BRANDON. He is so good. Great voice, tall skinny, long hair, rocker, tattoos. I’ve been a band fan since high school and last night was my first time seeing them live.

This is Incubus pr0n. #swoon

We were super close. Thank you to my friend Brandon in LA who manages the Incubus Foundation makeyourselffoundation.org for hooking us up with tickets. They put on a really great show. We had a blast.

Shirt open…

Shirt OFF.

So good.

His voice, so good.


The video was really well done.

you missed this yesterday

  • Eye see youuuu @Eyeborg 😉 #
  • New. #
  • friends in Boston just lost power. #irene #
  • hi http://t.co/InIu5cC #
  • Going to Incubus w/ Sammy & Ross tonight at Molson Amp. #
  • he also has a weekly feature where he shows you all the youtube videos youve already seen http://t.co/iO54Aj5 #
  • Last chance to say what YOU would do w/ $250,000 on my blog for chance to win CHOCOLATE! Enter MEOW ->
    http://t.co/JSNSMR9 #
  • Mum called to day the boat survived #Irene it's in Virginia. Yay! #
  • sometimes it's hard, y'know… #casietv http://t.co/MZBy4yB #
  • I don't remember Incubus songs…better refresh before tonight's show. I wonder who is opening? Do they have new songs I should know? #
  • Hey new followers, HIIIIIIIII! What are you doing? #
  • Lookin' forward to September Board Meeting w/ @LongboardLiving #
  • i'm ready for more international travel. let's make that happen. #
  • That Afraid of the Dark movie scares me, I'm clearly afraid of the dark or Katy Holmes. #
  • Urgh, just remembered my bike is at Guverment. Duh. Took a taxi home. #dudewheresmybike #
  • looking into going back to NZ for a few months next year. mum said nana isn't doing so well and i have a new baby cousin. #
  • i need more time. #
  • Incubus w/ Sammy 🙂 (@ Molson Canadian Amphitheatre w/ @dvln @rochlatinsky) http://t.co/vhALGbL #
  • Five rows in, floor seats. omg Brandon. So hot. #incubus http://t.co/WkXtEPK #
  • In love. #
  • The hotness of Brandon Boyd can not be explained. Blog tomorrow will be #Incubus pr0n. #