Fit to Fly, Fit to Flex, Fit to Work It Out

gmUHAT on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Good morning from the gym. Can you believe I’m here this early? Cripes! I’m serious about gettin’ beach ready for Costa Rica and more fit in general TBH.

Jukari uses Cirque to Soleil to bring fitness to life. Look at me flying in that GIF, so fun! Did my first Jukari Fit to Fly class with Julie a couple months ago (see here) and loved it.  She’s is back from Montreal to teach today’s Fit to Flex class. Today’s workout is more stretching & resistance using the Jukari Band.

Heading to 99 Sudbury post workout for AndroidTO, Canada’s largest Android conference. I’ve been an Android user for about two years. Currently using Motorola DEFY. Filming a video with the uber hot Jason Howlet this afternoon after the conference. Call sheet said to bring a dress & pajamas. I wonder what we’ll be doing!

I’m still alive and you’re dead to me.

Hope @GetOlympus likes borderline artistic feel to these shots I added to the Pen Ready Project. My profile is #884. Creeeepy.

andy made a rain machine, i love the rain

I think it’s pretty most the time. Today was ok for walking, not too heavy, not soaking. Leather, headscarf, heels, a little wet but not much.

 “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.”

― Andy Warhol

Zombie Walk Toronto 2011: Fashion Zombie TV

Meet Esmurrelda McQUANdrantt! Reporter for Fashion Zombie TV. Her and I killed it pretty hard with the other models at this week’s zombie walk runway show. When you know what is what you just strut. 

See more blood & brains Lauren O’s LOL blog. Rounded up these shots from the Zombie Walk Flickr pool. Photos links to their owners.Thank you! ♥ There are so many awesome & amzing photos. The creativity in some costumes scares the jeebers off of me. Jeebers, am I 100? BTW have you seen Gramma mask?

See you in Austin! #SXSWi

Digging Skeet Skeet’s P.U.K. mix by FTP. Fitting for today ’cause I’m feeling PUMPED UP! Reminds me, Mum learned “LOL IRL” yesterday and was like “ooh, I like that.” haha enough acronyms yet? NBD.

Pumped Up Kicks (Skeet Skeet Remix) by Mikemusichealth


Mum rung me screaming at 5AM Sunday morning as if it was the middle of the afternoon. It was a very proud moment for Kiwis around the world. Rugby is our sport and we won the World Cup again!

I’m so proud. I can’t wait to go back to NZ & see my family & go down to the Harbour where this video was filmed. When I was in NZ for Fashion Week I stayed at the Westin just around the corner from here. Thanks to my lovely friend Hannah in NZ for sharing this. I couldn’t help but have tears of joy. Pretty EPIC MATE!

Toronto Fashion Week – Buckler, Boys, Babes

Attended five events last Thursday night – two fashion shows in the tents, Movember media launch, Buckler at F-Stop and GSUS at the Hoxton. It was a workout. Lucky for us they were all close together. Living downtown is essential to making the most appearances in a short time. This is Sport Partying 🙂

Check this out – found three of a kind!

We were certain a model farted. Pointing & laughing made the situation a WHOLE lot better.

Kate snapped all these photos. She’s a darling. Me, always working. Yes, those are my real lashes 😉

Fritz (Fritz Helder) had the most rad Docs. Not avail at the Doc Martens store. He found them somewhere downtown but I will not reveal his secret!

I love the simplicity of Buckler. The models were cute too.

Check out Kate’s other photos on her flickr here.

Halloween Parties!

N9cwfC on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Two of the hottest tickets in town for Halloween next weekend are Friday at The Liberty Grand ($35) and The Burroughs Haunted Mansion Saturday night ($25). Ahhh, I can’t wait… I LOVE HALLOWEEEEEEEEEN! 

I have  a pair of tickets for each night available. If you wanna win ’em & party with the best link a photo of you in costume in the comments and I’ll pick a winner using Make sure you say which event you wanna be at!

Picking winner Tuesday so you have time to really get in costume. HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEN!

Toronto Fashion Week: Sid Neigum S/S 2012

Now that the spring/summer 2012 shows are all finito, let’s take some time to sit back, relax, and reflect on the whirlwind of shows this season! One of the first ones I got to attend this season was Sid Neigum, a Canadian-born, NY-based designer, and it was love at first sight. I was especially a fan of his F/W collection, and was excited to see what he’d come up with for the lighter season!

The opening of the show was great: dark and moody, all the models coming out and standing presentation-style for a moment. Props to Sid (or whoever) for opening and closing the show with beaut androgynous models (John Cherkas, Andrej Pejic)– it definitely worked with the styling.

Lots of black for spring, which is a good-different, and mixed in are some teal (including an amazing bright teal/turquoise leather jacket with cutout shoulders! love!), copper, and tan. Great structured pieces, nicely contrasted by the more relaxed, colourful prints.

My favourite: the dramatic-slash-hysterical leather eyebrows and intense ballerina buns, accessorized with long leather ties/whips by The Fashion Collective‘s Dwayne Kennedy, from his new accessories line Leatherheads.

We saw some wooden flatform-esque type shoes that made the models walk like angry and uncomfortable, but beautiful, people. One male model rocked wedges all the way through!

Overall, the collection had a very eastern feel (which might give into the collections name, “East Meets East”) and was very well done. Definitely a memorable show and many pieces are going on my spring/summer wishlist!

x Carrie

Fashion: The Roaring Twenties

Weekend Tune: “Making a Scene” by Fritz Helder & The Phantoms

C’est le week-end! That’s French for it’s the weekend! Is everyone having a good fashion week? Are you très chic? It’s been fun but it’s almost at a close – or should I say clothes? Bahaha puns! Sorry couldn’t help myself.

Anyways! Here’s a music video for you to enjoy and reminisce about LG Fashion Week to. Strike a pose! It’s Toronto’s own Fritz Helder & The Phantoms with “Making a Scene”!

“Making a Scene” – Fritz Helder & The Phantoms from sammy rawal on Vimeo.

Fun fact: Both this music video and “Stumble” by Bonjay were directed by Sammy Rawal! Good job Sammy Rawal!

Have a great weekend everyone!
xo Kate

Oh Snap!

Last month Keri & hit up the Lomography shop for the Diana World Tour.

Got my first camera from the Lomography shop August 3 (blog history FTW!) and have been playing around with it. I’m using a Sprocket Rocket and although I’ve not had THAT much luck with my shots, it’s fun waiting to get them developed. Here’s my most recent batch!

Sorry for cutting off your hear Arianne!

This WAS a rainbow. Can you tell where it is? Where I am standing?

Preston Music Festival with Mum.


To the Island w/ B&E Labour Day weekend.

I’m kinda getting better, hard to get the hang of it TBH. Hopefully I have more luck with the next round!

Emotion is an unlimited resource.

“Like power, you get Love by giving it”  Page 53

Been reading this book.  So many good quotes. It starts off with all these references to brands I’ve worked with and countless stories about New Zealand. I had to put it down a few pages in.  I was overwhelmed by coincidences. (They’re not coincidences.) I’ve been in Love with the Saatchi & Saatchi brand for a long time. They’re a Lovemark of mine. Thanks Shannon for the gift, I love it.

“Love marks of the new century will be the brands and businesses that create emotional connections with the communities and networks they live in.” Page 60

“Keep it simple: set high standards andthen exceed them. Meet, Beat, Repeat.” Page 62

Marcus Troy posted this today. If you don’t know him he is a smart guys & lifestyle blogger who really gets personal branding. Read about him on LegendsLeague. Page is from the book “Be Great”. I bought it after reading a few pages.

Photoset: Condo Living – Olympus PEN Ready Project

I’ve submitted a couple of these to the Project. Borderline Artistic. I’m 884/1000. They’re all shot with the new PEN® E-PM1.

You look just as beautiful as the day we met.

We had a breakup last summer but we got back together fairly quick. It’s nice getting messages like this to celebrate anniversaries. It’s the little things that count. My relationships with technology (hardward & software) are some of my most cherished ones – Andy (iPad), James Dean (Macbook Air), Robert (my old PC), Olympus cameras, Zoey (sewing machine) and the most recent addition, XBOX360 (he is yet to be named).

Made this shirt for Foursquare Day in 2010. I was working with MuchMTV at the time but they didn’t really get that I was wearing THE badge on my shirt. Ha! This pic showed up in the deck for Puma International’s “After Hours Athlete” campaign before they hired me.

Check out some of my Things to Do in Toronto (Generated by Foursquare Checkins):

Went crazy on Joe Fresh nail polish the other day. Three for $10 and they go on thin so dry pretty fast which I like. Was given a few at the TIFF Tastemakers Lounge in 2010 and have been hooked since.

Playlist today is Bon Iver on Soundcloud. Sam woke me up early but made brekky to make up for it. Feeling grumpy and the weather doesn’t help. Slow sad music is quite soothing. Hope your day is good so far 🙂

Music: TinyDanza Come In First Place At Indie Week!

I first met Galen from Tiny Danza in 2009 at Steamwhistle. My hair was long & a very different blonde back then. Nice beard Galen.

Brock’s been working with them for a while now and last weekend they WON Indie Week. So proud of all the boys. They’re had some serious hustle the last couple years and for that, mad respect. Also much respect ‘cuz we both rock shirts with our own brands on ’em. HUSTLE!

October 17th, 2011 // Toronto, ON –  Following a thunderous show at Tattoo Rock Parlour Sunday night in Toronto, Tiny Danza have won the opportunity to showcase in Ireland for Indie Week 2012. Tiny Danza was chosen as the top band of the festival by a panel of industry judges out of more than 200 talented acts at Indie Week 2011 and have solidified themselves as the band to watch in the coming months.

This is one of my fav’s. Enjoy! 🙂

2011 Notable Awards Nominee – Best Personal Brand

There were hundreds of notable nominations from young professionals all across Canada and…drumroll please…We’re  in the finals! 

It would be so cool to win this and I would love your vote.


Congrats to the other finalists in the category especially friends Anna, Chrissy & Marcelo.  (Cheers to Reiha for this collage she made it for a contest I had earlier this year!)

All nominee’s were nominated & chosen by how they personified what it means to live a 360-degree, well-balanced young professional life. The Judging Panel consists of senior level exec’s from some of Canada’s largest companies.

This is what they’re looking at:

1) Dedication to Career and Professional and Personal Development,
2) Charity and Community Support, Inspiring Co-workers,
3) Employers, and Community, and finally
4) Number of Votes FROM YOU!

If you need some motivation/inspiration/entertainment, here’s a list of things that’ve been part of brand building over the last two years:

Nice box you have there.

I hope it doesn’t take long to set this up cause I wanna play right MEOW!!

P.S. New Ting Tings came out today. Man I love this girl. I saw them at MOD Club like, before they were huge circa 2008. So hipster. Enjoyeeeeeeeeeee!!

Make Time to Give Back & You’ll Have More Time

We are all busy people and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine. I like to be busy, are you kidding? I’d be bored otherwise! Only boring people get bored. I live by my calendar and find the better I get at scheduling, the more I can fit into a day, week, year.

Last week I helped launch microvolunteering in Canada with Koodonation. We had a blast playing on all the bouncy things and the winning team from Durham College was awarded $15,000 to a charity of their choice.

It’s really easy to volunteer your time ONLINE with Koodonation. Once you sign up it goes a little something like this…

It’s simple and you will feel great helping people. Volunteering has been a huge part of my life growing up and allowed me to connect with people I can learn from and also teach others. If you have any questions about getting involved as a charity or a volunteer visit the site here or ask me in the comments.

Have an awesome day 🙂

Dear Boss,

I’d like thank you for how much I’ve grown working with you over the past six years. Your consistent hustle day in and day out has taken us around the world together and opened up possibilites that were once only real in your dreams.

I started out part time but you gave me more attention as the years went by, allowing me to flourish into something that is full of excitement, culture and passion. I’m excited about where we will go together. I know it isn’t easy running your own business and sometimes you don’t feel like it, but I believe in you. You have shown many people that when you put your mind to something you can achieve anything, any for that, I am thankful. I am an extension of you and when you look back many years from now I hope you feel proud of us.

Keep up the good work and go get yourself a manicure. My treat! - Today's the day to celebrate that rare boss who doesn't suck.

Tweetgasm Gossip Girl Edition @ GladstoneHotel

Bring your gasm to the Tweet. I don’t even know what that means but who CARES! Tonight Brock & I are throwin’ it down and turnin’ this Monday into madness at Gladstone Hotel. Drinks, drama, prizes, ponies and more. Join us in the melody Bar starting at 7pm.

Here’s some pix from past Tweetgasm’s…

i want to eat your brain #zombiewalk

Toronto Zombie Walk is Saturday. Need help getting zombified? I’ve been going for years and have got the gettin’ dead & bloody down to a science. Walk starts in the bowl at Bellwoods 2pm. Be prepared to see about 6,000 dead, blood soaked people eating brains.

Two years ago I made this video. I scare myself.

Check out my post “How to Zombie” for the perfect blood recipe. Bon appetit! 

changing the way we capture the world

Good Morning world! How are you today? I’m thinking I might evacuate my closet of old items and finally see the floor. It’s practically an episode of hoarders in there right now. Shame on me!

Tried Chipotle for the first time the other day when I was at YD Square for Koodonation. It was good.

Hung out at Peach Berserk this week helping Kingi with some internetty things. She made me a shirt with my face on it 🙂 You know you gonna want one.

Lots of nice things in the store. Colour explosion!

Looks kinda gloomy out. Winter is coming. The cold yesterday reminded me how much I love to hibernate.

Snuggled up on the couch in wool & blankets and fell asleep with the TV on.

 New camera arrived Friday, Olympus PEN E-PM1, 12.3 mpx. It’s more compact than the PEN 2 I’ve been shooting with. I’m part of the Olympus Pen Ready Project; 1,000 photographers around the world shooting with the new compact PEN Canera. I’l #884/1000. My profile & photos (will be) here.

 Beans & I are about to make brekky. Gonna make a bacon & egg pie today too.  New Zealand staple and no, not a quiche! This water commercial is neat. Thanks to Patricia for sharing.

National Post: Toronto Tweed Ride

Read about the Tweed Ride in the National Post or get event deets here on FB. I was a judge in the Tweed Ride style contest and this is the winner Arthur. Love the finishing touches of  the arm band & goggles. Bike colour is a nice touch too. Lookin’ good.

I’m stoked to pick out my outfit and ride in style. See you there old chaps 😉

Weekend Tune: “Hip Hop Hooray” by Naughty By Nature

Yo! Did you know? It’s the weekend yo!
And you might be wondering…what’s with all this yo-ing?

Blame my pseudo hip-hop persona on Thursday night. Microsoft Advertising invited me to come party at their INNERCITY bash, and guess who performed?! Naughty By Nature y’allllll! So here’s a classic track for you to get down to this weekend…


xo Kate


organized crime…?

canadian club speakeasy toronto november 3
Perhaps…stay tuned for RSVP to the Canadian Club Speakeasy in Toronto
canadian club speakeasy toronto november 3

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Thomas Fuller 🙂