catching waves & feeling the power of the ocean

Feeling like I have heaps on my plate. You know that feeling? Yeah. Good thing I enjoy making lists and checking things off.  I’m going back & forth planning my trip to Costa Rica and haven’t event started to face the car situation. My coffee is cold. Insurance, licence plate, kinda overwhelming considering I’ve never had a car. I’d love to be outside right now. I should be getting in the shower, meeting in an hour. I spend so much time writing emails these days. Accounts receivable is a fun part of my job too. I hate math. I ate so much yesterday. I could use a visit to the gym. Wonder if I got mail today? Have a meeting this afternoon to get my first piece of MERCH. You gonna want it. Stoked.  Tonight is the Greta SS 2012 show. Toronto Fashion Week starts Monday. THIS IS MY LIFE> oh my gaga. When I get stressy I take a deep breath & think…I’ll be here this time next month 🙂 This is a good song: My girls at PinkMafia have an awesome Britney Prizepack to give away, contest closes on Thursday, October 13th and all you have to do is: Tweet @PINKMAFIA4LIFE your fave Brit lyric using the hashtag #BritPackPM and they’ll set you up with the most amazing prize pack ever. Have an awesome day, enjoy the sunshine!

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would you like to come for a sail? yes, yes i would.

Went sailing on Lake Ontario yesterday with a friend. It was great. Felt like a mini-vacation. Meet Bandit. I love this city, so damn pretty. Cue Mickey Avalon, So Rich, So Pretty. I can only imagine how lovely it was for Mum on her sailing trip. I absolutely love, love, love sailing. Nothing like being on the water. It was just windy enough to get a little speed. This one reminds me of you Mum. Blogged most of this from a taxi on my Macbook Air using Telus mobile 3G wifi en route to the Telus Centre for TEDxToronto. WHOA. THE FUTURE is friendly!!

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Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka

Had an awesome couple days out of the city. After a big 10 day non-stop go-go-go festival, I needed a break. Last year I shipped off to New Zealand for NZ Fashion Week a few days after TIFF and I came back soooo tired. I vowed to give myself a break this year. Purchased the “Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka” from for $99. We stayed at the Bayview Wildwood Resort, Severn Bridge, ON. Food & accommodations were lovely, I enjoyed the view, lake and silence the most. Over the summer I did a Toronto Grafitti Tour and stayed at the SoHo Metropolitan with Jaunt so I knew it would be a good buy. Sammy was all dressed up for the gallery that night and we had limo service. I REALLY wanted to canoe and we could use whatever we wanted form the equipment shed which was nice. Rode bikes when we first arrived then took a canoe for a spin. Canoed to brekky… … and back from the main house to the cottage. I feel relaxed and ready to take on the million things coming up in my calendar from now till the New Year. 2012 FTW! (I kid, I kid) Going away me realize I need to get out of the city more. Thank you Ford Canada for the use of a Fiesta from the media fleet. I loved driving the little thing. Mum also loved it. I drove more than 10 hours including the visit to Mum and going up North. It was great on gas too. Hope your week is off to a relaxing start. Have an awesome day!

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Live Music in Central Park

Had a lovely time at home with Mum. We went to the Preston Music Festival yesterday to see the locals and check out Bongas band. Was rad to see so many familiar faces. Stopped by the Firkin Pub and who mega high school reunion. HI GUYS! Bonga your band is really good. Impressed with your skills! These folks dancing was so cute. Off to Muskoka today w/ Sam for some more R&R by the lake. I really wanna canoe or kayak. Good day for a long country drive too. Leave you with this tune from the Sheepdogs. So good.

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This post is for my girls and boys at Bud Camp.

Last year was SO much fun. I loved ALL the girls. A bunch of them I still see. Met some totally awesome guys too. Had an absolute blast. Me wearing my outfit today. Have fun this weekend peeps! For all you people at or not at at Bud Camp. These are my last year memories. xo CASIE P.S. Colin if you see this call me.

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Puma party Anthem & Don’t Party, hearty. ♥

While surfing in South Africa last night I came across We-Are-Awesome & Don’t Party followed by Liver Beats. Total radness, these cool kids got it going down. I like their taste in music, style and this video is great. I really want to go to South Africa. This one dude in the vid looks SO familiar. From NZ or Australia travels familiar, long time ago. Could be wrong. The We-Are-Awesome peeps are friends with Puma too. Remember when Puma Social rocked the Burroughs building in March. So fun. I forgot about the giant cop in the Smoke’s Poutine/Puma vid haha. We trained hard that night 😉 Puma Social released a new video:

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