‘Cause after all this city never sleeps at night

I’m in love with “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons. It’s in the soundtrack for Perks of Being a Wallflower and I’ve purposely not finished the book so I can stay in it longer. Be infinite. Title is one of of the lyrics. I had such a beautiful weekend in Montreal. I’m uploading a bunch of photos to Pinterest here if you wanna check ’em out. Will have a video up later today. It’s lovely getting away for a few days. Being back in the city is good too, but busy. TIFF starts next week. One of my fav events is the Festival Music House put on by RockIt Promotions, there’s always a bunch of good bands and the crowd is fun. See posts from 2011 & 2010 here. Can you believe it’s almost September? Crazy! I love the way my tattoo looks in this photo I edited. It was taken w/ Cannon Rebel and messed around with in Picasa. I use my iPhone so often for photos I forget how amazing it is to work with a great camera. Listen to this song, it will uplift you! CASIE

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From MYL to YYZ, here we go! Now say it again in French.

Adieu Montréal! Temps de rentrer à l’Ontario et à retourner au travail. Ça a été une tranche. Merci W Montréal pour un excellent séjour, Ford Canada pour une voiture douce et la technologie pour rendre tout cela possible. La vidéo nous avons fait est rad. J’ai utilisé Google Translate. J’ai une amie française qui pense qu’il est tout à fait hilarant et c’est pour elle. Vous avez un super journée! <3 CASIE

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Amour de la vie et de Montréal aussi!

Great weekend in Montreal so far. Filmed w/ GoPro in the car today. I am going to be GoPro obsessed now. The Ford Fiesta is fun. Really good on gas. I love the old cobblestone streets in Old Montreal, this is such a great city. Beautiful day out today, super hot. Heading back to Toronto Monday. Hope you had a nice weekend! CASIE

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Ford Escape: Track Driving, Kayaking, Rock Climbing

Last week I had a full on escape from the city. It was so much fun. It reminded me of camp when I was a kid but it was way better. We drove cars fast and had beers after. Chantel, Keri, and I have awesome jumps lol There was about 20 bloggers on our ‘escape’ and the day started with lunch, then games, kayaking, rock climbing and extreme driving on a closed track. We finished with dinner and drinks at Arto Gallery in Distillery District. I’ve been on a few trips with Ford this year and am consistently impressed with their innovation as a brand. Thankfully, they provided us with kayak trailers so we could easily move them from point A. to point B. I scaled seven stories like a spider monkey. First time outdoor rock climbing and I was awesome at it. Instagram: This was GNARLY! My driving partner for the day was Toronto blogger Lisa Charlieboy. I’ve known Lisa for years so spending the day wth her was awesome. We were in Banff together in July for the World Media Fest. See her post from the day at Urban Native Girl. Follow her on Twitter at @UrbanNativeGirl. We did pretty good in the challenges and laughed our heads off. Gas, sharp turns, slamming brakes. I really, REALLY loved driving the Escape (hard) on the track. This is my face after totally tearing it up. I may have injured a few pilons on the way. They are fine. Ford Park Assist: Look ma’ no hands! Extreme Kayaking (with my phone): By the time we drove back to the gallery and got dinner the digital team had produced a video of all the days content. We all watched it together, there are some really funny parts and crazy driving. I’m…

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Underwater Blogging + Travel Tips + Friday Fun

Look what I can do! Underwater! Tweet, tweet, tweet! Last week on that underwater shoot for BravoFact everyone got photos in the pool. I  decided it was time to put my DryCase for iPhone to the test. Keys worked, camera worked, and my phone is 100% fine post pool. I mention the DryCase on my show this week. In this week’s episode of THIS on Coral TV, I share with you some of my fav gadgets for travelling. I don’t mind being stuck in an airport as long as I have power so the Incipio case puremobile.ca sent me is a savior. It’s super thin and priced at $24.99 is a great buy. [View the story “Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel” on Storify] Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel Some tweets from peeps about our YouTube Channel, Coral. Subscribe at YouTube.com/Coral Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 10 2012 11:51:58 RT @CoralTV: Ever drop your phone in h2o? @casiestewart has a solution thanks to @dry_case – check it out on today’s ep of THIS – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRNTLmQ_4ZQ&list=UU1oMom9DVdfeNZqvqHO-LOg&index=0&feature=plcp#Dry Case * I reallllllly tested this Dry Case on a shoot last week and it really works. I can’t wait for my next surfing trip to tweet from my board and listen to music while I surf. Go paperless when you travel with the @TripIt App! See how @casiestewart uses it in the latest episode of THIS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRNTLmQ_4ZQCORAL Thanks for the kind words! Love the people are enjoying my vids. I’m getting better at producing, it takes practice! @casiestewart You’re just too cute!! Love the @CoralTV Videos.Trina Stewart @CoralTV @casiestewart @ShannonLitt she is full of energy 🙂 love itCamMi Pham Domestic Geek @SaraLynnCauchon on @CoralTV is featured on @youtube with her amazing dishwasher tricks. Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rkKdELBTV0&feature=youtube_gdata_playerKit Redmond I liked…

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On July 21, 2012 I went for my first skydive at Jumptown in Orange, Massachusetts. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME! My instructor Joe Goodbreak was so cool & fun to hang out with. He has done over 1,000 jumps. Videographer was Keith Thivierge with two cameras for video & still. I was only really scared for the 3 seconds before we actually jumped.  We had a 55 second free fall at about 120km before opening the parachute. Falling in the air is exhilarating. Greatest adrenaline ever.  The sky was so clear and beautiful. I felt so calm up there. Before the Jump Skydiving from 13,500 ft (jump is at 2:12) He grabs my head so I lift up my chin to the camera. He told me not to look down but I couldn’t help it! He signals for me to pull the ripcord after we spin for a bit. Time goes so fast when you’re fallin’. I wanted to do dance moves but it was a LOT to take in on my first jump. Next time. [iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/s1z2tQ_R8h8″] Definitely tops the list of amazing things I have ever done. I can’t WAIT to do it again. Seeking friends who skydive! I feel like a cooler version of myself who can REALLY do anything.  Motivated to take on the world! Have you gone skydiving? Where, when? LMK.  Here’s to a great week 🙂

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