Let Success Be Your Noise

Had a great morning yoga session today. Feeling energized and have a jam packed day ahead. Saturday I’m going to Jamaica for a week. It’s the first time in years I’m going on a vacation-vacation that isn’t work. YAY! I’m travelling with @Lovesey as his guest and we’re gonna have SO MUCH FUN. We did Route 66 last year with Arizona Tourism then went hiking Sedona together. It was magical. Really looking forward to hot sun, beaches, and the food! ?? If you’re a lover of hiking, then check out https://www.dreamlandtours.net/day-tours/paria-canyon-vermilion-cliffs/the-wave-tour/ to see where your next adventure will take you! Posted the image below in my IG Story the other day and wanted to share here. Got a message from someone after posting who said it was just what they needed at the time. She mentioned theres a few people around her always shouting about their ‘success’, and I reminded her that’s often a sign they’re not really as successful as they seem. Actions speak louder than words and if you have success, it shows. I’ve always thought it’s better to talk about things you’ve done rather than going off about things you plan to do. Talk is cheap, baby. I love sharing my work and life but you usually don’t know about something until it’s happened! Work hard. stay humble. The race is long and in the end it’s only with yourself.

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Go All The Way

The last couple weeks have been kinda crazy for me, not just normal life and ‘blog stuff’ but I went out of my comfort zone and did a totally new work thing. I’ll share more on that but the point is, I learned a lot in the process, new skills, and things about myself. At the beginning of the project I was really excited, then I got discouraged,  followed by a wave of inspiration and creativity, then a breakdown. I thought about quitting, then got excited again, had some stress, and well you get the point. It wasn’t easy but I made it through. Sean was seriously so incredibly awesome dealing with me and encouraging me the whole time. He continued to remind me you have to work hard to get to the next level but it’s worth it. He says ‘You can do anything you put your mind to if you do the f&%king work.” I know I said this other day but, if you think about it, IT IS SO DAMN TRUE. You really CAN do anything, if you REALLY want to. You have to hustle you do something every single day to get closer to that goal. You can do anything! Yesterday I turned 35 (where did the time go right?!) and I had a really great day. I was thrilled to spend the day doing exactly what I want, with a clear head knowing I’m continuously evolving. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen this video but you should watch it. Sean showed it to me years ago and I go back and watch it to remind me why I do things, the struggle, the joy. I watch it for inspiration and to clear my head. It’s a reminder live each day on your own terms. To do what you want. To go confidently in the…

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You Can Achieve Anything You Want If You Work At It

I found this photo in a box of tax receipts and it gave me such a warm feeling. I’m pretty sure mum has this costume still hanging up in a closet at home. When I was about 9 my jazz class did a competition number to the Inspector Gadget song and to this day I still remember some of it. I spent heaps of time at the dance studio as a kid. I started ballet around 3 and a half, had my first recital at 5, and spent a few years competing. I went all over Ontario, NY, and the National American Dance Championships in South Carolina a couple times. I distinctly remember times ballet was hard. Sometimes I hated it. I’d be crying after class, begging mum to let me quit. But she never did. And thank god for that. Although it was tough, dance taught me so much. It taught me hold my head high when I walk, how to enter a room, how to be on stage. I learned to not give up. I’m so thankful for the decade I spent dancing as kid. For my teacher Miss Lisa at Meyerhofer Academy in Cambridge. I’m grateful for mum who taught me to persevere through all the tough times. Also thankful for all the late nights, mum sat at the kitchen table making ballet skirts for the studio to pay for it. As I get older ,I appreciate more and more the hard work I put in when I was younger. This week Emily and I signed up for Tae Kwon Do. It’s her first go and my first time back in 20 years. [Side note: WHERE DID THE TIME GO, HOW AM I THAT OLD?]  TDK is another thing I spent a few years doing that taught me so much.  I have my green belt, won an Ontario trophy for…

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Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

This week felt like a long one and it’s finally Thursday. As Keri would say, “Best night of the week!”. Tonight I’m heading to my BFFs house out of the city and tomorrow we rented a sweet hotel room in a random Ontario town, not too far, for a well deserved girls getaway. Sometimes when I look back at my story of the day, on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, my short term memory forgets things even happen. This was the case a few times this week. I started the week slow, was super tired, and had a sore shoulder from an awkward sleep on Sunday. Tuesday I spent most the day dragging my a$$ through the motions, but, by the end of the day I was so inspired I couldn’t sleep! I was a judge at the Women in Wearables Tech Meetup for the Female Founders Cup.  It was  great to be surrounded by incredibly amazing women making waves in the tech community. You can watch the livestream here if you’re looking for some inspiration.  Women & Wearables: An evening of celebration, discussion & activism Full house for #WWTO! #techtuesday (@ MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, ON) https://t.co/YBfoWuGYVy pic.twitter.com/Rhlijqql5j — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 28, 2017 Wednesday seems like a blur. Did yoga at 7:30 then drove home, picked up Emily and took her to school. Shawn Hawaii came over for quick head shot shoot around 9am and by 10:30, Sean and I we were heading to 1188. The rest of the day was non-stop and by 9:30pm I was finally ready to sit down and do things on my computer. I am SOOOOO looking forward to a 2 night getaway with my BFF and a s-l-o-w pace. I love what I do but life is exhausting and I’ve had to teach myself to take breaks. Also, I can’t wait till we open the…

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Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a journey of making my self happy, practising what I preach, making the most of each day, and following things that give me joy. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, it has made a big difference. The last couple months of 2016 I was totally drained, didn’t feel creative, felt a bit lost like ‘what am I doing and why‘. So, I made a change. I started putting  myself first and really doing WHAT I WANT. It’s easy to get side tracked from your goals, over worked, under stimulated. The thing is, you can totally turn that around any singe day, at any time. You’re in control of your happiness. You’re the director of the movie that is your life. You always have a choice. Years ago (2008-09) when I wanted people to remember me and my blog I made these little stickers on white Avery labels after work (at an IT company). I didn’t have $$ for real stickers, so I had to be creative. They had a strip of photos I took of myself (now called selfies) and my Twitter @casiestewart with my URL casiestewart.com. While most people will take your business card and never follow up, this is not the case with stickers. I found that people would go to my blog the day after a fun party where I stuck my sticker on them, their sweater, conference badge, and leave a comment, or tweet me it was nice to meet. The first round of ACTUAL real stickers I made were from StickerYou when a friend worked there. They were heart shaped photos of me with a painting in the background and my Twitter handle. This month I was invited to create a Mantra Box of stickers to keep me…

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Years ago I was on a tv show called ‘Maxed Out’ and I told the host I wanted to be a brand and partner with other brands, and essentially be ‘paid to party’. She told me ‘You can’t do that, you’re not paris Hilton, you don’t come from money’. At the end of the show I launched casiestewart.com with a landing page that said ‘COMING SOON’. And the rest is history… I LOVE this video and Casey Neistat is my fav person on the internet with the same name as me for sure. If you were looking for some motivation, here it is. I’m so proud to be a creator, I’ve been building the internet for over 10 years, and I’m not stopping anytime soon. Here’s to making more things and making a difference. ‘The haters and doubters are drinking champagne on the top deck of the titanic AND WE ARE THE FUCKING ICEBERG’ P.S.  This latest video from Gunnarolla has me laughing my head off. He is a very funny and talented friend. If you aren’t following him yet I recommend you do because LOL. Enjoy!

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