Everything you can imagine is real. Pablo Picasso
Don’t ever forget that. Your thoughts are real things. Your thoughts become things. If you believe it you can achieve it. Go bold & conquer your dreams! My gay roommate from Sweden in Australia loved this song. LOVE YOU JUUSO BABY! xo
View PostA Short Film (really short) – Catch Me When I Fall
first boat ride of the summer!
Well helloooooooooooo dah’ling, welcome. This is the boat I went on, Capt. Matthew Flinders. He’s Australian & kinda special. Captain Matthew Flinders RN (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) was one of the most successful navigators and cartographers of his age. In a career that spanned just over twenty years, he sailed with Captain William Bligh, circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use of that name for the continent, which had previously been known as New Holland. [wiki] I’M KING QUEEN OF THE WORLD CITY. I kid I kid, this will never stop being funny to me. I don’t even give a care what you think about it either. Ahoy, matey! Eat her dress, do it. So pretty in the sunshine she was. Who thinks we should have a party here? Say ‘ai ai’ & raise yo hand. Gamble? Mariposa Cruises went all out for this mixer. Loved it. Didn’t have any of these. This yes. And a whole lotta this. Then we met Mysterion. I wrote down a word on this paper and he had his eyes closed then HE GUESSED IT. I know, awesome & Casie go together but he didn’t even KNOW ME. Then we had round two and I drew cherries, folded it up and put it in his hand and HE DREW THE SAME THING. Fahhhh, this guy is good man. Keri drew a server and he drew a set of drawers (obvs he didn’t think of server) but STILL. Holy kaw. Our city is so beautiful. View from the water/island is dreamy. Mr. Mariposa, Jason Lambert. New BFF! HI JASON! Hey Bloggeratti! Social(ites). Few beers deep by this time. Then I are some meat. With my hands. BARBARIAN. You bet your ass I filled my purse w/ candy. Jason encouraged me, he didn’t know…
View Postgetcha swag on baby
Oh hai, Princess Casie here with a beer. Somebody likes to have f-u-n. Yep, these are my friends. They are great. You guys remember Rightsleeve? Done a bunch of things with them over the last year. Hawaii & I, proud parents of Triangle & Eviana. If this makes no sense to you, you haven’t been paying attention to the baby saga. Thanks for a fun time Rightsleeve. You know I love ya. BTW, I also love these! So rad.
View Posthe screwed this fork in her hand with his mind. srsly.
Hope you enjoy my audio on this 😉 Happy Friday! I heard that he has always had this ability, like since he was a kid. I dunno, this kinda magic freaks me out but I think it’s cool. I’m way more into magic that tarot cards or fortune tellers. You will NOT see me attending any of those sessions. I had an astrology reading at Kabbalah from Tamar this lovely lady from Israel once, it was expensive & informative. That was enough for me. I know my destiny & where I’m going. I know what I gotta focus on to get there too. Magic man is Mysterion the Mindreader. He must be cool, we have like 70+ common friends on FB. haha! I tried to trick him into reading my mind over Facebook. It wasn’t successful. Moohaha, you can’t read my mind through the Internet Mysterion!!
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