Life is built on experiences.

Take them. Make them. Live them. Love them. Leave them in memory. Leave them Online. This blog is how I remember. Remind yourself today of something you’ve done that makes you smile. You’ll be glad you did.

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you missed this yesterday

these 9 companies want to keep space exploration alive – # G+ me @ Here’s how to get your Google+ URL cute too. # Pulled muscle. Ice on my shoulder. I look like the Hunchback, Casimodo. # Imaging: Sobeys: Hey, Do not throw TOMATOES.  Me: Well, do not put them there so easy, begging for attention. Sorry, I can’t make it, I’m organizing my circles. +1 # Decided to go ahead and get ‘casiestewart’ at Kinda like Twitter for Email! # Took off the ice pack. Now I haz cold shoulder. # Today Jenie & I watcher her friend take off isn their helicopter from the Island on my balcony. He raced this morning. I want a helicopter. # Old FY. # Is there an app that turns your phone into a fan? Needed it today. # Can’t Stop Gotta Fly by Andy Teo on # Secret Cinema found Beneath Paris. 

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a very fine artist wouldn’t ya say there

I painted this. With digital paint. I feel it really speaks to my passion for technology and love of life. Full of emo(ticons). I found it today going through old folders. It was a celebrity painting event with Amex and a media peeps. I won an ipad, named him Andy. We’ve been in love since. I painted this too in 2009. It’s done using GE’s Imagination Cubed. Did you ever try it? I just tried to go to and it doesn’t work anymore. It was this rad drawing board with stamps and letters. Ah well, back to ipad drawing it is!      

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welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys. Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though. Beautif Keri played a Playbook. This guy was Facebooking. Nice outfit, great hat. The sign in the back POWER-PLAYA. Smiles all around. Canadian hot shot driver Paul Tracy in blue. His website needs a makeover. Look at that stack of photos to autograph. The line was hours to get to him. So many people waiting. The front of the line winds around again further than you can see. Crazy. There was no sign of Danika Patrick. I wish. Who would you wait that long for? I can’t think of anyone. Something else I saw today is this posted by Tony.  A guy named Erik Shveima draws the LA Times, everyday.

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you missed this yesterday

a picture for you @motorola_ca. vrooom. # Like my cottage? j.k Cottage Channel! Ha # Photo: zanzzaaaaaaaaaaaa # Photo: nice bike, legs. # These Toronto photos are nice. Via @blogTO: through the lens of Frank Lemire # Photo: › soda cans produced between 1930’s to 1970’s › › via @fuckyeahvintage-retro # Photo: pfasshion. # 40 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed – # plank that @souljaboy. #planking # hall pass movie is full of LOLs. so funny. # giving myself a hallpass. haha # so hot eh “@laurenonizzle: Plain white tees over lean, toned bodies. It’s a good look, boys. Marlon Brando had it right.” # “@KeriBlog: That’s enough sun for today. Back to the internet now.” what she said. # What’s In a Name: Google+ Is Your Plus One – # Vrooom! (@ Direct Energy Centre) [pic]: # My girl, Danica Patrick is revved up for Honda Indy #Toronto via @globeandmail # Dr.Penfield…fire alarm. # Imma get some planking in at @hondacanada Indy today. I wanna plank a race car and Danika Patrick. # Stock this week had a one day crash after lower activity in trading but bounced back. # I have lots of questions today. I’m inspired. # Can you link twitter & G+? If so, are you? Why or why not? # I should be outside enjoying the sun but I wanna be in my computer editing. #nerdproblems # #bloggers have you added +1 yet? are you planning on it? # Morning! Stayed up late fiddling around w/ blog. New header. Whatcha think? # Holy HOFF-sicle, batman. Lick! (@YouTube # This too!

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hey i got a new dance for you all called the soulja boy

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