Dear Diary, I have so much to tell you. xo

Baby you’re my heart You can follow me #lifeoftheparty # #TVONTHEINTERNET # Photo: i love our condo grsss. # writing. writing. reading. coffee. writing. reading. morning! # Dairy Queen Blog Cake # ha! @torontogeorge as me. (bangs @dollbarinc) # mermaid, hunk, fashion, crazy things. # brunch time 🙂 # Photo: @laurenonizzle @pinkmafia4life # “i can’t write today, something’s wrong. i can’t smile today, life is a sad song. my heart hurts… so…” # Photo: what? you have good grams?. yippeeeee. # euro trip in sept i think. this makes me happy. I got a new campaign launching next month and need a wicked photog to take my photo. My BFF photogs are all out of town next week. LMK. Thanks for the photog recos dudes. Heaps of good peeps. Reckon I’ve narrowed it down 🙂 The Australian, he is so lovely. Great brunch with a good friend today. Awesome way to start the day. Inspiring! RE: It’s mega scary. I seriously felt like someone passed away. I was completely distraught. # This week i was a professional hipster, Dad said he’s proud. pretty glad I gave away that HP Tablet now. looking or a residential commercial space about 4000 sq. ft. on the right track baby i was born this way. yes this. #smart #right #left # This post is for you #budcamp @Canadian09 @budcanada @carlyannedotcom # Casie Winehouse #memorial #party casa de nIZZLE – @laurenonizzle wé @brockmclaughlin @natekogan @frikshun, The Australian & Scotti… Polaroid picta partay.

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This post is for my girls and boys at Bud Camp.

Last year was SO much fun. I loved ALL the girls. A bunch of them I still see. Met some totally awesome guys too. Had an absolute blast. Me wearing my outfit today. Have fun this weekend peeps! For all you people at or not at at Bud Camp. These are my last year memories. xo CASIE P.S. Colin if you see this call me.

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tv on the internet

Coming soon to a screen near you. HI from a park in Mississauga Aug 8, 2011 | Source: Hi from the new Fox & Fiddle on Fort York! Aug 5, 2011 | Source: hi from a photoshoot w/ @laurenonizzle! Aug 3, 2011 | Source: hi from taxi Aug 12, 2011 | Source:

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Swoon over you. Love.

  We met at CTV when I worked there. He was nice and his body felt hard to the touch. I wanna go to the movies.

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Gladstone Tweetgasm August 2011: Brock + Sockhop

This month’s Tweetgams was Monday night The Gladstone  hosted by the lovely Brock McLaughlin. Doesn’t he look like James Dean. Swoon. Tweetgasm is fun. I’m going to host one in October. Stay tuned for that. Boogie down baby. I went for 60’s Twiggy mod. Auditioned for a ghosty show today with Lauren O’Nizzle. It was fun. I hope they pick us. There were some nice outfits. I’m going to have a theme for my Tweetgasm too. Idea submissions encouraged. THE END.

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Puma party Anthem & Don’t Party, hearty. ♥

While surfing in South Africa last night I came across We-Are-Awesome & Don’t Party followed by Liver Beats. Total radness, these cool kids got it going down. I like their taste in music, style and this video is great. I really want to go to South Africa. This one dude in the vid looks SO familiar. From NZ or Australia travels familiar, long time ago. Could be wrong. The We-Are-Awesome peeps are friends with Puma too. Remember when Puma Social rocked the Burroughs building in March. So fun. I forgot about the giant cop in the Smoke’s Poutine/Puma vid haha. We trained hard that night 😉 Puma Social released a new video:

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