
Had brekky, went to Green Living Show. Hanging out today. Pretty close to best thing ever. Love you Mum xo

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If I had a billion dollars…

Ok, I know the Facebook + Instagram thing is ‘so yesterday’ like Mandy Moore but it has totally sparked my interest a VC funding and who’s gonna buy what next. I have a feeling that Google is going to make a move, talk about Google+ is all over the place but who is really using it? I do, kinda, when I upload photos to Picasa but I’m not accessing it directly. Did you hear that Microsoft bought Netscape? NETSCAPE? Some millennial monsters won’t even know what that IS! I have a feeling Blackberry is working on something, possible a merger or acquisition of or by another company. Maybe Google? I’m just thinking out loud, and by out loud I mean here. My thinking place. I wanna get them in writing just in case I’m correct, Gary Vaynerchuck predicted the Instagram/Facebook thing months ago. Feel free to pipe in any moment with your own thoughts. Maybe Google will buy Pinterest and integrate it into their newly added larger profile photos a la Facebook timeline. Who knows? Who cares really. The internet is our playground 🙂 BTW, add me on Instragram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google+.  <3 CASIE Made a cameo in a friend’s vid about the Facestagram thing:  

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Now this will make your day.

It’s been going around the internet and I have to show you. It really touched my heart. I had such a WILD imagination when I was a kid. Always starting businesses, telling stories and putting on shows. Don’t ever lose that passion for life. Don’t ever lose that love. Don’t ever stop being a kid 🙂 Have a magical day 🙂 <3 CASIE If it makes you feel any better, I bawlllled my eyes out. K. bye.

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Hallo & guten morgen! I woke up earlier than my alarm, reckon that’s a true sign of a happy life. Lots to do this week! OK, LEGGGGGGGO! Thursday is MASS EXODUS the annual fashion show put on by Ryerson University’s School of Fashion. I attended the show in 2010 wich featured a rad performance by Fritz Helder. This year I’m working with one of the sponsors, 3F and I’ll be attending Thursday for media night. Promo video for Ryerson’s MASS EXODUS 2012: Today I get to see all those photos from the super professional shoot I had last week w/ Adrian Fiebig. I’m pretty stoked. Planned a new tattoo I’m getting Friday, y’know, Friday the 13th. I used to hate the day until I took charge and got a tattoo I loved one fine Friday the 13th many moons ago (story here). It was way back when I had no tattoos on my arms at all. Well, that’s never gonna happen again! New tattoo goes with Sailor Jerry sleeve theme and there’s a heart and a girl involved. SWORN TO SECRECY! Ok, jk, it’s kinda like this. This afternoon I’m heading to the fashionable Burroughes Building at 639 Queen St. The Peacock Parade and their event partners, Foxy Originals, Luved Clothing and This Is J. Have you checked out Peacock Parade before? I’m just about to make my very first purchase! The company is a Toronto based startup that offers different sales each day on really, really nice designer items. Looking good is feeling good baby! Deets on the Peacock Parade Pop-up Shop: Remember how excited the world was when this game out? I’m feeling Gaga inspired today so I just watched it again. Have fun with it stuck on your head ALL DAY! BTW my Hunger Games obsession has been taken to a new level, I ordered a Mockingjay pendant from Etsy. OBSESSED.…

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Mark vs Kevin: A game of thrones negotiation for Instagram

My friend Stephen Henrik made this last night on the Instagram deal you’ll get a laugh out of especially if you read or watch Game of Thrones. There’s a play on the classic “iPhone4 vs HTC Evo” video and “Shit Girls Say” Enjoy…. What if Mark Zuckerberg and Kevin Systrom negotiated the Instagram deal like a Game of Thrones? In other news, check this out! Randeep Katari is an awesome Canadian export living in NYC and his Tumblr is now internet famous! He drew a sketch of me a couple years ago one night. I must find that sketchbook page! Good work Randeep, we miss ya. – CASIE

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So, @whoinspiresu? You could win $10K!

In 2009 I heard/blogged about this great contest where you make a video about something or someone who inspires you and you’re given the opportunity to win $10,000. Well, the ‘Who Inspires U?’ Video Contest for 2012 has begun and Tri-Cyclen Lo is on a mission to help empower young women across Canada achieve their dreams! They’re are giving $10,000 in cold, hard cash to support your quest for GREATNESS!! Inspiration is a HUGE part of how I got here and turned my dream into a reality. I’m living it out every single day. One of the most inspiring people in my life is my Mum, she’s always encouraged me to be myself, be creative and follow what I was really passionate about. This weekend I asked her about inspiration, what it means to her and what inspires her. Here’s a mini interview with my lovely Mum on inspiration, creativity and living a great life. Enjoy! You’ll like her accent I reckon! The Who Inspires U? contest is open to young Canadian females  ages 18-34 (no Quebec, sorry!). There is also a monthly contest with an AWESOME prize pack of an iPad 3, coach bag and Dior fragrance. I just entered. To enter yourself click HERE. Here some useful links for more information about the overall $10k contest, monthly contest, prizing &  video requirements: Monthly Contest $10K Video Contest  Official Facebook Official Twitter Official YouTube Contest: Rules & Reg Your video must be 5 minutes or less and submitted between March 1st 2012 and May 18th, 2012. All videos will be judged on creativity and entertainment value of the video and your inspirational story and how you are striving to achieve your inspirational dreams, so get creative!! You will have a chance at winning $500 in Round 1 if you are in the Top…

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