They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

Heyyyyy it’s Monday! Up early as today we start filming for CoralTV. My show is called THIS: The Hot Internet Show and it`s gonna be a mix of fashion, travel, lifestyle with a tech twist. You know how important technology is to my daily life, I`m practically a walking wifi with iPhone attached. So from ‘This is My Life’ on the blog for seven years to THIS on YouTube. I hope you’ll all tune in. It’s gonna be fun. These photos are from Bloke & 4th with Lauren last week. It’s so nice to have a best friend. We had an awesome dance party at the Future of Art & Music event this weekend (FOAM). This afernoon I’m heading to CBC for an  in-studio exclusive, interview by Strombo with David Cronenberg, Robert Pattinson, Sarah Gadon and Paul Giamatti, to discuss their provocative new film, Cosmopolis. Move over K.Stew, seeing your bf R.Patts at @Strombo tomorrow. C.Stew FTW! Nbd. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 4, 2012 You know what I’m talkin’ about!   On this day last year: delivered a cookie to someone special, new kicks from @reebokcanada, glitter grafitti… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 4, 2012 I always try to get the most work done on Monday’s in order to start the week off right. Get yourself a big coffee, put a smile on your face and listen to some good music. You always have to choice to make the most of the day or to let something/someone else determine your happiness. Take charge. You are the director of your life. This video is pretty funny! “When I walk in the barn, this is what I see” Jiggle part cracked me up.

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Lifestyle Trends This Week – June 2, 2012

I publish a lot of things on the Internet. I’ve been told is it’s hard to keep up with’. To me it is art. I have an obsessive compulsive obsession to make/build art/things/memories. Documentation is addicting. I’ve had days without Internet, I start scratching, yelling, freaking out, no just kidding, I do get antsy around 4pm. It happens more in weekends, sometimes I don’t feel like it then I miss it. My favorite social media sites right now are Instagram, Pinterest, Viddy and I use Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to share them. This is what happened this week. Yellow and red were hot colours on my Instagram and Pinterest A Viddy I posted of a wizard guy with a fushingi ball was on the ‘whats’s hot page’. I used to go CRAZY using years ago, similar thing but not as awesome. Viddy is like Instagram for videos! It has filters, music, and a 15 second time clock. My profile is viddy/casiestewart. It’s intrgrated with Facebook timeline if you have’t noticed. I really love the DIY projects from Honestly WTF. I pinned this gorgeous Louis Vuitton studded collar from the 2012 Cruise Collection and a couple weeks ago I (started) one just like it. Mine’s not ready to come out yet. Weather is gloomy. About to do some work around the house and vaguely movies, currently on something about British school girls in boarding school on Cosmo. The sun came out for a few seconds, captured its soul. If you are still in the dark ages with an old phone you can browse any user’s Instaphotos in Statigram. Barbie made brekky. Beauty! Get off the couch or become the couch, do what you want! Bon weekend! 🙂

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Seize that damn day. If not now, when?

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Good Things Are Coming Your Way

Have a busy day today starting with the 2012 Women in Biz conference. I’m an invited guest of General Motors Canada. Thank you! In the afternoon I’m heading to the 3F store for a PR appointment to do some styling. Every time I go into 3F I’m so glad to be part of the team. There was a heap of new items in bright colours. I picked up these BRIGHT yellow high waisted skinny jeans along with a black vest. Jeans fit great, actually went down a size! I love the fabrics and the softness of everything. Since the parent company specializes in textiles for high end brands, they’re all good quality. Bell bottom blue jean, baby. Picking a contest winner to receive a $100 store gift card. Deets here. Hoping to talk cars with GM at the conference today and see about taking one of these camaros for a couple days. I love the old ones and I bet Dad would be wrapped if I showed up in one of these! Walked down Yonge Street like a tourist yesterday. It was lovely. Everything changes so much it’s nice to walk around and stare at everything with new eyes. Yonge Dundas Square is always full of things happening. This guy had some pretty magical skills with a crystal ball. Watch. It’s only 15 seconds. I’m convinced he plays a Wizard on the weekends.

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Skinny Girl Drinks, Nails Done, Brownie Pops, No Voice

All in a days work! Thank you to the wonderful team at Praxis PR for hosting a heap of the city’s hottest ladies for the launch of new drinks by Bethenny Frankel’s brand ‘Skinny Girl’. I love the chance to chitty chat with all my ladies. The food was excellent and all the drinks were all low cal. I had way too many of the cake pops that were actually brownie. I’ll be at the gym kthxbai. It was hosted by Dina from Breakfast TV & she loves my style NBD. babe “@DinaPugliese: @casiestewart you are a fashion rock star! Hope to run into you again soon Casie! You have amazingly positive energy Xo — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 30, 2012 Drinking a margarita, getting nails done.Thanks #SkinnyGirlTO & @thedrakehotel. #thisismylife — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 30, 2012 Lozzie Pop’s on her bike, so cute. I need a new bike! Front window at The Drake Hotel always has neat art, these blanket people threw me for a loop! Stopped by Bloke & 4th on my way home for Taylor’s birthday & ran into my good friend, wait for it, you know him… PJ PHIL! The flash totally blinked out my tan but whatever.   Here is your mantra for the day… Oh and I still have no voice 🙁 Have an awesome day! Gonna try and catch some rays in the park later. 

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I got sun this weekend. Feels good. I dream of this happening one day. Song & dance. Oh la tee da! Hope my happiness jumps right out of your computer and kisses your face.

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