I’ve been spending the weekends charging my batteries lately. Monday to Friday are so busy that by the time Saturday morning rolls around all I want to do is cook, clean, and rest. I went to Cavalcade of Lights presented by Great Gulf on Saturday for the first time since I’ve lived in Toronto. It was magical! Sunday I cleaned the house, baked brownies, and made a delicious dinner for myself before watching the AMAs. Here’s some of my fav tweets from the weekend. [View the story “Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up:” on Storify] Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up: Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Nov 18 2012 20:35:20 Hello sunshine! @ Sky Lounge http://instagr.am/p/SJNuilSa-b/CASIE STEWART Took a data break today. Slept in, enjoyed the sun, cooked a big brekky. Feels great! How are ya internet?CASIE STEWART New fav show, Test Your Brain. Marathon on National Geographic right now.CASIE STEWART Was cool to see this for the first time today. #cavalcadeoflights #latergram @ Nathan Phillips Square http://instagr.am/p/SJ9mxvSazV/CASIE STEWART Great to see Canada in the lead for raising the most money for #Movember! http://ca.movember.com/leaderboards/ @MovemberCAChris Dionne Just posted a photo @ Queen’s Quay Terminal http://instagr.am/p/SLPh9Pya7i/CASIE STEWART Perspective. @ Toronto Music Garden http://instagr.am/p/SLQWXvSa8T/CASIE STEWART Primary colours. Date stamp. @ Toronto Music Garden http://instagr.am/p/SLRcPhya9S/CASIE STEWART Just watching Brokeback and thinking how we made such a great couple back then. http://instagr.am/p/SMJRNmya5I/CASIE STEWART "@casiestewart: http://pic.twitter.com/iZS4LDFA" do we have to call you Reverend?Dan Levy Kinda love this story: 72-year-old grandfather models women’s clothes, becomes internet sensation http://shanghaiist.com/2012/11/16/72-year-old_grandfather_models_wome.php via @shanghaiistCASIE STEWART Ah closing #AMA2012 w/ Psy. My photos up close from the Toronto show the other day. #gangnamstyle https://casiestewart.com/toronto-goes-gangnam-style-at-kool-haus-w-samsung/CASIE STEWART RT @casiestewart: And the @THATSLAZY PANTS Winner is… @40deuce! http://shar.es/GDpfR Thanks everyone for entering! More giveaways coming in December! :DSheldon Levine RT @casiestewart: Did Nikki Minaj grow that booty herself? Just…
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