The Perks of Being an Influencer

Today a special edition of Marketing Magazine came out and it’s all about social media! If you turn to page 28, you’ll see a one pager titled “The Perks of Being an Influencer” and it’s all about me. (Note yesterday’s post about the film!) It details some of the campaigns I’ve been a part of over the last few years and a bit about my new role at Community as Director of Social Media. Thank you Marketing Magazine for featuring me! Photo was shot by the wonderful Steve Carty. This was the line for my autograph… (OK IT WAS REALLY THE LUNCH LINE) Was happy to attend the Marketing Mag Social Media Conference on behalf of Community.  Caught an awesome talk by Lauren O about memes & webculture and heard Erin Bury speak about ‘what’s next’ for the web. Thanks Russ Martin for writing my feature and  to Grant LeRiche (TubeMogul) for my ticket (both below). Go pick up a copy if you are interested in the internet AT ALL. It’s full of great features about the web, bloggers, social media, and of course marketing! CASIE 🙂

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It’s All About Me: I am in a documentary.

Earlier this year I was filmed for a documentary called ‘It’s All About Me‘ directed by Antoine Gaber (LA/Toronto). The first trailer is now online and HERE IT IS. The film is all about GenY and technology. I always get nervous when something I’m in comes out. Gah! It’s getting submitted to festivals around the world later this month. My scenes were filmed at Darren Kwik Studio and Bicyclette Boutique on Queen in March 2012. I can’t wait to see the whole thing next year. MY FACE ON THE BIG SCREEN GUISEEEEE! Show your love Like for the film on Facebook/itsallaboutmemovie.

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Good Morning Sunshine!

Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST

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Weekend Wrap Up: Cavalcade of Lights, AMAs, & Hibernating

I’ve been spending the weekends charging my batteries lately. Monday to Friday are so busy that by the time Saturday morning rolls around all I want to do is cook, clean, and rest. I went to Cavalcade of Lights presented by Great Gulf on Saturday for the first time since I’ve lived in Toronto. It was magical! Sunday I cleaned the house, baked brownies, and made a delicious dinner for myself before watching the AMAs. Here’s some of my fav tweets from the weekend. [View the story “Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up:” on Storify] Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up: Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Nov 18 2012 20:35:20 Hello sunshine! @ Sky Lounge STEWART Took a data break today. Slept in, enjoyed the sun, cooked a big brekky. Feels great! How are ya internet?CASIE STEWART New fav show, Test Your Brain. Marathon on National Geographic right now.CASIE STEWART Was cool to see this for the first time today. #cavalcadeoflights #latergram @ Nathan Phillips Square STEWART Great to see Canada in the lead for raising the most money for #Movember! @MovemberCAChris Dionne Just posted a photo @ Queen’s Quay Terminal STEWART Perspective. @ Toronto Music Garden STEWART Primary colours. Date stamp. @ Toronto Music Garden STEWART Just watching Brokeback and thinking how we made such a great couple back then. STEWART "@casiestewart:" do we have to call you Reverend?Dan Levy Kinda love this story: 72-year-old grandfather models women’s clothes, becomes internet sensation via @shanghaiistCASIE STEWART Ah closing #AMA2012 w/ Psy. My photos up close from the Toronto show the other day. #gangnamstyle STEWART RT @casiestewart: And the @THATSLAZY PANTS Winner is… @40deuce! Thanks everyone for entering! More giveaways coming in December! :DSheldon Levine RT @casiestewart: Did Nikki Minaj grow that booty herself? Just…

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You know what day it is?

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MOGASMTO & The MoSistas 2013 Calendar

Look what has arrived!! The 2013 Mo Sistas calendar to support @movemberca. Get 1 tonight at #MoGasmTO @thedrakehotel… — MoSistasTO (@MoSistasTO) November 16, 2012 If you can’t make it out tonight, order yourself a MO SISTAS TO calendar right here!

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