Twitter Fronts – Content Partnerships & New Live Shows!

I love Twitter, I have since the day I joined over 10 years ago. It’s still my favourite social media platform, it’s the place news breaks and where you want to be when live events happen around the world.  Thanks to Twitter, I’ve been able to share my voice, meet like-minded people, and build life-long relationships. I love sharing random thoughts, photos, links to things I read and write, and getting the latest news. “When something happens in the world, it happens first on Twitter” @KayMadati, Head of Content at Twitter If you’re not familiar with the term ‘Upfronts” it comes from TV and has to do with advertising. The Twitter Fronts are a chance for agencies, brands, and advertisers to see what options are available for branded content and partnerships. Upfronts: In the television industry, an upfront is a gathering at the start of important advertising sales periods, held by television network executives and attended by major advertisers and the media. [Wikipedia] Read My #TwitterFronts Tweets Here Hellooooooo! ? #TwitterFronts — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) May 31, 2018 According to the source, Twitter users are engaged, affluent, and educated. They want to make sure brand partnerships have contextual relevance, they have to make sense, and be mutually beneficial relationships. They’re bringing exclusive partnerships for live content straight to Twitter to leverage their storytelling capabilities. We’re talking Buzzfeed, BNN, Corus, sports, BetaKit for tech, and a new media centre for brands who want to create live content. They’ve got everything covered, #onedirtydish will feature your fav chefs, This year, for the first time the MMVAs will be broadcast live on Twitter, the show AND the red carpet. This is huge! I was the social media manager for the show when I worked there back in 2010. It was a dream of mine to see the show live on…

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I’m Internet, but I’m Human Too

Do you ever just feel like you need a break? To run away. Get on a plane. Be alone. Put away your phone. Take flight and be free. I don’t know exactly why but today I feel frustrated. There are lots of things to feel great about but with a few roadblocks, no amount of meditation, water or walking is going to save me right now. I want to curl up with my computer on a patio of a villa somewhere far away, alone. I’ve got things I want to write and I feel like I need a secluded place away from everyone and everything. Life is full of distractions and no matter where I go, they’re all around. Maybe I should turn off wifi. I’m doing a wellness retreat this afternoon and in the middle of planning a trip with Aeroplan. Maybe I have travel jitters and I just want to leave now? Please remember that no matter how many smiling selfies, cute couple photos, designer dresses, great skin, and clean houses, nothing is that perfect in real life. We all have our struggles, battles, and have no idea what we are doing. But we’re doing it. I had no idea what I was doing when I started my blog and stuck at it. I was addicted to documenting, I love writing, smiling photos. Most of my blog posts aren’t even about anything other than how I’m feeling or where I’m going, but we all feel things and go places. Writing it down helps me deal with everything, it’s great therapy. I’m gonna go for that walk now. I think it might actually help.  P.S. When I opened up Twitter before leaving my computer for the aforementioned walk, this Tweet was waiting for me. Good read. I relate to this ‘smiling depression’ quite a bit. Hiding…

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Turn Your Frown Into a Crown, Put Yourself in an Evening Gown

Gooooooood morning! I’m not sure what’s up but for the last couple days, I’ve been feeling super tired. I was in Vancouver for less than a week but I don’t think jet lag would affect me like this. It’s not even that much of a time difference! Had a nice weekend at the cottage weather was amazing. It’s crazy how the weather can affect us so much. Did you see that May Flower Moon last night? There’s magic in the air! Today I’m doing a wellness retreat followed by a cannabis workship event. I’m also planning a summer trip to Europe w/ Aeroplan. What a time to be alive!  Oh hello. Weekend tan ILY. — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) May 29, 2018 Was nice to be back in the office after 4 days of the cottage, 3 in Vancouver, and the long weekend. It felt like ages! I am reallllly loving this sunshine. Makes such a difference in my mood each day. “So next time that you’re feeling down Turn your frown into a crown Put yourself in an evening gown”  

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Vancouver: Hello from the other side!

Hi! I was up early and out the door about 5:30am, arriving in Vancouver just after 9:30am PST. Driving to the hotel it was clear today was going to be beautiful! It’s MUCH different from my last visit in March when it was cold & snowy! When I’m travelling for work I try to get there with a few hours to spare so I can relax, nap, eat, get some computing done, or check out the area. Fellow #TeamTelus friend, Christine ( was on my flight. so her and I decided to check out the area. We walked along the sea wall past parks and people until we got to Cactus Club Cafe. We’d been in Van for less than an hour before we found a great patio and refreshing cocktail.  I have a real knack for this haha. Our waitress said we had to check out the award-winning Bella Gelateria for gelato and MY GOD IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING. I almost always get chocolate and this was truly one of the BEST I’ve had in my life. There were chunks of brownies. I can taste this photo. The view from the Westin Bayshore is beautiful. My room overlooks the pool with mountains in the background. I popped down to the pool to sit in the shade, catch up on emails, and read my book in the pool. Tomorrow is a full day of activities with Telus and I’m excited to see what we get up to. I’m heading out tonight to meet the team for dinner. It’s so nice out, planning to leave early and walk.

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Crawl into your creative cave and come out a butterfly.

I was so looking forward to being in the city this weekend. We’ve been away for almost every weekend since March! I got a few things done around the house and took some good time to fully relax. It feels great! We all need days like this. After watching The Wedding on Saturday at Windsor Arms, I came home, changed into sweatpants, sat on my bed, opened my computer, and set up my iPad. It was the perfect day to chill. Tbh, I love sitting at home, quietly, on the couch or in my bed. I’ve got a great little setup using a small table I made last year. I originally found it on Etsy but was crazy expensive on Etsy so I made it myself! It’s great it for sitting or working in bed, and as a footrest at the desk. For my mouse, I use a book or a marble board I got at The Drake General Store. Another thing I use in my ‘bed office’ is this iPad holder from Umbra. I shared it in a gift guide video a couple years back (video). It’s $20 at Umbra but sold out and $35 on Amazon. ? The rest of the weekend I watched  The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Video (good show!) and caught up on the Y&R. Drove to the beach with Sean. Hung out with some friends in Trinity Bellwoods. Did some fireworks, played with sparklers. It was the perfect city weekend! This week I’m in Vancouver with #TeamTelus.  I can’t wait! We’ve got 2 days of activities with the Canada-wide Telus influencer gang. Most of us are staying at the beautiful Westin Bayshore, the view looks amazing. My flight is super early so I arrive with plenty of time to explore before we all meet up for dinner. As usual, I’m leaving packing to…

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Spring Style: Highlights are BACK!

Yesterday I went to Sassoon Toronto for a much overdue hair appt! That was all me, I’d been delaying getting a cut to let it grow a bit longer and give me more roots. I am growing it out from shaving my head last summer. I met with Kim & Tricia, who I like to call the blonde dream team! I interviewed Kim a couple month ago about taking care of your hair, see that post here. She is a blonde WIZARD. This visit, I asked her what’s trending for hair right now and she said that looks for cut and colour are going back to basics, classic looks, freehand painting. They’re doing more highlighted looks but instead of the traditional highlights (we all had as teenagers), the sections are more interesting, geometrical. As a blonde, highlights take a little longer to do but the colour process is quicker than full bleach, also not as hard on your hair. Kim did mine in a sideswipe diagonal at the front and it was cool to watch. Kim told me balayage is still popular, given it is super low maintenance. Something to remember is it takes precision to have your hair done well, highlights should line up and balayage takes specific painting skills.   I love the Sassoon SS18 Collection images. Check them out here for inspiration. I especially love the image below with the pink background, swoon.  [symple_testimonial by=”” fade_in=”false”]“Sassoon plays with natural hair by enhancing the beauty of original texture, functionality and colour in the hair. This season, Sassoon is manipulating the form of hair by utilizing classic techniques from the inside out, literally, changing the look of hair by looking from within.” Lorraine McAndrew, Toronto Senior Creative Director[/symple_testimonial] Tricia finished with my haircut, leaving the little bits on the side and not taking too…

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