Day 567: Hello From the Other Side

I know it’s been a little while and if anyone reads this in the order years later, they’ll never really understand. Living through a pandemic is weird, some days it’s like everything is normal and others, it’s like you don’t really what’s going on in the world. I’ve mostly been updating in batches since August when I had a crazy week that threw me off my game. I’ve started using WordPress mobile again and forgot how convenient it is. I’ve been tracking the days since the pandemic started and even though I don’t always publish on a schedule, I keep notes and photos to remember the days. I don’t like getting too behind, documenting this experience is important to me. I started blogging in 2005 as a way to keep more memories and I know that looking back on pandemic life is something I’ll want to do. There are so many things that happen in a day it’s hard to remember details, even a picture and a couple of words helps to bring back the memories of the moment. A picture truly is worth a thousand words!

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Day 566: Sassoon Toronto Has Online Booking Now!

Now that salons are open again, I was so excited to get an appointment at Sassoon Toronto. I’ve been going to Sassoon for almost 5 years and they’ve seen me through every hairstyle from a shaved head to long hair. I absolutely love the team there and always leave feeling fabulous. It had been nearly a year since I had my hair done and I’ve grown to quite like my natural look. I had bleach blonde hair for over a decade and hadn’t seen natural hair since I was about 12. I didn’t really know what colour my hair was! I’d been cutting my own hair for months and was certain I’d done a good job, well…I WAS WRONG. Look how lopsided my hair was! First two photos are before, second two are after my cut/colour. Tricia asked if I was left-handed, she could tell by how I’d cut my hair. Ha! Won’t do that again. Since my hair was a bit of a mess, I asked what kind of things they’re seeing from other people post-lockdown??? Turns out, a lot of people opted to grow out their natural colour. During the first lockdown, they had a bunch of clients who turned to drugstore products, then had to have their hair fixed when salons opened. During the second lockdown, a trend emerged to not go the DIY route and wait it out. If you happen to have roots and you’re not sure what to do next, give Sassoon a call or book an online consultation. There’s heaps of low maintenance options where you can brighten your look and still keep it natural. During the lockdown months when Sassoon Toronto was closed, they took the opportunity to do some upgrades to the studio and their online presence. They now have a…

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Day 565: Sending You Flowers

I’ve developed a slight obsession with colourful cardigans and cute collars. Looking forward to switching over my closet this weekend and rediscovering fall/winter clothes. It’s been a pretty great summer, spent lots of time at the cottage, biking through the city, and meeting friends outside. I was reading an article this week about ‘cave syndrome’ that people are developing after bring home for so long. I’ve really learned to love being at the house and have no shortage of things to keep me busy. I don’t imagine I’ll be doing much over the next few months and tbh, not mad about it. I used to be out soooo much and can’t imagine going back to that life. I feel so much more at peace without the pressure to go places with people. I make time to see the people I care about and that’s about it. I do have a couple of events coming up but nothing like the large in-person events we used to frequent. Here’s to finding personal peace through this crazy time! Sending you flowers!

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Day 564: Election Day in Canada

It’s Election Day in Canada and we voted first thing this morning. Had a good day at work. Went for a bike ride after to get some movement and sunshine. The Harvest Moon is tonight and I’ve got a few things planned to summon the good vibes. I like to put a big jug of water outside to charge in the moonlight with my crystals. I usually have a nice bath with essential oils and set a few intentions. I always go outside on a full moon to make my 6 wishes (like Mum!) and say a mantra. It may seem silly but if it makes me feel good AND there’s a chance it helps bring good things my way, I’m here for it. If the moon can move the ocean, it can move me. ? Sending you good vibes and energy through the internet. I hope the next few months bring you heaps of joy. You have everything in you to create the life you want to live, go get it! ?

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Day 563: So Long Sweet Summer

We had such a lovely time this weekend. I finally caught up on blog posts and took some time to relax. Sean had his last wakeboard rip of the season before we took the boat out. I finished my book and soaked up the sun on our new outdoor lounge set. It was so hot out! We watched a bunch of shows this weekend and finished Tell me Your Secrets on Prime, and on Netflix, we watched On the Verge, The Chair, Untold: Caitlyn Jenner, and Nine Perfect Strangers. Overall, pretty productive considering relaxation was my goal. ? Heading back to the city early tomorrow morning to vote and get to work. Feeling refreshed and gonna try and carry this vibe with me as long as I can! Watch my weekend recap video here! View this post on Instagram A post shared by CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart)

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Day 561: Hit the Open Road

Hit the open road after work and headed up north. I can’t wait to be back up there and sit by the lake, read, relax. I’d gotten a bit behind on the blog and feel good to have caught up. Keeping this diary is very therapeutic and although I’m not doing much, it feels good to keep memories. We’ve been in this pandemic for over 500 days and without documenting, they all kinda mix together into a blur. When I started blogging 16 years ago, one of my main goals was to keep more memories. Now looking back, I’m so glad to have this archive of my life. Here’s to a wonderful weekend and soaking up the last lovely days of summer!

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