
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

thanks betsy

thanks betsy

My darling love, Ms. Betsy J. is planning a limited-edition design collaboration with an undisclosed retailer. Yahooooooooooooooooo! She’s reducing costs on her next … View Post
the promiscuous economist reader

the promiscuous economist reader

This week the Economist published an interesting article entitled “Sex and the Citizen‘. It showed a detailed breakdown of what countries are the most … View Post
what a little snot face

what a little snot face

Miss ScarJo has a cold and blew her nose. She blew it two times. This Little Miss went on NBC’s “Tonight” talk show … View Post


Mary Mason from Waterloo, Ontario!! This year we are all bombarded by pressure to give and spend money, all the while facing difficult times … View Post
feeling the friday-ness

feeling the friday-ness

the sun is shining in my window andheating up my face. it warms me on theinside and sets my thoughts in race. theweekend is … View Post
i’ll have a second cup please

i’ll have a second cup please

This is totally rad! My french press, (which I loved, thanks mum!) broke when I moved into my new condo. Yesterday, I got this … View Post
Giving is the Best Gift EVER!!

Giving is the Best Gift EVER!!

Last night I volunteered at an event I have mentioned several times to benefit of the Hospice of Peel. Networking for a Cause was … View Post
Oh, that’s just what I was thinking!

Oh, that’s just what I was thinking!

I’m not reading Perez nearly as much as I used to but my RSS feed had this today and I totally needed to … View Post
the most patient man on earth

the most patient man on earth

Now this is truly amazing. There is something savant about this man; he is the most patient little spider around! Nothing is too small … View Post
over capacity!! really?

over capacity!! really?

It’s been a hot hot day on Twitter! I’ve sent a few updates and been monitoring it fairly close today. Seems that … View Post
this ones for my sister

this ones for my sister

Jenie met Benie in April 2006 at the MOD Club. This video is from a live set at the Hollywood Bowl.  She can play this … View Post
Hooters: I used to think about it when I was young…

Hooters: I used to think about it when I was young…

and then….I tried on the outfit and it was perfect!Don’t ya think!! View Post
Give the Gift of Giving

Give the Gift of Giving

My friend Andrew is doing amazing things this year! Daniel is 20 years old and really making a difference in our world. Check out his … View Post


get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on … View Post
boney christmas

boney christmas

i love, love, love christmas music. something about it just puts a smile in my soul that resonates throughout by body and shines out … View Post
beautiful losers – make something from nothing

beautiful losers – make something from nothing

As kids you write, create, draw, you make things. I was constantly making things with Mum and my sister at the kitchen table or … View Post
my parents used to watch this back in NZ

my parents used to watch this back in NZ

it is very funny and might just get stuck in your headRolf Harris is a legend!!!!! View Post
i like stuff! i like stuff!

i like stuff! i like stuff!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES! I got some goodies today. They arrived in a big white gift bag with my name on it: I opened the bag … View Post
winter workout

winter workout

So, this winter I’ve decided to actually work out while hibernating instead of just sitting on my couch and dreaming of summer like … View Post
Just another day out of the ordinary…

Just another day out of the ordinary…

some people are dull. some people are boring. some people do nothing. some people waste so much time talking about what they want to … View Post
of awesome. of montreal.

of awesome. of montreal.

me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. … View Post
i like this game

i like this game

Who Has The Biggest Brain? on Facebook. It’s brain training and fun. Calculation, visual, memory and logic. So far I have a nerd … View Post
The Vatican’s Actions = Gay Gay Gay

The Vatican’s Actions = Gay Gay Gay

This is SO wrong. Article copied from here. “It’s not everyday that the Vatican is called “grotesque” by mainstream publications. But that’s … View Post
HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!!!! Who wants a present??!!

HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!!!! Who wants a present??!!

This holiday season I have partnered with Givenchy to give away a lovely Organza Gift Set including a 50mL spray, 75mL silky body veil … View Post
Raising Malawi

Raising Malawi

Madonna’s movie ‘I am Because We Are‘ airs today at 9pm EST on the Sundance Channel. Madonna has been awakened to the crisis … View Post

i saw this while i was walkingdown spadina yesterday[[[[[[interesting]]]]]] View Post
World AIDS Day ♥

World AIDS Day ♥

Today, December 1st is World Aids Day. The World AIDS Day website has a ton of ways that you can help educate yourself, others … View Post