
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

i didn’t have time to blog today but i really wanted to.

i didn’t have time to blog today but i really wanted to.

I’ve got pix from Gaga & Warped tour to share with you but for now, I share with you this little bit of … View Post
see you at the monster ball

see you at the monster ball

Tonight I’m going to Gaga with my sister. I’m trying not to get too excited because I have heaps of work to … View Post
foursquare: it’s time to have “the talk”

foursquare: it’s time to have “the talk”

Dear Foursquare, I’ve gotta gett his off my chest, so here it is… I’ve been having mixed feelings about our replationship recently. … View Post
it’s more about the us than the meme

it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the … View Post
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Saw this on Seven Dollar Pants and it needed to be shared. View Post


Last night was epic. EPIC. Such an awesome time with the girls. I love Emily Haines so hard, we all do. It was me, … View Post
warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the … View Post
i never really know how you feel, then this happens…

i never really know how you feel, then this happens…

I got this email the other day and it really made me happy. I though I’d share with you because every once in … View Post
how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that … View Post
i rememeber that iceberg on the beach baby, i do

i rememeber that iceberg on the beach baby, i do

I used to live at Bondi Beach. I loved it there. I wanna go back one day. Lead a simple life,  a beach babe, … View Post
a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

Thanks heaps to Jeremy for inviting us to come play at The Gladstone Hotel on Friday night. He’s the Creative Director there and … View Post
i’ll take ten virgins on the thompson roof please

i’ll take ten virgins on the thompson roof please

My friend Vaneska was DJ at the Thompson Pride Pool Party in Sunday.  I kinda screwed up because it WAS a day party and … View Post
i’m a free bitch baby

i’m a free bitch baby

Sunday Funday says it all. If you have never been to Pride in Toronto, or any city…get off your ass and go! Let … View Post
you are as young as you will ever be

you are as young as you will ever be

I feel so lucky. I have really awesome friends around me. I feel young and like I can take on the world. I can. … View Post


Coverd in rainbows! Weeee! Watched the Cindy Lauper concert with Kristen & a friend last night. It was truly awesome. So was my little … View Post
i’ve always wanted to be a virgin girl

i’ve always wanted to be a virgin girl

I figure it would be crazy of me to NOT enter to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. Who knows? I might win. It … View Post
good morning, good morning, and how are you today?

good morning, good morning, and how are you today?

Pretty awesome. Recognize this bathing suit? Today is gonna be a… Get in ma belly jet fuel. nomnomnom! Have an awesome day. I’m … View Post
mashable social media day :: toronto

mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope … View Post
so many epic days in a row thanks to you

so many epic days in a row thanks to you

Wednesday night was Jeremy Wright‘s birthday and it was so much fun. Our Toronto Social Media crew is seriously some of the mostest … View Post
happy birthday canada. i ♥ you.

happy birthday canada. i ♥ you.

This one time, on Canada Day, when I was 16, I won a beauty pageant. I got to ride in a convertable in the parade … View Post
someday i will find my big, my aiden, or my love

someday i will find my big, my aiden, or my love

Saw SATC2 last night with my sister. I loved it. Oh gawd, Jenie and I cackled so loud and had a gay old time. … View Post
please be my boyfriend. kthxbai ♥

please be my boyfriend. kthxbai ♥

Nerdgasm. uuuuuuuuuuuuuh huh. Social media Day FTW! View Post


My agency is looking for hot asian twins (yum) and a couple villains for . Is that you? See Fairlie Agency for details HERE. Auditions: … View Post
toronto mashable meetup tweetup geekup speakup

toronto mashable meetup tweetup geekup speakup

Tomorrow is Social Media Day hosted worldwide by Mashable. I’ll be attending the Toronto Meetup Tweetup along with about 75 other social medialites from … View Post
island adventure to find your love and baby i found it

island adventure to find your love and baby i found it

After walking around for coffee on Sunday for about an hour (almost everything in my hood was closed G20), I decided to day trip … View Post
you’re sexy, you’re cute, put down your riot suit

you’re sexy, you’re cute, put down your riot suit

Her dad is an engineer, this might work. Ya? Our streets. Wondered if anyone was gonna say something about my outfit, but nah. I … View Post
TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field… Group photos are so … View Post