YES. Yes, I am.

You can too, if you believe.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: twinsies – me & @itsbrownbarbie # Photo: makeup awesome # Photo: oh my i really want this right now and forever # Photo: IMAGINE # Photo: this photo of you is really cute @unbrelievable # Photo: pretty # Awesome > Congrats @jongauthier on your new venture … and primo press coverage in the Globe /via @RIGHTSLEEVE # “@NotGaryBusey: I'd never strike a woman, but I'd totally do the "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!" thing to her.” # Real excited to fly @porterairlines to #Montreal tomorrow 🙂 # Om Jana is like sooooo cooocooo. #yandr # RE: @40deuce Sweet. Imma watch this on Netflix tonight. Thanks for sharing 🙂 # Photo: › “Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you… # Photo: Debut Albums # oh man @raymitheminx, shit gon' get real crazy this time: @BuonanotteMTL then @BainsDouchesMTL. aaaaahhhh! #INQNYE in reply to BuonanotteMTL # "how about a 'fat chance' on rye" will on will & grace haha # Photo: sweater. # green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you #blog # Photo: › [rainbow coloured sugar cubes!] # Photo: fuckyeahtattoos: # Photo: likes this # 6475.) All I want in life is to be happy. # Photo: mmmmm @keriblog. # Photo: fuckyeahtattoos: By Steven Wrigley at Irezumi, Glasgow. Rib tattoo by Craig Ridley at Forevermore,… # If you could travel back in time to any era or meet any person when & who would it be? — Princess Diana # Photo: me: today # Photo: reneelilley:me, by paul hernandez. # what is your typical routine/schedule — i don't have a regular schedule. kinda something like this:…

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green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you

Not feeling so awesome today. Have a bit of a cold and my nose is running. Imma get hopped up on meds so it’s hopefully gone by tomorrow. I do not wanna be sick for New Years in Montreal which is going to be totally awesome. Fly out tomorrow afternoon with Raymi & friends and we’re staying at the W Montreal which I am REALLY looking forward to. They have the best beds. Any guesses on how many photos will be taken? Over 1,000 for sure. Need to dump some off my netbook to my TB drive to start fresh Jan. 1, 2011. ok, time to venture outside! aaaaah. I used to love love love love this song so hard.

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hair did, new year, new you! let’s go.

Pretty proud of Darren my stylist, I’m at the salon right now gettin ‘ma hair did. His salon Darren Kwik Studio was named one of Toronto Life Magazine’s top salons in their 2011 Shopping Guide. There are so many spots in this city its kinda a big dealio to be one of the #1s. Call him at 416 361 1016 to book yourself that appointment you’ve been dreaming about. Afterall, its New Year and you damn well deserve it. XO CASIE

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canadians spend more time online than anyone else

says the globe & mail: Canadians were curating their Facebook profiles long before the rest of the world got hooked, many were experimenting with the limitations of writing in 140-character snippets at Twitter’s launch in 2006, and we watch online video more than any other web surfers. There aren’t many theories as to why exactly, but Canadians rank among the most enthusiastic users of the web and all its various offshoots. The Canadian Press talked to a few of the Internet’s biggest properties about what Canadians are doing online. read it here.

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posted new drawings on #borderlineartistic

check em’ out here

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