you make me laugh so hard, ILU Dad.

Great weekend home at Dad’s. Check out my first car he built for us: Dad built this for Jenie and I when we were kids. Hot pink with flames, yeah he did. He is rad my Dad. He’s building this one for himself right now called a Rat Rod.

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je sais que tu n’aimes pas ta réalité

Nice little Saturday planned.Rented a bunch of movies, loaded up on snacks and not leaving the house till tomorrow. This break from the city is wonderful. Dad has a stellar collection of vintage sewing machines. They’re pretty neat to look at. Last night’s wedding reception was fun, more about that later. I’ve got a movie to watch and the couch is calling my name. Rainy day chills FTW! I’m so serious here. haha. Seriously hanging out.

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You don’t control the media, you are the media.

Meeeeeeeeeedia. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

12seconds – Wedding dance: Etta James, At Last #wedding # I have the hottest date here. #wedding # I have a pretty bow in my hair. Le cutest. #wedding # My sister is the cutest thing everrrrrrrrr. # I change my mind. I want a wedding party and someone to love. # This is a really nice wedding. I would totally marry my sister, if she wasn't my sister and we were not related. Haha. Me = McLoser! # My choice from wedding buffet – prime rib, taters, veg, salad # Wedding reception w/ my sis + party (@ Golf Steak House) # Dad told me @ladygaga is dating @justinbieber. # I don't think I ever want a wedding. Today was nice but I just don't see me doing the whole hippity-hooplah thang. # At Dad's hot rod shop. He's been workin on a '68 baracuda race car today. # My sisters dress. # My dress for the wedding. #1 from the other day. # I'm at LCBO (101 Holiday Inn Dr, Cambridge). # Eye spy a Bride! # Sun came out! Wedding time 🙂 # rain rain go away, come again tomorrow ok 😉 # Fri 2 # Rainy wedding day makes the skies of marriage grey? Let's hope the sun comes out before the 2:30 ceremony 🙁 # Vintage throwback, hometown memories. # Walmart staff meeting at McDonalds, this is weird. # Mum is on the boat in Nova Scotia. Sailing trip to Bahamas halted by hurricane. BE SAFE MUM! ILU! # whoa man. jenie & i have to drive Dad to work this morning so we can use the car. haven't been up this earline in about 1,000 years! cripes. #

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i hope the rain stops before your wedding starts

It’s so fun hanging out with Dad. He’s hilarious. Wise crack city that guy. Jenie & I got up early to take Dad to the Hot Rod Shop for work so we could use the car. We’re going to a friends wedding and poor thing, it’s pouring. I’d be balling my eyes out for sure. Hopefully she’s fine with it. Marrying her best friend and all, the weather shouldn’t really matter. I’d keep telling myself that. Stopped by Value Village, the Cambridge one is a hot spot for style. It’s like a ritual to go there and S.V.D.P when we’re in town. It’s the only shopping I ever do here. There’s always something to be foud. I got new glasses. Jenie found some wicked boots x2. Everything is so cheap here too, not like at home whenre old vintage stuff is the same price as new crappy stuff. Chatted Mum last night and found our they’re in a safe spot and made friend with locals. Important because that damn hurricane is heading straight for them on the East Coast of Canada near Nova Scotia. Dear universe, please keep my Mummy safe. I love storms and thunder. I went through a stage when I was really scared of them. It was after I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a BF. They have really bad nasty storms there and I used to be freaked right out. I’d have anxiety and panic, need to stay in side and away from windows. I got over it once I was back in Canada. Time to get ready for the wedding and pretend it’s not raining. Gaga time! TGIF!!!!!!!!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Hellooooo wilderness. # This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on & on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was & they'll cont… # We travellin'! # oh man i looove that Miu Miu wool coat. I like your lookbook idea too. Might get crafty myself. It would be really fun… # Hurricane Casie. # RE: weird charmed life of awesome 🙂 AWESOMERRRRRRRRRR. # the internet loves you # i need more time to blog. too many things to actually DO. #

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