“We’re from up North.” She says…

On the subway. I knew they were from somewhere, not here. They were making heaps of noise, big backpacks, maps. I wanted to say something nice but I just kept staring. I puked in my mouth a litte when I saw the one kid put his hand in his mouth after crawling around on the platform floor. Yes floor, and of all TTC stations, it was Union. Gross.  They were two little blonde haired boys, young. I don’t know ages of kids these days but I’m guessing like 4 and 7. Little buggers. The subway is so interesting. I always watch and wonder. So many people on paths, journeys, going places. We pass a couple stops and suddenly I hear a familiar song, why that, that is the ABC’s! It was being sung loud and proud with by a little monster. He was a cute one. I don’t really know any kids, they’re fascinating and scary at the same time. I don’t know if Iwant any.  It will be far from now if ever. I have started the room clean. Lets hope I have great success today. You too.

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Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 3

Sunday we packed up for the last day of our adventure and said bye to Jonathan. HUGE thank you to him & Wakestock Canada for hooking up the whole party thing for us. We had a blast. THANK YOU!! Made a pit stop for outfit changes. Needed to be more suited for the weather. Caught some actual Wakeboarding. The Virgin bus wasn’t as bangin’ on Day 2. BTW did you vote for me in the Virgin contest? These boys all look they love Hollister. Weather was not nearly as nice Day 2 and it rained a bit here and there. This is where the Virgin Back Stage tent was most special. These babes are Rebel Emergency. They were handsome and sweet. Music was pretty good too. They opened for Snoop Dog the night before. There was no way I was doing the Sprite rope jump. Get my hair wet & go in the freezing water? Aaah. Khaleed was less afraid of getting his hair wet and totally went for it. Awesomerrrrrrrrrr! That pretty much sums up our weekend. It was my first time at Wakestock and it was a blast.  I’ll do it again next year for sure. For more pix check out Part 1 and Part 2 or search Wakestock on my blog. You can find the others girsl blogs at Lauren Out Loud, Raymi the Minx & Carly-Anne. Thanks for following our Wakestock adventure. I’m looking forward to the Bloundetourage’s next quest! I’m at Bud Camp Aug 20th fore the weekend. Look out! BYEEEEEEEE!

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dear god make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away from here.

Animals! RT @jane_bot: Your mom’s tits are handing out free samples. http://twitpic.com/2esl7o # Its huuuuuge! RT @faris: Hooray! The Giant World War II is over! http://tweetphoto.com/39002880 # Lords of Dogtown on IFC. Love this movie “who wants a free surfboarrrrrrrd?” # Photo: this is neat (via waaallisonthirteen) http://tumblr.com/xmjfrsios # Photo: there are so many nice pictures of her. love it. (via whatcourtneyworetoday) http://tumblr.com/xmjfrridn # Next weekend i’ll be at Bud Camp. It just sunk in. I should detox till then I reckon. # Photo: i should learn to play guitar. hot babe teachers apply. (via fashionfever) http://tumblr.com/xmjfrh8wp # does your gramma have an old fur jacket? cause i need it. # i was here!! http://bit.ly/bCSq9u #babe # met some fans last night. they were really excited to meet me. then i got excited too. it was great. # please come clean my room. i will pay you in blog tips & skills or awesomism. # nice saturday reading here hehe http://jamesdeenblog.com # i love you. # RE: @webdesigniinc that’s a great idea. http://disq.us/kdy2y # RE: @AndrewFstewart Stunning! http://disq.us/kdy2n # RE: @MichaelNus nice junk. http://disq.us/kdy2c # Love this photo > Me and @randeepk (#broforce east) #scottpilgrim afterparty http://tweetphoto.com/38802722 /via @MichaelNus #

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the more we dress together the happier we’ll be

I want you. I need you. Stopped by to see Jonathan. Mentioned him before, he runs Shop My Clothes which you should totally check out. I got shopped. Check out my additions to clothes mountain – yellow skirt & top . Skirt was a hit last night. You can buy sell your own clothes on the site FOR FREE. There are so many nice things. I could get lost in that online closet for sure. I want these. Just got the Fall lookbook for Gap. GAH. SO many nice things.  Gap was my first job ever when I was 16. It was a dream to work there then. I was well dressed in high school. People love/hated it. Love the windows at Holts right now. I was never inside the box. Claustrophobia. Cluster-phobia. How cute is Marc? Adorable. He’s in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Seriously. Saw it last night and saw his face on the big screen. My friends are famous. Roof pool hangsies with Lauren time. Hmm, been hanging around a few ‘Laurens’ lately. Boutette, O’Nizz, Raymi Lauren – all babes, love it. Ok, have a great day. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  

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today in the news

Scott Pilgrim, love you. (@ Scotiabank Theatre w/ @dmrestivo @kyxer @rlangdon) http://4sq.com/6zQsBE # Ate 1/3 of popcorn, half mini eggs then totes dropped eggs on floor at seat. Don’t trip. The movie is just starting. #scottpilgrim # I need snack size like ACTUAL snack size, this movie theatre monster drink and popcorn do not go with my outfit at all. # Photo: everything was beautiful and nothing hurt (via fothermuckers) http://tumblr.com/xmjfp32ae # shit damn. #scottpilgrim #fridaythe13th # Photo: it really is beautiful: Niagara Falls, Canada -cityoflove http://tumblr.com/xmjfp2114 # Photo: A haiku from Tavi – tulletulle: http://tumblr.com/xmjfp1y2t # Photo: twilight #ftw haha http://tumblr.com/xmjfp1xum # My closet has a bed in it and a tv. I wish it would clean itself into a room. # Chrome, I like you. # Photo: like this shot via girlcrushing http://tumblr.com/xmjfp0v6y # Photo: › “Gucci Chuck Taylors with the dragon on the side.” – Push @howtotalktogirlsatparties: http://tumblr.com/xmjfp0u71 # Photo: i have dreams so vivid that i begin wondering if they in fact weren’t dream. but forgotten memories…. http://tumblr.com/xmjfp0tl2 # Photo: i feel this. (comicallyvintage:When scientists meet.) http://tumblr.com/xmjfp0dst # photo tagging on twitpic – new today? http://post.ly/rh8i # hipster hop hot shot @INQmobile, total babes: @crystalgibson & @michaelnus http://twitpic.com/2ef1ui # branding – another soldier down http://twitpic.com/2ef19j # men in black at the hop last night http://twitpic.com/2ef0v1 # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmjfowenw # shopmyclothes: http://tumblr.com/xmjfow1l6 # #ff #youngandrestless #FTW – @luckypennydaily @mommydoings @jylui # it’s almost 4:20 do you know where your children are? # hey what time are we meeting for Scott Pilgrim tonight?? # OH: “i’m going to lite you on fire” @picard102 http://post.ly/rgGZ # Scott Pilgrim massive group geek date tonight #ftw #

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You like my glasses? You’ve been blogged.

Post Scott Pilgrim crazy @ Adelaide St. Pub. Love you guys. Drawings by Randeep. Glasses & outfit, me of course 🙂

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