sometimes you’re up & sometimes you’re just average

Hello Monday, Nice to see you again. Not a “case” of you today more like a sort of “amazing case” fills the air around me and makes me feel sunny between all these clouds and raindrops. [Case of the Monday’s Mum, it’s from Office Space, a movie] My stylist came over last night and after the hot tub time machine, lectured me that I NEED to make time to get my hair done.  I desperately need to go in, but seriously, have not  had the time. [Sorry!] I’m going to have to zip over there during the day for an hour this week. Fashion Week is coming and I’ve been invited to a bunch of shows this year including……..BARBIE!  I’ve had a bunch of interview requests recently too,  so like, seriiiiiiously need ma hair did. The WORST is having your photo documented in history…[dun dun dun] with BAD HAIR. [Talk about first world problems….haha] Made an appointment for my new tattoo yesterday. Right forearm, hot. The guy who is doing my tattoo looks kinda like this babe  I tumbled across last night.  I never blog about boys, and rarely post  photos of them, it’s better that way. Random thought….I have this terrible fear of one day, losing my memory, the only thing I will have to remember is this blog and that is how I will know who my friends are, events, people who matter and those I love. I guess that drives me. I remember when I was little my Mum [wisdom queen] saying “there’s something special about you Casie” and I believed her. Feeling cold and like snuggling up in my bed. Had a pho for lunch which made me warm but extra tired. Woke up super early to Sabrina’s alarm at 5ish AM and couldn’t for the…

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do you have any religious views?

I’m not into the conformity of religion. I despise people when think going to church forgives all your nasty things like being a jerk, bad parenting, littering, and douchebaggery. I grew up with the influence of be kind, give, share, smile, love, happiness.  Basically, that is how I live my life, be kind, love yourself [you are awesome!] and help others where you can, inspire and be inspired by thoughts & things. I had/have very loving parents and a am an older sister. I got to teach things to her growing up and  also learn from her.   She was my everything growing up, me & Jenie we like peas and carrots. The closest I ever came to religion was studying Kabbalah for a couple years, it changed my life. I have a tattoo on my right wrist of a hai [life in Hebrew] with a pink heart. It is on the right wrist as that works with my circular flow of energy [Left to Right], and in my mind, stamps all my thoughts and feelings coming outward with “love life”.  [And you wondered why I was so happy all the time!] That is my religion, loving life. Many of the teachings I learned from Yehuda Berg, my Rabbi Moshe Yogev and my friends at the centre have greatly influenced my life. I shifted my level of consciousness during that time, I changed how I viewed the world, people, objects, my outlook on life. I believe strongly that giving is its own gift, once you give, that in itself is a gift, therefore you have already received. The greatest happiness in my at the moment is seeing those around me succeed, helping them achieve, and inspiring others. I’ve gotten some great emails lately and honestly, I love hearing from you.…

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in a past life i was a blog

I’m recently watched Objectified, a doc about objects and design. I’ve been waiting, wanting to watch this and sit in my room for ages. Me, my bed, my gadgets; laptop, camera, flipcam, phone, monitor, sketchbook, reading book, memory cards, usb/wall charger. Objects of my affection. The whole time I’m thinking about web and design, blogging and user interaction, activity. “a big part of who you are as a designer is the way you look at the world” jonathan ive, senior vp industrial design, apple This is also a big part of what makes a good blogger, the ability to show the world how you see it through a different perspective. Taking something and designing it to be interesting. “when you see an object, you make so many assumptions about that object” The movie is artistic and filled with industrial design, computer technology, ergonomics, materials, form, connecting, analog, digital, spoon, chair, shape, look, feel. Making gadgets  better.  Making things user friendly. “improve the way people do things without them really knowing or thinking about it” “users react very positively when things are clear and understandable” What are you saying in your header,  the way your blog/website move, images, widgets, pages, reading, writing, categories, colours, links. themes. There’s so many things to think about, so many opportunities to show creativity in detail, design. phases of modern design formal logic or the object symbolism, content, rituals, cultural symbolism contextual sense, technological, human/object relationships “everything that has ever filled your world had been designed” “every object tells a story, it depends how you look at it.” henry ford

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flock of eagles

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How you perceive yourself has the biggest impact on how others perceive you, this is my belief and something I live. It was my dear mum that ingrained in me, “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative”. Luckily for myself, I’ve always been rich in that department. The book in this post is one that I really, truly love and admire. It is written by Paul Arden one of the world’s top advertising guys who comes from a great career with Saatchi & Saatchi. This is not merely a ‘book‘, this is a bible for the creative, those driven to succeed who couldn’t even ever imagine what it’s like to ‘think inside the box‘. It has taught me tools to succeed in the world, to dream the unimaginable, to break the rules, and make my own path, leaving trails for others to follow. This book is about stretching the mind and thinking about where you want to be in the world. Do you want to be well known? The best in your field? Your country? Best in the world? Or best in the universe? You decide. I know where I want to be. Posted on September 26, 2008 Can’t Fly with the Eagles if You’re with the Seaguls – Mum

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I wanted a dog yesterday.

If you know me this is a very weird thing. I’m not big on having my own pet at the moment. I’m not a fan of animals that shed, slobber or get your stuff dirty. I’ve never had a dog but maybe some day I will. I was walking to work in the sun after a week of putting energy outwards and feeling like I wanted some back. We are like vessels and you can put out energy but need to get some back Or else you feel drained. Obviously fatigued, I thought to myself, “WTF, you are seriously considering a DOG CASIE?” So, I went to work and got busy and forgot about the dog thing. Met up with Sabrina to walk home and who did she greet me with, Sadie. Our neighbors beautiful little boxer, Sadie. I got a dog for the day. She came home with us and sprawled on the floor and it was more than lovely. Be careful with your thoughts, they become things.

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TGIF: time for a little vaaaaaaaaaaacation

This has been a really busy week. Feeling more Gah Gah than GaGa. I’m usually busy, but  seriously, this week has me totally tuckered. Go-go-go non-stop. Everyday. Mama’s tired. Quite looking forward to hibernating over the weekend. Writing, relaxing,  finishing up KC’s book. Feeling like it’s new sketchbook day.  Have these awesome neon pastels and whole new set of other colours that want me to play with them. I think it’s time. Lisa posted this pic of her, Breanna and I in her post today. So cute! We went to get our dresses fitted all together late week. That in itself, was almost as fun as wearing them to the ball. Thank you so much to everyone who came out last night. I’ve gotten heaps of positive feedback. Here’s a couple posts from Melissa, Romi and Sean. I made some vids and will get them up over the weekend. First, I need a break-ation from the interwebs and doing stuff. I’m exhauzzzzzzzzted. I realized after my talk last night that I would have no problem filling up an hour, I barely got down to detail.   Really excited to plan the next event with Carly. If you have questions or wanna chat consulting, email me casie at casiestewart dot com or contact Carly at Fairlie Agency. I’d be happy to help you or your brand. That’s all for now.  Toodalooooooooo!! Posted some hot shit on my Tumbr Blog OH CASIE. Enjoy 🙂 Happy Friday peeps!

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