volcanic sexuality wrapped in a childlike innocence

Some recent questions I answered on formspring: Are you trying to be an insufferable cliche as a means to an end (in terms of advancing your personal brand) or is this actually your personality? It’s actually who I am hence the title of my blog – this is my life. If you were to dig a hole all the way through the earth, and then you accidentally fell in, would you fall all the way through, or stop half way? I’d go all the way for sure. What is the best thing about working downtown for you? I can walk everywhere. Who would you like to meet? dead or alive I would like to meet Marilyn Monroe circa 1953. She just finished Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and was dating  Joe DiMaggio. She was blonde and beautiful. The title of this post is from her imdb bio.

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i have movie induced narcolepsy

I fell asleep during Avatar last week. I fell asleep during Sherlock Holmes last night. It happens…I can’t help it. I get in the theater and it’s dark and i’m warm and I eat a bunch of popcorn and my eyes get heavy. I made it through Daybreakers but there are vampires so it’s too scary to sleep during that one. These shoes are divine. Also amazing is that the LA Times blog posted my pic about those gorgeous little Twitter tights right here. Happy Monday. Have a wonderful day 🙂

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TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

This is me at work today & rocking my favorite sweater, that yes, is my own vintage circa 1988. Twitter Over the holidays I had a bunch of messages from people sounding like “Teach me about Twitter”. This made me happy. Jeff even said ‘I think I’m gonna Tweet” and my heart melted. I’m doing classes on using Twitter for Personal & Business just let me know if you’re interested, you know how to find me. I’m booking Saturday & Sunday sessions starting February. Google All week I’ve been exploring stats and facts about social media. I educated my team about using Google alerts and Google Blog search. Both are really awesome for keeping tabs on your personal brand or business and really hearing what people are saying. Internet I’ve answered like a zillion questions people have been asking me on formspring. I really like it. I realized more and more how the internet is changing thanks to social media. We are all becoming more connected. This image breaks it down pretty damn good [click to view larger]: Facebook I went back to using FB connect & Disqus on my blog this week (feel free to comment and test it out!) The thing is, people always comment on FB but that doesn’t show up on the blog. I’d rather people commented on the blog and published the comment in their FB newsfeed. Get it? This year, I hope comments on FB & blog will show up both places this year so everyone can join the conversation. Happy Friday. Have a wonderful day!

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the vibrator finally died

Remember last year when I got that big box of vibrating Mascaras? I’ll never forget that day… Well, the vibrator for it finally died this week. This mascara takes the cake as my favorite everyday of all the ones I tried in 2009. I gave a bunch of them to friends and we all loved it. So, given that it’s a little bit more expensive than what I usually buy, it’s totally worth it.  Now, I’m onto using Covergirl Lash Blast daily and Givenchy’s fancy blue one for special occasions.

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what do you wanna be when you grow up?

I remember being young and sitting in front of the mirror, talking to myself telling myself stories. Mum said I used to do it all the time. Funny to me now that I tell myself stories on the internet everyday. Last night I had a dream…I worked at a major media company, I had lots of responsibilities and my job was making it more social. I woke up…it was a dream…it is a dream and it’s also a reality. I’m doing it, I really am, this is my life. Hosted my first meeting today for some marketing and digital people in one of the big meeting rooms where magic happens. It made me really excited. I’ve been having fun this week with this new thing I started this week called formspring. Anyone can ask me a question about anything and I answer. I ask you…What do you wanna be when you grow up?

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