it’s warm in my heart and my little red tights

I woke up in a great mood. It’s good day I can feel it. Had a nice brekky at Roastery with Jeff,  they have the best music. Soon as I got to the office I re-played I love the Nightlife on my Blip Station for my Twitter peeps to enjoy. It was perfect the perfect tune to dive into work with enthusiasm. I’ve got two new penpals and am expecting mail. They’re both in the GTA so if you live far and wanna be my penpal, leave a comment and we’ll chat about it. I’m also excited because some dear friends in the USA are sending me a camera in the mail!! Remember I broke mine? Lucky girl right here! Say goodbye to these Blackberry photos and hello to my pretty litte face nice and clear. People went wild over this a photo I posted of my sis and I yesterday. Saying we’re Twins and stuff.  She’s probably the cutest thing…ok she ties with me. haha You can follow her on Twitter. I’m trying to get her into it as much as me but it seems I have a passion like no other! Reminder to enter the Harijuku Lovers Contest by emailing [email protected] to tell me something you love. It’s that easy. I’m gonna pick the winner live on October 30th. I love Fridays! Have an awesome day 🙂

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some people have real problems…some kill it

It happens every year when the season change. You know what I mean, we all go through it. You wake up and wonder what to wear, what will it be like today? Outside? Inside at work? I think and say out loud “why don’t I wear a bikini under a parka so I’m prepared when it’s either freezing bloody cold or damn hot?” Ok…I exaggerate… I remember this one job I kept a blanket at my desk all year round. I  never knew if I was planning for heat or air conditioning, never mind the unpredictable outdoor weather. It’s a problem but not like a really serious one… I love fashion and style and clothes but don’t talk about them that often.  I’ve got a couple favorite blog spots that do cover fashion and they’re really good. I  like their style and they’re all so damn cute. They are: Danielle (TO), Final Fashion – Fashion Illustrator in Toronto Gloria (TO), Urbanebloc – Fashion, Style, Stuff Sheena (NYC), The Uniform Project – 365 Days 1 Dress Go check them out. You will like.

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if google was my boyfriend

I forgot something I said to Keri last night when we were hanging  out so I Tweeted her to remember. I had a three-way on Skype with Bob in Atlanta and Ellen in Boston, then Keri joined in from my place. I miss the famous Mayor of Twitter so I Google Waved him hello. Sabrina’s letting me pick out my Christmas present so I shop online and send it to her over MSN. I also don’t know if I’ve won the Build a Bash party yet so I obsessively Tweet at them and upload Twitpics of me visiting their site. I send photos to Posterous that update to a Facebook album and then post to Twitter. Oh the love is going round and round… This morning we were chatting about Google being a good boyfriend… Pros of Google BF Very open communication Easily connected to each other – in sync We won’t can’t hide anything from each other Her puts out alot He knows what I like Keeps track of all the blogs I like in a Reader for me Makes my photos pretty and appeals to my artistic side with Picasa makes it easy to subscribe to my life He makes money for me and him He’s got lots of room for me to grow and store stuff online Manages groups well – open relationship? Likes to travel the Earth Helpful when I want to know something Good at Jeopardy Likes to get to know me Good for maps and directions Sorts mail and throws out junk Could give me an even cooler office to work in Helps with advertising Cons of my Google Boyfriend That smartass has an answer for everything Terms and conditions Uses algorithms all the damn time and I hate math Kinda creepy collecting so…

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swinging from silk ropes over you

A couple years ago I got my first taste of a Cirque show at Fashion Cares in Toronto. I was amazed by the high flying action of the performance as they twisted and turned in long silk ropes above our tables and later on stage. My first thought, I wanna be suspended like that and wrapped in silk. I’ve not seen a full live show here but I would like to. I’m amazed by the balancing and contortionists. I used to be able to put my feet behind my head in some bendy ways but I pretty much stop at the splits now! There’s a new Cirque show called Banana Shpeel, A New Twist on Vaudeville. It’s a comedy and seems like it will be right up my  (and your) alley, down to the leading little blonde saucy lady. She’s adorable and ind full of sass. I didn’t see a plan for when it comes to TO yet but I will keep and eye out for us. It’s playing soon in New York and Chicago,  so if you can, go see it and tell me all about it!  More info here.

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ride that wave right into the sunset baby

I’m proud to announce, I have Google Wave invites. I love Google and I’ve said it before. I think Google is a company that understands how humans communicate and interact and they are consistent in their efforts to make it easier for us. Also, Google stuff is very affordable so that everyone can participate making it something adopted by pretty much everyone online. I’m not exactly how it happened but I imagine it’s related to my natural socialness and all the other stuff I do involving the internet.  I announced it on Twitter and now I’ve got a bunch of people requesting and I’m not sure who to give away the last few to? I have a contest open right now to and all you have to do is tell me what you love…you can enter it here. I’ve contacted a few people and if they don’t get back shortly I’ll move down the Wave list and maybe I’ll shoot you an invite too. Comments are good luck 🙂

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il y était une fois

Bonjour chacun ! Aujourd’hui je vous ecrits de beau Montréal. C’est un peu nuageux mais je pries le bon dieu pour du beau temps.  C’était une conduite vraiment longue hier. Sortir de Toronto a pris des heures, il y avait tellement du trafic et c’etait un temps de merde. Nous nous sommes  arrêtés pour dîner à Kingston ou on a trouve la mode generalement horrible; par example, notre serveur portait des caleçons avec une chemise de cravate et de robe. Le dîner a couté $100 pour de la bouffe poche et nous avons essayé de laisser les excédents gauches mais le serveur nous a chassés dans la rue avec eux. Je les ai laissés sur un patio à un autre restaurant. Je prendrez quelques photos quand on se promene aujourd’hui et je mettrez à jour ces bébés plus tard. Week-end de fète ! Amusez vous! Good Morning everyone! Today I am reporting from beautiful Montreal. It’s kinda cloudy but I’m preying for sun.  It was a really long drive yesterday. Getting out of Toronto took forever, there was so much traffic and the weather was shit. We stopped for dinner in Kingston there was horrible style and our waiter was wearing shorts with a tie and dress shirt. Dinner was $80 and we tried to leave out left overs but he chased us down the street with them. I left them on a patio at another restaurant. I’ll take some photos when we’re out today and update this baby later. Bon weekend! *good thing Jeff is bilingual 😛

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