what the cool kids are doing these days

Partying! Imagine a sexy downtown loft filled with hot, young, internet innovators and cool kids. Dancing to downtown beats and raising glasses to each other…sounds good doesn’t it. Last night I had the pleasure of attending #GenyTO Meetup #2 at the Centre for Social Innovation. It was awesome. The bar was bubbling over with booze and there was even a movie premiere for Toronto’s 175 birthday (video below). This time the crowd was even larger as we joined forces with the SXSW & CanLIT groups. The #Genyto meetup/tweetup brings together some of the most creative and ambitious young people from the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech communities.For all the photos check my Flickr photo stream ♥ TO in 6 Words from Suresh on Vimeo.

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art & music: the sounds of friendship

Today it is damn ass cold again. I’m wearing the warmest unit on my head, found it in Mum’s basement. It’s a Turtle Fur headband from the 80’s! Love it. I used to wear it skiing when I was a kid. This evening I will be attending two events that are artistic and appealing. Planning on going with my sister and probably going to make a dance moves vid also. If you’d like to join us, message me on Twitter (@casiestewart). Stop #1 My friend K.Hinto, a fabulous Toronto artist has a show opening. What: VH2 – An exhibit of contemporary paintings by Venus Lukic and K. HintoWhen: Show opens Tuesday March 3rd, 6-9pm, continuing all month during Cafe hoursWhere: Bisogno Espresso Bar, 61 Sherbourne St. (just North of King St.) Stop #2 My friend Zoe Bentley, a fabulous Toronto singer/musician has a show at the Cameron House. I wrote about her before here. Tonight’s details are on FB.

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a very cold march day march

Today is freezing. The weather’s not fit for walking outside. The wind is chilling on my skin. The sun is bright. My feelings are warm but my face is not. Spring is on it’s way, just not today!! I made a little video this morning as I was experiencing arctic winds & the true North strong and free.video: cold march day on Vimeo. Lots of work to get done. I also have some stories to share from the weekend but will get to that later this eve.

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neighbourhood watch girl

The sun shining that took place this weekend in the city of Toronto was fantastic. I was filled with fantasies of summer and frolicking in warmth of the sun. I am lucky to be able to see this beautiful sunset from my favorite spot, Balconia (aka. my balcony). There are now a whole bunch of peeps living in the building next to me. I can see clearly into most of their units as they are very close and live in glass boxes. You can see also…My weekend over all was pretty relaxing. I watched ‘The Rocker‘ and caught a scene with my sister and Teddy Geiger. I also watched The House Bunny and liked it. All cheese but funny.

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