Danger in the Workplace

* This one is for you Crabby. Be careful when you are wearing a headband and glasses at the same time, they might fall.

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Toronto Pride 2008: AMAZING!

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Zune: Update

“Grey Rabbit from Mississauga, Canada writes: I wonder who supplies the battery ? Fast forward 6 months…. millions of Zunes recalled after reports of overheating .” The battery on this thing sucks. I charged it up allllllll night and after my short trip to work, the damn thing was shut down. I hate it right now. The functionality of the screen and keys and setup all suck. They are not easy to use like ipod or convenient either. I can use my ipod while I bike or drive or ANYTHING, Zune not a chance! I’m going ot try a little more to get to know the Zune, that way, I can get over the hump in my learning curve and see all the good it has to offer! Until next time….

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My Obsession: My Bike

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I Love my Job!

Canada Day EXTRA-long Weekend…! This year, Canada Day falls on a Tuesday. To celebrate a great half-year and in appreciation of all your hard work we have decided to close the office on Monday AND Tuesday giving everyone an extra long weekend to enjoy with their family and friends!! And don’t forget the office will be closing at 2pm today! So see you all back on Wednesday, July 2!! Enjoy!

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Who is CASIE?

Nah……… Options: CASIE is the brainchild of David Lovelock, M.J. Ebersole and the late John Bownds. Dr. Lovelock, of the University of Arizona, was the principal programmer of the software in the C-language. The program was designed to simplify most of the calculations related to managing a search emergency using modern search theory. CASIE also introduced innovative applications, like Resource Optimization and quantification of the Influence of Clues, as part of a comprehensive package of SAR analysis tools. The Center for the Advancement and Study of International Education (CASIE) is a non-profit organization that promotes multi-language programs and international understanding in K-12 schools in the United States.

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