see you on the patio guys

Today is a wonderful day because I will be taking the afternoon off. I will be lazing around by the pool in my bikini with a fresh fruit smoothie and a blanket. I’m thinking that I should bring a sunbrella so I can have some shade. Wore a cute outfit today. The neon Harvey’s shades that are MINE from the 80’s top it off for sure. I’m gonna post about it later but you should totally check out the Peach Beserk design a dress site. It’s totally rad. I hung out at the shop yesterday and did some screen printing. It was the coolest thing ever. You can pick everything including the hair. I made this pink & red one. Stylespiration. After letting some creative juices flow I went to #postworkdrinks at Gretzky’s and let me tell you, it was hoot! The Tweeps are so cool. It was a good time. Happy to see YOU ALL again. There were more pix but everyone was wasted so I saved the embarrassment for another time. Have a great day! Don’t forget this awesomeness. hahaPushups at the Bar from someone who drinks beers.

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Twestival Update – dig that well!

On February 12th 2009 I was part of a team that put together Twestival Toronto (#twestivalTO). If you don’t know about Twestival I posted a bunch about it here and here. Our city was one of hundreds that took part to raise money for charity:water to drill wells in places where people did not have access to clean water. Toronto raised about $10,000 and all cities together raised about $250,000. The event was fun and I met a ton of great people because of it. I’m happy to share with you that Twestival well drilling has begun. This video is Day 1 in Ethiopia. It’s touching to see how happy the village is! Day 1 from Ethiopia from charity: water on Vimeo.

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my most popular

Today I checked to check out some of the stats about my Twitter interactions. I learned that I tweet about 22.6 times each day. I’m sure it’s quite a bit more from Monday to Friday cause I take breaks on the weekend to actually DO fun stuff to tweet about.This is a Wordle of my tweets. The biggest word is what I use the most and that is LOVE. Second biggest deal, @erin_bury.

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story: twitter saved the day

I recently tweeted a message asking if anyone knew someone at HP because I had a complaint to lodge. I was ready to rage. Several minutes after my message was out in the world I got an email from someone at HP who is in charge of client relations and prompted me to contact them to state my case.We had purchased a $300 HP scanner that would not work with Vista and wasn’t what we needed. Plain & simple. I waited on the phone for an hour once before getting cut off, 3 weeks passed before I could find the time to ring them again. When I did, the CSR said we couldn’t return itfor an upgrade or different model (past 30 days). She did tell me HP had a program coming out in a few months where I could return it so I would just have to wait. I was like WTF? Are you serious? Well, through some magic and my charm, HP sent a waybill and took our scanner back and now we have a new one that is about $200 more, without paying any extra or shipping. It can scan a ton of pages on auto and is much quieter. It has a special add on thingy to scan negatives too. My rep at HP is named Carl and he is very nice and helpfull. Nice one Carrrrrrrrrrrllll! Thanks HP!

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#twabes in full force

Look what I got… K.Hinto a Toronto artist & designer has made me something I really wanted. #twabe shirts.Each one is handmade and unique. Some have front, some back, some neon, and all different. All #twabes are unique, so I could not imagine it any other way! I will post some pix once I have them. If you want a #twabe shirt email me and I will place order. Each one is $20 and they are all limited edition Spring 2009 by K.Hinto.

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"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me. “ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

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