Twestival Update – dig that well!

On February 12th 2009 I was part of a team that put together Twestival Toronto (#twestivalTO). If you don’t know about Twestival I posted a bunch about it here and here. Our city was one of hundreds that took part to raise money for charity:water to drill wells in places where people did not have access to clean water. Toronto raised about $10,000 and all cities together raised about $250,000. The event was fun and I met a ton of great people because of it. I’m happy to share with you that Twestival well drilling has begun. This video is Day 1 in Ethiopia. It’s touching to see how happy the village is! Day 1 from Ethiopia from charity: water on Vimeo.

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casie’s animal kingdom

Last night I went to bed early and today I woke up early. I needed that. This fluctuating weather has got my energy spent. I had the pleasure of seeing one of my favorite furry friends, Smudgey. Smudge is a friends cat and my favorite. Those that know me well are aware that I am not the biggest fan of pets. I’ve never had a dog and it’s been years since I had a cat. The thing I don’t like is when their hair and slob get on your stuff. Especially when you stop by someones place before heading out while dressed nice and slobber-dog grazes your knee with his lips. That does it for me, turns me right off having a pet at the moment. I’m sure a time will come. Until then, I give you, Smudgey to the tune of MIA’s Jimmy covered by Of Montreal. Casie’s Animal Kingdom #001 from me on vimeo.

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subway loud talkers #002

I posted my first Subway Loud Talker video last month. I spotted another. This guy went on for SO long it was awkward and embarrassing. I didn’t show all of it because is was just too much. subway loud talkers #002 from me on Vimeo.I hope none of you know him. I’m sure he would be kinda pissed, but whatever, I was kinda pissed that he found it appropriate to yell on the street car and into my ear. So there.

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raincoat & wellies and clouds in the sky

Today is cloudy and I’ve got lots to do. I took these yesterday, they’re for you. I’ve got some things to post later too. Drinking a coffee and feeling neat, I wonder what catering will bring today to eat? Thank you Daily Challenge for giving me this camera. If you don’t know, I won it in their Holiday Do Gooder contest. I love it. It make me very happy to share all kinds of random snipits of my life with the world. Like this little guy:

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today at lunch: a story in pictures

Today at lunch I…

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one of my favorite ones

This is a photo of one of my pieces I did with pastels. It is called ‘Strike Out in a Different Direction‘. It is full of light, energy, attraction, fire & passion. This is one of my most expensive ones because I like it the most. I think I will keep forever, unless an offer comes along I can not resist!! I’m planning on doing some painting this weekend. Looks like rain is on its way and thatinspires me to make art.

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