there’s no room for debby downer here ok, sunshine
I played in the sprinklers at the park and IT WAS AWESOME. I will never be too old (too boring) to play in leaves, snow, sprinklers or dance in the rain. I LIVE for those moments. Like seriously, does this not look like fun? Ok, how about this? I didn’t plan to get soaked in the hot hot sun but it felt awesome. Totally gonna hit that spot up as much as I can this month. Hung out with some babes too, Sabrina & Sadie. Hot bitches. Love when Sabrina plays ‘dog sitter’. We get to have a dog and then give it back hassle free. It’s the best. Kinda like babysitting a child, although, I’m so glad Sabrina does the babysitting. I’m not really into kids that much right now TBH. I love this dog. She’s the cutest pup ever. Well behaved, doesn’t bark, plays nice. I’m not huge on animals, I don’t like when they shed, touch your stuff, slobber and need attention all the time. Of them all, Boxers are deff my favourite. I guess the better thing to say is I’m not much of a ‘pet’ person. I like when pets have good manners, I like people with good manners too. Sadie stood right on me as I was laying in the water. It was so cute & funny. True love. Enjoy the day lovelies. I love this song by Baz Luhrman, inspiring and insightful. If you’ve never heard it, I’m so happy you are finally going to. Remember to wear sunscreen! xo
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