Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will determines most of 2012. I love this time of year and if my lunch meeting gets rescheduled today (I was still in CST not EST, whoops!) then I am going to the Eaton Centre and walking on Queen to see if I can catch some holiday spirit. Lots of work the next couple weeks, feeling really good about it. Can’t wait to spend time with my family & friends now that I’m back in the city. Those killer bites on my ankles are so ugly right now. I’m dyyyyying to go for a pedicure but they’re too gross to show ANYONE. These shots are from a recent afternoon shooting with My City Lives and the Biz Media Agency. Kate was on set as my PA and took some great shots, her flickr here. I love that my hair is growing. Lipstick is my most fav ‘999 Ara Red’ by Dior. In other exciting news: SXSW– My Speaker profile is live! Check out this fancy Gold Registrant -Panelist. See you in 2012 Austin! Air Canada, En Route Film Festival 2011- I made the credits for Working It Out  a short film by  Matt Apedaile. His film is one of the top finalists and will be shows in Air Canada flights. Watch in in the sky or here! HoHoTO – Toronto’s biggest most fun charity holiday event is Thursday. I have a ticket. Get one here. Community 54– Some friends opened a rad shop, check it out here. Gonna be there for a party Friday. Independent Fashion Bloggers – I’m there. I would love a BLT. Stop. Showertime.

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Here We Go Again

Good morning from Pearson airport Gate 272. Boarding shortly to Cancun via Houston. Haven’t been to either of those airports before so thats kinda rad. I love discovering new territory. Was a bit surprised on how warm it was this morning in TO. I’m totally ok if there is still no snow when I get back next week. Feeling a bit exhausted from a really fun weekend. Yesterday I did nothing but watch movies w/ Sammy and eat takeout. This week is gonna be so relaxing. I can’t wait. T-8 hours till I’m beside the ocean. See y’all in Houston. <3 CASIE Dec 5, 2011 | Source:

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At least we will be safe in a fire.

This is only a test. Nov 30, 2011 | Source: Where should I work today? It’s fire alarm testing day so working from home is not recommended (trust me). Since the weather is kinda blah I was thinking about hitting the PATH (Toronto’s underground walkway/mall) and checking out holiday stuff. I’m fully equipped with my own wifi hotspot (Thanks Telus!) so I can set up shop pretty much anywhere. Once I get dressed and out the door of course… I’m ready for a downtown adventure. 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Toronto Rebels Unite.

Lozzie and I are on stage callin’ numbers for bad kids Rebel Bingo with James Flames tonight….kinda like this: You should probably get a ticket. If you miss it, well, you’re probably not that cool anyways. Check Lauren’s bloggy for more secret details. Tickets here. In other sexy, rebel news, the Youtube takeover went live today for the Durex Savvy Lover campaign AND the documentary features Raymi! Nice work to all the peeps behind the campaign! I worked with Brand Momentum as a copywriter for Durex earlier this year and some of my topics included ‘Turning your walk of shame into a stride of pride” and ‘manscaping’. Super fun stuff to write about! Get some freaky Friday tips from four of Durex’s ‘sexperts’ on the Durex FB here. The FB app uses Pinpoint Social, Daniel’s company, fancy huh?! And finally, the most beauty marriage ad I’ve seen that, yes, brought tears to my eyes. (MUM, BOB, don’t get any ideas about ME! Just watch it!) It really IS time. Thanks to Andrew Stewart, my digital brother for sharing. Can’t wait till his wedding one day. ♥ Off to the postie to pick up a package then to mee Lau in Kensington, then to rehearsal. I hope it’s shoes or the camera I’ve been waiting for! You will be older tomorrow so BE YOUNG TODAY!

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Speaking | SociaLIGHT

Social what? There’s a new buzz word created every :02 seconds but ‘socialight’ is one I wasn’t really familia with. Socialite, yes. I’ve been a social person my whole life and I also like working hard and doing nice things for others. When I was introduced to the SociaLIGHT conference, I smiled knowing there’s gonna be lots of like minded people in a room together. I’m speaking on a panel this weekend at MTCC for the Socialight Conference. It’s a one day event for entrepreneurs & small business people from across Canada. Never heard of it? No problem! This vid will give you the low down in < :60 seconds. Did you know that “Last November, more than 100 countries celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week and now 2011 has been recognized as the Year of the Entrepreneur in Canada.”  Learned that and some other smart facts from the Canadian Guv’s Biz dept. I’ve had an entrepreneurial fire burnin’ for years. In 1996 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge for a publishing company I co-founded. Being on a panel at MTCC is totally checking something of a list for me. I’ve been going there & seeing speakers since I was a kid. Check out the other great speakers here. This past summer I hosted the Bench room during BHD Suites Gifting Lounge on MMVA weekend (here, here & here). The lovely peeps at Bench asked me if I have any upcoming events they could dress me for.  I mentioned the SociaLIGHT conference and today I had a shopping party for one at the Eaton Centre! Say hello to the Bench store babes who assisted me in picking a bunch of gear. Thanks girls! We were looking for two full outfits and I was leaning towards non-sporty or too branded. Thanks Bench Canada for a fun time and new digs. This is what I tried on: I…

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